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>Rules databases
>40k 7th edition quick reference sheet(s)
>Forgeworld Book index
>White Dwarves
>Novels (Working link as of 02/02/2016)
Other urls found in this thread:
>our codex has fantastic variety and internal balance, and is what all armies should dream of having, but that internal balance is set too high against external balance
>almost all of our units behave extremely differently from their fluff, leading to kroot that can't melee, gunlines, everything about vespid, and a bomber whose bombs do nothing but whose drones are better anti-air than our anti-air fighter
>none of the monstrous creatures should be monstrous creatures, but should either be walkers or some new type of vehicle-based unit
If I was allowed a fourth, it'd be:
>GW refusing to fluff out the faction properly, look at the variety of subfactions and fluffy play styles offered to SM, Eldar, Orks, or even Tyranids; Tau don't have anything except one fluffy monobuild consisting of the "take whatever" cadre and septs that get one sentence of fluff if they're lucky
If I could have a fifth, it'd be lack of vehicle variety.
That's cool, thanks.
Yeah, I checked that out. Some pages have general pros and cons of the army in question and others don't. Like Grey Knights have it but Dark Eldar don't.
From Hastings, possible the single most reliable rumor source:
>l remember being told to expect 40k codexes (codices?) to be a thing of the past within 2 years, and that the rules would be in the box for each model/unit, but there would still be a core ruleset which the in box rules would obviously add to. I’ve not bought any AoS releases (nor do I intend to) so I don’t know if they have rules in the boxes (seems daft as when rules got FAQ’d (lol) or changed they’d need to repack ALL the boxes – seems even dafter that anything would actually bother with rules for AoS!!) or just online?
>I am going to leap to the conclusion that 40k probably WILL become more simplified like AoS, mainly because GW no longer see themselves as rules/games writers but just model sellers. How much more simplified I wouldn’t hazard a guess at. Whatever they decide to do you can bet it’s in the pipeline already, because myself and Harry were privately discussing the changes to WFB almost 3 years ago – I was told it was being canned and whilst we thought that was not the case and that AoS would be a continuation or refresh of it WFB HAS actually been canned and REPLACED by AoS, so these things are planned well ahead.
>…Having thought about this I think the unit/model rules for 30k & 40k will be online/WD rather than actually inside the box kits (I may have misinterpreted what my source said).
This was said in July of last year.
A few years ago, maybe. He doesn't have a line on the inside anymore, so is pretty much pulling stuff out of his ass at this point. He even admits it, see
>"I am going to leap to the conclusion"
Not "I have heard" or any claim of seeing design documents, it's just his own guess that 40k will get simplified. Maybe he's right, but his guesswork shouldn't be given any more credence than a random fa/tg/uy at this stage.
Also, rules are already included in the boxes, and have been for some time (I remember new wood elf boxes contained their rules, and that was before the End Times i.e. quite a lot earlier than July last year). So the almighty Hastings predicted...something that had already happened. Amazing.
sounds absolutely shitty
Dayum. Blew him out. Adios Hastings.
I'm being given an option to get back into tabletop 40k, as my friend was loaned a tau army.
I haven't played in a while, but what would you recommend as a general build/concerns.
That 83% deserve to be shot. But then again it doesn't help when you get shot with the D.
Well this general has been pretty slow so far. Not enough arguing or shitposting for Veeky Forums today?
Saturday morning? All the kids watching cartoons, and the Australians are asleep?
Saturday morning, no new releases to discuss, why the last few releases were disappointing has been discussed to death.
If you really want to get the posts going, just say something negative about the Tau.
Should Snipers have pinning again?
I have a 950 tourney on 4x4 tables.
Blood thirster of fury with skull reaver
Nurgle herald with ML2
Squad of five nurglings
Squad of three nurglings
Squad of three nurglings
Squad of five khorne dogs
Squad of five khorne dogs
Skull cannon
Skull cannon
Primary powers I plan on rolling are nurgle abd maelific.
Yeah sure, why not?
A good 60% of the game flat out ignores it with another 10% having too high Ld to do anything useful.
Are Condemnor Boltguns good now? Combine in an Inquisitor with a Condemnor/Psyocculum into a SoB command squad with 5 Condemnors to bulldoze psychic deathstars?
60% of units are not fearless.
Your blood thirster is going to eat every bullet on the table and then you wont be able to do anything. You need to spread the balance of power.
You also have no real armour pen to speak of
No, but can negate pinning regardless or at least 9/10 times.
I was reading a battle report that said theres a warlord trait that allows3 units to infiltrate in the ork book. Which trait is that?
If I run green tide, it turns all my boyz into 1 unit of 100 boyz and some nobs and a warboss. Does that mean they all benefit from a big bosspole's fearless or a painboyz FNP or just the original unit theyre attached too?
I've bought and am painting some Scions.
Two boxes.
I'm aiming to buy 3 more to have 2 full squads and a command squad.
after I have that where should I go from there?
Probably into Astra Militarum instead of just tempestus.
