>1,000 GP
Is this a joke I'm not getting?
I understand it was difficult to grind lens and all that back in the day, but 1,000gp?
>1,000 GP
Is this a joke I'm not getting?
I understand it was difficult to grind lens and all that back in the day, but 1,000gp?
Shit's hard to make man.
Just get a Traveler's Any-Tool instead. When you need a spyglass, just turn your Any-Tool into a Masterwork Spyglass.
The best part about the Any-Tool is that it's only 250 gold, and counts as literally every Masterwork Tool in the book, while a standard masterwork tool costs 150 gold.
Never ever use default DnD pricing, they put barely any thought into it at all
Yeah. It feels like even in D&D world you could just get a magic item for 1000 gold that gives you telescope vision anyway, while likely being less fragile.
There's also the stupid stuff with Water Clocks or other things that might be technically difficult to make, but low level magic should easily solve those problems.
What? It's 100$, cheaper than most swords.
1000 GP is more like $10,000.
Your average skilled worker may earn 1 GP a day. Your average unskilled peasant may earn 1 SP.
Its probably more of a commodity thing to show nobility then an actual tool.
That's a really dumb homebrew you have there.
Yes, peasants usually don't have any reasonable sum of money. They also don't have any cool things. What a surprise.
>Traveler's Any-Tool
That thing basically removes the need to shop for most mundane equipment. I'm sincerely glad I stopped playing PF; it has so many easy answers like that, which barely require any forethought at all.
That's the per-day wages of hirelings straight from the DMG, faggot.
Consider that 1 GP can buy you a goat or 50 feet of rope and 115 GP buys you a masterworked longsword.
I don't care how do you call your very speshul fanfic, it's obviously a shit if it has issues like that.
Don't engage idiots.
An official document is the exact opposite of a fanfic dumbass
>official document
>doesn't even list prices correctly
Tell me more.
Don't. Engage. Idiots.
I mean, itemizing all the coils of rope, coins, kegs, pots, probes, picks, pitons, hammers...? Was that stuff you where into?
Now you know why people started using abstract wealth systems. It's all just a giant asspull anyway.
>Not keeping exact stock of the party's inventory despite it not only being fun but also necessary.
go home you donut
Abstract wealth is bullshit and you know it.
I'm just asking. Every table I've been in on handwaves that sort of thing pretty heavily, I've never run into someone who's into that style of play.
I don't know. It just took all the thought out of it. It's neat, but I don't feel clever when I can just pull a solution out of my ass like that.
I feel like picking out all those little items helps me feel like I'm actually preparing for things instead of just blundering in half-ass and hoping my superpowers will save me from my own stupidity.
From the DM's side, it makes catching PCs unprepared or forcing them to improvise impossible. Goodbye any chance of MacGyvering solutions or any stress from suddenly changing situations. What's that? Within the glacier is a tropical jungle paradise full of dinosaurs? That's cool, I just turn my ice climbing gear into a mosquito net.
From the player's side, it means that the DM only has to cause them to "lose" one item in order to leave them completely fucked.