Want to roll up a Spess Mehreen chapter, Veeky Forums?
Or are you guys sick of it?
Want to roll up a Spess Mehreen chapter, Veeky Forums?
Or are you guys sick of it?
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Do it faggot.
Yes we are sick of it. Do Elder or Tau, we have not gotten anything fresh and new on those fronts in years. I would do it myself but it is past midnight where I am, so we would never get anything done under me.
/opinion piece
Roll a d10, then.
Well, maybe next time I try to make one of these threads I'll make it a Xeno creation thread or something.
I still expect to be ignored, but eh.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
>10: Crusade - "We need people running around and hitting the Imperium's enemies. Found a Chapter!"
Congrats, your chapter was founded for a Crusade. Now roll a d100 and tell me when it was founded.
Rolled 78 (1d100)
I might fall asleep during this
>78: 40th Millenium
You were formed in the second-to-last (known) founding, with such esteemed peers as the Fire Angels or the Angels of Vigilance.
Never heard of them? Yeah, this isn't spelling great things for your chapter... now give me anther d100 to tell me who your Progenitor was.
>I might fall asleep during this
That's fine, man. I didn't expect this to go very well, seeing as how Veeky Forums's pretty sick of the Spess Mehreens
Rolled 1 (1d100)
Let's do this. Last time I started one of these threads I ended up making The Sanguine Shields.
Rolled 63 (1d100)
I'm certainly not sick of them, but I've always had this idea of rather than creating new chapters, we would fluff out the ones that only have a sentence or two of writting on them
I'm still more than down for making a new one though
>The Sanguine Shields.
I was gonna try and finish the wiki page soon
Use this roll, No Ultramarines allowed!
>I'm certainly not sick of them, but I've always had this idea of rather than creating new chapters, we would fluff out the ones that only have a sentence or two of writting on them.
Man, I agree with you. Some of the cool chapter color schemes/names have literally 0 fluff.
Good on you mate!
So we're either a Blood Angels successor or an Ultramarines successor...
Blood Angels it is then.
Give me a d10 for purity.
Rolled 7 (1d10)
I'll give a few more minutes for someone else to roll if they want, but if not we've got:
>7: Altered Stock - Gene-seed is altered and some implants are deficient - roll on Gene-Seed Deficiencies table
Blood Angles? Again?
It's like the last three threads about making a Chapted were all BA descended, except one where the OP disappeared which was an IH chapter.
Eh, I'll stick around anyways.
We can be Ultrasmurfs if you want. We haven't gotten far enough for it to really affect anything if we change our mind yet.
If rather we roll again. Just go with whatever's next if we land on smurfs or BAs
I, personally, don't mind. Does anybody else participating in this (assumiing they're still around) care?
Rolled 96 (1d100)
True enough.
We can roll again as well. See of we get something different.
>96: Iron Hands
So we can either be
>1) Ultrasmurf successors
>2) Blood Angel successors
>3) Iron Hand successors.
People can either vote on this, or roll a 1d3 to decide. Your choice, guys.
Iron Hands
Iron Hands, user! Iron Hands!
Please be melee oriented!
Iron Hands it is.
Now, does anybody want to roll again for Purity, or are we good with ?
I'm cool with that, let's continue on now.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
I'm more than down for deficiencies, man
Here's a 1d10 for them
>2: Oversensitive Occulobe - "I'm in the dark and I can see perfectly! How usefuAAAAH THE SUN'S COMING UP HOLY EMPEROR MY EYES"
Boy, I bet Bionic Eyes are going to be common in your chapter, huh?
Now that we have our mutation, give me another d10 for Chapter Demeanor.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Rolled 9 (1d10)
>2: Cleanse and Purify - Not destroy everything? *BLAM* No.
>8: Suffer Not the Work of Heretics - Heretics? *BLAM* No.
Considering that these aren't mutually exclusive, but are actually rather similar, we'll have both.
We're 20% likely to suffer mutations, by the way.
Now, how about a 1d100 for our Figure of Legend, huh?
Sorry, you rolled too late.
Also, sorry for taking so long. I was, apparently, spamming and got temp banned.
Rolled 39, 99 = 138 (2d100)
Woops, accidently did both.
Can we just keep them though? Looking at the chart, it seems pretty cool.
>39: Chapter Master
> 99: The hero led his Chapter in many glorious campaigns, slaying hundreds of the enemy’s greatest champions. In the end, he was brought down by treachery within the fold of the Imperium, slain by an assassin’s turbo-penetrator round on the field of battle. Just why he was targeted was never discovered, and the Chapter harbours a special hatred for the servants of the Officio Assassinorum to this day.
