Assuming FTL is possible, what would the most practical exterior design of a military starship look like?
Assuming FTL is possible, what would the most practical exterior design of a military starship look like?
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How the fuck should I know. Literally no one knows.
Who in their right mind would wage war in a setting where RKKVs are a possibility?
What's an RKKV?
Relativistic Kenetic Kill Vehicle
Basically, take a star-trek warp drive (or any other drive that accelerates you to beyond light speed while remaining in real space), strap it to a rock, and fire it at a planet you don't like.
The same people who wage war in a setting where ICBMs carrying multiple nuclear warheads is possible.
Depends on many factors;
1) Can the FTL be used to manoeuvre slower than light?
2) Does it emit radiation or similar such things?
3) Does the FTL keep you in this dimension?
4) Does the craft experience structural stress from the acceleration?
Assuming the craft experiences structural stress, it would need to be a thickly made construction to survive the stresses.
Assuming it emits radiation (or similar effects), then it would need to be isolated from the crew-filled sections of the craft.
Assuming the FTL does keep you in this dimension, then the craft would require thick(er) front-facing armour to resist the impact of debris while travelling.
Assuming it can't be used for slower than light travel there would need to be some form of conventional thruster system.
There are additional questions but if you could provide more detail in your question I can give a better answer.
tl;dr depends on the setting
Depends on the weapon technology more than the availability of FTL.
Pretty much, what the ship looks like depends on its role, FTL and other such factors.
What if you want to capture a planet for its strategic value instead of glassing it?
Ships would be designed for melee combat, as the gravitational bubble created by an FTL drive would be impenetrable to anything except an equally sized FTL bubble.
Anyone who doesn't want to genocide others while literally destroying one of the presumably small number of habitable planets around.
Also, you're not going to be able to fire off an RKKV without getting an RKKV fired back, and there's no way you're going to be able to stop one of those things once they're fired off. MAD is a real concept that won't stop applying in space.
>Also, you're not going to be able to fire off an RKKV without getting an RKKV fired back, and there's no way you're going to be able to stop one of those things once they're fired off. MAD is a real concept that won't stop applying in space.
This all assumes that:
All involved parties have accesses to FTL.
RKKVs can be detected reliably.
There's no way you're going to be able to stop one of those things once they're fired off.
Even at relativistic speeds, it'll take an RKKV months or years to reach its target.
Also, your plan assumes that your FTL drives actually accelerate to relativistic speed and keeps their mass in a state that can impact a planet.
Considering that FTL in most settings either shifts out of 3d space (And therefore doesn't impact), doesn't work inside of a solar system (And immediately loses momentum at the edges), or uses wormholes or whatever (Which means you're actually using sub-FTL speeds and tricking space into putting you somewhere else).
So that means that in most settings, you'd need to actually get inside their solar system and strap a sublight rocket to a rock within the system, which means they will easily see it and all they have to do to prevent it is blow up your tow boats with a combat capable fleet.
Assuming mass is still a concern, you'll want to minimize the amount of armor needed by maximizing the ratio of interior space to exterior area. So, a sphere is the way to go.
>Considering that FTL in most settings
I'm gonna need a citation for this.
But yes, the bottom line is that OP gave fuck all information about anything to answer either his question or this one.
Sure as heck won't look like protoss ships.
I love muh brotoss, but their ships look fukken retarded, especially in SC2. in SC1, they still had some semblance of aesthetic design that wasn't just "STRAP A BUNCH OF CRYSTALS AND LIGHTS EVERYWHERE!".
...Why would you need to use an RKKV on someone without FTL?
No really. If you're trying to get resources, there are far better mining targets out in asteroid belts and on barren worlds. If you're trying to get food, water, slaves, pets, livestock, good land, or anything else that could be found on a habitable planet, an RKKV will obliterate the resource.
Even if you're on some kind of "rightful rulers of the galaxy" crusade, there's no point in wiping a planet clean if it's no threat to your rule. Invading it to take control of its living space would be a better plan.
Or whatever they the Alliance was using in FireFly
Yeah, Blizzard designs have really gone to shit lately.
Like this.
