Post your favourite D20 on your favourite rifle.
Or a knife or any other kind of a weapon, if you live in an unfree shithole and can't own firearms.
Post your favourite D20 on your favourite rifle.
Or a knife or any other kind of a weapon, if you live in an unfree shithole and can't own firearms.
Delete your shit thread.
>Or a knife or any other kind of a weapon
That looks like some sort of an azzie sacrificial dagger. Or am I completely off the mark?
Why D6 though?
Dude, fix your fucking safety lever.
I don't know if you were looking for /b/, /k/ or /trash/, but you missed all of them by a mile.
Is that... Ohoho. Lovecraftian star and, as said, sacrificial dagger...
Fix it? What do you think is wrong with it?
There's a die. It's clearly Veeky Forums related.
>the handle is an actual carving of Cthulhu
W-where did you get that?
Ah, right. Lovecraftian stuff, should have known.
The fucking massive scratch on your reciever, that does not need to happen.
Oh you mean where the knob on the lever contacts with the receiver?
Yeah, that happens to all AKs sooner or later. Here's another specimen where you can clearly see the line.
And another
There is use, since there is a slight pin depressed on the connecting side, that is normal with any moving part. Yours has scarred the metal and scratched away the surface.
Yes, the finish is going to wear off if you actually use the weapon. I already pointed out that it happens to all AKs.
Another specimen, from the armed forces.
Okay, NOW you guys are just posting guns.
I was just making a point, no need to get your pantsu in a twist.
Alright resident /k/ommandos, I need your wisdom.
Using the Guardian Spear as inspiration would this configuration work with say a revolver style cylinder that shoots buck shot and a far larger blade then how it's arranged?
Basically what I'm asking is could you have a shotgun on a stick and still make it work somewhat.
I'd post, but I don't want my favorite rifle to compete with indisputably best girl, especially since she's older than my others and gets dirty from going in the woods all the time.
If you're in freedom land, where'd you find it?
>If you're in freedom land, where'd you find it?
I'm not
Shotgun sticks are easy as shit in a mechanical fashion, just need a tiny point installed behind the primer of the shotgun shell so when whatever end you have hits something it depresses a fraction and slams the shell on to the firing pin.
Finn detected
>Ara ara~ why would you operate even with old raifu like me? There is those other more recent models.
You mean something that goes off when you stab someone with a spear? Something like that exists in the real world. Having a cylinder on there, and making it rotate after a shot goes off is somewhat more involved mechanically, but not impossible.
Use recoil energy to rotate the cylinder, sort of like a mateba autorevolver would, and then have it go off once you stab someone.
This is correct. Happened to both of mine. Shows you use the thing and enjoy it.
The main purpose wouldn't be to have it goes off when you stab. The way I envison it would be to act as a back-up weapon in the event you're overwhelmed so you fire off a round and then go in swinging when whatever hitting is dealing with the fact they got a face full of buck shot.
It's the idea behind a class of gun/weapon hybrids that are one or two shot deals so you'd have shotgun-axe/clubs/shields and gunswords (sort of like the Reiterpallasch ).
I would think having cylinders and essentially being shotguns would be ideal instead of complex mechanism like a semi-automatic (which would be the purview of regular guns).
Well there are three major issues you have to overcome.
One: how are you going to set it off? You could simply have a long simple trigger mechanism, like on a bullpup rifle. Maybe somewhere in the middle, where you'd operate the trigger with your support hand?
Two: how are you going to spin the cylinder and cock the firing pin? I'm going to assume that it's going to be single-action, since pulling a double action trigger that's so far away from the pin itself would be a pain in the ass. Manual cocking?
But I think the biggest issue is that a cylinder that can handle shot that's worth a damn, like say a 12-gauge, is going to have to be heavy as fuck to withstand the pressure. And then there's the barrel as well (which will probably be very short, but still). It would be a huge pain to lug the thing around. Passable for royal guards or somesuch, but still not very feasible in combat if you ask me.
What if you make the shaft in part a magazine tube that holds the shells? Then you pump to drop a shell into a chamber that rides parellel to the spear itself?
Do you mean Aztec? Because that looks absolutely nothing like an Aztec-style dagger.
I'm guessing the answer starts with him talking about visiting an eccentric uncle in the remotest part of Massachusetts, and ends with him gibbering insanely and smearing the walls with his own blood.
Well I'm sorry for not being an expert on dagger designs.
Azzie is Shadowrun slang for Aztechnology, and the knife could easily be inspired by that. Other than that, I've no clue.
>One: how are you going to set it off? You could simply have a long simple trigger mechanism, like on a bullpup rifle. Maybe somewhere in the middle, where you'd operate the trigger with your support hand?
My thought on that was to have the trigger somewhat further up on the shaft. I figure the way you hold it you have the trigger hand close to it to control it with a wide grip when you fire.
>Two: how are you going to spin the cylinder and cock the firing pin? I'm going to assume that it's going to be single-action, since pulling a double action trigger that's so far away from the pin itself would be a pain in the ass. Manual cocking?
Probably some kind of manual cocking system with the trigger. When you do the wide grip and hold the trigger you can pull it back to to cock the hammer
>But I think the biggest issue is that a cylinder that can handle shot that's worth a damn, like say a 12-gauge, is going to have to be heavy as fuck to withstand the pressure. And then there's the barrel as well (which will probably be very short, but still). It would be a huge pain to lug the thing around. Passable for royal guards or somesuch, but still not very feasible in combat if you ask me.
