SMT Devil Summoner - Task Force 666 Quest #31

>Previous Threads: Summoner Task Force 666 Quest
>Previous Session:
>General Pastebin:

You are Adrian Brown, a twenty five year-old third-year medical student living an otherwise normal American life in search of employment. That was until you woke up inside a derelict and demon-infested hospital with four other victims of short-term memory loss. Together, the five of you managed to somehow survive by negotiating with demons and defeating those that were not so amicable. And upon escaping, the all of you realized that it wasn’t as simple as that.

Task Force 666 a multinational organization dedicated to combating hostile demons and those that would use them for ill intentions. And the hellhole you just went through? That was your ‘job interview’, one that you passed with flying colors. When properly offered employment as an agent among the ranks, you accepted without too much hesitation or second thoughts. Duty to humanity and whatnot.

You are now a Devil Summoner in the service of the Task Force, and the de-facto leader of East Coast Operations Division IV Carina Squad. It is your duty to protect mankind from all threats involving the demonic, but how you choose to carry out your orders is entirely up to you. The choices you make shall not only affect those around you, but the fate of the entire world itself…

A//N: It’s supposed to be July, not June as I mistakenly said last thread.
[Tuesday, July 2nd 2015, 4:00 PM]

With the destruction of the dryad’s grove, there is little reason for both you and MacKay to stay here. And that’s ignoring the two demons that are still there, who’s glares you can feel digging into your back. It does not bother you…too much. Even though there’s a tiny part inside of you that questions if you could have done things differently, you can walk and rest easy knowing that you made the best choice with the available options.

But with that said, you have no desire to get into an argument with the spriggan and the goblin any time soon. And even if you did, they’re going to be the ones to go to you. You’re not that much of an ass to loudly proclaim the moral superiority of your argument. Especially when the death of their friend just got twenty times worse than it already was to begin with.

You peel off your helmet, rubbing the back of your sleeve across your sweaty forehead. It comes away damp, sticky with an unholy amalgamation of sweat, soot, and all other kinds of unpleasantness.

Christ, what a fucking mess. Both situational and otherwise.

>You are now level 20!
>You may now fuse and control demons up to your current level!

>Le Perk System
>Every two levels you will receive a perk.
>Every ten levels, you will receive two perks.
>Every twenty five levels, you may add a ‘+’ to a Stat of your choice.

>Please select two perks:
>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.
>Nice Guy (Rank 2): Demons recruited through negotiation start with an additional 15% Loyalty.
>Penetrator: Pierce-type weapons do an additional 10% more damage, rounding to the closest whole number.
>Slugger: Bash-type weapons do an additional 10% damage, rounding to the closest whole number.

>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>>Deadshot (Rank 2): Guns do 15% Bonus Damage
>Heightened Senses: +10 to Perception Tests.

>Pixie has leveled up!.
>Pixie is now level 12!
>MP: 131

>Gryphon leveled up!
>Gryphon is now level 12!
>MP: 68

>Angel has leveled up!
>Angel is now level 12!
>MP: 95

>You received a notification from Angel.
>I have acquired a new skill master…
>Detain (Prevents the target from leaving the conversation midway)

>Have {Detain} replace one of Angel’s moves?
>Yes (Choose one from her sheet)

The only bright side to this is that favor has been curried in the eyes of Titania, as well as the rest of the fairies and the Sidhe court. And rewards are always nice. Can’t forget about those as well.
Your COMP starts ringing. The LED screen display’s Fitz’s name and grinning face, asking whether or not you want to answer the call. You select the YES option and quietly wait for the connection to establish. It doesn’t take too long, even with the environment that would make cell phone communication almost impossible. Miracle of the universe.

“You wouldn’t have happened to have been standin’ right next to an explosion, were you?” Her voice comes out in its usual smarmy tone, but there’s a bit of worry in there as well. “Because the patch of dirt the GPS says you’d been standing on just lit up like a fuckin’ Christmas tree. What the fuck happened over there?”

You and MacKay find seats, wooden benches set quietly aside the road. It takes all of your effort not to just collapse onto the ancient wood, to place yourself gracefully down. It’s not the best seat, but it’s certainly a welcome one.

