What're character ideas for saurians?
FantasyCraft General
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The lizard people are technologically advanced, having spent most of their lives in seclusion from the world due to geographical conditions. As such, other species seems just as alien to them as they do to outsiders. They rarely give out there technology, as they are cautious to what each species could do, though outside of that they are fairly apathetic to the politics of the world, only striving to pursue more avenues of science.
I feel a common theme for lizards is the jungle, and somewhat rightly so, but I've always thought mountains would be more interesting.
Noteworthy points:
>Drastically reined-in magic system putting casters on equal footing with non-casters
>Classes and the game as a whole designed to ensure everyone can contribute in a wide range of circumstances, even outside their primary niche
>Separate cash and Reputation economies keep mundane gear relevant and magic items special
>Custom monster and NPC design is a breeze
>Optional Campaign Qualities tweak mechanics to suit your preferred style and tone
>If you have the money and want to support the game
>If you want to try before you buy
Other useful links:
>Errata & accessories
>Web NPC builder
>Custom PC Species creation guides
>Species feat creation guide & reference spreadsheet
>Class design guidelines
>Leaked Spellbound Preview
FC is objectively better than all other fantasy D20 RPGs and everyone should play FC or kill themselves edition!
Damn, FantasyCraft isn't popular at all
Tell me what fantasycraft is.
My shortest description would be 'crunchy d20 system that doesn't suck'. Martials aren't suffering for no reason, everything's modular and setting agnotistic, and it's pretty neat aside from being a bit disorganize in the main rulebook.
Why isn't it more popular?
It's a tiny fly-by-night game studio; it doesn't have the brand recognition of D&D or the heir-to-3.5 fame of Pathfinder, it doesn't have a searchable SRD. It doesn't have the bottomless support of being part of either of those lines. (Which admittedly, also means it has less system bloat.)
I happen to think it's significantly better, but just 'cause it's better doesn't mean they can magically supplant the incumbent entities.
Obligitory spellbound never ever
Naga archer soldiers
I would let her craft my fantasy, if you are privy to my wordplay
Are there rules for harsh terrain?
>FC is objectively better than all other fantasy D20 RPGs and everyone should play FC or kill themselves edition!
FC is an overly-clunky system with rules upon rules upon rules where you can't even own a house *and* be bros with somebody unless you're decently famous in one thing or at least well-known in two; where they present a host of interesting and unique player races and then make them both less powerful than generic fantasy races *and* pidgeonhole them into only one or two effective builds.
I"m not going to call Pathfinder a good system, but I will say it is better than Fantasycraft.
Oh, and as a final thing: enforced spending of money on hookers and blow after each adventure whether you want to or not is not a rules system that needs to be put into a game.
>Oh, and as a final thing: enforced spending of money on hookers and blow after each adventure whether you want to or not is not a rules system that needs to be put into a game.
It keeps a fifth level adventuring party from wandering around with enough money to buy a small city and everyone in it.
I think it's objectively better than that alternative.
Counter argument, you can play as a three headed dragon.
How better is FC compared to brazillian Tormenta RPG?
And said three headed dragon is locked into approximitely one build that would be good for them.
In fact, pretty much every dragon only has two builds of note; melee damage or casting spells. God forbid you want to be a dracopolitician.
There's absolutely nothing preventing you from being a Drake Courtier.
Aside from the -5 penalty to every social roll you make with non-drakes, except for intimidate, anyway.
Currently playing a scottish drake courtier, intimidation is entirely part of my strategy.
Which is negated by the Courtier's With A Word ability.
For haggle and impress only, and even then it's pass by minimum amount... and only for checks up to a certain value.
>FC is an overly-clunky system with rules upon rules upon rules
No more so than 3.PF. In fact, contrary to how it might look on a first reading (blasted labyrinthine book layout), it plays considerably smoother than 3.PF.
>where you can't even own a house *and* be bros with somebody unless you're decently famous in one thing or at least well-known in two
You fail to understand how the Prize system works.
>where they present a host of interesting and unique player races and then make them both less powerful than generic fantasy races *and* pidgeonhole them into only one or two effective builds.
You are literally pulling this claim about race power and builds out of your ass.
>enforced spending of money on hookers and blow after each adventure whether you want to or not is not a rules system that needs to be put into a game.
>Waaah, I have to actually play a real person with an actual life rather than a murderhobo who only spends money on murderhoboing better!
God forbid a system encourage players to actually think about their characters as more than a collection of stats to be used to beat other collections of stats. How horrible!
There is a difference between "not being as good as the absolute best build possible for this role in the system" and "not effective in this role."
