Too Many Cataphractii Praetors Edition
On the old thread we discovered Perturabo has a love hate relationship with Beakie armour, somebody mentioned plastic jetbikes, Sigismund has a vore fetish and a master crafted chair, argued about different Land Raider marks, spoilers about Angels of Caliban were posted, The Lion has PTSD and therefore bombs forests with phosphex, lots of Iron Warrior stuff and something about Knights and much more in the old thread Red Book Links:
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
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Someone posted a rumour that there's going to be a new resin praetor model being sold in GW to launch them stocking fw? Any source?
I hope he looks good, I have a good excuse to order again.
third for sexy Dorn
Looks more like Tartaros to me.
Looks more like cool to me. Just needs a different head.
Looks pretty good. Will kitbash him into a warsmith or siege breaker.
He looks like he's in Tartaros armour but with baroque shins and a more Cataphractii looking collar. Could probably pass for either depending on what arms you give him.
Head and arm swap for me.
Was it 25th of June?
Is that a power glaive?
Looks nice!
It's Tartaros, without a doubt. The praetor-bling just obscures some of the collar.
Amazing, they managed to ruin the tartaros silhouette.
There's something about these last couple of characters from FW that just looks horrible. They do not fit the rest of the range.
Does this make any sense? And what might I do for my HQ with the leftover 120 pts?
Generic LA: Stubborn, 1130/1250 pts
=== HQ ===
=== ELITE ===
2x Graviton Rapiers (150)
=== TROOPS ===
10x Tactical Veterans (290)
- Rhino, 2x Heavy Flamers, 5x Extra Veterans
- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
- Sniper
5x Tactical Veterans (170)
- Rhino, 1x Heavy Bolter
- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
- Sniper
5x Tactical Veterans (170)
- Rhino, 1x Heavy Bolter
- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
- Sniper
=== HS ===
1x Deredeo (220)
- Ravioli missiles
1x Laser-Destroyer Vindicator (130)
Deredeo and Vindicator pop enemy transports.
Rapiers grind down heavy armour or slow down footsloggers.
HB veterans hang back, flamer veterans lead up.
Yeah, he looks a bit boxy and wrong, I think the top of the torso is too wide and square, and the underpauldrons are too large.
At least the last Praetor exclusive fit in fairly well, though he seems more of a Consul channeling a bit of techmarine aesthetic.
But come the fuck on this doesn't feel like tartaros unless you squint.
both are probably one-offs done as a way to unwind from larger projects
Being a bit off the style guide and mixing things up on rando character models isn't really a bad thing.
Did he ever get rules, I don't remember any chatter from warhammer fest about this guy
Nope, maybe in a future book. Incidentally, Inferno has a contingent of Sons of Horus taking part in the burning of Prospero...
got another 10 demonic Zardu dark channeling Word Bearers converted and based, can't wait to summon some daemons all up in a game and generally be a shit.
helps if I add the pic
Delegatus to allow pride of the Legion, 120 points is perfect for it
Oh right yes, I forgot that. I need a Delegatus (or Praetor... but eh) for that row to get troop veterans.
I'm just scratching my head at where exactly he would fit. In one of the vet squads, but then I should probably make them choppy, not shooty.
If your HB vets are hanging back then I'd drop the bling on the sarges.
Flamer vets are likely to be charged so use the saved points from to add a couple of power weapons to the squad also.
I don't see the problem really. It's not too different just more ornate, can probably mix and match parts with other kits or just convert a plain tartaros dude into a character if you don't like it.
If I can get my hands on one it's not like I'll be keeping the head or weapon.
I've read at least 500 Lists and have never seen a Legion Terminator Command Squad. I'm on my way to 2500 (got 1750 built, primed, 50%painted) Points of IF and I really like the idea of the 6" fearless bubble delivered to the front via Spartan. Question is: Is it worth it to play something like this at 2000 points and more:
Legion Praetor [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Paragon Blade]
Legion Terminator Command Squad [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, 4x Legion Space Marine Chosen, 4x Lightning Claw]
> Points
riding in:
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Dozer Blade, Flare Shield]
> Points
I'd also drop the rhinos and move some gear around. You're playing 1250 points so it's likely that the board will be small enough to not require transports. See pic attached for what I'm getting at.
>Blackshield Outlanders can deep strike half of their infantry units who don't have the Deep Strike special rule
>Blackshields get +1 to the initiative roll
>deep striking heavy/tactical support squads
I actually rather want to do a Blackshield Outlander list, but damn, this seems almost unfair. I hope my opponents invest in Armoured Ceramite.
