Jumpchain CYOA Thread #870: Punch God in the Dick Edition

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Fuck it, good enough.

Enjoy, everybody!~

Damn, we went from True Pacifist, to Punch God In the Dick in two threads.


What's the biggest 180 you've pulled on people?


Come on Boys and Girls, pick your Dick Joke!


What happened to Alice?
Did she dead?

Naw naw naw.
/Shoot/ Him in the dick.

Alex murdered them.

...A-alice? Did you just become a trap?

Yes. I just kind of fizzled out with that chain, and decided to do one of the opposite gender. I considered going with Alex French, but realized it would be a terrible name.

I was debating making it "Shoot God in the Dick" edition, in honor of the Crotchshooter from the new Kung Fury jump.




Flamio, my good hotman.

And with that, I'll just repost this. Now with a whole bunch of typos, spelling errors, and grammar fixed.

Please, please let me have caught everything now...

>True Pacifist
>That image

Now I want one for Toriel that says "i hate children", or something similar.

Second pass.

>Please, please let me have caught everything now...
I can think of one thing you missed...

It's perfect.
Don't change anything.

Did I just... Crap, I did.

Welp, let's try that again. Kung Fury, take three.

Fucking hell.

I have a question about Overlord (the anime/light novel) and Civ.
If you have the Realm of myth perk from Civ which makes people you rule better and capable of legendary feats and you take over a part of the world that Overlord is on (just making yourself a kingdom or taking one as it were) Do the people you rule over suddenly start growing more powerful will it lead to more of them eventually gaining the effect of the Realm of Heroes perk and maybe even level 100 if you hung around long enough?

Alright, time to make some very difficult decision on which power source I want to use. I can't take all three, so which is best: Memories, Medals or Switches? It's going to be a hard choice. I kind of want to go Memories just because they'll be the easiest to mass produce and experiment on given my tech perks, but the Core Medals and Astro Switches just have so much style.


The One True Pirate King Chain

Pre-Story: pastebin.com/QP1TMtbB
Body-Mod/Warehouse: pastebin.com/Aa4SpLkr

Jump 1: Pokemon

Drawbacks: Wanted (+300) - Eh. What's new?

Region: Hoenn (100, 1200) - It /has/ to be Team Aqua.
Background: Drop-In (Free)
Starter: Carvanha (50, 1150) - A Shark for a Shark, how fitting.
Age: 17 (Rolled) - This has /got/ to be one of the weirder parts. At least I'm not a kid.

+ Combat Training (50, 1100) - I already knew a bit about taking care of myself, but I wouldn't turn down a few new tricks.
+ Blend In (150, 950) - A good shark knows when to simply slip back into the shadows.
+ Pokeglot (600, 350) - Never had a talent for languages before. This opens up all kinds of doors.

+ Headsets (100, 250)
+ Thrust Pack (100, 150) - Ship to ship fighting just got a whole lot easier.
+ Flak Jacket (100, 50) - Hard to say no to a vest that could save my life.
+ Collapsible Baton (50, 0) - Rather wish this was a sword, but passable for now.

Story: pastebin.com/rERcWKXX

I can't believe I don't have a single pirate picture in my entire folder.

It is beautiful...

Presidential, my fellow american.

Radical, my martial policeman.

It really is. Digger did a great job, here.

Greed? Is that you? Why aren't you in Ling anymore?

If Cleanup user is still here, would it be too much trouble to ask what a Page of Time would be capable of?

Greed is eternal. Greed cannot be contained to a single entity, timeline, or universe. Greed will consume everything and still desire more. Greed will steal everything, own everyone, and discard those unworthy.

Things should be interested if this Jumper ever makes it to FMA though. Greed's going to LOVE this guy.

I really want you to go to the Kamen Rider jump Digger just posted, then. Upgrade yourself from just having Greed to having Greeed.

huh ok, that was a short and concise answer. I can respect that. Probably for the best anyways. I just want people to stop behaving like assholes giving them more power would likely be counter productive in that regard.

So does greed want stuff like friendship and love?

Still here, yeah. Through I'm not entirely sure on Page of Time either...

There's the standard time travel necessary to actually do your time player job.

Aside from that, Pages are supposed to be really strong in their aspect, so I'm guessing a Page of Time would have loads of time to do stuff. Probably by speeding himself up really hard or doing an actual timestop?

There's also the entropy part of the Aspect, which might net you the ability to project a giant entropy aura where everything ages/wears away really fast.

