For the Emperor!


I feel bad for Star Wars Imperial Army Troopers. They really get the shitty end of the stick, even compared to the 'Guard.

Imperial Guard Flak
>Stops large caliber bullets
>Can stop some energy weapons like lasers or weak plasma
>Good defense against normal blade weapons like bayonets
>Can stop shrapnel
>Absorbs shock pretty well
>Very light, comes in full suits of flak plates.

Imperial Army Trooper Armor
>If you even get armor you're lucky
>It's shittier than Stormtrooper plastoid, which is already pretty shitty
>You can't even get full body protection
>Won't protect you from anything but shrapnel or very low power blaster shots
>Why are you even wearing this shit
>You would literally be safer if you just wore solid steel armor
>Seriously why even bother,

Then you get the white stormtrooper armor which is supposed to protect you from everything, except for laser blasts. Which lasers are the most common weapon in the star wars galaxy.

It doesn't stop shortbows arrows or stones. It's not just laser. It's really innefective agaisnt small, low velocity projectiles.

Clubs too, low impact resistance in general

... Why in the hell do they wear that shit? It can only slow them down

you know bombs? And artillery, and all that funny explodey shit that goes off all over the place during a war? They generate shrapnel, and lots of it. American troops in Vietnam used to wear a flak vest that was completely ineffective against anything more powerful than a pistol shot, but it was good at stopping splinters, rocks and chunks of red-hot metal that were propelled at low velocities towards your vital organs. Same reason as steel helmets until the '70s (and beyond, for some armies): stopping bullets? No, no, no. Preventing random shit from smooshing your brain? Absolutely.

You get the chestplate and crotchplate of snowtrooper armor, that's pretty decent.

The stormtroopers generally just got knocked off balance on the sides of slopes, then stabbed in the joints while trying to stand back up.

>believing rebel propaganda.
Next you're gonna tell me that the ewooks survived a giant space station getting blown in low orbit.

Per Clone Wars we also know that primitive Javelins are capable of piercing plastoid twice.

Which Clone Wars?

And what kind of Javelin thrown by what kind of creature?

Do you mean the Talz? Those are fuckoff huge bastards and I'm pretty sure their javelins were made from starship hulls but I haven't watched that episode in some time.

both need more weiner protection

It's environmental armor in the original EU. I don't know if they changed it or not

They already have balls of steel, user, even the women.
FACT: A guardsman made out entirely out of balls would be invincible. It would also be a mutant, though.

Eh, I prefer the RPG views where Stormtrooper from Star Wars have got some pretty fucking good armor. The movie was just that, a movie, with everything else it entails.

IRL if you take a shot to your armor you're likely to drop from shock and pain before getting back up again. Plus, if you drop you're probably a smaller target.

Storm Trooper armor might be perfectly fine if all of those guys who were shot got back up afterwards.

Newer one, and yeah, Talz.

Although I just remembered that in the old canon plastoid still was contradicted as to being good at all.

Falling onto spikes can still royally fuck anyone up.

And I consider any time a spear goes through a non-joint to be an animation error.

Hell, one thing I actually LOVED about TFA was how almost every hand-blaster killshot on a stormtrooper was to a joint or the head.

Those spikes are made out of stone, and plastoid is a ceramic/plastic composite. Those spikes should have shattered when the stormtroopers fell on them. Instead they were pierced TWICE in the thickest part of the armor.

Plastoid is not good armor. It's protection against shrapnel and environmental hazards- little else.

>Stops large caliber bullets
Can you refer me to a particular incident?

>no sardaukar

You had one fuckin' job, kiddo. If you're going to "pretend" to be retarded, always go full retard.

>They really get the shitty end of the stick, even compared to the 'Guard.

Yeah, they got it so bad they retconned out of existence. Even the Guard doesn't have it that bad.

this. also, stormtrooper armour rederects shock all around the body, incapacitating the user, but keeping them living.

A half starving girl with a stick can put you down with one shot.
I would rather wear a potato sack than a Storm trooper armor.