If you do not know that difference, then perhaps you should go back to playing PFS.
>Every system general on Veeky Forums is full of complaints about the systems, more than half of them unjustified or pathfinder.
Unless they're familiar with your culture.
Which isn't hard to accomplish as a Courtier.
You have to do slightly more work as a drake than a non-Drake, sure.
On the other hand, you're a fucking dragon. You're probably damned good at Intimidate, and you literally can't fail 90% of Haggle and Impress checks.
People will get over their initial shock at you being a dragon fairly quickly.
I love baitposter. Fishing for (you) and keeps thread alive.
Froggy went a courting.
Swamp Clutch Saurian Dragoon Lancer
Now you just gotta ride down to Miss Mousey's door, with a sword and a pistol by your side.
What does that even mean?
OP wanted saurian character ideas, I made a saurian character idea using an old song.
I believe so. I know there's rules for difficult terrain and a fair number of weather effects.
It's been a while since I cracked the rulebook open.
>with a sword and a pistol by your side
Question: Last Christmas' $50 print special is still up on the Crafty Games site. Is this an error, or can you just buy that whenever?
Are there any good YouTube guides to follow for GMing?
Fantasycraft in specific?
I mean, I don't know, I doubt FC in specific, but I doubt everything in general too, just because 'good GM guide' is like, I don't know, 'good writing guide'. There are a lot of different styles, loads of different tastes, and incredible variety in subject matter and implementation.
Just seems overwhelming with such book. I just want to watch someone run a session with it and see how/what they do
Oh shit, FC thread. Snidposter here, working on my world's bestiary.
Question for DMs. When including mook characters, what sort of ratio do you do compared to regular enemies? Do mook characters act differently than others? I want to give players a sense of power, while maintaining an atmosphere of danger.
>Leaked Spellbound Preview
Anybody got the massive amount of spells that came with it?
I have it somewhere, I'll post it in the morning if I can find it.
Anyone got any good fan bestiaries?
Would anyone be interested if I put together an african theme bestiary?
I think the ratio s 3:1 in mooks favor. It helps that they are basically insta gibbed anyway, so its nigh impossible for them to win on thier own
New content is always good and it might give us something to debate.
That would be great, thanks!
Anybody got any good stories to keep thread alive?
> Storytime
> Have depression, mental illness, can't leave house to see people, avoid friends
> Still gonna geek
> Can only play games that have some sort of single-player mode
> Considering running pre-made adventures on my own just to deal with crushing boredom, but it probably won't work
> Losing my mind
If you've got the cash for them, I hear certain board games have excellent solo modes.
"Robinson Crusoe - Adventures on the cursed island" is, from what I'm hearing, one of the better ones.
Thanks user. I enjoyed the LOTR CCG too
Hey, if you did, you'd have played more Fantasycraft than I ever did!
Here's the grimoire I promised.
Stat me /fcg/
Bump to save from page 10
Why won't her hips unsway?
You are a scholar and a gentlebeing
Whoa shit bump dude
Has anyone tried converting the Adventurer's League stuff?
Be a voodoo alligator man. Pic related. Saurian with River Clutch starting species feat. Take Cultist for your origin, and load up on Black Cat and other Chance Feats.
Roll a Priest with the Curses Path or maybe a Captain, taking your giant retard alligator-man cousin as your Personal Lieutenant.
How is Fantasycraft combat compared to 3.5/Pathfinder is it faster?
can you use called shots?
are high lvl characters still in danger with a knife to the neck from a commoner?
>How is Fantasycraft combat compared to 3.5/Pathfinder is it faster?
It can be. I find that FC is smoother to play. But, faster is a product of one's group tenfold more than the system itself.
It can be, very easily. I'm not an expert on the math, but I believe that 3..5/PF is somewhat more deadly on the basic level. But, there are several different ways to augment how deadly the game can be. From campaign constants that are always in effect (Campaign Qualities that are put in place when the setting is created) to making particular quests dangerous (changing the Menace of an Adventure) to on the cuff complications thrown into the mix (Campaign Qualities that are activated for a short time or GM Complications).
>can you use called shots?
CALLED SHOT - Fantasy Craft, pg. 221
Attack Trick: The character attempts to find a chink in a target’s armor. He suffers a –3 attack check penalty if the target is wearing partial armor, a –6 penalty if the target is wearing moderate armor, or a –9 penalty if the target is wearing full armor. With a hit, the attack ignores any Damage Reduction provided by the target’s armor.