Kung Fury
> Location: Nazi Germany, 1940s [Rolled4]
> Background: Hackerman
> I'm A Cop, From The Future [-100CP]
> It's Holding You Back [-100CP]
> Hardcore Hacking Mode [Get a Freebie!]
> Technobabble [Get a Freebie!]
> Hacking Into... [-100CP]
> Trace That Call [-200CP]
> Hack Wounds [-300CP]
> Nothing Can Stop Me And My Army Of Death [-200CP]
> Gun: Viking Minigun [Get a Freebie!]
> Clothes: Disheveled Outfit & Glasses [Get a Freebie!]
> Hoff9000 Sportscar [-100CP]
> Keyboard & Powerglove [-50CP]
> Room Full of Computer [-150CP]
> Reichsadler [-300CP]
> Arcade Jumperbot [+600CP]

> Jumperbot
> A specially-made Arcade Game Kung Fu Robot

Short vers: there's a reason I trust myself to strap reality shattering superweapons onto Bass like they're carnival prizes, and it sure ain't because he's such a stable and friendly guy.
Technopathy is a hellava drug.

But thanks for the free companion.

Anyway, I guess I'll wait until Hitler gets thrown into the future by Thor's hammer before taking over the Nazi Party so that I can learn about their kung fu secr...

Thanks digs, this is awesome.

Thank you.

I would, but I know literally nothing about the Kamen Rider universe. Never even heard about it before Digger started working on it.

Holy shit god damn! I weep in Envy of your Jumpmaking skills.

I see no more spelling mistakes. Now I can't wait to battle a bird-flipping arcade machine for ten years.

Friendship and Love are aspects of Greed, but not in the same way you think of them. Greed wants all the Friendship, all the Love. He will dole none out on others but desire every ounce he can squeeze out of others. For now he is content in collecting those who will one day Love and Friendship him, but he will find a way to turn even his enemies into the best of friends. Even if they don't want to be.

Hence the rolling racks of Infinite Pods.

Don't suppose you could add an ability to buy your starting location?

Also, is there a drawback limit?

It's beautiful-
>The shield can now use all of the memories
YEAH! Question though, can we become Kamen Rider SuperSonic once we beat the scenario ourselves? Also, can we use the WISP memories like Eggman's Nega Wisp Armor? Finally, does the shield always return for us as well?


That got me to laugh. Carry on.

No problem. Happy to help when questions come up.

>I see no more spelling mistakes.
YES! Victory!

Oh, yes. Good point, I'll add a 50cp option for that in. Even through you could hitch a ride with Kung Fury's team a week after start.

No limit. I meant to put one in at around 800... Then completely forgot to do so, and decided I don't actually mind.

Anyway, here ya go.

>No limit.


It depends on what you want.
Cosmic Switches are pretty much mass from nothing and have a lot of versatility, being able to replicate most if not all technology or outdo it
Medals...aren't good for a techy jumper but if you're the kind of guy who loves the idea of powering up on human desire or is good at manipulating people, Medals are awesome. Just make sure to get something like the Medal collector, the Jug of cell medals or becoming a Greeed since it's hard to get the good stuff powered up without Cell Medals
Gaia Memories are definitely easier to work with for tech but unless you get your build a certain way it's gonna be hard to start making 'true' memories
Still, making the mass produced memories is possible and a lot of nice stuff keys off of them
So really its up to you to figure out waht's most important.

Oh, I know, I'm a huge fan of Kamen Rider so I'm familiar with what they all do. I just can't decide. There are so many nice things in this jump.

>Revolution X
>Enchanted Arms
>Fight House
>And The Reason Is
These are all fucking gold, and I am overjoyed you did this.

There is no part of this I do not love. Well done.

Ah, yeah, of course! As I mentioned, they're all T2 memories which means if you have a memory driver available you can use it to transform.

USing them as the Nega Wisp armor is actually how they're normally handled, everything he does with LAser, Cube, spike etc is similar to something you can pull off as that dopant or kamen rider

yep, the Shield keeps all capabilities it had when SuperSonic was using it
he just didn't have the WISP memories to perform the Unlimited Color Flash

Crisis is the reason why DC is a convoluted nightmare, How are you supposed to survive for ten years in a universe when there is a multiverse cataclysm that ends reality more often that that?

what is the jump you want the most but dont think anyone will make it mine is the incredibles from disney

Rule One, this should be fun.

Good News, user!

I actually started on that, like six hours or so ago...