They went to shit in WOW and that is over a decade ago.
Then you go to a world that has what you want. They aren't exactly rare.
I still think WoW was pretty okay, but you can definitely see where the decline started.
>windows on a warship
Automatically rejected
It's not just the protoss. Terran units look like cheap Gundam knock offs. And the story man, fuck that story.
A long box.
Been thinking up a setting where this comes up. Big space empires have all kinds of bullshit space tech, refrain from warring one another because mutually assured space destruction. They set up space UN to help keep the space peace, and also keep the up and comers in line. Most conflicts of interest are fought between low tech civs in small scale proxy wars, in these wars the smaller civs have to refrain from genociding each other if they wanna avoid space UN stepping in with a RKKV with their name on it. Not that it doesn't happen every now and then, just don't be too obvious about it. Mostly these smaller civs fight over habitable planets and resources. Humanity ends up being at odds with some ayys over colonization rights in their local area, and is losing the race since the ayys are better at space travel and the galaxy at large works on the intergalactic dibs protocol. Earth is overcrowded and Earth govt desperately needs more living space, and thus uses superior numbers and production capability to attack and invade the alien home planet, hoping to draw most of their ships home to defend their planet to properly crush the alien menace, or at least draw them away from calling dibs on all the good planets, and also cutting down on unemployment through military service. Some accuse Earth govt of deliberately invading an alien planet with no exit strategy as part of a sinister population control plan.
This is my completely ridiculous space setting I made to justify planetary invasions with conventional forces. The silliness is part of the point.
Lotv was sorta ok imo. The rest was irredeemable garbage.
Though, I am a protoss fanboy trough and trough, and Lotv treated the protoss with respect and dignity, instead of retconning them to hell and back like HotS did with the zerg.
In my opinion, LotV felt most like Brood War out of all the SC2's campaigns.
I even enjoyed the characters in LotV. Artanis ended up being surprisingly decent main character, and provided an excellent contrast to Alarak (best character in the game imo).
Being able to see protoss fighting in cinematic glory had me giddy like a little girl desu.
Also, Selendis a cute.
The only thing that it would matter in a ship like that is modularity to keep the costs low.
Making big ships would require to make them being build in low orbit.
In this case, it would need to be rugged enough to take punishment in battle, so it would look something like this.
I thoroughly enjoyed the Terran campaign. Cruising around space and building my own army was fun.
Cylinders take up less space/resources than METAL BOXES (rectangular prisms). Also a good shape to have spinny spin simulated gravity modules inside.
LotV was okay I guess, but it was full of retcons as well. The Tal'darim being pseudo-Siths instead of a bunch of ultraconservatives living in xel'naga ruins and the whole "Amon made the khala" business were awful. It also brought us the abomination that is Space Angel Kerrigan. Still better than HotS and most of WoL though.
Wings of Liberty was good until it started revolving around Kerrigan.
You can pretty much gauge how shitty any given part of SC2 is by how much Kerrigan is involved.
>WoL starts ok, but becomes increasingly shitty as Kerrigan becomes more and more the main focus.
>HotS is utter shit from the beginning to the end, showcasing what an irredeemable cunt Kerrigan is.
>LotV is great overall, has like 2 missions where Kerrigan is present.
>The Epilogue is again, all about Kerrigan, and it is utter shite.
The problem is that making cilinder shaped ships would be much more complicated.
Just look at subs. The only reason they are shaped that way is to pass through water more easily AND to avoid creating too much disturbance to not be detected.
In space you dont need that.
Making boxes and them yielding everything togheter would end up being more cost effective and faster to produce.
Also, since the weapon sistems would be on the exterior, and the panels too, you would nto be able to walk on the inner walls of the ship in an attack because you need to be stead to shoot right.
Wasn't Protoss ship design based around the same general principle as to why Terrans can't really research even the Non-psionic bits of Protoss tech?
Namely, the ability to work as a cohesive machine despite having literally zero parts actually touching through some form of quantum fuckery?
