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Free power fist is waacfaggotry edition
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Let's start the general with some bingo.

New bases are nice.

>autistic johnny memer is mad some kid called him out on his meme.
Well done.

remove Johnny

yeah if you like putting no effort into modeling

What are some interesting, non-bike setups for command squads?



That color palette makes them look less than impressive. The price is the real surprise here.

Let's make an Inquisition Ordo.

I don't intend to buy those bases because the style would clash, but basing is easily my least favorite part of the hobby. Well, removing mold lines might be worst.

Everyone knows real hobbyists sculpt their own miniatures from scratch.

>Give me 1 good reasons squats aren't a playable army in 40k

That's a bad thing? Basing sucks.

I hope they do more themes.

> The Space Marine player fight with their models first, such is the superhuman skill of their warriors
Bloody Veiled I2 memery has spilt over.

I like to use mine as a bunker for a Libby Conclave, so an apothecary is mandatory. Champion is also an auto-include because Sword&Board is sick. The others get some mixture of Storm Shields and/or Meltaguns.

Hi where are the Centurions?

GW themselves have stated that all GW products are valid for 40k, no matter how old. Just use the most recent rules for them.

Therefore Squats are valid for 40k. You just gotta use the 2nd edition rules for them.

Or Space Marines will almost always strike first against Orks, so it's easier to do it this way for a simplified, introductory version of the game.


Friend and I have been doing 1,5k points and we're wanting to slow down a bit so we can play multiple games a day instead of just one, so we're halving it to 750 points.

Is there any basic guide on important units for a list that small?

We're doing one game with Flyers and one game without Flyers.

>more images with meme text.
This is getting embarrassing. Johnny memers are the worst sadly.


Why is there so much Tau hate, anyways?

They're neither the only OP book, nor the most OP book.

Is it all oldfags dreaming of 2nd edition or something? I started Tau because of DoW, and it wasn't shocking to find the book was considering imbalanced, but the hatred is strange.

Anyone? Is there an Ordo for monitoring mutations?

It's a long story. It goes back to ye olden days of Fish of Fury, the initial Tau reaction, recent Tau updates and fluff.

Repost from old thread, what's a good way to get into Death Korps on a smaller scale?

Marine players are the most numerous and fanatical about the game. Tau lists destroy most marine lists. Do the math.

Its because most "tau players" are suit spamming fucks who complain that their shit isn't op, needs a buff, is completely fair and reasonable,and are the same tier as guard.

The tau hate didn't spawn from air. It was earned.

People have a soft spot for the Eldar, despite the fact that they're also consistently OP, and hating on marines is more popular among people who don't collect them.

Tau are less well-liked as a race as well as having nice stuff, so they're the target of choice.

It's because tau draws in the worst of all Waacfaggots. The stereotype is that the typical tau player brings 5 riptides to 1000 point games, and complains that they're undercosted/underpowered/shit/perfectly balanced.

And the sad thing about this stereotype is that it's actually fucking true. It literally happened last general with a tau faggot bragging about how he brought 5 riptides to a 1000 point game.

The only tau player at my FLGS owns 9 riptides and 4 stormsurges, and he does all of the above, including bringing multiple riptides and/or stormsurges to casual games.

Non-marine players are the most numerous and fanatical about the game. Tau lists destroy most non-eldar lists. Do the math

>Its because most "tau players" are suit spamming fucks who complain that their shit isn't op, needs a buff, is completely fair and reasonable,and are the same tier as guard.

For every one Tau player I've met like these, I've heard a dozen people bitch about them.

SM, Eldar, and IG tend to be the worst players to be around, in my experience. Well no- it's actually non-IG non-SM Imperium players. Gray Knights, Inquisition, et.al., that are the worst.

Wana see proof?
Markerlights should be able to be nullified by cover saves.

Your meta sounds completely wrong.

They cant help themselves. Just steer clear of anyone with a Tau army.

>The stereotype is that the typical tau player brings 5 riptides to 1000 point games, and complains that they're undercosted/underpowered/shit/perfectly balanced.
>And the sad thing about this stereotype is that it's actually fucking true. It literally happened last general with a tau faggot bragging about how he brought 5 riptides to a 1000 point game.
>The only tau player at my FLGS owns 9 riptides and 4 stormsurges, and he does all of the above, including bringing multiple riptides and/or stormsurges to casual games.

