Post your Blockfolio and let someone FUD you
Post your Blockfolio and let someone FUD you
btc is going to crash by at least 50%
Why would you keep your stuff in something that's not a wallet?
TFW you don't know what Blockfolio is
OMG? It's not August anymore, brah.
Keeping it simple.
Looks solid
My portfolio
100% LSK
Come at me
too safe
buy zrx while its still cheap
Because the whales are tricking the masses into pumping and holding it by telling them they'll get 1 Ignis for every 2 NXT coins they have. It is true, but there will be a really big dump eventually and I'm riding that up.
Have some bags. Need more BTC/BCH. Got about .5BTC in cryptokitties.
howdy fellow FCT marines, we will off the water soon, right?
Inb4 "BTG is a worthless scamcoin"
I know it is, and I didn't buy it. I just haven't gone through the steps to transfer and sell it yet.
You don't need to fud me. I dropped from 7.5BTC to 1.7BTC. I'm just about to kill myself.
Chin up ODN bro, this is a big month for us. Bitcoin doesn't do anything anyway.
Send me your BTC first
Also have money in Wabi ICO.
>posting screenshots from an app where you can manually enter in the coins you "have", whether you actually have them or not.
brb with my 2.9MM pobtfollio
Way too much BTC. Sell before it crashes.
one of the most boring portfolios I have ever seen.
you're a meme
Fudd me pls
Nothing u could say to FUD me. Literally unstoppable.
In b4 bbbbut usdt is a scam
Holding that ETH for the singularitynet ICO happening on the 8th. R8 me
Hi fellow linkmarine nice bags as some one who holds 3k thats really a lot! will i make it?
We all will. But linkies will make it faster
holy fug i would love to be in your shoes
it will be more successful in the next year than 90% of biz
God tier. Like to see anons who don’t fuck around.
God damn. So jealous.
Any good?
>no link
enjoy being poor
I'll buy link the moment it hits bittrex
Where do you see ETH going in a year
$1000 in 2018. $2000 if Casper happens this spring, testnet is up, so its looking like a possiblity.
Call me a faggot and whatnot, but I'm more bullish on BCH right now.
Goal is a modest 1.3 million in 5 years. % chance I make it anons? Serious advice only (stupid request on /biz, I know).
Shill me on BCH, I hope you don't expect it to surpass Bitcoin
my blockfolio 100% in etheroll dice, 20k dice tokens. anyone got fud for me?
why do people track multiple trading pairs like this?
Next BTC difficulty could really fuck up the backlog, and BCH might get some more interest. If if ever does surpass BTC, its going to take years. Not likely. But fuckin BCH works like a well lubed machine. Can't deny it's cheap and fast.
You're looking at half a mil in 5 years
>he still doesnt value eth against bitcoin
Something you're trying to hide?
I guess ETH is long term for me, because there is so much more dev that needs to happen before POS, and POS will be a risk in itself. Right now for cheap tx, BCH is king.
Why do you prefer BCH over LTC? Out of curiosity
Because segwit is stupid.
Thanks user. I can live with that. I have another 40k or so not in crypto. Some in cash, some in stocks like Apple and what have you. Will probably inherit minimum 500k in next five to ten years from family so I’m feeling fairly fortunate at the moment. Any cryptos you advise me putting some of my sidelined cash into to get me to 1 million sooner?
0% chance
Thanks for your honesty.
If LINK ever goes up to $100 dollars, you will be way too rich. Like actually, too rich.
55% in btc when you have that small of a portfolio, why? You’re never going to make it.
You have a high $ low risk investment portfolio with little capital. You will be lucky to make 10% a year gains. Pointless. Take some risks or you will never make it. You invest like that if you already have 100k+ And even then it would be to ‘safe’
You really listened to ol dave ramsey huh? You're eggs are more spread out than the mother goose whore
R8 or h8
More link and more odn. Monero too.
Solid advice. Thanks!
Should be easy to FUD this
Swap fun and poe for link and odn and you have a winner this time next year ;)
I'll probably buy into ltc or neo when/if i can afford it, but not having a driver's licences or a passport sucks when trying to register for the big exchanges
these dnt bags... what do anons?
Why is he wrong? What do you think BTC will be worth in 5 years?
Hold user. Hold.
Poor college student.
Started with 2k a month ago. I wish I had more money to throw at it.
What app user?
go ahead FUD me, I double dare you
$100 in crypto
please send a couple bucks man
No link. Poorfag pajeet
I started with 1k a few months ago. I've had good instincts about what to buy low, but I just cannot seem to sell when they pump. It has legit cost me at least 10k in gains.
I'm usually good with money, but I get hit with FOLO or some shit. Any tips, anons?
Go ahead and try. I think I have the ultimate long term hold portfolio
Delta on ios
what am i doing wrong?
No link. Your disgraceful
Delta, user. Also available for android.
show us the snap you got
i know that feel, ODN bro, to an extent. i had 3 btc in august, i have .07 now.
If you haven't cashed out yet then you're an idiot.
That was top news like 2 months ago, after the news about the Thai central bank and Thai McDonalds there is quite literally nothing else in the future that can match that. Best if you just sold.
It's alright, but I think it's on the same boat as OmiseGo
It's another Digibyte and you're going to lose money on this.
Besides BTC it's one of the only decent ones in your portoflio.
You retarded?
what am i doing wrong?
Will I make it or nah
Spot on but I notice you don’t mention the lack of LINK and ODN, why is this pray tell?
Buying into what is shilled for pump and dumps on biz.
18k dgb... I-I’m sorry user but it’s terminal.
Noone can FUD me because I wouldn't care if I lost it all
You’re going to make it as long as you HOdL
Kind of hard to FUD this but, uhh, BTC is overdue for a major correction?
Also way too BTC heavy.
Fud away
LINK is very high-risk. Req less so, but it's hardly a hedge. Diversify a bit, even if with other risky bets.
Chadish but needs more ODN
The reports on my suicide have been grossly exaggerated.
Good work bro. I'd exchange half a XMR for ETH or LTC.