How long you think all of this is going to last? Will it pop? Or will BTC reach 100k by the end of the 2018?
How long you think all of this is going to last? Will it pop? Or will BTC reach 100k by the end of the 2018?
easy 100k 2018
>will bitcoin pop? yes, naturally.
>will crypto pop? what? no.
there you go. I'm glad I could help you.
but isnt everything connected? if btc pops back to 1k literally every altcoin will go to null?
i will reach 1 million by 2020
after that idk
yes, and everything but bitcoin will quickly recover, and it will be for the better.
All it takes is some currency getting trading pairs for altcoins.
We already pretty much have this with ETH. It will become the standard once BTC dies
a bear market in bitcoin would be extremely healthy right about now
It's going to crash.
Do you guys think theres still time to get on the train? Id put my money into LINK and maybe ARK. Damn I am late as always. Can million still be made?
how much you got, and are you willing double down if btc takes a major dump
5k. Yeah
youll probably need another 5k bruh, im seeing guys with 50k link.
BTC will eventually die by the nature of it being super shitty. Hopefully a better alt will take its place and actual ask as a thing that can be used as a currency
So is LINK the thing now? Damn im afraid btc gonna crash like in 2013...
Why would it? 2013 crash was because of Gox
Hopefully we won't still be cucked into calling them 'alts' after Bitcoin has been dethroned
Massive spike and lots of chads?
Answer me goddammit!!
bitcoin cash is the one true bitcoin I signed up for in 2012
god let me win
> 2013 crash was because of Gox
Uhhh what is Bitfinex/Tether?
Basically this.