>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list. mtgcommander.net
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices. tappedout.net
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck. mtgsalvation.com/forums/the-game/commander-edh
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet. edhrec.com/
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity. manabasecrafter.com/
>And then there's white EDH players, and their life is pain. Poor fuckers
What do they even get? Mentor of the Meek, Mind's Eye and Staff of Nin?
Elijah Rogers
My favorite parts about white decks is the Scroll Rack Land Tax engine to dig through my deck, but there really isn't a good reason to play mono white unless you REALLY want to run the chose a colour mana doublers.
Benjamin Lewis
Armistice isn't as bad as people think. Inheritance is good too.
But honestly, Mind's Eye and Staff do a lot of work.
Robert Brooks
Has there been any new innovations in the Shadowborn Apostles deck since Oath and Innistrad?
Juan Cook
Any tips for a startind deck for someone coming from Yu-Gi-Oh looking to get into Commander? Would be much appreciated.
Levi Davis
DJ Rafiq bringing da beatz here. Reminder that commander is only for fun :^)
Sifter of Skulls maybe Asylum Visitor maybe Skeleton Key maybe
If you're playing white: Bygone Bishop Open the Armory for your 'clamp Eerie Interlude maybe Hanweir Militia Captain maybe Ayli maybe
Jayden Davis
>Skeleton Key maybe Whoops, meant to remove that. Mask of Memory looks ten times better and I'd still hesitate to run either.
Wyatt Wilson
I started running Pious Evangel // Wayward Disciple for another Blood Artist effect
Jeremiah Gutierrez
Skeleton Key is useful in specific places (where you want the Skulk, like Vela ninja tribal, which has both magpies and wants to be unblocked all the time). Mask is actually really pretty decent in anything with a decent amount of equipment. Mono-white really likes Mask of Memory, since it provides draw, filtering, and white is a great equipment color.
Thomas Cox
> want to play gheist for tiny/ Edh > reading different builds and most build him voltron > want to go Aggro with some co trol Is ghiest only good if you wanna go voltron or can Aggro be decent also?
Jacob Fisher
Rafiq pls go
Ryan Cooper
This pain in the ass legend is the commander most likely to kill you from commander damage:
Carson Edwards
While that may be true, Satan, the original poster was talking about a Shadowborn Apostle deck. He should have many better CA options than the key or mask, like the clamp. And that's just equipment.
Alexander Mitchell
Gavin Anderson
>group gets so mad about my Voltron decks that they tell me I have to play with a creature-heavy deck next time
Cameron Rodriguez
Play Soulbond Voltron and wreck them anyway
Carter Martin
Exalted is creature heavy.
Nathaniel Ward
Rafiq is the only Exalted commander worth a damn, right?
Michael Richardson
I sort of do this with Skullbriar
I also think him coming out T1 led to a few cases of the feel-bads
Wyatt Brown
Yep. He gets you all the best Exalted Colors and sweet sweet doublestrike exalted commander dammage. Make him unblockable, win the game.
Jackson Phillips
Hey friends, could you please give this deck a look over and tell me if there's shit I need to tune? Thanks babes.
Have you used it? What do you like and dislike about it in general? I can see a couple of very effective strategies, but it seems pretty janky tbqh.
Lincoln Collins
Look, in a busy man, lots of Rafiq players to torture for all time, I can't be bothered to notice shit like that.
(Sorry apostleanon, didn't notice)
Jackson Powell
Now there's stone haven outfitter and bygone bishop to add to white's options of conditional draw.
Evan Hill
Guys, I need some advice on my Sidisi deck.
I like the theme of tutoring on what play style I would be doing on the game, from either super casual - Tutoring Erebos then go from there or tutoring Doomsday for a janky wincon.
The part where I need the advice is, what card from my list to make my Doomsday wincon more viable or even competitive?
While I ironically added Exquisite Blood + Sanguine Bond on this deck as one of the possible Doomsday combination, I initially ran this deck as the meme MikeTrike EDH deck at first.
I was pulling wins out of nowhere to the point that even I thought it was too cheap and removed Triskelion out completely and changed the deck itself.
Ryan Nelson
Well, from what I've seen, skullclamp has done the most work
Nicholas Bennett
Hey Feldon guy from the last thread, can you post your custom playmat?
