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What tone do you run your games with? Do you go with the "no good deed" attitude that some would agree CofD/WoD are all about? Or do you try to make things more light-hearted, or realistic?

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>oWoD shit in the OP

Thread ruined

I just can't get behind endless, grimdark bullshit.
Shit's still horrible and the supernatural world is full of crap that wants to eat you alive.
But really, it could be oh so very much worse, the world isn't realy THAT bad, and not everyone in it's a total shitcunt.

I usually end up playing/running kind of a sample platter because my group's heavily character-focused.

The events intended to sing to a character's strengths feel more upbeat and thrilling while the ones that prey on their weaknesses or challenge their morals end up feeling more grey and horrific.

I don't really consider it tone whiplash, but maybe I'm broken, idk.

Why is everyone getting so salty when Mage's rules get picked apart?

>trying to start shit again

Back to whatever shit-heap you crawled out of.

Because they know OPP/WW can't into rules, and don't want it pointed out.

But OPP/WW has been getting really good at rules lately. CofD is really well written and Mage 2e is a rules masterpiece.

I would imagine mostly because many of us expected it to be far weaker than 1e, and while there's a lot less bullshit with regards to spending 3 days casting a gigantic ritual, and the most horrible abuses are flagrant breaches of Wisdom, there's still a lot of broken crap.

I'm going to run a demon game (hopefully) soon. It's going to focus on the players investigating this black market that has been selling and installing gadgets to people, in a kind of underground cybernetics business. It is clearly backed by demons somehow, but it is bringing a lot of unwanted God machine attention to the area, which is interfering with their agencies plans.
Anyway, what I need help with is ideas for good implanted gadgets/cybernetics for them to have been selling, and why people would buy them.

Maybe you should buy a cybernetic life lol

I withholding judgment on just how much of a rules "masterpiece" Mage 2e really is until the incorporation of the errata in the final PDF and publication of the desperately needed FAQ.

I'm cognizant of the fact that a free-form magic system and limited page space will inevitably lead to some questions, ambiguities and complaints, but they still no doubt exist in ample proportion in the advance PDF. How Dave resolves these issues will ultimately be determinative of whether Mage 2e meets or exceeds the multi-year hype.

All the "broken crap" is just idiots who aren't reading the rules and don't have a good ST to slap them down.


I'm a mage, I can do whatever the fuck I want

Not with a good ST.

Is all the whining about "B-B-But Mage isn't broken, it's just filthy ROLLplayers who don't have the mindset for Mage!" all Aspel?

This. cWoD or CofD, players need limits. I have two optimisers at my table and my job is basically to say "no" to them.

Because the complaints are dumb complaints that no ST would ever allow and are only supported by a spurious reading of the rules. They're by and large not actual picking apart.
Much as with 1e, it's usually people not understanding how things work.

I run my games in a GrimLight sort of way. Everything is shit and the world is terrible. But you've got allies and you've got convictions, and if you stand your ground and keep your friends from falling apart, you might just make the world a little less dark.

Essentially I try to go for Dresden Files. Most of my jokes and humour are references and shout outs in my narration. I like slipping Beatles lyrics into my dialogue.

Mage is broken. That's the point. But "Fate can do this because I misread this part of the book" is not true. Also if you think it's just one person, you're an idiot.

>tfw still no word back on my freelancer submission


because some people think balance is important and some people don't give a shit and they will never agree

whiny owod sjws have to get their way or they just shit up everything

Aspel please go.

>i never looked up 'blessing' in the dictionary: the post

Not even Touhoufag. You're wrong.


How are these things compatible at all?

I tend towards the realistic, in the case of almost everything. As least, as long as there's a way for me to ground a situation in reality, I'll try to do so.

I also slip in references here and there, to shit I've watched in the past or am watching as I run the game. Most recently, I had a time-travelling robot that I was going to have leave scorch marks on the floor at the spot he arrived, as a reference to Terminator. I forgot to mention, it, though, so the reference was entirely him arriving completely naked and killing someone for clothes.

That art is great.

Shitposting. Also some people are really invested into their pet cause and tend to ruin everything for everyone.

>pointing out shitty rules is trolling
Lemme guess, we should all bow down to our lord and savior Onyx Path? Their writers can do no wrong.

No, our lord and savior is DaveB may he reign in komodos for all eternity

No, but trying to warp the rule to something thats does no work then thats trolling.

>How are these things compatible at all?

What was considered "SJW" of the 1990's is not the same today.

For instance, the exoticism prevalent in the cWOD, wherein "inclusion" and "diversity" were demonstrated by rank stereotyping and token minorities (and anti-science, government and corporate views), was de rigueur among the progressives and the left during the period of the publication of most of the books.

