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Twitter: @echogarrote
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Last Episode: You returned to your homeland, and saved Ray's family from the People of Joy.
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"How are we for ammunition?" Pytor asks, as you all gather inside the RV. Gaft is holding a bloody rag to his smashed nose.
"My brothers brought a few extra boxes." Ray says. "We've got enough to not be worried, but not enough to fight every last person here."
"I'm sorry, but I have my priorities," Amelia says. "We need to go help Naahma, and regroup with Councilman Rozen."
"And drive straight into a firefight." Gaft says. "There's a smarter way. I know how Augustus thinks. If we make a break for OLYMPUS then he'll have his Servants pull back from attacking what's left of Genesis."
"OLYMPUS is soaked in Fallout." Ray says. "We can't get there. THEY can't get there, you said so yourself."
Gaft nods. "Yes, but they're going to try, and they'll have equipment that I know how to properly use, also, we have Joy-In-Ashes." He nods at you. "It's not...exactly how I planned, but we should be able to make it inside. End this nightmare for everyone."
Ray shakes his head. "You said it was bad if they were able to use this Wren woman. Right?"
Gaft nods. "Joy-In-Thought is a terrible asset to hold, if they have a way to force her compliance."
"Well, they need to get her here first, right? There's only so many ways they can get into Genesis. Why don't we ambush them and free her?" Ray says. "Then they're truly stuck."
"It's a gamble." Pytor says.