>a magical contagion resistant to all common spells is turning people everywhere into goblins
A magical contagion resistant to all common spells is turning people everywhere into goblins
Other urls found in this thread:
good thing I am a drow and therefore not a real person
>spell only works on people
>checkmate atheists
Wherever I go I must also kill the people.
>you find that the town has fallen victim to a curious magical disease that-
>>Cool, at this level I can cast Cure Disease 5 times a day. With some decent quarantine protocols and some luck, I should be able to completely cure those affected within a two weeks. Shouldn't take longer than that to find a mundane cure anyway.
>Uh... Cure Disease doesn't work.
>>Why? This is obviously a disease, why wouldn't a spell THAT CURES DISEASES work?
>It just doesn't, ok. Oh, and the Paladin isn't immune to it either.
GMs that use the "regular shit doesn't work on my snowflake mcguffin" excuse are universally shit tier.
Mummy rot also resists Cure disease. And paladins are also not immune to that
Well there are cases where I'd consider it perfectly acceptable for cure disease to not work depending on just how much it's really just a disease. It isn't much of plot if everything is exactly how it seems. This is basically just someone with their dick out though
If you're talking 3.5 I vaguely remember paladins being immune to "magical diseases" while the monk feature didn't include that (because fuck those guys for playing that class amirite?). Also lycanthropy falls into that category
Thats an oddly specific STI.
Could be worse, it could be turning people into elf chicks.
You spelled better wrong.
Mummy Rot is a curse, and is negated by Remove Curse, at least in 5e. d20srd says that a remove curse followed by remove disease works as well, which is completely different from "lol it's just a disease that isn't affected by Cure Disease." It also says that the Paladin does in fact resist Mummy Rot.
No, worse. Elf women are all sluts.
Exactly. Also they're built to last and don't have the shitty latina mature look going on like gobs do.
>Elf women are all sluts.
In what setting?
Because the shitty latina mature look is the lowest tier. Like "guys who specifically say they go for incredibly petite, in body and dick, traps isn't gay" kind of low tier.
All settings, user. All of them.
Were you there for the "refer to elves as sluts thread?"
walk into an elf village and shriek "Hey Sluts!" And watch as they all turn to look at you. See? They instantly react to their true name.
>Not liking walking headjobs
Shortstack Gobbo thread?
Elves can do it all. Prove me wrong.
So you are meming? Have fun with your thread not about traditional games then.
Here's another trick then. walk into a lesbian bar and shriek "Hey Sluts!" And watch as they all turn to look at you as if you called their name.
Seriously, it works everytime.
You must have missed the awesome overwatch thread earlier. Zero Veeky Forums and it was better than any /v/, Veeky Forums, and /b/ thread i've seen so far.
Why does every goblin have acne scars? Makes me think they'd feel really greasy or something.
>Zero Veeky Forums
Oh yes, silly me. Why would I ever go to Veeky Forums to talk about traditional games.
Go to bed Mimic!
And this is bad because...?
I don't see any acne scars
Is that a new namefag, like ND or Virt ?
Because it doesn't make sense in most settings and this meme is old and tired.
In 3.5 mummy rot was both a curse and a disease and needed you to remove/be immune to both halves n order to be rid of it
Acne scars aren't always pits. They can be brown-black circular splotch. No those aren't moles those are raised. Blacks are the only ones who get straight black freckles as well so they aren't that either. It has to be acne scars theres no other explanation besides scales or scoriasis or some other disgusting thing.
Autocorrect keeps inaccurately correcting psoriasis.....
>Is that a new namefag,
Drawfag who almost only draws shortstacks.
You didn't need to be immune to curses and diseases, you just needed to be immune to magical diseases and not just diseases in general.
>Pointing out toxic player behaviour
>Somehow blames GM for being shit
Mate, what the actual fuck?
>wanting to get rid of a plague before it can spread
>"toxic player behaviour"
That GM detected.