So let's see.

We have a bias.

We see one person confirm that bias, despite probably an entire thread worth of Tau players not confirming the bias. But you still treat that as evidence.

Then, you act like one person in your meta can be evidence for the entire playerbase as a faction. You acknowledge that you only have one data point in the same sentence you act as though it matters.

So, basically, I see all the hallmarks of perception bias.

There are two types of tau players on tg

>Apologetic old tau fags who want older fluff to come back and hate the current state of tau players
>New weeb and mecha fanboy club who build the most cheesiest lists they can and then start bitching that marines are op

Nothing in the middle.

the faction produces the most annoying fanboys

Buy fewer Death Korps models.

>one post last thread where a Tau player was being a fag
>30 posts this thread about what fags Tau players are

Anti-Taufags are the problem.

How do corsairs rate among the armies of 40k? I like elves, but don't feel like doing wraithshit or bike spam

Also the conversions are unlimited.

>So let's see.
>We have a bias.
>We see one person confirm that bias, despite probably an entire thread worth of Tau players not confirming the bias. But you still treat that as evidence.
>Then, you act like one person in your meta can be evidence for the entire playerbase as a faction. You acknowledge that you only have one data point in the same sentence you act as though it matters.
>So, basically, I see all the hallmarks of perception bias.

So let's see

We have a bias

We have multiple threads where tau faggots complain how OP marines are and shitpost things about how their army is mid tier army at best. Despite this, you don't take this as evidence

Then, you act like a single poster and his points is the only evidence for the entire argument against tau players. You don't acknowledge that their are plenty of other data points in the same thread and threads before and act as if the one post is the only one that matters.

So, basically, I see all the hallmarks of perception bias.

They're both faggots and have been ruining threads on the reg since the Tau update last year.

Tau have become the favored son and the most popular faction, due to the convergence of Veeky Forums and /a/ fanbases over the last decade.

This makes people who dislike change angry.

>Immigrants have become the favored son and the most popular topic, due to the convergence of SJWs and liberal fanbases over the last decade.
>This makes people who dislike bad change angry.

>just started 40 a few months ago
>chose Necrons and built an army for league play at my LGS
>people often psychically recoil when I say I play Necrons, dont wants to play me because of cheese no matter how basic my list (just decurion with harvest)
>starting to buy stuff for second army of Tau

Am I a horrible person or do people just like bitching? People complain about enhanced reanimation while they modify FNP and cover saves to ungodly levels and drop pod spam ironclad dreads.

The army is cheesy as fuck though famb-a-lamb.

Nobody hates the other cheesey armies with the same zeal.

What are you doing with your life user.

>Am I a horrible person or do people just like bitching?

The latter.

Don't play with people like that. They're going to bitch nonstop if they lose, and gloat nonstop if they win.

>people often psychically recoil
>psychically recoil
What the fuck.

How gimped will I be running a 1500 point 30k army in a 40k game? How about 1850?

>It's because tau draws in the worst of all Waacfaggots.
Whatever army currently allows for the biggest min maxing draws them. Used to be BA, then GK, then CSM, then Knights, then Eldar and the cycle continutes.
What adds to the Tau hate is the 40k players that hate them due to not being part of their "grimdark"

Make markerlights assault weapons or rapid fire and you've got a deal
I'll use markerlights to ignore cover for markelights

So no one has ever hated another army in such a way? Not GK back when they got warded? Not knights when they were released, then got the re-roll invul formation? Not Eldar when they got D-weapon spam?

Idk, 40k has been one big downward spiral for me. I used to play vidya, now I just paint shit all night.

I'm playing in a league with a bunch of random folks I dont really know. It's been good experience so far and not everyone is like that at the table, but off the table it's mostly bitching.

Every Tau player at my flgs and at the GW, are suit spamming former Taudar fags. 2/3 of them insist on playing 2000 points and are running 2 Stormsurges.

Your change is shit and you know it. Fluff has been in decline and has been receding every single codex. Then, Monka and Koyon comes along and slaps a big pile of shit ontop of everything else. Multiple peoples armies are butchered and used as cannon fodder to show off the new Ghostkeel™ and Stormsurge™

ChapterMasters are killed underhandedly, special characters are given un-character like profiles that push the Tau™ forward, the best of the best can have their shit pushed in to show off a Tau commander, The youngest race that is also the most skilled™ at stealth, strategy, and technology™ and can build any thing to solve any problem.

Tau was a spot before but now its full blown cancer

No one will want to play with you because forgeworld

STFU you fucking blunt.


no idea how that happened.

Favorite Ordo? I love all three major Ordos equally but I love Hereticus and Xenos the most.
user, flgs is filled with psykers.
user, don't lie to the Black Ships.

That would be retarded, though.

Cover saves need to stop being used as a discount invuln, making them stop MLs would only accelerate us down the path that AP2, Jink, etc have sent us down.

If you want to reduce the number of ML hits Tau get, which is a strange way to nerf them, there are way better and more interesting ways to do it.

For example: what if MLs didn't take effect until the following phase, but lasted a full turn? You'd have to light up targets in advance, adding a layer of strategy. But in exchange they last longer, so Tau players get something cool in exchange (as opposed to typical GW balancing, which involves giving an interesting mechanic as a pure drawback, ex: Orks, CSM).

>I used to play vidya, now I just paint shit all night.
are you me?

Here, we have an example of the worst kind of Tau hater.

Go take your meds, grandpa.

>surprised that the Tau, a now very popular faction, is getting the fluff and models to match.
so salty

Tau was a mistake.

Markerlights are too powerful of a mechanic to have such easy access to.
Tau need to be toned down a bit if you ask me. They have mobility, all kinds of dakka, and durability. Making the Stormsurge a GC when it appears to be less mobile and more walker-like than an Imperial Knight? Feels kind of cheesy to me.

Necron Null-fields, obviously.

He's not entirely wrong, though the hate has obviously been blown out of proportion. It's less what the Tau actually do during those two books (seriously, they lose Aun'Va, fucking Aun'Va), and more how it's written. We're all well aware that most Codices portray their own faction with a bias, which is fine, but a good portion of the Warzone Damocles books cannot stop furiously masturbating to how advanced, logical, collective, precise, technological, skilled, incredible, awe-inspiring or whatever the hell the writer feels like attributing to the Tau name. The last nails in the coffin are that one time where, with minimal effort, they butcher a few Companies' worth of Astartes near the beginning of the campaign (seriously, no faction should ever have to suffer that kind of loss for the sake of fluffing up a character) and the Tau being somewhat reasonable upon hearing of Aun'Va's death, suggesting that ANOTHER key fluff-weakness of the Tau has been removed while they're only getting better at everything they do.

Been awhile since busty roughriders

Have you seen the shit craftworld eldar pull? No way corsairs are worse.

Tons of people at my store are fine with triple wraithknight lists.

I imagine we're fairly interchangeable.

I know when I started 40K in the middle-ish of 6e. I picked GK. And I got so much shit for it, apparently it was leftovers from 5e, even though at the time the big cheese was 360 degree Heldrakes and Vendetta spam

>Fluff has been in decline and has been receding every single codex.

That has nothing to do with Tau.

>Then, Monka and Koyon comes along

If you're going to rant, at least know what it is you're talking about.

>ChapterMasters are killed underhandedly,

What the fuck? Underhanded tactics dont belong in 40k fluff? Are you actually autistic?

>the best of the best can have their shit pushed in to show off a Tau commander, The youngest race that is also the most skilled™ at stealth, strategy, and technology™ and can build any thing to solve any problem.

Should the Tau lose every encounter against every threat, just because the opponent is the "best of the best"? Oh no, did your precious Space Marines who never lose, lose? Have you forgotten that EVERY army gets told how awesome they are? You can't BTFO an entire faction just because White Scars are supposed to be "an unstoppable force on the battlefield, my codex says so".

And, somewhere in here, you've managed to overlook that the leader of their ENTIRE FACTION got popped, and the planet they fought so hard to take got melted. And what did the Tau pull off in return? They killed a Chapter Master who didn't exist before the books, and some unknown number of rank and file marines.