On a broader and comparative level, consider how the somewhat heavy-handed cyberpunk ideas and perspectives of the 80's and 90's have evolved to the transhumanism and post-humanism of the 00's and 10's.

DaveB, ʿalayhi as-salām

We're not reluctant to admit things. Half the comments of this type have been met with "so? Good job, you turned someone into a baby and murdered them, good for you". Almost every real argument for how the system has been broken is met with, at best, people being told that it's not as easy as they think, and much like many things you can do with magic, there's probably an easier way that is less time consuming.

The rules for Creative Thaumaturgy do not allow for any Arcanum to do anything. That's why people are annoyed. Because no matter how much of an explanation that the book spells out what blessings are, no matter how much pointing out why in one specific case the Arcanum allows "manipulation of brain chemistry", that's all ignored in favour of drawing ridiculous conclusions that are clearly not RAI and a really sketchy reading of RAW. Specific Arcana can raise specific Attributes. Matter can raise Durability. Death can raise the Attributes of a Ghost, Spirit can raise the Attributes of a Spirit, and Mind can raise both human and Goetia Attributes. Life can raise a living creature's Attributes. Fate could raise the Attributes of a Moira or maybe a True Fae or hobgoblin or Huntsman. It cannot raise a human being's attributes. "B-but the dictionary definition of blessing!" doesn't matter.

There's also a failing to understand what the mechanics represent, and ignoring that because of what they represent, they are not all encompassing. If you run through 400 scenarios through prophetic visions and none of them end in success, guess what? You don't succeed. It's not an instant removal of Doors, it's learning the right solution. The one solution that is sure to succeed might also not even be a solution that you *want* to try in the first place.

None of this addresses how you can use Fate to negatively impact a human's body with blindness and shit. That Fate can negatively impact someone's physicality means it can positively impact it, too. It's bidirectional; you can't have one without the other in this game.

If they didn't mean "blessings" in the normal (see: dictionary) sense of the word, they should have used another word entirely, or at the very least capitalized it and gave it a special definition in their lexicon. They didn't. So we go by the dictionary definition. Deal with it.

Im assuming your Aspel right? Since I know your also a Mage fan I got a question for ya.
Would Death be used instead of Life to heal and boost the physical attributes of vampires and mummies?
I know it pretty straight forward but I wanted someone elses opinion on it.

You could be blinded by blood or sand geting in your eyes. Or a bad fall can snap your spine in such a way to make you unable to walk for a little while. Neither of these have control of the body and can be done by fate.

Then you can be "smarter" because you keep getting lucky guesses. QED.

That's boosting an Intelligence roll, yes. Not boosting Intelligence.

That would be done with a blessing by boosting you dice pool for intelligence. You know like how the books tells you.

>a beneficial thing for which one is grateful; something that brings well-being.
You can give dictionary-definition blessings with Fate. That's what Boons are, generally.
You cannot give someone another sort of blessing unless you're doing a conjunctive spell. Wanna make someone stronger? Fate+Life. Or, hell, just Life; Fate would make it conditional, such as 'as long as they're working to help me'.

Making someone blind and all the other things you can do with Fate is directly manipulating probability to make those things more likely to happen indirectly.
Fate does not literally strike you blind. Fate makes a random synapse in your brain misfire and short out your eyes, or a bottle of acid tip over and splash in your face, or a few grains of sand fly into your eyes and scratch your corneas, purely by manipulating the odds.
There is no way for someone to become stronger by chance alone.
There are ways to, by chance, do something that would require you to be stronger normally, and that's what adding a bonus to Athletics(or Brawl, or any other skill) gives you.

That'd be a Boon that boosts Academics/Science-based rolls, or Intelligence if your ST allows it.
Not a straight-up extra dot in Intelligence.

>Hunter: The Vigil is a game that can be played by anyone, anywhere, regardless of how they identify, or where they live. This was the intent for the first edition, back when it debuted in 2008, this is true for all Onyx Path games, and it’s even more true now — especially given the fact that we have the technology to instantly deliver this game to fans around the globe. Even more exciting, is the fact that we have the means to hire a stellar team and conduct better research than we have before, too, so we can avoid problems or cultural inaccuracies as best we can that interfere with your ability to play Hunter.
>To me, this means that the material in this 200,000 word corebook must reflect the experiences of diverse writers who can write, with authority, about their experiences.
>the [writer] I want to hear from will tell me she’s the daughter of an Italian immigrant, she’s well-versed in Italian culture, she has performed a lot of analysis and research for her projects, and she writes a lot of alternate history

Hunter fluff confirmed fucked edition. God, I hope the mechanics are smooth. Does anyone know what else "Monica Valentine" has done for OPP or WW?