The Tal'darim originated from a novel that was released before SC2 was even out, so they were initially barely canonical themselves. LotV also sorta offhandedly explains the WoL Tal'darim being different from the mainline ones when Alarak mentions one Tal'darim commander being sent to harvest Tezzarine (or whatever the fuck that dank purple gass was), and going insane by overexposure to the stuff). Personally, I find the LotV Tal'darim to be far more interesting than the WoL ones.
Also, LotV didn't state that Khala was Amon's creation. It stated that the Xel'naga who uplifted the protoss, were actually Amon and his servants, not the mainline of the race, which isn't really that big of a retcon, and doesn't change anything fundemental about the nature of the protoss (like the primal zerg shit did to the zerg).
Khala was still discovered by Kas, ending the Aeon of strife.
The reason Amon could enter the Khala was because he took part in uplifting the ancestors of the protoss and thus knew of their psychic link, which Khala is founded upon.
>I'm gonna need a citation for this.
Did you legitimately just ask for a single citation explaining how the FTL systems in different settings works because you don't believe the claim that they generally don't actually involve the spacecraft moving at relativistic speeds?
If I maintained a list of dumbest shit I've seen in a discussion about fictional technology on a somali basket weaving site I would put this on it.
People that think we wouldn't have "Windows" are on a space-ship are genuinely retarded.
Claustrophobia doesn't go away, neither does the unreliability of external cameras or sensors in any sort of hostile environment, and most of the time it's literally the same material as the Hull made transparent, or of equivalent strength.
I fucking loved invading Char and the whole thing then turning into a total goatfuck.
You never need to go to a habitable planet for this. Comets, and moons like Europa would have all the water you'll ever need without having to expend energy dealing with a gravity well.
>Food, livestock
It should be easy to grow for a space faring civilization, but I'll grant that circumstances might arise where they need it right now, and can't get it without resorting to trade or raiding.
I can understand pets, but slaves? Why would anyone bother with them when robots should easily be able to fill that niche. Slaves are something you have to keep on eye on and feed, and have all kinds of emotional and physical needs that a robot doesn't. Robots can do all the heavy lifting, and nice soft ones can see to YOUR needs.
>Good land
Space stations are a thing, and are far more resource efficient than trying to conquer a planet and then colonize it. If they're a non-ftl capable species, they're basically screwed if you settle their solar system. They'll be stuck on their homeworld and will have to negotiate with you if they ever want to leave it. No need to conquer them.
This one is almost always lazy writing in science fiction; I can't see any rational species doing it, aside from maybe misunderstanding.
Non-rational religious space zealots will probably glass the planet. There's literally nothing there that they can't get from other spots in the solar system, or other habitable worlds (assuming FTL). The truth of the matter is that a nice habitable world only matters to the species that's only got a single one, and no permanent space stations.
First get your power core/reactor/whatever then slap some engines nearby, preferably on the back of the ship. Now add the bridge, doesn't have to be on the top, could be in the middle.
Add crew housing and store rooms and since it's military, add some weapons and shit all over.
Now add a shell around all of it to stop it from coming apart and a superstructure so it can have a skeleton like the fleshbags that will live in it. Don't forget your shields and communication arrays.
All in all, it depends on the size and shape of those things so without those you can't really say how a starship would look.
The main problem with windows is that:
a.) If they aren't "ship hull, but transparent" then it's structural weakness.
b.) There's basically nothing to see. Light pollution from the interior of the ship or other large light sources would mean that you're look at blackness most of the time.
c.) Submarines don't have windows. People spend months in them at a time, sometimes up to half a year.
Some people can hack it in such situations, and some people can't. Someone with claustrophobia bad enough that they couldn't function in that environment likely wouldn't be cleared for space duty anyway.
No, I'm perfectly fine with multiple citations regarding just the claim that it's true in 'most' cases.
Yeah but you don't need to actually be going faster than light to inflict massive damage.
Look up nova cannon math.
A 50 meter sphere of gold a 75% speed of light will result in approx. 6*10^25 joules or the tnt equivalent of 14,000 teratons.
A.) It may be a structural weakness, but if it's a military ship a structural weakness being exploited isn't really going to make a hell of a difference unless there's some high-tech bullfuckery going on that makes the Hull thick and strong enough to make any noticeable difference when in active combat, you get hit by anything that deserves to be called a weapon and that section of the ship is fucked, the rest of the ship as well if there aren't judicious amounts of redundant systems. Though I will concede that structural concerns are nonetheless completely valid.
