What do Veeky Forums think of this tank?
What do Veeky Forums think of this tank?
I really like it. Never got to use it though, I have one but it's unassembled.
Learn to type dipshit
The vanquisher variant is better.
looks cool, but isn't all that great
I like the macharius vanquisher much more though, and the omega and vulcan are both solid
I don't get it, It reads perfectly.
it should be does instead of do.
nice tank though. Peep peep brrrrrrrrrrrrm
>unskirted, exposed treads just begging to delink or get hit by enemy fire from the front
>said treads also limit the nose gunner's field of view/fire
>nose gunner's twin MGs are bound to be ammo-inefficient against anything that isn't an impossibly low-flying aircraft
>starboard gunner adds unnecessary weight and mechanical complexity to cover a sector already covered by the turret MG
>no sensor packs or non-mechanical imaging equipment
>no visible entrenchment/repair equipment or spare parts
3/10 see me after your leave from the Western Front
Design is about as stupid as the Leman Russ (i.e. unacceptably stupid).
Aesthetics are OK, better than the Russ, still not as good as third-party designs.
Rules are OK.
Price is way too high.
I rike it
Better than the Leman Russ aesthetically but still with that stupidity that i love about 40k designs.
It's fucking stupid, just like 99% of things in 40K.
I've been looking for a proper tank to center piece a guard army, but honestly, guard tanks don't seem strong enough to really make much of a fancy center piece in any army. Experience tells me it's just a gun platform that has as much time to live in as it takes the opponent to get into CC with it.
So, until turn two.
Do the semi hueg FW super heavies make up for this?
why does the imperial guard hate suspension?
>a proper tank to center piece a guard army
the baneblade
The three major classes of super-heavy tank the Guard has are the Malcador, Macharius, and Baneblade, in order of price.
The Malcador is basically a budget super-heavy. It's got firepower that's not much greater than a Leman Russ (with a wierd limited-traverse turret), and has twice as many hull points with worse armor (13/12/11). BUT you get the super-heavy rules on a weapons platform thats less than 300 points; it's probably one of the cheapest ways to get Thunderblitz there is.
The Macharius is a proper tank. It's got a full-traverse turret, bigger, meaner guns (especially the Vanquisher variant, which can swap between AP and EX shells) and 14/13/12 armor. It's also in the 300-point range, but is still somewhat cheap for a Lord of War. In addition, the weapon selection is much improved; you get the aforementioned Vanquisher variant, a super-heavy-sized Hellhound, or the Vulcan Mega Bolter.
And then there's the Baneblade. You'll break 400-500 points by taking one, but it's one of the most dangerous vehicles the guard can field.
It should also be noted that with the nerf to meltabombs and other anti-tank grenades, tanks can last a bit longer in melee, unless your opponent brought hammernators or something similar.
>a super-heavy-sized Hellhound
That's a Malcador variant.
The Malcador is the base hull for: the normal battle cannon one, the Defender, Annihilator and Infernus, the Valdor Tank Hunter, the Dracosan Transport and the Minotaur Artillery tank (though it's backwards there)
The Macharius has the normal twin battle cannon one, the Vanquisher, Vulcan and the (now OOP) Omega, and variations of the hull (well, the tracks) are used for the Crassus Armoured Transport, Praetor Armoured Launcher, and the Gorgon transport (as this is used by Great Crusade forces, the Gorgon may well be the origin point for the design family)
Yep, that was a mistype.
I forgot my pic
I have to say, I still can't tell if I like the off-centre turret of the Baneblade, Hellhammer and Stormhammer - a lot of the time it just looks wrong, but I see it in some shots or paintjobs and it looks really nice, and it's just another anachronistic imperial tank thing
Twin main guns is unsexy when you consider the possibility of using a battle cannon instead. But that's just a personal thing.
If you're interested in a justification, it's to make room for the hull demolisher cannon. If the turret ring was centered the demolisher's recoil assembly wouldn't fit.
Not in British English.
That kind of works, but then you get the (admittedly, heavier turreted) fellblade
Depends how you read "Veeky Forums", it makes sense if Veeky Forums = you, you guys, etc., but if you're asking what the general view of tg is on the baneblade then "does" would be correct and "do" would be wrong
Fellblade's a Heresy-era Space Marine design. The recoil assembly has better mechanicals, so it's smaller.
Really, just find something that makes sense to you.
>Really, just find something that makes sense to you.
I know, I know.
It's just every time I see the off-centre turret it's 50/50 whether I go "that's shit" or "that's great"
At least most tanks in 40k look cool
Oi! Dat dere tank ain't propa Orky 'nuff!
Needs moah dakka! An' moah choppy spikes!
'N' paint it reddah too!
Not to mention, having two main guns is fucking silly.
well, the V-T1-2 had DUAL guns with AUTOLOADERS.....
>what do Veeky Forums think of X
>26 posts and no one wants to fuck it
I like the Gorgon that's based off of it. More a Malcador fan though
A second gun without autoloader will need a human loader, which also adds weight since you have to create space for him (and the armor around that space).
nonono you don't understand
the plan was to put an autoloader in for each gun
so double gun with double autoloader for maximum fun
but imagine the maintenance duty and the error rate in the field
No Slopes/10
That's weight/space that could be used for skull mountings, user. Only heretics would do things to avoid putting more skulls on or in the tank.
Yes, your point is?
That's a good read user, thank you.
>just a personal thing
My personal things are REALLY disliking designs with exposed tracks [FW] and/or a superstructure [Malcador] gun instead of a turret or hull-mount, or a boot hanging off the back [Macharius] like an afterthought. FW does make some cool stuff, but their SH tanks seem meh.