How does Veeky Forums feel about "mass games" for WoD/CoD like Fallcoast or Wanton Wicked?

>What tone do you run your games with? Do you go with the "no good deed" attitude that some would agree CofD/WoD are all about? Or do you try to make things more light-hearted, or realistic?

I literally wrote a superhero legacy in the last thread. I think you can figure it out.

That sort of leads to a few more questions: how would the various supernatural splats respond to someone publicly declaring themselves a superhero, and going around using their superpowers in an obvious fashion?

Let's say that they're claiming to be an alien from the planet Xenon (a name that they'll claim to be a loose translation into our language), and that they possess powers of contact telekinesis and biokinesis as a result. In actuality, they're an Obrimos mage with a Superhero-themed Legacy with Life and Forces-themed Attainments that give them obvious superpowers - and remember, Attainments aren't spells, so Sleepers can remember you using them (and if it's publicly known that you're a superhero with non-magical superpowers, then it's entirely possible for Sleepers who see you using actual spells to rationalize them away by saying "He's a superhero; he's using his superpowers").

You act like games aren't always using real world terms for specific game terms. And Fate can positively impact someone's body, through Conditions and Tilts (like Informed, or bonuses to rolls), or through directly increasing dice pools in the form of a "luck bonus". You're also ignoring that as points out, these are literally not happening in a white room. In fact, Fate cannot function properly in a closed system without intricate moving parts to effect. The dictionary definition of "blessing" also does not mention boosting Attribute dots. What with that being a specific Chronicles of Darkness mechanic, like the Fate Arcanum. If you've ever played Uncharted or the Tomb Raider reboot (or really seen Indiana Jones), you've seen Fate bonuses at work to increase their Athletics and allow them to jump, cause something to fall, and make it so that it forms another bridge or ledge for them.

I am. That's very much in "take it up with your ST" territory. The Theory, Practice, and Crossover sidebar on page 91 spells it out in regards to Mage Sight, but just hearing Dave talk, he's very much of the "Crossover is whatever works for you" school of thought, especially in regards to a corebook. Personally, there are three ways:
>Death can be used exactly as Life
Simplest, but also kind of the most boring
>Death can be used to heal Vampires if you have Life
One of those "Add X Arcanum: Additional effect" type things. I'd say Life 2.
>Life can be used to heal Vampires if you have Death
Same thing as above, but with Death as the side effect.

For some reason Exorcist's Eye and Channel Essence and Ephemeral Shield and so on can do Ghosts and Goetia as a default, but the only Death spell that's like that is Exorcism adding Goetia with Mind 1. Honestly I'd allow them all to be cast exactly the same as different Arcanum with a different focus as the primary.

She wrote for Mortal Remains

They're shitty and cliquish.

Fate and Time are probably the most useful of the Arcana in Mage 2e judging from the sheer flexibility, effectiveness, and, in some cases, irresistibility of their example spells (e.g. Fate 1's Serendipity with a Rote, Fate 2's Exceptional Luck with a Rote/Praxis, Fate 2's Shifting the Odds, Fate 4's Chaos Mastery, Fate 4's Strings of Fate, all of the Time 1 sample spells, Time 2's Choose the Thread, Time 3's Shifting Sands for literal time travel, Time 3's Temporal Summoning, Time 4's Present as Past, Time 4's Prophecy, Time 4's Temporal Stutter when combined with Space 2 for teleporting across the world) and the literal history-rewriting of Temporal Sympathy. Path Acanthus is probably the "golden child" of Mage 2e.

Mind and Space are good runner-ups thanks to their own standout spells (e.g. Mind 1's Know Nature, Mind 2's Incognito Presence, Mind 2's Psychic Domination, Mind 3's Augment Mind, Mind 3's Gain Skill, Mind 4's Psychic Projection, Space 1's Correspondence, Space 1's The Outward and Inward Eye, Space 2's Break Boundaries, Space 2's Scrying, Space 3's Ban, Space 3's Co-Location for teleporting across the world). Mastigos mages are clearly in second place.

Right now, I would like to focus on Mind. What can a 0 XP mage with Mind 3, Gnosis 3, a single Skill at 5 (under a relevant Rote specialty) do with a Augment Mind Rote, without resorting to any infinite loops?

They spend their three free Reaches on Advanced Duration, Advanced Potency, and the ability to split up the bonus from Augment Mind. Since the primary factor of Augment Mind is Potency, it starts off at Potency 3.

