CryptoPets is pioneering digital assets like CryptoKittens, but is creating a zoo for all your digital animal assets. It's Initial Pet Offering is coming soon. It has both a new ecosystem built of ERC721 and a cryptocurrency. Could be a great way for spreading mass adoption. Check out @CryptoPets on twitter
CryptoPets is about to take off
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please be reAL
CryptoGF when?
tfw no ai gf to give you crypto predictions
yes pls
Why is there no anime version of this shit? Imagine all the lonely virgins, come on developers
i buy lambo with pet giraffe kek
this trash makes crypto look like a fucking joke
honestly disgusted that Veeky Forumstards are eating this shit up
>Trash like beanie babies makes ebay look like a fucking joke. Honestly disgusted that people on ebay are eating this shit up
I thought you were making that ERC721 thing up but then I saw this
the shittiest cryptokitties are up like 4-5x since yesterday
if you're not in yet you're missing out
Beanie Babies pre-date eBay and eBay wasn't created for the sole purpose of buying and selling Beanie Babies.
I think you might be a little mentally handicapped.
I've noticed a lot of anger, frustration, and confusion towards CryptoKitties in the daily thread over the last few days (along with plenty of joy, wonder, and excitement).
For those who don't understand and/or lack the imagination, pretend for a moment that the ERC 721 tokens which represent all the individual kitties on the blockchain didn't represent cats at all. Imagine, instead, that they represented:
loot items in World of Warcraft
rare cards in online collectible card games
plots of land in Arizona
corporate stocks from Fortune 100 companies that trade on NASDAQ or the NYSE
Does that make more sense to you now? People aren't necessarily excited about the actual cats themselves, they're excited by the endless possibilties that this demonstrates.
Go look at the online marketplace they've created. Look at the user interface. Fire up your imagination and envision a world where 'digital drawings of cats' are just one of the many, many, MANY assets being traded in the Ethereum eco-system.
THIS is precisely what gives Ether its value: the ability to create, tokenize, and trade things on the blockchain. And this is the reason that CryptoKitties was deployed to the Ethereum blockchain and NOWHERE ELSE -- not Bitcoin, not Dash, not ETC (lol ETC). If you're mad about CryptoKitties, you're missing the whole point -- this isn't a distraction from the price, this is exactly the reason that ETH rose 5000% over the past year.
Yes, it's silly and it's goofy, but it's a proof of concept. It demonstrates to the world what is currently possible, RIGHT NOW, in the Ethereum eco-system. ETHEREUM, and nowhere else. It's not about the cats, it's about the future potential of the whole protocol.
give out free pets!!
>tfw you went all in on Humphrey the Camel when he peaked at $4k only to discover it was a singaporean counterfeit and getting sued after selling on ebay for a 50% loss
Can someone explain how this works? Every single BTC or ETH or XMR is identical and inter-changeable, how can you have a bunch of different types of animals on the same blockchain? What if I try to send a kitty token to a puppy address?
Step 1: turn pic related into 3d models
Step 2: attach variables to physical traits (boob size, hair color, etc)
Step 3: Generate 1st Gen cryptowaifus
Step 4: initial waifu offering
Step 5: breed waifus, using trait variables as a genetic code
Step 6: Become a millionaire
Step 7: tip this poorfag to help me get to 1ETH so I can play too
>2018, Ethereum is deemed the crazy cat lady of crypto
I'm literally impressed about how fast copycats can be.
My name is Ben Sherman
Of course I'm eating this shit up, I'm making mad money out of it.
If you bought these shit cats earlier at this point you doubled your money at least.
In one fucking day.
Pretty sure the cats themselves aren't tied to that, it's seriously just the average breeding simulator but with microtransactions in eth.
Why does this work? Internet magic
tfw loaded up on cats when they were still below .02
"expensive" was .05 now that's what people pay for shitcats
won't be surprised if these fucking cats double again
I've got about 70 cats right now, none of those shitty cats either. i've got the good shit. blues, painted, pikachu theme, got it all. give me time and i'll have those angel and bird and demon cats too.
lamboland, here i come.
The are bots toying with the cryptokittens price. I would be very careful buying them at this point
Nigga cryptopet is a pet store that takes bitcoin.
Someone give some ETH pls so i can get a kitty
Im just a poor boy from a poor family
The rare pets are selling instantly before you can even see them. The market is being played by some greedy bots
Ok bro