Sniper is wasted on the Veterans with Heavy Flamers, maybe Furious Charge would be best since you're giving the Sergeant a power weapon? Honestly the Veteran special rules that you can choose are really lackluster besides sniper so I can't blame you.
You appear not to have read the downsides
The whole "game is practically over once you've lost half your dudes" is honestly what the game is like anyways.
Thanks, will see how to take that into account once I'm home.
I just worry a little that one vindicator or other AP3- weapon will basically shred these expensive footsloggers
Regular thread guy here, thanks for this. Had a Wendigo dream and wasn't feeling to alright last night.
I needed a Preator in Tartaros armor for my EC.
>one vindicator or other AP3- weapon w
You have a laser vindicatior, a dorito and 2 grav cannons, you'll be okay.
No problem man, get yourself a silver knife and a torch before anything gets you.
I think there was a Wendi trying to offer me food, but there was definitely Wendigos in it. I blame the Wendigo thread, but it does remain me I do need to get on fluffing out an Empire of Space Wendigos.
>Space Wendigos
Death Guard offshoot I assume?
dorito dodo rodeo aioli ravioli
truly the best unit in the game
Alright, I completely forgot to ask this in the last thread but what books wouls I need for 30k and playing a Word Bearers army?
Also, I just realized that the Task Force box just comes with the exact same stuff as two BaC boxes, but just with upgrades included. Might as well just get two BaC boxes.
Morty isn't Canadian though.
You'll need the Dark age legion book and the legion army list book, the army list book doesn't seem to be available right now, and theres been some scuttlebutt about a revised/second edition soon(tm), so you might want to wait
Why would they pick a name from the old Siege of Terra to kill off en route to the Battle of Phall?
>Scimitars Jetbikes are awesome both as a model and rules. But they cost a stupid amount of money.
>Outriders are not so good rulewise, but cost less and I can use them in 40k too, so it's great value for a still great model. I would need more of them though.
What to buy?
It really comes down to how much you'll be playing 40k, if you'll be playing often then pick outriders, if you can play 30k most of the time then jetbikes are your choice.
I guess you are right.
Sadly I play about ten 40k games for each 30k one.
I'm trying to play more 30k, but players are rare.
Not really my cup of tea.
Would people be willing to play against a jetbike army? That's the real problem, if they have no bother then go for jetbikes. Are you a scars or angels man?
>Would people be willing to play against a jetbike army?
Do people have a problem with that? I'm was not aware.
Anyway, I'll probably get 6 and that's it.
>Are you a scars or angels man?
I'm a purple guy.
Have the Mastodon launch the jetbikes.
I meant would people object to you running a 30k army in a 40k game. Not specifically jetbikes but other 30k stuff as well
Just have the jetbikes count as regular bikes in 40k games.
Probably not.
But most of my stuff is a kitbash between 30k and 40k. I designed it so so almost everything has a double purpose in both settings.
That would be difficult with jetbikes though.
I guess i could, but it wouldn't feel right. Bases and sizes are different.
Alright, thanks mate! I suppose I could wait for the other book, so I'll probably just see if I can find a pdf of them and learn up the rules while I wait.
Most people don't care what they play against casually. Just ask 'em if they mind playing against your 30k stuff.
>I guess i could, but it wouldn't feel right. Bases and sizes are different.
Could always try doing 30k vs. 40k. In my experience it is pretty balanced at low point levels.
What kind of opponents are you going against? And what points levels are you playing at?
Guy who got his Fists stomped by Eldar/Dark Eldar cheese on Sunday
Let's be honest, it's pretty much essential to use a 30k list to represent the Consecrators properly anyway.
Atsknf is essential for post horusy marines.
The exclusive web centurion looked better.
This guy is a bit meh.
But it's the first leader in Tartaros, and it actually looks good.
Tartaros are really ugly armors, unless pimped up like the Phoenix Terminators.
1850-2000 points, any lower than that and 30K (with the exception of SA and IM) have trouble fielding much of anything beyond the very basics.
As for opponents I have played Orks, Chaos Daemons, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Tyranids, Tau, and Eldar. Eldar and Tau can probably hold their own against marines at higher point levels but 1850-2000 is pretty balanced when fighting the less powerful armies. Honestly though it depends on your list. 30k has absolutely massive access to melta, and when facing opponents without ceramite that is massive, if I built my army specifically to fight 40k armies instead of 30k that I am fairly certain I could defeat Eldar and Tau on a semi-regular basis.