Gnosis 3 and Mind 3 give them a base dice pool of 6. They can spend Willpower to increase this to 9; do not worry, because Willpower is easy enough for a mage to replenish by scoring exceptional successes on Praxis spells.

In many cases, a Mage that focuses on something will tend to be better at it than a different splat that also focuses on it while also being more versatile. It's literally just sour grapes.

They spend three turns deploying a Mudra Yantra (+6), a Mantra Yantra (+2), and an Order/Path Tool Yantra (+1), then take a -10 penalty to raise Potency to 8, a -4 penalty for a week-long duration, and a -2 penalty to change the area to "a small room." Their final dice pool is 2.

Thus, over the course of the hour-long ritual casting, they have a roughly 50/50 chance of succeeding at the spell. Good odds. The mage in question is absolutely sure to gather as much of their friends, allies, retainers, and so on into the small room.

Once the spell inevitably succeeds, the mage has granted all recipients of the spell a +4 increase to two Mental or Social Attributes, not to exceed their natural Attribute maximum. This can turn a character from a Wits 1, Resolve 1, ADD-addled mess into a Wits 5, Resolve 5 paragon of mental acuity! This lasts for an entire week, and the spell has a total of Withstand 5 to resist dispelling.

A day later, the mage can try again with another casting of Augment Mind with the same parameters, affecting another two Mental or Social Attributes. This works out just fine under the spell stacking rules, because those rules concern multiple spells affecting the same aspect of a character (in the example given, trying to stack Strength increases). As long as the two instances of Augment Mind affect four different Attributes, it should work fine.

It is possible for a mage to start off with Intelligence 5, Wits 1, Resolve 1, Presence 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 5 and then max that out into Intelligence 5, Wits 5, Resolve 5, Presence 5, Manipulation 5, Composure 5. Best of all, the mage gets to bring friends who benefit from the same buff!

Remember that this is consuming two out of three of a Gnosis 3 mage's spell control slots.

It is also possible for a 0 XP mage to Mind 3's Gain Skill as a Rote to perform Elder Scrolls-style loops of becoming progressively better at a Skill they have a Rote for, though this can be quite Mana-intensive.

They're shitshows - 70% of the venue will revolve around cybersex, always, no matter the site or the policies, the girls are mostly divas, the guys are mostly embarrassing, and the four good roleplayers will generally be crushed out to irrelevant venue-corner concepts by the two effective powergamers and the entire list of people cybering the ST.

Also, the venue will constantly die out and be forcibly returned to a mockery of life every 3-12 months, no exceptions ever. You live and die on your ability to verbally fellate the ST into staying active, because managing those goddamn abominations is an inhuman nightmare even the depths of the average ST's layered primadonna/OCD mashup will not allow them to weather indefinitely.

One out of every two players will be mentally ill enough to complicate OOC interactions and the other player will be at best just too weird to maintain a normal social life.

It requires either a lot of interest in lewds, an almost complete comfort with alienation and isolation, or else a very aggressive social Darwinist playstyle where you treat other players like NPCs both in and out of character and the ST as a metagame puzzle you need to keep solving for good results. Everyone else burns out or fades into the grim purgatory of lobby ghosts, endlessly thinking about 'going IC' (they don't) and mumbling incomprehensible mundaneities about their work or their kids or the spouse they don't know does daily locked-room scenes with ~Changeling ST~ TentaclesBlackman or some shit.

But it's a good whiteroom to test out setting-wrecker concepts, PVP builds, or other once-and-done experiments you won't be attached to.

There ARE good people and good games to be had, but it's like how if you try REALLY hard, you actually can cup a little bit of smoke in your hands - for a moment. If you can make real friends or start a club anywhere IRL by any means, do that instead.

Vampires would orchestrate a smear campaign do belittle, denounce, and disprove of the superhero. All the while trying to find a way to use the hero to their advantage.

Werewolves would belive the hero is some sort of claimed attempting to generate massive amout of essences for its court and hunt the superhero down.

Changelings would belive that it's either some True Fae plot or creatures that escaped from the hedge. The response would be to hide from it either way.

Prometheans would do the same thing as always. Try to apply the superhero to becoming human. Either by exploring whats not human are finding out what exemplify humanity.

Hunters would investigate if it's truly an alien or not. But more prominently Division Six would be tasked to hunt them down, while Task Force Valkyire would do as the vampires would above.

Sin-Eaters would not care, and maybe use the hero as an chance to their powers more openly.

Mummies would question what is a super hero. Then run after a sacred urn.

Demons would try to determine if its a God Machine plot, and upon finding out its not try to use it as s massive distraction or tool to fight the God Machine.

Mages would send the Guardian of the Vail to capture the Hero. Use the astral to turn the people against him and most likely attempt to execute him.