What's a good complimentary regiment aesthetically? Steel legion? krieg? Maybe hazmat Cadians?
>10 years since the last codex
what went wrong
What are some things besides grav that we need to nerf to make marines balanced?
Space Marines get a 10 pack of meltaguns.
I want a 10 pack of meltaguns!
GW gimme my melta!
Sincerely, The Imperial Guard.
Might be by using Da Finkin Cap relic, which allows you to generate an additional warlord trait on the Strategic traits table. One of those traits gives several units infiltrate.
Drop pods.
No, you're full of shit. 60% of units do not "flat out ignore it."
>Nerf the one thing that counters MC's
Give tools like that to other races
Drop Pods go up in cost and lose their ability to be taken as non-dedicated transports.
Skyhammer Annihilation Force disappears. Gladius gets something in place of free tranports. Librarius Conclave goes to cast on a 3+, the guy casting can cast up half the total Mastery levels of channeling librarians.
Electrodisplacement gains a no assault clause. Phase Shift is changed to one or the other, stays WC2, units fired on w/o LoS gain a 4+ cover save. The Haywire powers are toned down. The terrain moving one disappears. Probably replaced by one that degrades terrain temporarily.
Grav Guns gutted.
Librarius Conclave
Space Marine Psychic Powers
Free Transports
Hit and Run
Grav Bikes
Drop Pods
That infiltrating PlasmaDev list that the Raptorsfag posts.
and much much more.
It's a rulebook warlord trait, not an Ork trait, and all races can roll on the table for it. It's called Master of Ambush.
They all benefit from it.
I put together something potentially better.
The nurgle warlord traits are amazing and nurgles school of magic also gives you some powerful mental dakka when he hits the board(in addition to being bulkier than the bloodthirster)
Combining the BT and the herald freed up some points to replace the hellcannons with soul grinders which are mandatory in any daemons list. if your meta has the cover for it id absolutely cut some stuff to get the daemon of nurgle for the soul grinder. for that sweet sweet 3+ cover.
If not then march them across the board and fire away
Nurglings and dogs filled the same role they did before as objective whores and tarpits.
Nothing, really. Almost every option in the book is viable. You're gonna be stronger than, say, Orks, even if you deliberately trying to build the worst list possible. You're gonna be good even if you pick units at random. Just do whatever you like.
Unless you're planning on getting into melee with those Soul Grinders, you should propably make them into Daemons of Nurgle. +2 cover behind ruins.
user thats what i said in the post. If his tourny has the cover for it, shell out for the nurgle upgrade.
Otherwise them getting into melee is actually fairly important because its hard for daemons to bust tanks and on a 4x4 board they could shoot their gun every turn and make it into melee
>tfw no one wants my ~3000pt Necron Lot for a SM Double Demi Company
Is there anywhere that sells an entire table worth of scenery for a decent price?
Hawk wargames has some that looked perfect, but they're out of stock and not the style I would like.
>entire table worth of scenery for a decent price?
I haven't heard of anything more than 5 medium size pieces sold as an overpriced bundle.
If you aren't up for making your own then go hit up your local Pet shop or Aquarium Specialist.
You can repaint most things to be much more GrimDark and there are lots of pieces.
This Nurgle castle was like $30 and a terminator fits neatly through the door with some room.
or they could just deal with the like 4 MCs that are a problem at the same time they nerf grav.
So I have been thinking about a Dark Angel's Lions Blade Detachment.
Why do a lot of lists prefer Razor Backs instead of Rhinos or Drop Pods if the transports are free?
Is it because you don't have to take as many Tacticals and stuff?
Are TL las Cannons the best weapon for Razor Backs?
>Are TL las Cannons the best weapon for Razor Backs?
if you want them for anti tank work sure.
assault cannons are a good general purpose option
My twin linked las cannons don't let me down. Excellent annoyances for the enemy and have downed fliers.
Is there an Adeptus Mechanicus Pacha anywhere?
I've always found it cute/sad how hard Marines players have bitched about a Trukk with Ramshackle when they get 35 point BS4 AV12 ObSec that literally can't fail to get their forces exactly where they want & stays there while they wander off.
Just saw the rules for the boxes and barrels, they sound pretty overpowered.
40 points for giving units rerolls to 1 in shooting, the ability to make your flamers torrent and a mystery box that that can give you a free orbital bombardment, 4++ to your unit or +1 weapon strength.
What is generals opinion on it? I think it will make gun lines intolerable.
>The rules for using the Warlord Battle Titan can be found in The Horus Heresy Book Five – Tempest and the Horus Heresy: Mechanicum – Taghmata Army List. These rules may be used in both games set during the Horus Heresy and in standard games of Warhammer 40,000, in which case the Warlord Battle Titan is a Lords of War choice for Armies of the Imperium and Chaos Space Marines.
oh baby
you've actually heard people bitch about trukks?
I have a pretty weird better where I'm from, and it includes multiple ork players, plus the marines etc, an no one has ever complained about Trukks being being too good. I'm pretty sure no one thinks they are better than rhinos.