>"My character should do that, just read here, page 65, paragraph 7, in the Expanded Bullshit Related With My Class, 2.7 edition"
>not toxic behaviour
>play a 5e paladin
>DM keeps trying to trick people into poisoning themselves/catching diseases
>roll constitution
>you catch [disease]
>no I don't, I'm a paladin
>shit you're right
Go back to whatever toxic community you came from, Wick.
>Rule lawyering
Different user, but you can't be serious. There is NOTHING worse than rule lawyers. If GM states something is not successful, you just move on. Who knows, maybe the game is going to be fun. If not - you can fill a complain after it's done and discuss it with everyone, so things can improve and everyone knows what went wrong.
But that would require being civic and collected, right? So better sperg instantly.
>GM not caving to players demands about the scenario content
>This is somehow bad
Yes, because god forbid the players have any actual AGENCY, right? After all, everyone is just there to hear the GM tell a story instead of actually playing the game.
You know the GM only exists to enable his power fantasy.
How is it toxic behavior to expect everyone to follow the rules of the game that they signed up to play? You don't say "hey guys let's play D&D" and then make Magic Missile require both an attack roll and a saving throw for no reason other than "because I said so." Making up rules as you go that actively undermine the rules that everyone accepted when they started playing with you is kindergarten-tier behavior.
If the GM can't do better than "Lolno, that doesn't work because I say so" and still insist on trying to railroad the players through the exact scenario they have planned, they're a shit GM. Especially when the players have abilities that explicitly DO make it work.
Sure, but a plot hook that all but spells out that it isn't a simple disease isn't 'making them up on the go', so in the case of the OP's fetish bullshit it's acceptable that instead of using a spell the party might need to do a fucking quest. The real underlying problem there is that if you don't walk away from that cum stained table you're headed for an enchanted piss forest
And it's me being called out for coming from toxic community...
The hell it has to do with players agency?
Here, let's take a look at the case
>GM prepared "epidemic scenario"
>Standard means of dealing with the disease won't work
>Players have to figure things out on their own, before the thing spread/they die/both
And you are basically advocating
>Player have given set of abilities
>Unless GM purposefully creates a story that it completely out of scope for character, they should fix things on spot
>No story happend at all, just quick roll to see if issue was solved
How about you realise this is double-edged sword and sometimes you are not going to work things out your way. Which doesn't mean it's wrong or bad. It just means you have to use your fucking brain and play the fucking game to see for yourself.
But what for, after all you have this in your sheet, so who cares, right?
People like you are the reason why D&D as a whole is associated entirely with murderhobos and hack&slash gameplay in my country. "Thanks"
And what gives you any indication that this is a railroad, because your most basic Cure Disease doesn't work? You are literally pulling things from your ass, by instantly making the GM some dumb fuck that insist on rail-roading
The best part is how in the original example it's the player who acts irrationally and suddenly everyone paints the GM from it as a dumb, stubborn nigger and not the rule lawyers
No, user. In the original example the players are doing the exact thing that makes the most sense and the GM is clearly pulling shit out of his ass when he realizes that he has failed to account for their most basic abilities. A non-shit GM would not say "It just doesn't work, now get back on the tracks." He'd have some actual explanation for why it doesn't work and if questioned would either give them the explanation or at least suggest that the players try to figure it out in-character.
why do I want to put my dick in this goblin
Jesus fucking Christ, we are now arguing about semantics...
Given by your logic, the player cut GM short each time he was trying to open his mouth to explain things, because the little snowflake got istantly butthurt for being unable to use his abilities, not even interested WHY.
Either way, it all boils down to poor communication between GM and player. And it works both sides.
You just CAN'T pin this shit entirely to GM and say "it's That GM, all right". It doesn't work like that.
Unless you are That Guy.
DM: Alright, you have to find a way around this wall, as it's 30 feet high and too smooth to climb.
Player: Well actually I have several hundred feet of rope in the wagon, as well as grappling hooks and weights. We could easily just grapple over it.
DM: No, you don't have any rope or grappling hooks, go around the wall.
Player: What? It's on my sheet. I bought all of it as per the rules, and you fucking approved it. What the fuck?
DM: Fuck the rules, I'm DM so whatever I say goes.