Bit more than that: whitewolf.wikia.com/wiki/Monica_Valentinelli

She's also one of the GenCon Industry Insider Guests. Either way, Hunter was a pretty diverse splat to begin with, so I don't really see any red flags there. I'm a little worried that Vigil might lose a bit of its blue collar feel, but that has nothing to do with diversity and everything to do with modern day urban fantasy trends.

The Fate arcanum can also render someone spontaneously Insane, Informed, Inspired, or Steadfast.

The first two purview elements of Fate are "blessings" and "hexes." As I have elaborated on in , Fate can grant blessings and hexes, but it can bless people in ways other than granting one of the listed boons (exactly what Forge Destiny does), and it can hex people in ways outside of the listed hexes (Chaos Mastery goes well outside of the realm of the listed hexes).

Fate 5's Forge Destiny can confer Supernatural Merits like Biokinesis and Psychokinesis onto a mortal. If that is not a direct manipulation of bodies and minds, I do not know what is.

Mortal Remains tells me nothing, unfortunately. Big combined project, lots of names. I guess if she wasn't good they wouldn't have handed her Hunter; I can understand how Matt got Beast given how long he'd been around but I figure she can't be benefitting from the same "yeah okay fine just don't fuck it up and make it about spiritual rapists who only traumatize bad people OH SHIT MATT COME ON" effect.

>how would the various supernatural splats respond to someone publicly declaring themselves a superhero, and going around using their superpowers in an obvious fashion?

Fucker's breaking the masquerade, gank him!
Nobody's actually gonna remember shit anyways, because Lunacy
Free Council would love it, Guardians would hate it, Arrow might be okay with it

Well, that's just asking for the God-Machine to nuke the city.

Congratulations, you read the book.

Forge Destiny and Chaos Mastery are not Boons or Hexes.
Supernatural Merits are, as the name implies, Supernatural. They don't come from your body or mind, they come from your soul. Hence why, when a Sleeper gains such a merit, they also cast out the piece of the Abyss that resides in their soul.

Expect the part where the spell effects an area not targets. So once they leave the room they lose the benefit of the spell.
Also its rather sad to replay to yourself. The only thing I have found useful from you are the pictures, could you just idk, leave.

>They spend three turns deploying a Mudra Yantra (+6), a Mantra Yantra (+2), and an Order/Path Tool Yantra (+1), then take a -10 penalty to raise Potency to 8, a -4 penalty for a week-long duration, and a -2 penalty to change the area to "a small room." Their final dice pool is 2.

No, their final dice pool is 18, because they have one dot of Fate, they know Quantum Flux as a Rote, and they cast it a couple times at Instant Speed beforehand, with each additional casting negating bigger penalties and allowing it to be recast at a higher Potency each time, until they get a Potency 10 monster and can negate all the penalties your actual Mind spell possesses.

My God your a broken record. We have told you why repeatedly why those effect happen and why its not directly life or mind. Fuck off.

The part where she's openly admitting to hiring practices based on diversity of viewpoint. Ideally that combines and does not overwrite talent, but realistically that passion for diversity tends to see depth in shallow ponds and turn aside from familiar lakes. I'm all for "more accurate cultural portrayals" but that shouldn't be important enough to take center stage, that stuff just comes up in the Storytelling chapter primarily, with some touches elsewhere. You don't need a lesbian on staff to include a lesbian reference in a couple examples. You don't need someone born in Tibet to have a throwaway monster that collects bowls of meteoric iron in which it traps the souls of those who have lost their mortal attachments.

I don't at all mind liberal/feminist inclusion and objectives in Chronicles of Darkness, but they really, really, really should not be front seat ahead of strong system designers and strong writers in general. Truth of the industry is that most of those are white guys, and truth of the consumer is that while everyone else getting experience is great, I'm happy for them to do so slowly - rounding out casting calls, rather than being focal above their actual skill - if it means not compromising the quality of my elfgames.

