My players are going to be playing characters working for an agency in the shadows tasked with putting down with...

My players are going to be playing characters working for an agency in the shadows tasked with putting down with excessive (probably unnecessary) force any entities which may draw undue attention to the the supermundane world and cause panic in the public

What things should the characters encounter? And where should they encounter them?

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How's about Bigfoot?

Yeah, Bigfoot's definitely a given; the reason why there's only really bigfoot sightings is because the agency culls their numbers to prevent painstaking investigation and bribes officials and scientists for their continued silence

What's a good system to run this?
Hunter the Vigil?

Delta Green motherfucker, love that system. But it is more suited to a gritter and more 'realistic' experience.

What kind of monsters/horrors we talking about? Theme does matter a lot. Lovecraftian? Gothic? Biblical?

>What kind of monsters/horrors we talking about? Theme does matter a lot. Lovecraftian? Gothic? Biblical?

Yeah, this is critical. If you want to go with cryptids I'd focus on non fantasy explanations, more that there are just numerous populations of ancient animals that have endured into the modern day and have to be kept in check. Titanoboas, teratorns, megaladon, giant sloths, short faced bears, etc. I'd cut it off before dinosaurs, but that's just me.

All of them really, it'll be a 'all myths are true' scenario, but humanity is "meant to be winning" to maintain the masquerade and appearances; this is probably the result of arcane experimentation, body enhancements but not really visually noticeable, and the like

Don't use Hunter the Vigil. Humanity is not really winning there. You could get some ideas from it. If you don't like Delta Green try Savage Worlds. They have a bestiary for pretty much all the genres as well as ways to build your own.

>arcane experimentation
Golems (any variety but flesh/bone is best)
False Hydra

>body mods
Look up and read pic related
Early model tests gone wrong
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream style VR gone wrong
Body horror stuff in general

Men in black ripoff

It helps when it actually posts my picture. Stupid phone.

So it's not just supermundane, then? There's actual supernatural stuff happening?

Because honestly I can't really imagine an organization being formed to keep secret what is essentially just some weird species of animals.

Cool story bro, also go drunk, you're home

Yes Satan, there's some pretty prevalent supernatural stuff happening around the world


Maybe little grey men in flying saucers, maybe Cortez and his crew ripped from time, flying around in a magic boat, angry that they can't find their way home and looking for some women to rape and towns to pillage.

Thanks heaps, brahs!

What about Hunter the Reckoning?

I think you could make an interesting story out of why people want to keep Bigfoot secret. Maybe they are mutually fertile with humans and the government is afraid of what effect that revelation would have on the populace?

>draw undue attention to the the supermundane world
I had this hilarious mental image of the wizard MIB showing up and memory wiping people that stumble onto the idea of guns, public transportation, the printing press, or hygiene.

You mean supernatural

That would be more viable. I for one am a fan of the storyteller system. If you just wanted to use the mechanics and not the fluff I'd go with HtV because their monster building is better.

Actual supernatural stuff better be happening

I played a therizinosaur in a game once. She was gentle and intelligent, but played the role of the 'ferocious wild beast tamed by the heroic fighter' in a travelling circus marketed at sheltered peasants who didn't know any better.

Shame the GM died due to a shitty GM, I liked her.

*game died, not the GM. Although I doubt it would have made a difference.

>the GM died due to a shitty GM
like, a shitty general motors vehicle, or some kind of games master homocide case

That sounds adorable

I don't fully understand why it's such a big deal the rest of the world doesn't know about the weird shit in the first place

Imagine the panic, or lots of people would die trying to hunt them for sport or prove they exist

The players are specially trained to hunt them

Actually what might happen if the world knows about the supernatural?

Probably just something like ghostbusters where it's just a new pest to deal with, and nobody really thinks too much about any implications that might come with it. We're pretty jaded you know


We all already 'know' that ghosts, bigfoots, aliens, demons all exist. Nobody seems to give a shit.

Actually we really don't as the evidence is extremely tenuous at best and has been debunked time and again, and not unless we want to be called insane or obsessive by normie folk

>We all already 'know' that ghosts, bigfoots, aliens, demons all exist.
sure we do, faggot

Youtube and found footage movies aren't real life, brah

Could take a page out of The Suffering, maybe have an old abandoned prison/asylum where creatures that represent how people died there manifesting

Please to be telling more?

Granted, the foundation are more capture and lock away types than shoot on sight types so maybe the GOC is more like what your looking for.


Theres a lot of subtler SCPs that would work for what hes going for though.

Honestly Id suggest reading through them for someone planning this style of campaign and cause a lot of them are good reads anyway.

Which ones specially?

Maybe the players could also secure and baggage the entities as well
Which they'll then experiment on, dissect and ingest the pieces of

I havent browsed through in a long time but going through the first 1000 sounds like a lot but its not as bad as it sounds or so and finding names that stick out to you is what I did for ideas for a similar idea game I GMd.

Well, you can't cut corners if you want it to be a good game

What, they eat the enemies?

I dont believe cutting corners was ever mentioned.

>but going through the first 1000 sounds like a lot but its not as bad as it sounds

ok so just some examples from The Suffering: There was an enemy called the Marksman, which represented firing squads

There was also the Mainliner, which represents lethal injection,

Yes, and? I dont see how that has anything to do with cutting corners. If you want to read through all 3000 or however many they have now then be my guest but you should easily be able to find a few dozen to include in a supernatural horror game within the first thousand.

Cutting corners is taking shortcuts (often ones that lower the quality of the work) to reach the goal. Cutting corners isnt not doing 100% of something when a fraction of that is necessary to more than adequately prepare.

Probably half the SCPs
Since you are already halfway to running an SCP campaign.