B.) There may be nothing to see, but it's the same affect as Astronauts ripping our colourful cargo packaging and taping that shit to walls, and then tearing it down and putting it up somewhere else every few months to break up the soul-crushing monotony.
C.) I have three cousins in the Navy, we aren't close but I know that they are all done stints on a submarine, according to them they would prefer getting shot and spending a year in a hospital rather then get back on one that is actively going out. Apart from that, I have zero personal experience being within pressurized hulls.
And if you do that then the other guys will do the same to you. Thus, nobody will actually use them unless they're batshit fucking insane.
Drones are cheap. They don't require life support, a room, or a ton of shielding. Slap entangled comm nodes on various ships, pilot from your chair a few lightyears away.
Probably something ovoid to maximize space while still being vaguely atmospheric in smaller vessels. Shielding would probably do a lot of heavy lifting defensively, so expect most ships to have lighter hulls to minimize energy usage.
Ive been thinking about this for a while (although usually without the FTL aspect)
I decided that all major military assets (factory's , headquarters, storage, etc.) would be on board star-ships. such facility's would be much easier to hide in the vastness of space than on a planets surface.
Basically giant space factory's capable of processing most useful materials.
these would be surrounded in a sphere by ships with giant, ultra long range weaponry (probably rail-guns). the ships would be incredibly far apart with the outermost shell being further away from the main factory ship than the maximum effective range of their weapons.
these ships would basically be 1 part ship to 1 part gun.
in a universe were ftl travel is possible I dont think physical armour is really an option.while a cuboid is modular in the sense that you can stack it easily I don't see that this would be a useful shape for a starship. why not just put all the components together as close as you can and build the outer shell around that shape?
alternatively you could sell your 50 metre sphere of gold assuming you can find an envolope big enough.
That image is a total clusterfuck.
Then space combat is mostly irrelevant as terrestrial forces will be bottlenecked by logistics of support.
Im not that guy, but in my experience most sci fi FTL does not work at relativistic speeds.
Light speed is slow AF, and FTL through sheer "going fast" is nonsensical.
Also nigguh please asking for citations in a Veeky Forums discussion. Like anyone can be bothered to gather that shit up just for your ass
>B.) There may be nothing to see, but it's the same affect as Astronauts ripping our colourful cargo packaging and taping that shit to walls, and then tearing it down and putting it up somewhere else every few months to break up the soul-crushing monotony.
Wouldn't this problem be better solved with videos or time set aside for social interactions, rather than windows that for the most part would only look out on the vast emptiness of space?
I do like the idea of a lounge area with a set of windows (with a retractable blast shield) that the crew could look out of when they were near an interesting object. But the idea of windows being a common thing and spread around the ship seems unlikely to me. Especially designs with a bridge set behind a massive window. We don't do that shit with current naval warships for the exact same reasons it would be stupid on a space ship.
It's actually harder to find examples of FTL methods that actually accelerate the ship than it is to find ones that don't.
- Star Trek warp drives don't (it appears to, but the ship still interacts with objects as if it was traveling on its pre-warp vector and speed because it's in a pocket of subspace which is moving, the ship itself is not actually accelerated at all).
- Star Wars Hyperspace doesn't
- Babylon 5 Hyperspace doesn't
- Battlestar Galactica jump drives don't
- Stargate Stargates don't
- Stargate Hyperspace doesn't
- Andromeda slipspace doesn't
- Macross folds don't
- LoGH warp doesn't
- Dune space folds don't
- The Forever War collapsars don't
- 40k Warp drives don't
- Alderson drive doesn't
The only example I can think of off the top of my head where you can actually accelerate something using just the FTL drive is Space Runaway Ideon, where a spacecraft specifically uses that it launch relativistic missiles at a planet.
Basically any type of teleportation "jump" drive or "hyperspace" drive in which the spacecraft leaves the physical universe can't be used in this way, the weapon would need to accelerate either before or after entering FTL, depending on the particular type. Only some variations of "warp" type drives, or drives that completely ignore relativity let you accelerate something in normal space using the drive itself.