GHOULS & REVENANTS, Vampire: the Masquerade
DARK ERAS, Hunter: the Vigil “Doubting Souls”
DARK ERAS II, Geist: Sin Eaters “Forboding Lands”
Robert E. Howard’s CONAN RPG
SKAA TIN AND ASH, Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn RPG supplement
Crafty Games GHOSTS IN THE BLACK, Firefly RPG Supplement
DREAD NAMES: RED LIST, Vampire: the Masquerade
THINGS DON’T GO SMOOTH, Firefly RPG Supplement
CROSSROADS DRIFTERS, Geist Ready Made Characters
MORTAL REMAINS, Hunter: the Vigil supplement
FREEDOM FLYER, Firefly RPG Episode
SHOOTING FISH, Firefly RPG Episode
SERENITY CREW, Firefly RPG Characters
GAMING IN THE ‘VERSE: GenCon 2013 Exclusive, Firefly RPG Preview
SCION: EXTRAS (Supplemental Yet Can Be Useful On Occasional Scions)
War Echoes (Miniatures Game)
STRANGE, DEAD LOVE for Vampire: the Requiem
THE DEVIL’S NIGHT: Storytelling Adventure System (SAS) One Scene
CURSED EMPIRE: Warrior-Priest Class Book
NINJA BURGER 2nd Edition (Editor)
ALL FLESH MUST BE EATEN: Worlds of the Dead
OBSIDIAN: the Age of Judgment LARP Quickstart

you can only ever get a +5 from all yantras combined.

>Forge Destiny and Chaos Mastery are not Boons or Hexes.
Of course not. They still operate under the purview elements of "blessings" and "hexes."

>Expect the part where the spell effects an area not targets.

Page 113 says: "If using Area of Effect for Scale, the factor instead determines how large the area covered by the spell is, applying the spell effect to anyone or anything within."

This should allow the spell to buff everyone within the area. Alternatively, the mage could instead take a -2 penalty to increase the number of subjects to two anyway.

This is also a good idea. I should have included Quantum Flux in my list of outstanding good Fate spells earlier. That brings the list to: Fate 1's Quantum Flux, Fate 1's Serendipity with a Rote, Fate 2's Exceptional Luck with a Rote/Praxis, Fate 2's Shifting the Odds, Fate 4's Chaos Mastery, Fate 4's Strings of Fate.

You can get a max of +5 from Yantras *after penalties*.
He's getting +9 from Yantras, then taking -16, which offsets the Yantra bonus completely.

Except immediately after that paragraph there's an example about how it's not enough to just say, "I'm a woman, plz hire me, Onyx Path." She's looking for folks with life experiences and academic knowledge they can bring to Hunter, and if they're from backgrounds that aren't common in the industry, that's even better.

Page 119 tells us: "after offsetting any penalties, the maximum bonus from all her Yantras combined cannot exceed +5 dice."

Thus, you can gain as high a bonus from Yantras as you can muster, so long as you take enough penalties from spell factors to bring the bonus down to +5 or below.

Thats after off setting penalties. What I don't understand is how it got a skill above 5.

As I said when they leave the area they lose it.

Im pretty sure this is (you)

I LIKE Mage. I don't like people implying that Mages are capable of things that they're not. A Fate Mage is ridiculously powerful, and you shouldn't cross them unless you want a frozen turkey to crush your skull. But they can't give you bonuses to Strength. That is not a thing they can do within the standard Practices.

>It is also possible for a 0 XP mage to Mind 3's Gain Skill as a Rote to perform Elder Scrolls-style loops of becoming progressively better at a Skill they have a Rote for, though this can be quite Mana-intensive.
No, it is not. That literally does not function the way that you think that it does. Most of what you say doesn't function the way that you think it does. More than that, no ST would ever allow it in the first place, so it honestly doesn't matter whether "b-but the book says".

>All of that and you don't mention the cliques that will OOC collaborate to fuck anyone's shit that gets in their way.
Moderated chat games are PVP shitholes where the only people who talk about ICA=ICC are the people who do whatever they can out of character to avoid in character consequences.

Well, one of the things she brought up was the Union as a global thing, so I doubt it'll lose it's blue collar feel.

>What I don't understand is how it got a skill above 5.

If a Rote's mudra falls within your Order, you get a +1 bonus, a la 1e's rote specialties.

Oh no, someone wants diversity. It's been explained in previous threads that diversity is not antynomous with merit. In fact, diversity can be a merit in and of itself. The example that Monica herself gave was someone who knows a lot about Italian culture. We get that you think that you can totes write the lesbian experience. Chances are, you cannot, and it would be cringey, just like 99% of the other times a heterosexual male writes a lesbian character. Even beyond that, she says "if you don't think you're diverse enough, send it in anyway and even if you're not what I'm looking for for Hunter, you're still in the slush pile". The notion that she's ONLY looking for black queer women is ridiculous, considering one of her stated goals is to make Hunter more global.

That you can't understand what differing voices can add to a project--and that you think "differing voices" simply means "no white dudes"--is a flaw with you, not anyone else.

Plus, let's be honest, white dudes write everything else.

Ok thanks

The more that I think about it, the more Quantum Flux essentially allows a mage to cast spells of arbitrarily high Potency, Duration, and Scale.

Quantum Flux alone is a game-breaker for any mage.

>As I said when they leave the area they lose it.
Have you any rules source on this?