This is a Trick. Tricks are advanced actions which are purchased with a character generation "currency" called Proficiency. One spends a point of Proficiency to be able to use a category of weapons (Ex. the Edged category includes all swords, knives, spears and axes.) and one may spend a second point to gain a forte with said category; gaining a forte allows one to wield exotic weapons as well as giving a +1 to attacks with every weapon in that category.
One may also spend a Proficiency to learn a Trick instead. Seeing as there are only 7 categories of weapons and that one can only spend, at most, 14 Proficiencies one learning weapons, it is easy for Proficiency rich builds to have a multitude of tricks. Char gen is such that almost every character will be able to use a weapon and learn a Trick, even non-combat builds.
>are high lvl characters still in danger with a knife to the neck from a commoner?
TERMINAL SITUATIONS - Fantasy Craft, pg. 217
Characters sometimes find themselves in appalling peril. [...] They find assassins standing beside their beds in the morning, holding knives to their throats. Fantasy Craft calls these “Terminal Situations.”
Outside combat only, the GM may declare that any situation from which a character cannot logically escape is a Terminal Situation. Until the situation passes, any opponents within Melee Range may spend 1 action die to cause the victim to either fall unconscious or die, as appropriate to the circumstances at hand.
There is also a danger while in combat. The nebulous idea of character health in this game is portrayed by the system of Vitality and Wounds. Taking normal damage deducts from Vitality (think combat fatigue points) first and will eventually start to deduct from Wounds (think meat points). Critical hits can be be applied directly to Wounds.
IN THE BASE GAME WITHOUT ANY MODIFIERS, a 1d6 dagger is not going to be able to kill a Special character at full Wounds in one hit, barring some very extreme circumstances. But, critical hits are ALWAYS dangerous since they go straight to Wounds. Wounds are very precious and are generally difficult to reacquire, with losing 10 points of Wounds requiring serious investment of character resources. For scale, 10 Wounds is most of the Wounds that a level 1 character would have. A paladin (which is available at level 5) would on average heal a character for 21 points a day with his Lay on Hands skill, but it is almost required to be out of combat and not all of that would generally go to Wounds. A level 9 Mage would be able to cast the Cure Wounds IV (the strongest heal spell) to heal 10 Wounds, assuming that the cast was successful. Without any assisted healing, it would take 10 days of rest to recuperate.
Thanks for you answers, I have been deciding wich game would be better to run 3.5/PF/FC, i have read that FC is far crunchier that those other games, have you played them?
I wouldn't call FC more crunchy; its crunch is just better thought out to allow for consistent creation of user content
I have read 3.5 but not PF.
I would agree that FC is crunchier than 3.5/PF (That Other Game), but not that it is far crunchier (comparing base/core games). Also, it's a different kind of crunch.
To define game crunch, I separate it into breadth, depth and granularity. Breadth is how many parallel systems there are, such as combat, equipment and spells. Depth is how much of a particular subject a system covers (i.e. where magic comes from, what the effect of particular somatic components do to a spell, what sort of drain is felt by casters, etc.). Granularity is how many edge-cases and exceptions there are.
FC is much more broad than TOG, with systems usually having the same depth, though there are systems that are intentionally less deep. By sheer volume of systems, FC is crunchier. However, and this is the best selling point of FC in my opinion, it is FAR less granular and thus, smoother to play. There are no edge cases about falling on water or grass or hay; it's 1d6 per 10 ft with an Acrobatics save to reduce damage. There are no fiddly bits about what configurations on the battle map of characters trying to surround a 2x2 monster constitute flanking. It's : "Flanked: A character is flanked when 2 opponents stand on directly opposite and adjacent sides of him. While flanking a character, an opponent gains a +2 bonus with attack checks against him." Fantasy Craft, pg. 213.
>tfw you group records your sessions at the start of a campaign, but that falls by the wayside because there is no audience to be rabid about consuming it.
Quick post favorites:
>BMS line
Knife BMS
>Wrestling BMS
Forgive my lack of knowledge, I have only recently purchased the books and am attempting to learn the system for my group, but what is BMS?
My favourite is whip.
Rune knight
Sword circle
So if i wanted to be a sneaky dragon, should I go burgler/shinobi? Or stick to burgler? Mayber level in assassin?
.......dies she have polio? Maybe cerebral palsy? Her her hips and spine malformed?
Sticking to Burglor will make you a lot more sneaky than going with Burger/Shinboy unless your game does not have Miracles. Chinchin's are a fair bit more killy though.
A-are you okay m80?
I'm fine, what makes you say that?
Just checking on you. With the few of us that exist, we need to take care of each other