Given the enormous volume of science fiction that exists it's difficult to say exactly what is the most common drive type, but drives that actually accelerate the ship past the speed of light in normal space aren't common in contemporary science fiction at all.
>Just look at subs. The only reason they are shaped that way is to pass through water more easily AND to avoid creating too much disturbance to not be detected.
If you think those are the only reasons for a submarine to be shaped as it is, you clearly know very little about structural engineering.
It is much easier/safer to pressurize a cylinder than a box, that is why beer cans and soda bottles are cylindrical, and not cubic like juice boxes. A pressurized box has stress points at each intersection of planes, in a cylinder the stress is evenly spread along the surface and not magnified in one section. This is why commercial airplanes are cylinders and the windows all have rounded corners instead of square.
This hypothetical space ship might have a box shaped outer hull, but the interior pressure hull will be either a cylinder or a sphere.
Relativity really stuck with sci fi authors. The idea of true faster than light matter seems to have been assumed to be impossible by most everyone.
Which is kind of a cop-out because if you do roll with relativity, FTL travel of any kind lets you build a time machine.
I'll take the cop-outs any day. Time travel plots are bullshit almost every time. Space warping FTL just cuts out all the bullshit. Although you can get some cool stories out of it like Forver War.
Meh. HotS was OK. Kerrigan certainly could have been better, true, but HotS had some of the best side-characters in the entire series. Zagara, Abathur, Dehaka, and Stukov were great fucking characters.
Abathur, maybe.
None of the others were even barely decent characters.
Zagara had the characterization of a wet blanket, Dehaka was one dimensional "muh essence" fuck, and represented the god damn lore rape of the "primal zerg", and Stukov basically had zero in common with the original Stukov from BW.
Forever War didn't use back-in-time travel, did it? Just regular old time dilation.
>unless they're batshit fucking insane
Imagine if one planet went North Korea.
We have never, ever had a shortage of nutters in suits.
Subs have to deal with much higher pressure differentials than space ships, though.
Yea. I just meant it as an example of when Relativity style time fuckery can be interesting. I'm actually not sure of any stories where they use FTL to travel back in time and fuck around.
in mass effect they actually travel faster than light by dicking with, well, mass
Did they ever mention what happens if you put something in the path of a ship launched from a relay?
Whatever design allows it to operate sub FTL, in atmosphere, navigate, and still go FTL. If multiple designs, which is likely, then it depends on what is cheapest and/or discovered first.
HotS was bad and its side characters bar Abathur were awful. They also killed my man Arcturus, but he was a terrible character since WoL so it's a mercy of sorts.
There is an old game called Nexus: The Jupiter Incident. It has pretty realistic designs in the early game.
They have turret mounted weapons. Engines on front and rear. Rotating crew pods.
>doesn't mention that Aztec flagship "Tlaxougwjfkmpjaks-something"
shit image
>Engines on front and rear
Is that really a good idea? It seems to me like having one main engine and a bunch of attitude control jets would make the most sense.
Yeah but that is all you get from relativity.
Time dialation not Back to the Future.
>Depends on many factors
Not really.
FTL means you can outrun any weapons, so military FTL boats would look like everybody else's.
Planetary systems might use point defenses like remotely armed shotgun-turrets on various asteroids, planetoids, etc, and utilise multiple early detection gauging satellites, etc, to supplement some form of Space Patrol, but FTL patrols would be suicidal within planetary systems and so, largely unsuited to military use.
You ram smaller, more precise rocks at the parts you don't need but the enemy has.
>Yeah but that is all you get from relativity.
Not if you throw in a way to get from A to B faster than light.
No but relays open a virtually massless corridor versus ezo engines which lower the ships apparent mass. Either anything directly in the path is shunted out at activation or shit goes down in a spectacular fashion.
They way they changed Mengsk from a ruthless and cunning, machivellian manipulator/politician, into a stereotypical, "ebil emperor" who gets fucking stumped by a reporter with a crappy recording of him saying some shit, is unforgivable.