>No, it is not. That literally does not function the way that you think that it does. Most of what you say doesn't function the way that you think it does.
What makes it not function in such a way? Doing such a thing is fully RAW, as far as I can tell.

All mages should never be crossed because we are the most powerful

I'm not sure what the distinction is between "after offsetting penalties" and "can only give you a maximum of +5" that's really confusing.

Fuck off, Hippy. The reason the term diversity sets people off is due to the fact that it is so widely abused for dodgy bullshit.

This is literally not a game that can be constrained to RAW, for one. But beyond that, yes, they are only affected when they're in the area, it's an area of effect spell. Beyond that, you can't just fucking loop shit.

Order of operations. You subtract before adding Yantra bonuses.
I mean, it's the same either way, but hopefully that helps explain it. It can never be more than +5 at the final tally. It could be a total Yantra bonus of +10, but if you've got -5 in penalties, you're fine.

And people who bitch about it widely do so because they don't want diversity, regardless of who's best for the job.

it's more because you're a whiny sjw baby

Lmao fuck off shitlord, your race is doomed

Basically it just means that after all your penalties, the max amount of bonus dice you can get to a spell from Yantras is 5.

So, EG, if you have a 5-dot rote skill, and you take 5 ritual durations, and stack up any other yantras you can get you hands on to get a total max cap of +14(+9 Yantra from Rote+Persona, +5 Ritual) at Gnosis 1, you can then take 4 dice of spell factor penalties to lower your Yantra bonus down to just a +4

I'm not sure if the bonus from extended rituals counts as a Yantra bonus or not. Probably not.

>Thats after off setting penalties. What I don't understand is how it got a skill above 5.

Magically boosted skills, maxed skill with order rote bonus, and gnosis 6+ are all possible reasons.

You should be talking to this person. Sooooo.... just from reading my statement, you've determined that I "don't want diversity, regardless of who's best for the job."

>But beyond that, yes, they are only affected when they're in the area, it's an area of effect spell.
I could still use a rules citation for this. All I can find myself is: "If using Area of Effect for Scale, the factor instead determines how large the area covered by the spell is, applying the spell effect to anyone or anything within."

>Beyond that, you can't just fucking loop shit.
There seems to be little stopping such a thing. Quantum Flux is perfectly loopable to enable spells that would otherwise have penalties in the literal hundreds.

Basically, you cast a spell with a +10 modifier to Potency, incurring a -20 modifier to the dice roll.

Due to horrendous bullshit you have +26 Yantra dice.
This offsets the -20, leaving +6, which is limited to +5.

>Sooooo.... just from reading my statement, you've determined that I "don't want diversity, regardless of who's best for the job."
Just because Monica's you've decided that she's "only gonna hire you if you're some weirdo, your qualifications don't matter, homeless illiterate trannies please apply"

>the factor instead determines how large the area covered by the spell is, applying the spell effect to anyone or anything within."

That IS the citation.

Once you leave the area, you're no longer inside the spell, and thus no longer have the spell effect applied to you.

> It's been explained in previous threads that diversity is not antynomous with meri

Wow, and I even acknowledged that! Can we dump the snark now? Thanks. I am not anti-diversity. I am merely voicing a concern that the very pro-diversity crowd tend to be shit at selecting for talent because they get all worked up over seeing an exotic last name and imagining the beautiful halfbreed children they could write fanfics about. I guess that's still snarky, sorry. People very excited about

>you can totes write the lesbian experience

I DO think it's breathtakingly narcissistic to imagine your life experience is so special it can't be captured routinely by decent writers, of which there is an ever-increasing number, but let's put that aside and cede to the idea that there is something about lesbians a straight woman will just never be able to put on a page convincingly the way she can men, firefighters, and talking cats. Okay? Lesbians are unwritable at length.


Why the fuck is the lesbian experience happening in Hunter?! THIS is the game-devouring escalation I fear. An NPC or two who are lesbians, a few lesbians in the example italics, ditto for a bunch of cross-sections (including whites and straights and guys, I don't need them to have any kind of primacy, fuck, I don't even care if they're the new minority). No one's EXPERIENCE should be appearing anywhere except maybe in the chapter fiction, and EVEN THEN background to the game-showcasing subject matter, like, I don't know, BEING A HUNTER.

>the notion that she's ONLY looking

I fucking hate you. You're not even reading any of this, are you? You identified a negative reaction and shat yourself. I don't have any such notion, but whatever, I also don't have to buy if the leak doesn't look good.

>white dudes write everything else

They really don't. Jenna Moran is as close to a one-name industry titan as you get, and she is not alone. Writing is pretty equal opportunity ALREADY.