Didn't someone claim that a thread or two ago?

There he is.

Adventure Quest

>what is the jump you want the most but dont think anyone will make it

King of Braves Gao Gai Gar.

I keep toying with making it myself. But I'm honestly not sure I can do a decent job at it. and I really ought to rewatch the show if I'm going to try. but god there's a lot of it...

The Gallon shall devour all things. . . I would rather see a Dragon Fable jump.

yes awesome i though no one wanted it so thank you

His Dark Materials.

I agree with But AQ is good enough.

May as well make one for each of the Major Games though, like Mechquest.

Well, you'd have a better try at it than Getter Robo.

Same here. I was thinking of making one, but I've got no idea what to theme the Drop-Ins after and I don't know what to put in the mecha customization table for the Zonders. They're monsters of the week, there are too many options to choose from.

More of the old Cartoon Network stuff like Powerpuff Girls and Dexter's Laboratory. Also, Looney Tunes stuff.

I'd do it myself, but it's just been so long since I've even seen an episode...

I'll try not to disappoint.

Fuck yeah!


There would have to be something for those jumps to the tune of:

Whenever something really bad/weird happens you always seem to come out of it mostly unharmed and everyone will then expect you to fix everything through a series of contrived quests.

Hannibal, Dexter, or even a generic serial killer jump.

Angry beavers
Rockos modern life
Kung fu hustle
Johannes cabal the necromancer.

Jumpers why the hell haven't any of you made the world's greatest pizza yet, try to find a legendary recipe for pizza, or become the Lord of Pizza?

This is gloriously crazy.

Btw, the drawback Merry Christmas: what is The Road a reference to?

Because pizza is an over-hyped food item.

I haven't been to Toriko or Darksiders yet.
So I don't have the proper ingredients, nor am I the Rider (soon to be God) of Pizza.

Because I could just go New Glasgow.

I let Dante have that honor.

Because many of us can already make boiled water taste so good that a Five star chef would cry tears of joy.

>over-hyped food item
Those be fighting words user.

How is New Glasgow pizza? Also isn't that in Nova Scotia?

how many dicks does God have for us to punch though?

I was thinking from Acropole Pizza there, and I would give it a 10/10. And yes.

He has 37 dicks.

Wouldn't he have three, one for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Spirit?



Like Fallout or Book of Eli, but with no awesome. Only sadness.

Would those dicks be enough to make leather armor?

what benefits do they give?

Because I'm waiting for a Spaceballs jump so I can eat Pizza the Hutt.

Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved, or Dragonstar. I love the settings, but they are probably too obscure for a jump maker to both know and like them enough to make a jump any time soon.

Probably not a whole set. Just a helmet.

+10000000 Intimidation to Deities

I'm sure Freud is turning in his grave because you aren't using it as a wand core.

Vietnam War jump.
Because I dunno.

Individual Zelda jumps I'd love to have a blade of awe.

A generic space opera, but we already have two Star Trek jumps and they cover most of the bases. There just wouldn't be enough original material.

That sword is awesome!

Power Word Die. . .

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I honestly was considering making a Generic Space Opera once when I was enjoying fiddling with the Stardust cyoa and binging on Galactic Civilizations (which if nobody else makes it I might take a crack at one day) but I thought better of it since I felt having a sort of OC Generic setting would be a little scummy if I added in the kinds of ships and tech I think would be neat. Would feel too much like just making a jump to nab cool things.

And at least one user appears to think I act like I need to have my jumps have everything, so that's another reason I don't want to do so

if that's what he thinks he can toss that accusation at me to
do you know how much of a percent that the jump all the way on top is essentially "Digger's bad karate bugman fanfiction and perks he would like to see"

like 60%

I still want a jump for the New Star Trek movies, there must be a way to get your own Constitution class! The ship design is just too iconic, I must have one!

Pff, everyone puts things they think are cool in their jumps.

FYI, I'm sitting down and working on the Worm update as of right this minute, so if anybody has suggestions, critiques, or ideas, you should lay them on me now.

New power slots aren't locked in yet, so feel free to throw whatever at me and see if it sticks.

Now to ask a Rabbi to help make one

sorry freud senpai :(

My problem is if I made it it would mostly be a bunch of numbered tables for rolling and then you explore the randomized galaxy. Most people want perks and I would be more focused on the randomization.

Prolly the same reason of 'not enough different material'.
You could probably build one with enough engineering perks, but no idea for the materials. Maybe get alchemy from FMA and finagle it?