Justin Robinson
Ah shit user, Feldon is my husbando.
I'll give some suggestions on your tappedout.
Jayden Wilson
That is my custom playmat, because I have no talent. I tried just inputting the basic Feldon image, but it's dimensions are wrong for playmats, and it was cutting off sweet parts of the art. So I added black boxes and some text, which involved a 2 hour odyssey because I am nearly computer illiterate and have essentially no experience with digital art and editing. I started on paint, and when that failed I downloaded gimp and flailed at it for over an hour until I got that.
It actually looks really nice on the playmat, though. The simple black bars work nicely on th mat because the scene is already framed by some darker areas.
For further demonstration of my child-like ability to use art software, here is the image of my meta.
Gavin Davis
Your artskills could be far worse, but next time just use a bigger font.
>Could finish another EDH deck >Or I could get more pieces for a legacy deck Truly a painful decision.
Noah Davis
I couldn't figure out how to make the text bigger in paint.
Colton Jenkins
Charles Campbell
Noah Brooks
There's a charm to it, imo.
Kevin Jenkins
I'm doing a rework of Call the Spirits and I need your help to find the most retarded cards to put into it.
Jacob Davis
>blow out all the creatures a couple times so the sliver player doesn't just explode and win >one of those times the other players had a handful of creatures they liked out >they all gang up on me because I exiled the things they liked >then the sliver player bowls them over
Luke Bennett
Ethereal armor is an auto-include in every enchantment deck. I like stuff like Brilliant Halo and Fallen Ideal in the deck, since they bounce to your hand. Ghostly Prison, Greater Auramancy are standard includes and maybe the Constellation -1/-1 giant.
Henry Walker
Is there any chance you have another one? Because that link is 404.
Caleb Mitchell
Thanks, user, will look into those.
Justin Thompson
Is it Kaseto? For most of my friends, it's Kaseto.
Bentley Perry
I've heard that myself.
Benjamin Harris
Land-Sol Ring-Mana Vault-Golgari Signet
Juan Ross
>Enchanting myself with Paradox Haze >Azor's Elocutors with a counter already >Martial Law on the field
Isaiah Bennett
>Order from TCG player >All of my cards are in one package, but one. >TCG couldn't lump the one card into the package and defers it to some random ass store. >Whatever, should be fine. >Send out the order. >Day later I get a message after the TCG package is shipped. >It's from the store. >It says "Lol sorry we have no idea where that card is that we're trying to sell." >Get a refund (which I'm not complaining about.) >Literally one card missing from my new deck now. >Mfw
Carson Taylor
Sorry hombre
What card is missing?
Jack Young
Artifacts. I've also done some neat tricks with oblation on my own stuff
Lucas Jackson
Sphinx Ambassador. It's a crucial part of my new Sphinx's Game Show deck.
Eli Nguyen
>Sphinx's Game Show This I need to see
Gavin Williams
Promise of Bunrei.
Ian Smith
This is the main tech of the deck. The rest is decent flyers to tutor for, like Avacyn. It's a pretty casual deck right now. Just need to find more potent and spicy tech for it as time goes on.
Nathaniel Roberts
While I see why you are running reveal hand effects, I think you should just add more bouncers. You will know their hand after first Esperia trigger anyways.
Tyler Howard
That looks fun
Eli Gomez
Master of Predicaments nonbos hard with Wandering Eye, there's nothing else like Telepathy on UW?
Easton Thomas
Add wheels like timespiral and days undoing. If you dont like your opponents hand you can say fuck it to the game so far and start over without that bullshit in their hand.
Julian Wood
Damnation is literally never getting a reprint, is it?
Hudson Gutierrez
There's Glasses of Urza, which is only target player, but it's still good. I'm probably going to replace Wandering Eye with Jace's Archivist so I can be like "That's a pretty sweet hand you have there. Too nice in fact."
Lincoln Gray
Wait for MM3 :^)
Ethan Butler
A lot of work & mana for a conditional tutor, but seems fun.
I'd run this as a Azorius Control/Toolbox with as many utility flying creatures I could find.
Things like Nevermore, Declaration of Naught, Meddling Mage will be great in this. Voidstone Gargoyle will be all time MVP.
