Was any part of this even remotely usable? Was any of it good?
Was any part of this even remotely usable? Was any of it good?
Yes. Like most 3e products, it had usable parts if your group was working together to build around it.
Yes its usable if everyone at the table knows what they're getting into
And the unfinished Gods and Monsters supplement
For more from Eternity Publishing check out their forum here
Ugh, I still hate that this is the version of the Bestiary that people have to see. I have the physical copy and the fonts are so much clearer.
Plus a ton of his stuff works a lot better if you're using the list of his variant rules, like replacing all immunities with an appropriate amount of damage reduction of that element, based on the being in question.
if you have a better version by all means post it
This is the only pdf I've been able to find
Which is a shame as niche as the IH is I feel it deserves a lot more then it gets
I have the physical copy. There is no other pdf that I know of. This version also has the older CR calculations, which leads to the crazy stuff like the Neutronium Golem. Under the newest iteration, its CR was around 4500.
Shame it never got finished. It may have been gonzo bullshit, but gonzo bullshit is a personal favorite of mine
Found it. His four part article on getting rid of absolutes.
As is mine the IH is great but I don't get to use as much of the material as I would want due to my groups inclinations
I do keep it around for inspiration though and as an example of how far you can stretch a system before it breaks completely
Can't load the page or the site itself
Hmm...works fine for me.
Oh, yeah. I'd never dream of actually trying to use this for any sort of d20 campaign, but I run Exalted sometimes, and love cosmic shit besides so it's a great idea mine
My favorite parts are definitely the adventure hooks that come at the end of every creature.
still cant view the page
and this isn't the first time people have had problems with it there is a whole thread on the forum about it
I'm sorry that you will never know the joy of succeeding on the strength check to pull your melee weapon free from the neutronium golem's extremely dense body, or survive the constitution checks from the radiation they spew everywhere. Good times.
One of the biggest disappointments that surrounded the development of the Immortals Handbook is that Immortals Handbook: Chronicle never came out as it was supposed to be an immortal DMG full of adventure hooks and campaign ideas
page 9 bump
So what system could handle crazy metacosmic adventures of the sort IH seems to promise? It's clearly not d20
Gurps I guess if you implement the scaling options from SUPERS
I've used some lower end IH stuff like the Amihdah and Akalich in Mutants&Masterminds
FATE? maybe or really anything narrativist for the more high powered numbers are meaningless stuff
The neutronium golem is supposed to be about CR ~850 according to Upper_Krust.
Which is hilarious, seeing as I've seen level 18s take one out
Fucking How
Force cage+celericity+time stop+fire immunity+sphere of annihilation.
While that may work on paper havn't checked to see if it does I'm pretty sure I would slap any player that tried that
But then again who the fuck lets level 18 characters even encounter Neutronium Golems