Well you determine all your penalties first for casting the spell.
So lets say a Gnosis 1 Force 3 mage wants to use Gravitic Supremacy at potency 6.
At base his dice pool for the spell is 4 (1G+3F) and each potency cost a -2, so thats a -12 to the dice pool.
From here his dice pool is at -8, so now lets add yantras.
So lets say he uses high speach for +2, and he has the spell as a rote for +4. Bring his dice pool to -2 now with a expenditure of willpower it brought up to 1.

Thats a general run down of spell casting. If yantras only gave a total of +5 then this spell would be at a chance die. I hope this helps.

Jesus fuck, 'teej. Your shit is weak.

You made a rdiculous blanket statement. I merely reminded you as to why that term freaks people out: Because it's often used as a cover for batshit insane identity politics.

For the record, I think Valentinelli actually understands the proper use of the term. Not because I've "decided that she's "only gonna hire you if you're some weirdo, your qualifications don't matter, homeless illiterate trannies please apply" You really should wait for a hundred posts or so before you try and put words in someone's mouth.

t.guy who baits /pol/ into apoplectic fits for fun.

>You made a rdiculous blanket statement.
that wasn't me, I was just pointing out that you whining about not being given a fair chance because of your skin color is whiny
>I merely reminded you as to why that term freaks people out: Because it's often used as a cover for batshit insane identity politics.
then you're going to have to get some extra diapers, because you're going to keep being freaked out

I've determined that you seem to think that diversity is not a positive.

You're voicing a concern that's stupid.

>I DO think it's breathtakingly narcissistic to imagine your life experience is so special it can't be captured routinely by decent writers, of which there is an ever-increasing number, but let's put that aside and cede to the idea that there is something about lesbians a straight woman will just never be able to put on a page convincingly the way she can men, firefighters, and talking cats. Okay? Lesbians are unwritable at length.
Do you not understand what the adage "write what you know" means? Or why so many characters in novels are also writers? It's not that lesbians are somehow different than firefighters and men and so on (talking cats are fictional and therefore everyone is on even ground, that's a stupid example). It's that 99% of all writers cannot write outside of what they have experienced or have intimate knowledge of.

Yes, I would very much prefer the person who is Italian and has Italian heritage and Italian family members to be writing about the Lucifuge over some guy who can write really pretty prose but gets all of his information off of Wikipedia.

>You identified a negative reaction and shat yourself
Dude, you or others have repeatedly acted like there's some "whities need not apply" warning on the submit button.

It freaks people out because people are fucking stupid whiny dumbasses. Normal people don't see "diversity" and start flipping their shit thinking that white people are banned.

If you even bother to read the spell it only applies to mundane instant action. Spell to not benefit. I even highlighted it for you sence it so hard for you to read the book.

Responding to my own post to note that apparently there are a bunch of "fuck diversity lol" people, so they can go get fucked too. My stance is that neither the beauty of the Aryan white woman not vanishing from the earth nor the wonderful rainbow of new and exciting breeds of exotic lewd are important.

Only the fidelity of my elfgames. Monica's casting call does not give me confidence that she values elfgames above hiring and providing a (bizarre, unhelpful, reverse-effect if it turns out badly) platform for oppressed minorities to speak. OPP is already incredibly supportive, and it needs talent to survive. Extraordinary talent, because of its extraordinary industry circumstances and position. Monica doesn't win if Paradox decides OPP is an embarrassment and has Dracula Whiteguy fold their ideas into expansions for his new new old World of Darkness.

The bonus from aiming an action only applies to mundane instant actions. The penalty-negation applies to everything.

>that wasn't me, I was just pointing out that you whining about not being given a fair chance because of your skin color is whiny

That wasn't me either.

>I've determined that you seem to think that diversity is not a positive.

Wow, you're dense. Did you not notice the implication of that in the statement "I think valentinelli is using the term correctly"

>It freaks people out because people are fucking stupid whiny dumbasses. Normal people don't see "diversity" and start flipping their shit thinking that white people are banned.

No, they just roll their eyes.

>No, they just roll their eyes.
You're clearly flipping your shit. You've been whining about this for hours, and you've been whining about similar subjects for days.

Your full of shit and you know it. Their is no such thing as an extended action for aiming. That last sentience is referring the entire spell not just the aiming part.

That's not me either. I'm also not the person that's convinced that they can tell who someone is on an anonymous Cambodian stamp collection database.

>That's not me either. I'm also not the person that's convinced that they can tell who someone is on an anonymous Cambodian stamp collection database.
You seem to have some self esteem issues. Did your boyfriend break up with you?

Is that really the best that you can do?