>Maru Skara
>Outflank meltabikes and jetbikes accompanied by melee characters
>Blow apart wave serpents and chase down and murder riptides
This might be a 40k worthy question but why did Malcador establish three main Ordos? I know Hereticus was after Vandire, but wouldn't it make sense to create an Ordo that roots out the cults before they summon daemons?
Outriders aren't bad at all up close (meanwhile, jetbikes should never get anywhere near the enemy...). If your army isn't already full of assault units, get the outriders.
which book did the headhunter teams get access to combi-weapons, rather than just combi-bolters?
This sounds pretty cool but wont they complain about "overpowered" FW stuff?
Seems that SA in particular could be really nasty to filthy xenos.
>before they summon daemons?
Daemons will be whether summoned or not.
I dunno, DAngles have a reputation for retreating at inopportune moments (with the secret intent of hunting Fallen). You could easily justify breaking Consecrators as making a rapid tactical withdrawal to act on new intel on nearby Fallen.
1) Convince them that Legion lists are actually underpowered compared to modern 40k, more on par with BA/GK/IG "low tier but not the lowest tier"
2) Play your first couple of games without any crazy stuff (Primarchs, Suzerains, Super-heavies, Spartan deathstars, Armoured Spearhead LR spam etc.)
3) Play your best but be prepared to lose, take your losses like a good sport, not a sore loser
4) By the time they have acclimated to the initial shock of "this is like spess mahreens, but everything is different", slowly introduce the fun stuff you want to use, one unit at a time
5) ???
6) Profit (which hopefully means balanced, fun games)
Well it isn't hard to build a decent list if you plan to face 40k. If you want to try and go full OP that is an option, I would probably just stick to my regular dreads and palatines as the hammer of my army just give the dreads meltas.
Another idea is to abuse orbital assault
>cheap delegatus
>2 naked tac squads
>4 special weapon squads with meltaguns
>3 Seeker squads with combi-meltas/plasmas
Fists seem like they would be very fun to play against 40k though where bolters are comparatively better weapons. 3 tactical blobs fury of the legion at close range. Fucking riptides might start to fall to that kind of hail of fire.
SA and AdMech are very powerful. They are below Tau/Eldar/Marines, but above everything else.
Legions can be very good but are below the above.
Nothing beats Eldar, full stop. That argument alone should be sufficient.
>Max 3 Str 4 AP 2 attacks at I 4 each
Palatines and deathshrouds are both much worse to face, the former is +1 strength, has options to take jump packs, is I 5 on the charge, and can lower opponent's WS by 1, the latter is only WS 4 but has two wounds and a +1 strength weapon that can still get an extra attack fairly easily.
B-but muh volkite.
What about it?
Not this shit again
Palatines with spears and shriekers cost 355 vs. suzerain's 300, 455 if they want jump packs.
3+ on everyone but the sergeant rather than 2+ on everyone, no 5++/6++ from boarding shield (but still just as many attacks thanks to 2-handed), no defensive grenades, no auto-wound on 6s, no implacable advance, no LR phobos dedicated transport, LD8/9 rather than 10 and a 12" +1LD bubble and no way to be taken as a command squad.
Most importantly they become trash if they get charged or if the opponent survives the first round of combat, which they are quite likely to do if they have invulns or FNP or multiple wounds or high toughness or stubborn or fearless etc.
No 30k melee unit is more ludicrously overpowered than wulfen or necron wraiths. Indeed, as says, nothing anywhere in 30k comes even close to being as broken as pretty much every option in the Eldar codex.
Roasts space elfs....
Yes, and? While entirely awesome, does not compensate for scatterspam and wraithanything.
Roasts Guardians, Rangers, and DEldar, while the OP units shrug it off.
>Palatines with spears and shriekers cost 355 vs. suzerain's 300
Suzerains cost 200 points +25 for each additional dude. That gets you 325 points for ten. Plus Palatines are much more versatile. Palatines can hit and wound elite units on a 3+, Suzerains only have 1 in 4 attacks successfully hit and wound an elite marine unit. Plus Palatines can be much more versatile. Want to just kill marines? Give them spears or swords. Want a relatively cheap unit capable of mulching non-marine blobs and dealing with small command squads? Leave them with their sabres.
>no 5++/6++ from boarding shield (but still just as many attacks thanks to 2-handed)
Their weapon is +1 strength and they are effectively WS 6 meaning they hit and wound WS 5 units on a 3+, Suzerains only have 1 in 4 attacks hit and wound against WS 5 units.
>no defensive grenades
If your palatines are getting charged you are fucking up.
