What does your party do for bonding and group cohesion?

What does your party do for bonding and group cohesion?

Risk their lives together on dangerous adventures.

Group sex.

IC and OOC

Away from adventuring


Oh, we tend not to associate much when off-mission.

Unless our characters happen to be neighbours.

Yeah but like, how did they start adventuring and stuff? What brought them together initially?

Would it be weird if an adventuring party played roleplaying games in their downtime?

mostly they skip sessions


Party 1: Mutual death sentences and stuck in the same cell.

Party 2: Seriously, let's go fuck these demons up.

Party 3: Stalingrad must be held at all costs, zombies and nazi werewolves be damned. ZA RODINA!

Just as long as they don't play silly future settings.

Are you a futurcist?

Sick bantz.

Esdeath a shit.

They have weekly drinks on top of national monuments.

The youngest, most idealistic member of the team always makes a group fistbump happen before throwing our hands in the air and shouting HOORAH.
Everyone else in the group thinks it's incredibly stupid, including my character.
Nobody in the group will say anything because my character has strong papa bear instincts, and if his baby girl wants to shout OORAH like this raid on a corporate compound is an episode of GI JOE, you best get to fistbumping.

Kill shit.

Chinese food and sports.

We bicker like children while throwing petty insults and spouting memes.

Our 5e group tends to bond over philosophical discussions. The party generally enjoys the Bard's genre, the Paladin/Barbarian has an appetite, and the Trickster likes to talk. The Diviner is pretty insufferable, but he also pays the hefty restaurant bills when they tolerate him, so...

Our Ravenloft crew doesn't get along all that well. They're only there by circumstance, so they're clenching their teeth until they figure things out. The Paladin/Rogue and Fighter made an unspoken friendship agreement (since they're both hellbent), the Rogue/Cleric and Ranger are followers (and feel like the the others could use a friend), and the Sorceror is just a douche who plays nice.

What's it like to be objectively wrong?

Risking lives together is good and all, but if you want the characters to be anything more than a badass cardboard cutout, you must put some small moments in wich they just sit back and talk, or do small stuff that really shows what they believe as characters.

I always include two or three "Tavern Episodes" in my games, in the days I don't have enough ideas to dungeon crawl or move the plot. The characters just go to a tavern/teahouse/ramen restaurant or whatever and talk, get into low-level fights with drunks or low-level questlines like "protect the rich merchant while he makes business on the slums". This lets them flesh out their characters a bit and give ACTUAL reason to save each other's lives in battle.

Just think in the real world. What makes you play with your m8s? Chances are it's not only the game but their company as well. Adventure follows the same logic but with more orc punching.

My players are united by the hate they experience towards each other. One guy was working for the now defeated bbeg and the rest of the party is actively trying to kill him.

No current party but I love doing 'day in the life' type stuff in roleplay. Bores most people but I enjoy it.

Did play a game of snap with one of the other player characters. It nearly ended in both of us being killed

We just lock that guy in a room with my cat
That guy is being quiet so i think its working

Pretty much this. Well that and being stuck on a starship for weeks at a time together in between ports.

We tried doing cross-training one time but but everyone is so specialized that the computer guy can barely make it through an obstacle course without hurting himself and the gunner had to ask where the "any key" was.


Gamble on illegal street races and sabotage the competition with drugs, car bombs and threats of leaking drivers' (extremely cringeworthy) sex tapes onto the matrix.

Also, we started a book club. That's going pretty well.


Beat the shit out of each other in front of our troops
Its a good bonding experience for the party members and good entertainment for the grunts


In what setting?

Mindraping robots, enjoying a good breakfast.

Nothing, we got together and remain together because the plot demands it.

Go on...

Until then

IC and OOC we play cards while eating. This has both been worked into and completely derailed sessions.

As well, it's resulted in the guy who plays the Monk/Thief get an extra draw when he cheats with slight of hand when playing poker. This resulted in him IC winning a bunch of gold and loot off of our characters until the wizard got sick of his shit and used prestidigitation to change the faces of the cards for a ridiculous pot for all our shit back. Afterwards (because we never actually caught him) we had the Pally cast Zone of Truth and we badgered out what he was doing to cheat. Then we told him what the Wizard did, because beating him at his own game was more satisfying than just beating him.

Now we play hearts instead for the most part, but we do have a magically enchanted poker table the handles the cards for you at our base instead that also includes a permanent aura of true seeing over the tabletop.