His speech at the end of Terran campaign in SC1 still gives me chills.
In the Xeelee Sequence.
FTL sometimes takes you back in time, and with the scale of the conflict between man and the Xeelee, that happens all the fucking time. There's a library on Earth collecting all the possible futures, sometimes predicting stuff a thousand years away. Of course, the Xeelee have the same advantage.
These two things have nothing to do with each other.
And by the way, you can even give it a toliet seat or banana shape, as long as it has eniough shields and dakka
I know. Biggest sin of the sequel, tied with making Kerrigan a dindu nuffin.
How the hell is scooting around faster than any means of detection suicidal? Even gravity waves are too slow to use.
>the hypothetical tachyon particles which give the device its name do not exist even theoretically in the standard model of particle physics, due to tachyon condensation, and there is no experimental evidence that suggests that they might exist
So we literally have to add space magic to make this even a thing?
I'll keep the argument about relativity in the realm of actual theory thanks.
The issue with windows in space is as follows:
1) If it's a weaker material than the rest of the ship, it's a structural weakness and a liability to add (and who cares if external cameras are unreliable, they'd only be used to combat claustrophobia really. If your important sensors go down you're fucked with or without windows)
2) If it's a stronger material than the ship, then why the fuck not make the entire ship out of said material, because all of a sudden your non-window segments are a structural weakness
3) If the windows are the same strength as the rest of the ship, it's still a structural weakness because you have to have some kind of seam between the two materials.
So there really is no situation outside of space opera rule of cool to have windows on a spaceship.
Oh, and they also have a supercomputer that does all sort of complicated calculations, even if it takes hundreds or thousands years, and then send the results back in time to before actually starting.
No fucking duh. You're in a thread about FTL travel and responding to a reply chain on what would happen if you added FTL travel to relativity. Are you really surprised that FTL travel comes up?
True FTL itself is already assumed to be space magic. Ideas like tachyons and such are just theorizing on what would happen if it were possible. Stretching relativity to absurd conclusions for fun and profit.
I don't really mind the whole primal zerg thing that much. Yeah, it was a retcon, but it's not bad lore in and of itself, and I really like the design of the primal zerg.
Same with Stukov. He was different from how he was originally, but he wasn't a bad character.
As for Dehaka, he's kinda supposed to be one-dimensional. Like, the whole benefit of Zerg characters is that they can be one-dimensional while still being interesting.
Arcturus was a bitch and he died like a bitch. He was shit in SC1, and he's worse in SCII. He's saturday morning cartoon vilain tier awful, and has the award for second worst character in the entire Starcraft franchise (right after Edmund Duke at number 1).
No I'm not. But the user arbitrarily added a component just to have a back through time telephone when the discussion was about how to not deal with time-traveling with an FTL device as if it was a hard coded component of FTL.
It isn't.
Yeah "Tachyon" is literally just a word for "something that moves faster than light".
It absolutely is. You're misunderstanding what a tachyon is. A tachyon isn't a specific particle, it's anything that moves faster than light.
How can you live with such terminally bad taste?
>Hots was bad
And what did you produce that earned positive reviews worldwide and sold two million copies in two days ?
Where would we even be if any ideas were just thrown out without consideration simply because they aren't already well established and accepted ideas already?
Pre-stone age?
I'm assuming you were responding to .
I get it. But it isn't even theorizing. It is completely hypothetical.
The whole issue I was bringing up was in the discussion on how to avoid going-back-in-time as an FTL component in story telling. I pointed out time dialation is all you really deal with and he posed a link to an antitelephone which isn't even part of relative theory outside of hypothesis that requires a complete rewrite of the standard model. My point was back-in-time isn't a part of FTL so it isn't a cop-out as another user put it.
If you want to add it fine, no biggie. But it is hardly a prevalent part of FTL ideas as is so why complain about traveling back through time.
not true. Kerrigans penance was only postponed until LOTV
>Dehaka is a better character than Mengsk and Duke
You have to be kidding me. You must be one of those people that liked the whole Space Angel asspull.
That would explain mad old Mrs Tachyon in Johnny and the Bomb.