You're the reason that people disregard everything other than murderhoboing in the first place. Why be invested in anything if the GM is just going to veto anything that doesn't fit with his railroad?
They're just like freckles or moles, just look weird to you because of the skin tone.
You aren't arguing semantics. You're arguing with whatever he can make up to keep you typing.
>Making shit up
>To shit up some more
I'm done here, no point even trying to reason with people who know the answer before the question is asked
A bad GM:
>you find that the town has fallen victim to a curious magical disease that-
>>Cool, at this level I can cast Cure Disease 5 times a day. With some decent quarantine protocols and some luck, I should be able to completely cure those affected within a two weeks. Shouldn't take longer than that to find a mundane cure anyway.
>Uh... Cure Disease doesn't work.
>>Why? This is obviously a disease, why wouldn't a spell THAT CURES DISEASES work?
>It just doesn't, ok. Oh, and the Paladin isn't immune to it either.
A good GM:
>you find that the town has fallen victim to a curious magical disease that-
>>Cool, at this level I can cast Cure Disease 5 times a day. With some decent quarantine protocols and some luck, I should be able to completely cure those affected within a two weeks. Shouldn't take longer than that to find a mundane cure anyway.
>As you cast the spell, you notice that it doesn't seem to work. Something strange must be at work here.
>>Why? This is obviously a disease, why wouldn't a spell THAT CURES DISEASES work?
>Weird, huh? Maybe you should try to find out what's really going on. Oh, and the Paladin isn't immune to it either.
If you don't understand why one of these is much better than the other, you shouldn't be GMing.
>making shit up
But I thought that players shouldn't be mad that the things that they have on their character sheets and the rules for them are completely disregarded by the GM when it's convenient? Are you in denial of what you've been advocating this whole time? Or are you just unable to see why someone would be upset that you aren't considering their viewpoint?
Actually, the good GM wouldn't mention paladin immunity right away.
But other than that - yeah, pretty much the bottom version is what I'm advocating, so what's the big deal?
A bad player
>You find that the town has fallen victim to a curious magical disease that
>>Cool, at this level I can cast Cure Disease 5 times a day. With some decent quarantine protocols and some luck, I should be able to completely cure those affected within a two weeks. Shouldn't take longer than that to find a mundane cure anyway.
A good player:
>you find that the town has fallen victim to a curious magical disease that turns its victims into goblins.
>>I will try casting cure disease, see if that reverses it.
>It does not.
>>Well, guys this is going to take more work than I thought.
Read these: Then finally stop shitposting. You must be really fun at the table, we all get is already
So... a good player isn't allowed to plan ahead? What?
I preferred this thread when it was about rabbits that have to force themselves to feel upset, y'know?
>Expecting from special snowflakes to be reasonable
user, you are naive. Don't you know it's all That GM trying to railroad the game with his boring story instead of allowing players to cure the town, fuck the princess and seize the gold?
Yeah, just say that I'm no fun. That'll change the fact that completely disregarding previously agreed upon rules for no reason is a shitty thing to do.
No, a good player should not fucking cut the DM off mid sentence.
you goddamn sperg.
At this point I'm not sure if you are still serious or openly trolling
>Constantly avoids argumentation
>When finally countered with the same tactics, gets assblasted about it
A good player does whatever the GM says because wanting to do things that the game allows you to do is apparently "toxic behavior."
Yup, I sure did avoid argumentation by posting all those arguments earlier. Quick, post some bait reaction images, or else you might have to come up with a reason why being a dick is a good thing for a GM to do!
Rabbits? What?
A good player lets other people finish their sentences and doesn't act like a whiny cunt when they don't get their way.
I'm sorry, did I say player?
I meant person.
Just leave it. No point arguing. Let just let this thread die already
It never cease to amaze me how many of the That GM stories basically round up to "And then he didn't allow me sperg all over the place, fucking cunt"
>And then he didn't allow me to follow the very clear and well defined rules that we had all previously agreed upon, fucking cunt
>Making up rules as you go that actively undermine the rules that everyone accepted when they started playing with you is kindergarten-tier behavior.