That I'm just handwaving as special metals that could be used to handle the stresses of being a weapon used to hit things as well as fire various types of ammunition. Something like this would be best as a defensive weapons where as more offensive ones would be typical one shots that focuse more on the "bladed" aspect and less complicated
>My thought on that was to have the trigger somewhat further up on the shaft. I figure the way you hold it you have the trigger hand close to it to control it with a wide grip when you fire.
So pretty much the same as what I thought of. Alright, done.
>Probably some kind of manual cocking system with the trigger. When you do the wide grip and hold the trigger you can pull it back to to cock the hammer
That's double action, love. Remember that the trigger pull needs to also spin the cylinder, which increases complexity. There can also be timing issues with potentially catastrophic consequences. Revolvers are a lot more complex than people realise, picture related. Pump/lever action is far simpler in comparison.
You couldn't even be assed to look up the multitude of /k/ related TTRPGs and Wargames to make this thread more than just tangently related? Veeky Forums isn't a fucking watercooler. Apply yourself, nigga.
Seconding GURPS Tactical Shooting
Isn't A Song of Swords getting a tacticool version with stats for every gun under the sun soon?
I mean sure I could have used a better OP but I thought the /ktg/ in the subject title was obvious enough.
You can repost the thread with a opening post that's more up to your standard if this one gets deleted, user. I'll personally sanction it.
>Oh no I reavealed my no guns!
Damn, I suppose the best way to do it would be a one shot cannon of sorts which would probably be best in that situation along with the cannon shield ala Grunbeld
I would recommend going with a single shot for those "oh shit" situations. You'd have to spend some time reloading the thing, but on the plus side you'd have to handwave a lot less details when compared to the semi-automatic design.
Any nation that's capable of manufacturing a revolving shotgun on a staff would be capable of figuring out that the design makes little sense, and that they're a lot better off making rifles with bayonets.
That would be Upotte!!.
Th-thanks senpai
... I'll be in my bunk
Most of the show is just cute guns doing cute things, so that webm is not really representative of the whole thing.
What AK variant is that?
That would be Sako M92S
I agree, those would be the primary weapons of any infantray, basically an exagerated bayonet on a rifle, would have the stats of a short spear.
The reason being that, more often then not, they are fighting enemies (and monsters mostly) that will engage in close quarters so they regularly mix it up in melee hence why officers would be carrying swords in one hand a pistol in the other
While the giants are wading into battle with portable mortors and gatling guns.
That sounds like a variation on a bangstick. I haven't ever heard of one with a revolving cylinder, though.
And adding a blade to it might actually prevent it from working, unless it's positioned in such a way you don't actually do any stabbing with the blade.
But that would make it near-useless when it's empty.
Plus, the whole contraption would be so tip heavy nobody would want to use it. A rotating cylinder of 12ga shells is going to be big, clunky, and fucking heavy.
Then I feel the most sensible solution would be to issue them with dedicated weapons, and not a half-assed combination. But it's your setting, so you're free to do as you please.
They could be running parellel with each other. Think less of a gunblade, more of a spear with a shotgun on the side.
But yes, I pointed out the weight as well, and I think user reached the conclusion that a single shot is feasible, but a revolving shotgun on a staff is not.
A single shot is already a thing. It's called a bangstick.
Do you enjoy repeating everything I've said before? Or are you dyslexic or something?
Read: >Something like that exists in the real world
>Something like that exists in the real world
>Something like that exists in the real world
>Something like that exists in the real world
>Something like that exists in the real world
Actually shotgun barrels are both traditionally and even in modernity very thin compared to just about anything else. Generally speaking even with slugs the gas seal isn't the greatest, and there for neither is the pressure, requiring less steel to do the job.
Yes, comparatively low pressures between the wad and the shell, and no need of rifling. It's still a lot of weight on the wrong end of a spear.
As an owner of a Unica 6 and a former ownder of a Grifone, I can tell you that the mechanism is too complicated for practical use. Certainly it makes a great target pistol. When it doesn't jam/break.
Yeah, I was going for the "possible, but completely unfeasible" angle.
I admit I skimmed the discussion but why a shotgun and why a cylinder?
Just the initial image I had in mind. I'm not terribly worried about accusations of weeaboo or anything but of a high end design for a weapon type in this setting which is more ceremonial then anything else and would be the weapons of an elite Guard for one of the NPCs where most weapons of this sort are 1 or 2 shots at best and perform better at stabbing then they are at shooting but it's not like unusual weapons havn't been fielded by people in real life before.
It was a cool concept in my mind and I wanted to try and have it make sense for internal consistency
I have problems picking favorites
You're right. I could never be ashamed of sks-san. Maybe Buckingcan palace but never sks-san.
>one even on the mag
Mate, she's a cute one. Don't ever be ashamed of having her.
there were no good places to put them on the actual gun where they wouldn't fall off and I didn't feel like changing the backstrap...
I'm betting it would have stood on nicely on between the slide and slide release or takedown lever.
its more sharply angled than the picture implies
But so are your D20s, right?
Not my favorite but since I mentioned it earlier, I figure I should dig it up for a glamor shot. It's a real nice shooter but, as mentioned, too complicated for its own good.
How much? And where?
That tiny 20d is cute.
>Derleth Elder sign
So are you, user :3
Probably around 3k usd
She is. Has wear in all the right places.
I got it a pretty good while ago for around 1,300. These days it'll cost a mint if you can find one.
Yeah, I like them. They didn't have any D6s when I picked up my set though.