“Things got a little out of hand,” You mutter, spitting to the side. “Titania herself got involved in the fight and things just kind of…escalated.”

You hear her let out a low, impressive whistle. “No shit, huh? So that big explosion that we saw from a good three miles away. That was her?”


“Yep. That was her.”

“…remind me not to get on her shitlist anytime soon.”

“No kidding. Speaking of which,” you quickly add, thumbing through the GPS, “Since our end of things’ve been more or less contained, I think that we should...”

>Meet up in the woods. Burning daylight, let’s get some more work done.
>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.

>>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.


>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.
Take a second to catch our breath.

>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.


>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.


>>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.

>Meet up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup and catch up.

“…I haven’t seen you guys in two days. MacKay did an alright job of bringing me up to speed, you know, let me know what happened since the attack. But I still think we should take some time to catch up in the residence hall. Rendezvous, regroup, catch up.”

“Perfect timing!” Brady’s voice suddenly chimes into the chat. “We’ve some stuff on our end to share with you as well. There’s a few points of interest, both in town as well as around the fairy realm.”

“What he said,” Fitz interjects, the frown visible in her voice. “We’ll be back in the residence hall…Vicky says it won’t take too long. ‘bout an hour to get back from our location. There’s a lot of data to go over, and we can’t do it over the phone. Erm…COMP?”

The barest hint of a smile enters into your voice. “What makes you say that?”

“Because it’ll be a pain in the arse,” Brady dryly answers, “Not to mention that I’ve got this lovely PowerPoint all nice and set up. Waiting for your viewing pleasure. I even made citations!”

“Smartass. Alright. See you guys then.”

>>Residence hall.

The walk back to the residence hall had been somber, but not silent. MacKay occasionally made a few observations about the tragedy of it all, and how one bad decision just snowballed out of control. But not once did he ever blame them. He only quietly accepted, sympathized, but never agreed.

“It’s not my place to judge them,” He says, stripping off a gel-stained jacket. “Because I for one am not paid to be an adjudicator.”

The two of you pass the time, waiting the minutes away taking care of odd things. Forty minutes into a game of Pong later, and the remainder of your squad shuffle into the door. While they don’t have the scorch marks or other signs of combat that you and MacKay do, it’s certain that they’re very tired. Bags under the eyes and Brady’s stifled yawn don’t lie.

>Pleasant greeting.
>Smartass greeting.

>Pleasant greeting.

And then maybe after the greetings thank them all for keeping things under wraps after we went down on the freeway.

"Good work keeping Titania safe and thanks for pulling my ass out of the fire."

Credit where credit is due you know?

>Pleasantly smartass greeting.
just smartass enough to keep them awake, but not enough to tweek them off.

>Pleasant greeting.

>Pleasant greeting.

>>Pleasant greeting.
I think we're all pretty tired

>Pleasant greeting
Clap em on the shoulder. Tell them good work for the last few days and especially pulling our ass out of the fire back on the road.

You stand up, smiling pleasantly. “Glad to see you guys in one piece. It’s been awhile, I know, given the whole Orias fiasco two days ago. And I never got the chance to say this, but thanks a lot. For pulling my ass out of that fire, both literally, and figuratively. As well as getting Titania safely into the fairy realms.”

>Squad Carina approves +3

“We’re also glad to see you up and about,” Brady replies, clapping you on the shoulder. “Just didn’t feel right without you at the helm, bossman. No offense, MacKay. You did a bloody well job as well.”

The priest smiles as he finishes assembling his gun back together. “None taken,” he answers, “And when – I mean if, if it happens again, then you won’t have to feel any sort of guilt if I assume command.”

Victoria tilts her head pensively as the proverbial light bulb goes off in her head. “So you’re the second mate? First mate?”

“First mate,” You answer for her. “But since we’re not at sea, the closest thing that’d work is my second- in-command. Because the last time I checked, I’m still squad leader, but we’re all still only Privates in the Task Force hierarchy.”