I'd keep wandering eye, but cut the rest
Connor Rodriguez
Nope! Can't upset those investors!
Cooper Stewart
I want to make a Splice Onto Arcane EDH deck. How impossible is my task?
Joshua Bailey
Not that much, there are enough UR splice cards you can put on a Mizzix deck so the costs aren't exorbitant and Petals of Insight helps a lot in the deck.
Elijah Reed
>tfw gonna play EDH and drink beer with friends tomorrow
Jack Russell
Anyone at all?
Robert Nelson
>tfw moved to Nashville two months ago and haven't found a new group yet Socializing is hard, why can't my roommates pick up the game like last time TT_TT
Ryder Turner
Sounds difficult, but make sure to go infinite with Izzet Guildmage, Desperate Ritual, and Psychic Puppetry
Brandon Harris
>Building Sen Triplets >Sacrifice, Planeswalker / "on-board" control focus >Win cons include Sanguine/Exquisite combo, Exsanguinate/DttD for game, otherwise token swarm or flyer beatdown.
It plays pretty fun, and it doesn't catch much heat early so you can quietly piece together combos.
Falters when somebody fucks with the mana base though.
Anyone got any recommendations?
Joshua Allen
>getting mad about voltron why? It's so bad.
David Ward
Benjamin Reed
Because they got the shit kicked out of them. Both decks got the nut draw and they couldn't keep up
Elijah Thompson
Sorry for the slightly off topic question, my group has been convinced that sanguine/exquisite combo results in a tie , not a win, because something about the combo never coming to a stop? Or it going on forever because you can't choose to stop it? Is there any truth to that ?
Eli Ortiz
But you don't cast the copies, isn't splice a cast trigger?
Aiden Moore
It can stop, It has to target an opponent and therefore if there are no opponents the ability becomes countered on the stack. A player losing the game does not use the stack obviously and is instantaneous as they reach 0 life.
Nathaniel Cook
104.3b If a player’s life total is 0 or less, he or she loses the game the next time a player would receive priority. (This is a state-based action. See rule 704.)
As soon as the player can react to a sanguine/blood proc (ie it being on the stack) and they are at 0 or lower life they lose, in older editions it checked life totals at the end of phase, perhaps this is what they were thinking
Henry Bennett
Nothing in that combo gives a shit if you cast it.
You cast the Ritual with psychic puppetry's "You may tap or untap target permanent." spliced onto it. So the ritual reads "Gain 3 red mana, untap or tap target permanent". Now you copy that spell with the guildmage. So for 3 mana you get another one. Now when the copy resolves, you get your three mana returned to you, but you can also untap a land, netting you +1 mana. Now copy again. Rinse and repeat.
Michael Long
Ooh, thanks guys
Christopher Ross
It does stop, since state based actions are checked in between both the triggers. It's not technically infinite combo, since it ends when only one player is alive. Anyway, it's like this, opponent loses life, Exquisite Blood notices "oh shit time to gain some life" and after the life is gained, Sanquine Bond triggers, and life loss triggers. Life loss triggers the life gain and so on. State based actions are checked in between the triggers, and that means players die. >tl;dr your playgroup doesn't know how to read. If it would end in tie, how would the combopieces' triggers work?
Adrian Torres
Posting just so I can get it to stop autoadding a damn name to my posts. Keep forgetting.
Gabriel Smith
Oh, right. Didn't even think of it that way. I might be retarded, sorry.
Cooper Martin
Meh, we can all miss little things, no worries.
Nathaniel Harris
You're missing the card draw pump sphinx
Brandon Gray
Any decent Bu commanders that are NOT mill focused?
Christopher Cook
>want to make Tsabo Tavoc horror tribal
Landon Adams
Sygg river cutthroat
Matthew Harris
Dralnu, Sygg, Vela, Dragonlord Silumgar, Grimgrin, Regular Silumgar, and Oona(if you play combo instead of mill)
Caleb Collins
It's that number 10, change that to change the font size ya dingus.
Gavin Taylor
What's the most niche counterspell or removal spell? Is it Nix?
Isaiah Williams
I have many edh decks, like 20.
Inb4 these lists I bring today aren't your typical decks but doesn't mean they suck.
Im quite fond of my Vanilla generals. My decklists were inspired by: