How would you run a game set in the universe of Bastion?
How would you run a game set in the universe of Bastion?
13th Age
I wouldn't.
Protip: Most vidya is not really all the good for tabletop RPGs.
seems like you would need a system that's either heavily modified or entirely homebrewed
Do doot do doot!
Savage Worlds. lift concepts piecemeal from their various supplements.
Have a gravelly voice suited for drawling blow-by-blow narration.
I don't have a deep, amazingly smooth voice for narration, so I wouldn't.
I wouldn't. Bastion is a very self-contained story with a clearly defined beginning, middle and end. Trying to expand it into something it's not would just cheapen the IP and pollute the narrative with meaningless extension.
While generally, running any vidya as pen and paper is a bit retarded and indicates that you should read a book once in a while, the correct way to go about it is to identify WHY you want to run bastion, what specific aspects of it are important, and if it's possible to translate them to tabletop.
If all you care about is the setting, many rpgs will do the trick with some renaming of abilities.
If the most important part is the mechanics, then you really should just play vidya bastion.
Smoke like 3 packs of cigarettes before you start narrating.
I wouldn't, because it's an example of a good way to structure a game and present information, not something that you want to literally copy.
Realistically your only options are to set the game pre-Calamity - in which case if it comes out that you're playing in the Bastion-verse, your players actions literally do not matter, because everything is going to go in the Calamity. Or to set it post-endgame, with the players being people in the next continent over who encounter the Bastion and it's characters as it sails away to new horizons. In which case you could drop it into almost any setting and have it work.
Bastion is a well done, self-contained story. I wouldnt fuck with it, and the setting information is all for the localized area, and we no zilch about where the Bastion goes in the 'good' ending. So... I'd just as soon not use it.
I don't know, but I was thinking about stealing their pantheon because it's really cool.
Currently running a campaign in which I used the pantheon of bastion plus a few more ones I've made up. They fit in pretty well as impartial gods. Pic related. It's part of the map I've been working on and has some of the temples in it.
That's pretty cool, user. I wish that SG would make a second Bastion; perhaps set before the Calamity.
Thanks I forgot that I also included a calamity like event in the settings history that resulted in the large chain of maintains blocking travel to the west the players found a map to an old pirate kings treasure in the uncharted bit of the ocean and I was too lazy to come up for a reason for them to not just travel the other way
Straight into the fucking ground.
It would have to be pre-Calamity, and preferably, have nothing to do with the Calamity itself.
The problem is, all we have is snippets of the cultures. We'd need more world building to do it properly.
I do like drawing on Bastion for inspiration, though. I was thinking of basing the pantheon in my next setting on the way Bastion's pantheon is handled. (The way each god has dominion over an aspect and it's antithesis).
What ground? Shit's gone.
find a system that includes rules for both melee weapons and firearms
build a campaign based on the little snipets of information you get about the world
Here's a quick summary of the pantheon for people.
>Celondia builds a doomsday device to finally end the war with the Urra
>it kills everyone in the city while the Urra survive unscathed
Why bother without the narrator?
But they didn't, user.
The Terminals came out a bit better, but Rucks says that a shitload of Ura died still.
The guy who set it off probably just aimed it at Caelondia.
It indeed was sabotage, the celondians put Zia's father (a Urra) in charge of building their doomsday device but he got cold feet at the last second and .
... and blew it up.
Speaking of video games to run RPGs based on, I'm really trying to homebrew a system to play in a setting similar to Hyper Light Drifter (and, therefore, inspired by things like Nausicaa).
I don't recommend basing things on video games in general because the temptation to try to mimic the mechanics is definitely there, and that's really hindering my progress. That and trying to decide if there should be magic, or some kind of "technomancy," or just cool gadgets.
Either lose the trip or fuck off tripfag.
>The Terminals came out a bit better
Read this in the narrator's voice.
If I remember correctly the Ura looked really similar to Bedouins or other desert peoples, but when you go to the Terminals it's all cold and snowy so I think they got blow really high up or something. It's pretty clear that the Terminals got only slightly less fucked by the Calamity then Celondia, the only real difference appears to be that a lot more people managed to survive. Of course then they had to go and piss off the Kid, so by the end of the game there are even less Ura around.
seems like a mix of alchemy (spirits), engineering, and a little mysticism
Basically this
Believe me, its something I've wanted to do for a while, but it seems like a kick in the balls to Supergiant
Pyre however, might be a neat campaign idea, but only time will tell.
Are you drawing that map by hand? I wish I could do something like that and not have it look like a six year old with down syndrome was doodling on paper.
Yeah, I'm going into it with a techno-mysticism thing, so what magic there is will be through that lens.
Out of curiosity, care to elaborate on the techno-mysticism in your setting?
If your players haven't played the game, you could just run them through the actual story. I always wanted to see what it would be like converting a nice self contained story into tabletop. Might get boring since there aren't that many different monsters. Anyone want to stat out some of Bastion's creatures?
Before or after the Nuke goes off?
Because if you want it before then you can become a team of Pale Watchers taking on the Not! Ice Japanese hordes
After then you can play as the Not Japanese and do some exploring
or you could even set it during the war, from either side
yeah first time making a map by hand. the only reason it looks good is because its actually a massive poster sized piece of paper so i can go crazy on details