“Hope that changes soon,” Fitz drawls, plunking herself down on a nearby couch with an undignified flop. She kicks off her shoes and undoes the top buttons of her combat jacket in an attempt to beat the heat. Sunlight from a nearby window catches a bullet casing necklace dangling from her neck. “But that’s a discussion with Alger for later. First things first.”

“We need to fill you in on what happened…” Victoria continues, sitting in the one unoccupied cushion adjacent to the blonde. “So as soon as we sped off…”


They had driven without pause to the coordinates on the GPS, a patch of forest off the beaten path, and far away from the main road. From there, the COMPs proved their identities, and King Oberon allowed them to proceed into the fairy realm, the squad and their cargo under escort by Pixie Honor Guard.

As soon as you had been properly quartered, MacKay had recommended everyone at least a day to rest up. The healers said you were in hale of health, but couldn’t fathom why you had collapsed. But they had estimated a swift recovery, definitely within the next few days. In that time, MacKay recommended for the team to start searching in advance. Just so that little time was wasted while waiting for your awakening.

By the time they finished, the summer heat was reaching the apex of its temperature. Brady had already unbuttoned the entirety of his suit, and Fitz just shrugged hers off entirely. “So there you have it,” Victoria concludes. “And we went out for another day after minimal success on our first…outing, I guess. But we had better success today. Just very tiring to get there…”

You nod sympathetically. “Looks like you had your hands full.”
“I would rather have preferred the sheer boredom to be interrupted with a fight,” Fitz muttered, fanning herself with a closed hand. “We should’ve traded places-“

You and MacKay look at her as one and say together, with the image of the roaring Seedbed still in your minds, “No.”

Momentarily put-off by the intensity of your response, she shrugs. “Eh, fuck it. Whatever. So what did you guys end up doing?”

>You gave a brief summary of what happened in the last three hours.


“How terrible.” Victoria’s face is an expression of sympathy. “Those poor demons. I can’t even begin to imagine what they’re going through right now…”

Fitz shrugs. “They should’ve come clean. ‘stead, they just let it rot and fester. Their own fault, no one else's. They shouldn't try to feel too bad about it."

Brady is silent, as if picking his words before saying, “You did what you had to do with what you had. Rock and hard place. Shame that there was no better option between the two of them. Poor bastards…”

>Fitz approves +5
>Victoria approves +3
>Brady approves +2

>The others will share their data in the next post.
>Choose what to do after they brief you on their findings.

>Choose one:
>Gear up and head back out there.
>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.

>>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.

>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.

>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.
Everyone's beat captain. Get after the side-quests tomorrow.

>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.

>>Call it a day and rest for tomorrow.

Puts us at
McKay 101
Brady 88
Victoria 104
Fitz 141

10 more til relationship rank up with Fitz.

So Kaz is that last quest going to be on the table? And what did the others find out?

You lean forward, clapping your hands together. “Alright, here’s the plan. You’re clearly tired, and given what MacKay and I just went through, we have no desire to go back out there. So how about this? We debrief, clean up…did you guys have dinner yet?”

They shake their heads. “Didn’t have the time for it,” Victoria answers for them, looking down at her stomach. “Or anything substantial, at least,” she dryly adds, directing a look to Fitz.

“There’s nothing wrong with eating fast food when pressed for time!” She exclaims in response.

“Not when you wolf down two burgers faster than I can get through a deli sandwich.”

“But digressing from that…” Brady continues, casting a wary look to the women’s couch, “No. Just bagels for breakfast and lunch.”

You nod. “Then we’ll get dinner and head to sleep. I think we could all use a little bit of R&R. Bed early tonight, then we resume the investigation tomorrow once we’re all feeling better.”

Everyone chimes in varying tones of thanks and gratefulness. But MacKay frowns. “Do you think Alger would approve? Not saying that I don’t appreciate the respite…”

“It’s not a time-sensitive mission,” You answer, recalling the files that you read in the car ride before Orias attacked. “The last kid went missing two weeks ago, and there’s a huge gap between the kidnappings or disappearances. Whichever they are. At least five or six weeks. One day isn’t going to hurt.”