How do we make vehicles good?
Like, we could almost bump AV by 2 across the board at this point.
I once had a marine player concede turn 1 because my mek guns terrible ballistic skill scattered off its intended target and onto a best of lascannon devastators
Did anyone ever complain about Drop Pods in 4th? I played a lot then when we used coke cans with cardboard fins to proxy instead of shelling out for the FW Drop Pod. The problem isn't the pods, cheap suicide melta, vehicles scoring, ob sec and no dedicated requirement is the issue
Remove hull points and return to the system we had in 5th ed.
Fuck. Off. We don't need your bullshit every goddamn thread.
Not all of us are asleep you shit speaking foreign cuckboi
Well if all my tacticals take grav I suppose I should have the Las for anti tank.
+1 hp across the board. Subtract remaining HP from vehicle damage table results.
nerf the out of control MCs.
From Russia with love.
Ded thred ded game
t. Hastings
fanboy is also a redditfag, big surprise
Fuck you.
Why do brits and other euros have better painted armies and more stuff painted in general?
it's okay hastings. no one takes you serious anyways.
We're taught for a young age to care for your things
There is something wrong when Containers look like something we see on serious lists.
Those are suppose to be some scenic stuff with some casual rules.
Superior genes
Iunno, but I hope there's still a Europe in the coming years
What would be some cool themes for independent human factions?
Less focus on competitive play. More focus on the fluff and playing for fun. We don't play armies just because they win, so you'll see less grey tides.
Another thing is probably because that we have more free time.
seem unlikely considering there never was a Europe.
>MFW i am a brit
>MFW i am pretty sure we are going to Brexit
>MFW people are so dumb, and there is nothing i can do to stop it
i want off mr bone's ride
some refugee will eventually inherit your models, it's okay.
>Another thing is probably because that we have more free time.
What is the normal work week like for an adult?
It isn't abnormal for myself, in the US, to work 55-70hrs a week when Overtime is good.
Even when it isn't I will pick up shifts till I hit at least 50.
I still find time to paint but it random spurts where I get a chunk hammered out, sometimes only once a month.
what's Brexit?
Well the only thing making them powerful is that most armies can't deal with them.
Either that or just bump the costs.
I'd be up for the latter.
most people work 40 hour weeks. +- 10 hours for different jobs covers like 95% of the population here in bongland, and then there is something like 21 minim holiday per year, though most jobs off more.
>be Irish
>advise Brits I know to vote for Brexit
>because I know it will destroy UK
revenge: the time is now
us leaving the EU, mainly because muh immigrant coming to steal muh job
IE bad news bears
You monster
I dont blaim you
a british exit
Specifically from the EU in this case
Hahah time for us to get off Mr Juncker's Wild Ride.
In the UK, it's 40-42 hours a week on average, France is around 35 hours, and everywhere else the average is somewhere in between.
Don't forget though that we have more vacation time as well. 4 weeks minimum, plus any national holidays or bank holidays.
Because europeans cant find a job in theyr third world nations.
Do you think the muslims will decapitate them for having statuettes of false gods or something?
Are you implying it was always a part of the middle east like it's smelling like right now? Because that's what it sounds like.
I'm from a part of Americlapland. I'm okay.
For now.
Common man, cross board meme sharing? This is a new deep dark low.
Who put a wig and suit in a frog
>ded game
Not yet, but it's going that way. GW needs to fix the rules ASAP. I went to the LGS to play a pick-up game the other day, and there were three people waiting for an opponent that they could actually play a good game against: a new Ork player with a collection of old AoBR shit he got off ebay, an Eldar WAAC fag with three Wraithknights waiting on a cart to deploy, and a Sister's player.
Christ no wonder your countries are so pathetic you barely fucking work.
35 hours a week? And I'm assuming that's not counting a 2 hour lunch/cheese and wine break. AND it's like impossible to fire shit bags.
>a new Ork player with a collection of old AoBR shit he got off ebay
Maybe if new players actually spent money on GW, things would be better.
Pretty Nifty, I am still a year off of my 3rd week of "vacation" but besides my 2 weeks I get a "Free Day" every month which puts me close to 4 weeks of Vacation.
However from my understanding I have it pretty good.
>Don't forget though that we have more vacation time as well. 4 weeks minimum, plus any national holidays or bank holidays.
>21 minim holiday per year,
I'm saving a huge FW purchase for right after you vote to leave and the pound tanks. Mmmm savings!
>american proud of being exploited 48 hours a week and getting fired if he doesn't suck bosscock
Europeans Work to Live. You Live to Work.
You don't need to be working so long. It's an outdated concept.
>american work ethic of more time = more productivity
>literally acting like guardsmen following the orders of those above without questioning it
Once Paki's and other minorities take over Britain will space skaven (hrud) finally be added to the game?
Bitch I am a boss cock.
Feels good.
This hrud would be more fun to play than Tau or eldar