So our Chapter Master was a fucking badass who, for reasons we don't know, was assassinated?
Everybody else good with this?
Sounds good to me.
Aw yeah. I like that.
Good, because I wouldn't have changed it anyway.
Give me 2d100s for our Homeworld and it's Terrain.
Rolled 95, 76 = 171 (2d100)
I'm rolling for the homeworld!
Gimme something cool!
Well, if we go with this it's Fleet-based, so Terrain doesn't really matter... the terrain would have been Urban, however.
I guess we could try and meld that into a sheep/fleet with a bunch of civilian inhabitants on it that we recruit from...?
Somebody give me another roll and we'll see if we like what we get from that better.
Rolled 86, 19 = 105 (2d100)
Nah, no fleet based.
With this it would be an uninhabited jungle world... I we get recruits somewhere other than our own Homeworld...?
Anybody want to do another roll?
Rolled 57, 31 = 88 (2d100)
Fine. One last one.
>Feral Desert World.
I'm fine with this so long as no Mad Max references are made.
Okay, so we have a fleet of civilian-inhabited ships, an uninhabited jungle world or a feral desert world as our home.
I guess we're going Feral Desert World then?
Whatever our world is, how do we rule it? Give me a d10.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
>2: Stewardship - "Hi, Planetary Governor? It's me, the Chapter Master. Just calling you to remind you that I outrank you, even if I don't do anything."
So, it's a Feral Desert planet that we just sort of... pop in every now and then to fuck with whenever we feel like it?
Whatever, 1d10 for organisation.
Apparently, you aren't.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Gimme something good!
>6: Divergent chapter.
So our organisation diverges from the Codex Astartes, how do we fight? Give me another d10.
Rolled 10 (1d10)
>10: Terror
So apparently we took inspiration from the Night Lords.
Give me a 1d100 for our special equipment.
Rolled 82 (1d100)
I think I've an idea for a color scheme.
>82: Preferred Fighting Style: The Chapter has a specific way in which it prefers to go about killing the enemy in the name of the God Emperor of Mankind. Examples: Bolt Pistol and Chainsword, dual Power Swords, special Bolter pattern or ammunition
Okay, so what is our special, terror-tactics related fighting style?
I'm not sure if there's more than one person hanging around right now. Whether there is or isn't, I'll let this part be up for further debate.
Moving on, what're our chapters beliefs? Give me a 1d100 to find out.
Rolled 56 (1d100)
Think it's just you and me bro.
Working on a color scheme, not turning out how I want it to, keep forgetting there are similar ones out there, back to the drawing board, etc.
>56: The Emperor Above All - "Screw your spiritual liege. The big E is where it's at."
Ah, so there's no Heresy among us. We hold the Emperor above all, as we should.
Give me a 1d10 for our Chapter Strength.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Give 10 plz.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Luck be with me!
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Rolled 5 (1d10)
One more and I'm done
>3: Under Strength: The Chapter is recovering from a defeat or accident that occurred several decades ago, or has recently suffered heavy, but not irrecoverable losses. It is probably at a minimum of half strength, and should return to nominal strength within a decade.
Ooh, not good. Maybe the Assassinorum took out more than just our Chapter Master, eh?
Give me 2d100, one for our friends and one for our enemies.
Yeah, we definately got a 3...
Welp, sucks that you got drastically outrolled on 3s, huh?
Rolled 75, 72 = 147 (2d100)
100 get!
Rolled 3, 13 = 16 (2d100)
I pray to the emperor this chapter is able to hold it's own. Because I don't want the chapter to be
Lamenters: Iron Hands edition
"Hope is the first step on the road to disapointment"
>75: Imperial Guard from a specific world.
What world do we want to be buddy-buddy with?
>72: A particular Daemon, Daemon Prince or Disciple of Chaos.
Ooh, that could be interesting. So, who've made enemies with in Chaos?
Alternatively, we could go with >3: The Administratum
>13: The Orks, or a particular Waaagh! or Warboss.
Would we rather go with this?
Rolled 38, 80 = 118 (2d100)
Terror tactics don't really work on Daemons, do they? And the IH is known for killing Guard Regiments, so...
I'm gonna reroll mine!
Rolled 59, 83 = 142 (2d100)
I have a feeling the rolls may suck
>38: Adeptus Mechanicus
>80: A particular Chaos-aligned group (i.e., Traitor Titan Legion, Chaos pirates, renegade Imperial Guard, etc.)
With this we know where we get all our bionics from as IH successors, and it lets us actually potentially scare some Chaos enemies.
>59: Chartist Captains
>83: A particular Chaos-aligned group (i.e., Traitor Titan Legion, Chaos pirates, renegade Imperial Guard, etc.)