>no auto-wound on 6s
Why are you charging T9 MC's with Suzerains? Since Phoenix Spears are +1 strength on the charge they can wound T 8 on the charge anyway.
>LR phobos dedicated transport
Wow I can't get one of the most overpriced transports in the game? Oh woe.
>LD8/9 rather than 10 and a 12" +1LD bubble
This is the only major advantage they have. It is a nice bonus but hardly a game changer.
>no way to be taken as a command squad.
I have four elite slots with age of darkness. Dreadnoughts can be taken in talons. I don't really care truth be told. The only thing I don't like is that I can't give command squads Phoenix Spears for going full knight.
>Most importantly they become trash if they get charged or if the opponent survives the first round of combat
Don't get charged and don't charge multi-wound models.
Honestly I still fail to see the issue with Suzerains, they are good but they are hardly the OP shit people make them out to be.
Setting space elves on fire with Martian death rays is a noble goal that shouldn't be denied, but Wraiths are not flesh and blood space elves and would suffer little.
Red Butchers to similar degree. WS5, 2W, Hatred, pseudo-fleet, 2 weapons, +1S AP2, 6+++, 5+++ with Crimson Path. Only drawback is always being hit on 3s and Unwieldy.
So we solve the wraith problem the same way we solve every problem. Lots and lots and lots of phosphex.
To take space elves vs. Matian death rays to it's logical extreme how well would wraith shit fair against a Glaive's Volkite gun? I'm not familiar enough with it to make an educated guess.
When will Elfdar supremacy be broken?
Aren't red butchers expensive as fuck? Also my main point was just AP 2 before I 1. Deathshrouds cost like 40 per dude have a +1 strength AP 2 weapon (-1 initiative), and two wounds and can even be taken as a mandatory HQ choice IIRC if for some reason you want the most 2 wound terminators possible.
>Cheap ass delegatus (pride of the legion)
>Deathshroud command squad
>2x Deathshrouds as HQ choices
>4x Deathshrouds as Elites Choices
>6x Deathshrouds as Troop Choices
Just 1270 points and you have 13 scoring units with 4 wounds an a 2+ and an invul. Not a good list but pretty hilarious take on pride of the legion.
When it is replaced with Tau supremacy. We have long ago entered the era of the xenos.
A Wraithknight would take 1+D3 hits, so up to 4 S8 AP2 hits, plus deflagrate.With bad saves, you can do 8 wounds in one shot, since each initial unsaved wound procs deflagrate. Not too terrible, but you're still wounding on 4s.
Fuck, I want a Glaive, but it wouldn't really fit with my murderhorde.
>25th June
>Leaving for Singapore, basically a no man's land for GW the day after
That was close.
Consecrators get a wee bit of attention in Unforgiven, at last. They're pretty cool, they CM is an ex-interrogator Chaplain that got several Fallen to repent.
That's one big list of poor excuses
At that point you might as well say fuck it take Mortarion and crew's Primarchs chosen.
user, maybe you should stop commenting on things you don't understand, like tactics, EC or legions in general.
They're not points-efficient versus the wraithknight, (but then nothing is,) but I wonder if laser vindicators are a solid way of hurting it. 3 S9 AP1 shots from each is a decent effort.
What about sniper vets with heavy bolters?
As opposed to Suzerains
>They are great if they get charged
>Except they have 1 wound and only a 5+ invul save
If I wanted a unit to tank hits I would take something like Firedrakes, Deathshrouds, or Justaerin since they actually have a good invul save and two wounds. Suzerains have no flexibility, they tank hits and they swing with AP 2 power swords. Palatines can be made cheap, they can be made to kill terminators, kill marines, kill guardsmen. Deathshrouds can be made much cheaper than Suzerains and can actually tank hits well.
Deathshroud really are one of the best terminator choices in all of 30k seeing as they can deal with just about anything on the board. They might not hold up against SA termies or Justaerins, but their point cost is much more bang for their buck as apposed to those termies. Not only that, pair them with Crysos Morturg who can infiltrate with rad grenades and cast Endurance every turn and you have a very very nasty unit on the table that will fuck up anything short of a primarch. They are even 10 points cheaper for 5 dudes vs 15 tacticals with geared out serg.
There's also the Cerberus, which fires D3 S10 AP1 shots twin-linked. Like 100 points less, and 72" to keep away from Wraithknight D-shots.
Gargantuan Creatures are only wounded by Sniper weapons on a 6, so they're no better than regular heavy bolter guys, and also only AP4.