I actually hate eldar more but I fucking hate Tau to

Personally rather 1 ML reduces cover save by 1.
So if you want to remove my 2+ cover save spend 5 ML vs 2.

I don't get why any of the Tau walkers are MCs. Even lore wise they're just fuck huge robots. Wraithknights being MCs is OK because warp magic.

Yea, this is an older version of Bingo, I haven't bothered to update it with more recent memes. Busty Roughriders died when someone took it seriously enough to actually make some.

probably. Do you also live deepinawoods with your parents and suffer from daily depression?

Ordo Chickunus

Monitors general threads.

Tua hate makes me want to paint my army in the most weebish scheme possible.

Why the fuck don't the White Scars, Bangles and Dangles get any special units or characters? Not even their Primachs!

Are they adding them in later?

Nah, innaswamp and more lazy than depressed I suspect.

That is actually pretty cool.

>no V-fin

The only problem with Markerlight is how easily they completely strip cover saves. It should go like 1 ML for 1 save reduction, 3 ML for 2 save reduction, 5 ML for 3 save reduction, etc.
Jinking should be an Invuln like other "dodge" saves.

>So hard in denial he has to atribute an army when the poster didn't state any

You are the reason tau hate exists. As a guardsplayer who had to unpleasure to have to read the new books to look at my lousy excuse for a decurion, go fuck yourself. If you are going to talk about a subject, how about you take out your own bias before trying to call out others.

>Space Marines getting new units

Not likely.

It's good to be blind, huh?

>Markerlights are too powerful of a mechanic to have such easy access to.

I disagree. Ignores Cover and boosting BS isn't as good for Tau as it would be for other factions. Obviously MLs are very good, but I don't think they're so good that they need to be dramatically restricted.

Changing the amounts of bonus MLs give is way more reasonable than granting saves, because the balance is more fine tuned. Change reducing cover back to 1 for 1, if you want. Make seeker missiles etc take two tokens. That makes way more sense than giving saves across the board.

>Tau need to be toned down a bit if you ask me. They have mobility, all kinds of dakka, and durability.

I agree 100%. But MLs aren't the problem, as you say yourself.

>Making the Stormsurge a GC when it appears to be less mobile and more walker-like than an Imperial Knight? Feels kind of cheesy to me.

The only walker-that-is-actually-a-MC who deserves the status is the Avatar, IMO. Tau, Eldar, Admech, and anyone else with one of those should have to deal with AV like the rest of the walkers.

For a newfag, what are busty rough risers

Markerlights are the problem though. Low tier armies are low because most of them only have acess to Coversaves and the tau have the fountain stream of 4++ saves and ignores cover.

whoops sorry meant in Horus Heresy
every other legion covered so far gets them, why not them?

"I don't play SM" doesn't somehow make the rest of your retarded points any less retarded. All you've done is identified the most meaningless point in the whole post as incorrect, and then used that as fuel to ignore everything else. You're a retard.

I did base an Inquisitor on the chicken meme. I'm not ashamed to admit it.
Is than an old school broadside?

For a time, if anyone asked advice on what army to start in these generals, they would get about 20 or so replies saying just "BUSTY", or "BUSTY ROUGH RIDERS".

What it's actually referring to is making an entire guard regiment of busty centaur abhuman rough riders. Literally pic related, but as a Guard Regiment. The meme stopped when someone actually made the army, and everyone lost their minds for a whole week.


You think Deldar, Orks, and CSM getting to take cover saves would fix their books?

What, exactly, are you smoking? Is your meta exclusively low tier books and Tau, or something?

The low tier books are low tier because they can't compete with ANY of the stronger books. Granting them saves against Tau wouldn't put them on par with Tau, let alone ignoring every other army stronger than them.

>Everyone I hate is in league with each other

You don't have to be this salty. You can stop.

Just make spending 1ML per cover save value. So a model behind 2+ cover would require 5 MLs to lose it entirely. I'm a Tau player and I agree taht only 2 to remove ALL cover is too much.

Pics plz.

I mostly agree with you, but DEldar are actually pretty sweet with a good use of cover saves, nothing top-tier by any means but they can still bring a good bit of hurt.