Gee, so it would be kindgergarten-tier behavior to reject the rules you just accepted, which is that the GM is the final arbiter of everything.
Remove disease cures all diseases that the subject is suffering from. The spell also kills parasites, including green slime and others. Certain special diseases may not be countered by this spell or may be countered only by a caster of a certain level or higher.
>Remove disease cures all diseases that the subject is suffering from.
Can Remove Disease cure autism?
>Here, let me counter actual rules with ad hom
took me a bit to find the thread, but the gist of it is that a wizard turned a town into rabbit people. And it spreads.
So you have absolutely no problem with this ?
If a GM were to say that a PC died via penile explosion and AIDS, would the player who controlled that PC be a bad player for not wanting to play with that GM anymore?
>ignoring the part where the GM doesn't have a reason
>ignoring the part where the Paladin is affected by a disease even though his class explicitly says that he isn't
Just keep shitposting, surely that will make you a better GM
Ah, Zootopia
sorta, I guess.
it predates the film by over a year.
>So you have absolutely no problem with extreme I've created
>Here, take another idiotic extreme situation
Mate, face it, you are fucking retarded That Guy, who just can't wrap his head around he's not the only person at the table. There is also Bob, Jim and Alice, while Tim is GMing.
And you are sperging about "b-but my character should be able to do that!".
Nobody gives a fuck. At best, you are actively undermining the game. At worst, they are forced to your company, because you all live in Nowhere, Kansas, pop. 326, so there is no chance to get some replacement for you.
Well, looks like there's precedent then for it failing to cure diseases.
I didn't say anything about good players or bad players.
But in that instance, yeah, the players have no grounds within the accepted rules to object. According to the rules they agreed to, he's the DM so whatever he says goes.
>there are other people at the table
>but the only person who matters is the GM, who can't come up with a plot that doesn't involve ignoring your player agency
Whatever, friend. I hope that calling me That Guy makes you feel better about your bad GMing.
>Player agency
Do you even understand what does it mean, motherfucker? I highly doubt it
Not to mention the exact same applies to you:
>but the only person who matters is That Guy, who can't grasp not entire world is circling around him
Also, this is the last post you got from me, no point feeding such moron.
That's not how it works. Rule 0 is there for when the rules either fail to work, for edge cases when the rules don't make sense, or when the rules simply get in the way of everyone having fun. It's NOT a free license for the GM to say "Lolno that doesn't work, go fuck yourself." or otherwise screw the players over.
>Being this mad
Show us on the doll where the GM hurt you
>who can't grasp not entire world is circling around him
Reaching awfully hard there. How is it self-centered to want a GM to not just make up random bullshit and negate a player's ability to interact with the game in a way that is dictated by the rules? I'm starting to think that you're just a terrible GM who isn't creative enough to come up with clever situations that don't have rules for being solved, so he just ignores what his players say because he's the only one who matters. Or maybe you're just retarded and contrarian, who can say.
Man, and here I was hoping that this thread would derail into a discussion on goblin society. Damn rules lawyers ruining the fun.
But to add shit to the fire , if it's obvious that the GM has set up a story arc around Cure Disease not working on a particular contagion then why wouldn't you go with it? Who knows, you might actually have fun instead of sperging out.
Too tall
Do tall people intimidate you.
>I never actually played a tabletop role-playing game in my entire life
It shows
And I pity people who one day might end up with you at the same table.
They're not scars, they're freckles
Pretty much. Standard response to Remove Disease not working is usually to investigate further to figure out why, not sperg out. I can come up with a half dozen explanations off the top of my head that could all be valid adventures.
>It's not a disease at all its actually an elaborate necromancy spell disguised as a plague.
>It's a disease created by a high level evil Cleric and the party is too low level to remove it.
>The "plague" is actually a magical mutation caused by a disruption in nearby ley lines.
>It's a divine plague sent by a God and divine magic can't cure it due to Divine politics.
>It's actually a poison, cast Neutralize Poison instead
>The village is actually a bandit hideout and the bandits use makeup to look like plague victims to discourage investigation.