
About Horus, and his home planet.
We all know that Terra = Earth
According to the wiki...
>The capsule carrying the infant Horus came to rest on the Mining World of Cthonia, the primary planet of a star system within a reasonable slower-than-light distance of Terra.

Withen a "reasonable" slower than light distance from Earth,

Alpha Centari is 4,3 lightyears away, next closest is Barnard's Star at 6 lightyears away.

So my question is where did Horus Land, if it was within a reasonable slower-than-light distance of Earth

What is considered a reasonable Slower than light distant. And what real world planet was he born on, since Terra IS Earth

Terra isn't actually Earth. Its fiction.

Slower than light means .99c. Faster than light means warp travel. I'd say 5-15 years isn't an unreasonable amount of time in the scale of space travel.

>Terra = Earth
You make that sound like you do not learn it in middle-school.

Here is another one for you:
Sun = Sol

and Terra = Earth, In a lot of books it considers them the same and the name is used interchangeably

Earth is where humans came from.

The name wasn't changed to Terra for a few tens of thousands of years, Even then Earth is used for a name of the planet as much as Terra is.

>all these germanic-language barbarians
>not calling our planet Terra on a daily basis

I bet you specify the subject of a phrase in every sentence

To get to a planet in the next solar system over is 20-30 years based on current technology.

Wait no, we have a current exploration plan that willl take about 7 years to see the planets of the next over Solar System, By the time of the 30,000 year, it makes sense that we could get that within 3-4 years without using FTL tech.

Even W40k doesn't have FTL transportation, they have FTL communications, through Astro Paths, but they cant move that far that fast

They don't even change articles and adjectives based on gender, leave them be.

I'm sorry, I'm drunk, W40K has FTL transportation, that is what the warp is for, that is what the 3 eyed navigators are for.

Earth = Terra

40k isn't real dude

It's probably somewhere within the Sol Sector - not more than 100ly from Terra. Basically next door!

I always liked to imagine he came from the oldest of mans extra-solar colony around Alpha Centauri.

A planet around Aplpha Centauri makes sense

It can be called whatever, its not actually earth. The 40k universe has a different layout to the real one.

Multiple books use the name Earth and Terra interchangeably. Terra / Earth is where Humans are from

What part of fiction do you not understand?

It's also "earth were the humans came from" in War of the Worlds; still doesn't mean there is really a civilization in Mars

That is where you are mistaken my friend,
Have you ever been to mars?
I didn't think so

>ever been to mars

If I DID have routine access to certain Martian secrets, don't you think it most likely that I would NOT divulge any details to random internet jagoffs like yourself? Sorry user, my response must be:

Not as far as you know ...

Also, Horus is to be raised on a hitherto unknown planet in Proxima - not Alpha - Centauri.

"Try readin' a book, sometime!"
- Ellis

When a person in a book says earth that does not mean our concept of earth, but their concept of earth. 40k earth does not necessarily mean our earth
Almost all knowledge was lost so where the original earth is or if it even exists is lost. The reason they say it so much in 40k is because when they reunite lost planets they will recognise the name 'earth' after it being passed down through generations of their origins
you come to a new planet and say hey we are the empire of mankind and come from earth and the natives go "ahh yes earth my grandfather told us stories about my ancestors coming from earth to settle here" blah blah blah

tl:dr if the imperium claims terra = earth then they have gravitas and aren't just another empire from some random planet that got too powerful

Well considering Terra is next to Luna and close to Mars, I'd say there's gravitas

so it is next to a red planet and has a moon which they claim are mars and the moon

there are probably hundreds of planets with red neighbors and a single moon in that galaxy
they all could have claimed to be the original earth until the imperium bombed them for heresy

I'm not saying its not earth because i dont really know. The planets and continents and such are clearly similar and have similar names to our earth but that could just be that they found some old records of our solar system and planets and started naming terran places after them
Basically there is no guarantee that terra = earth although it is fairly likely

(Guy you replied to)

That's fair, actually.

And now that I think about it, it's actually a good point. The first Horus Heresy book made a big point of the opening battle being on the third world of a nine-world solar system around a yellow sun, named Terra/Earth with an Emperor.

So you actually make a good point

Oh I see. We're going with smart Allec word play like when "Ben" Kenobi came out with bull shit and tried to cover it with that "from a certain point of view" nonsense.

But in all seriousness Terra is meant to be the future of Earth in 40k.

There's even old artwork with the ruins of the Statue of Liberty.

If i wanted to be really gay i could claim that the statue of liberty is iconic and could have been copied all over the galaxy on thousands of planets and that could have been any of them
And do we really thing the original statue would be anything but dust in 40,000 years

but in reality old fluff was old, contradictory, largely poorly written and has been changed multiple times and they loved throwing little easter egg type things in drawings and fluff for banter but i don't think that really proves terra = earth