Um... we'll always know where we're going, I guess? I'm not even sure who the Chartist Captains are, or what they really do. Like the above, we have Chaos aligned enemies we can potentially scare.
Do we like either of these better?
I like the Admech one, that sounds good to me.
Also, here's a color scheme I came up with, 3rd company, the Chest Eagle/Skull tells what company he's in.
Anyone like it?
Not bad, though you might want to wait until we're finished before making colour schemes.
And I assume that people will want to go with the Admech roll. I'll wait a little longer and see.
Since we're successors to the Iron Hands, sure. What not? Let's fight the Emperor's Children: For Manus!
Very nice user
Alternatively, this one, with the non-red abdomen.
Please note that the black is supposed to represent the 30k IH color scheme, which I can't really replicate with the Painter.
Eh, that was the last roll anyways. Plus, I started working on it when we rolled Fear.
Thanks! How about an EC-led Chaos Cult/Warband?
...I can't tell which you ere voting for there. I think it was the Admech+Chaos traitors roll, though.
Okay, so what particular Chaos-aligned group do we hate? Also, do we want to be more specific about whom in the Admech we do but stuff with, or no?
Were you using bolterandchainsword.com
No need to be specific with the Admech.
Emperor's Children
Let's go with an Emperor's Children led Cultist Warband, or somesuch.
Led by a few ECs, but mostly Cultists.
I used the first one.
For a name, how about the Blooded Hands? Iron Sovereigns?
How about Steel Gorgons?
Hmmm... That, or Blood Gorgons.
For some reason, I feel the need to add blood to the name. Disregard that if you wish, both Steel Gorgons and Blood Gorgons sounds great to me.
Okay, so we're an Iron Hands successor, founded in the 40th Millenium, on a Crusade. We hate Heretics and have a tendency to destroy everything.
Our Occulobes are oversensitive, which gives us 'night vision' but makes it hard for us to see in 'daylight', but are otherwise fine mutation-wise.
One of our old Chapter-Masters was a fucking bad ass who led many glorious campaigns and slayed countless foes of the Emperor... until, for reasons unknown to us, he was slain along with a significant portion out our chapter, leaving us weak.
Our Homeworld is a Feral Desert world that we really only bother with when we need something/something important happens, otherwise we let the Planetary Governor run it for us.
We diverge from the Codex Astartes a bit, but not too much, and specialize in Terror tactics. We have a special fighting style (possibly dual chain axes, we haven't decided yet) which helps us that, possibly helped along by our buddies in the Admech.
We venerate the Emperor above all, like any good Imperial Citizen should, and have a hate-boner for the Emperor's Children, especially one particular EC-led warband.
That all sound good?
Spunds good to me!
Dual Chainaxes especially.
Sounds perfecto
We all seem pretty happy with either or as our colour scheme, so now we just need a name.
And a heraldry, but that's kind of difficult. It requires some artistic talent.
I made a new one, I like it better, honestly.
Steel Gorgons is a good name
What about the Iron Dragons? Didn't Ferrus Manus wrestle something like that to death on his homeplanet?
I do too, to be honest.
Isn't there already a (traitor) chapter called the Blood Gorgons?
Well, it's not up to me. It's up to you guys.
Apparently there is. Huh.
I like it.
Alright since there's already a traitor chapter called the Blood Gorgons. We have two options
Steel Gorgons or Iron Dragons. Let's vote
I say Iron Dragons.
Not as far as I can tell. You fought a bunch of mechanical monsters, the greatest of which (and the one that melted and gave him his 'iron' hands) was a 'great silver wyrm'.
The only thing about iron dragons I could find was a special type of Dreadnought used by the Salamanders.
Iron Wyrms then?
Also, remember that Ferrus' planet was called Medusa... which is probably the reason Gorgon even came up. Well, that and Ferrus' nickname.
Anyone here involved, even if tangentially, with Hua Yuan or the Shields?
I started the Shields.
I don't really get what this is about, but whatever.
If people like that better, sure. If you guys want to call them the Steel Gorgons, or the Iron Dragons (which sounds more like a Salamander successor chapter to me, but whatever) or the Iron Wyrms then go ahead.
All I've read in this thread is this
Sounds interdasting. Iron Hands that went full retard with The Flesh Is Weak and doesn't believe collateral is a thing that exists? Pretty cool
Some potential names/schemes
>Iron Chimeras/Chimeras
>Unpainted ceramite or metallic grey with furs and hides or red thunderbolts across the entire body
>Black with green arms from the elbow down
>Steel Titans/Iron Giants
>Dark metallic grey with pale highlights