Fitz leans up from her reclined position. “It’s the first twenty four hours that’re the most crucial, Sawbones. A lot can happen then.”

You raise a hand up in defense. “Then it’s a good thing we’re waking up in about…thirteen. That’s eleven hours to prevent something from happening, if anything happens at all.”

She raises an eyebrow at your pedantic retort, but ultimately drops it. “Fair enough. So here’s what happened today with us…Brady, are ya good to go?”


“Yep.” Brady steps into the center of the area, fingers dashing across the holographic interface of his COMP. Within a few seconds, multiple screens of information can be seen, emitted by the projector build within the gauntlet. You can make out various missing child reports, magnetite readings, all keyed into various maps and images across the screens.”

You raise your eyebrows. “This isn’t as much of a PowerPoint as much as it is the set for ‘America’s Most Wanted’. Holy shit, Brady.”

He shrugs, adjusting the focus for a sharper view. “I’m the kinda man who likes to go all-out when I can.”

You smile. “Can’t argue with that. So do you mind giving me a summary of this giant?”

“We combed across the town with magnetite sensors,” Victoria points along the main roads of Lebanon, Kentucky. “Just to see if we could pick up any unusual readings. Not unlike your little encounter with that Seedbed thingy in the dryad’s grove.”

You nod. “And I take it you had a few positive IDs?”

“A few.” At her gesture, Brady zooms in on three particular locations, blowing them up to have their own separate monitor. “The town itself is already lightly doused in the substance due to its proximity to a faery ring, a secret portal to the realm of the fairies. But we’ve got a few odd ones that had a little more to it than the others.”

Brady squints as he reads out the fine print on display. “New Connections, local orphanage for boys and girls. I did some digging around, and it turns out that two of the kids were adopted from there. Never discovered missing there, so the coincidence probably slid under the local police’s radar.”

Fitz ‘tch’s in disapproval.

“The next one is a local business: Nash’s General. Mom and Pop grocery store and farmer’s market every Friday. Nothing too unusual about that, but then again, we’ll probably figure out what it is when the time comes.”


“And the last one…here,” He takes a moment to adopt a sophisticated air. “The Lebanon American Historical Society. It’s a gathering place for antiques from your country’s history: mariner’s sextants, explorer’s journals, historical reenactments…I think they even had a bullet Jesse James apparently had in his revolver. Only noteworthy thing that’s happening now is a Frontier Life exhibit that debuted a few weeks ago.”

You nod as you process the information. “So far that’s everything in town. Any other anomalies?”

Fitz yawns, scratching her head before answering, “There’s tons of them in the woods, and the biggest one is that Darkbriar place. Not that we could get in. Pixie Guard told us to fuck off and only come back when we had permission from Titanaia.”
Victoria nods in agreement. “With good reason apparently, but that wasn’t the only one…Brady, if you please?”

He nods, and the map of Lebabon is replaced by an antiquated map of the fairy realm. Very antiquated, given the yellowing parchment. “A few places here and there, just randomly scattered around the borders of the city with no rhyme or reason. Nothing unusual there either, barring a few mushrooms and pretty birds. I think the action’s gonna be in town for this one. Again.”

“It most certainly seems like it,” MacKay agrees, sitting up to stretch a krick in his back. “But we shouldn’t forget to check up on those forest spots as well. Just to stay safe.”

You smile. “Exactly. No stone unturned and whatnot. Great job guys..."

>Do you have any questions?

Were you able to tell what was giving off the readings in the History Museum?

Any of the cultural artifacts look like a demon summoner could have used it back in the old days? Talk to any of the parents yet? You figure out what was giving off those readings at the ma and pa shop? Any sign of Orias and his cohorts? Any fairies trail you or act more oddly than usual?

>Historical Society questions.
Brady shuffles through a few screens, searching for a particular display. “Unfortunately no. But what I can say is that whatever’s giving it off, it’s something specific. Very specific to the point where the building itself only has splashes of the strange reading. Definitely some kind of relic or artifact. What it is though, it’s anyone’s question.”

“We tried going in,” Victoria supplemented, “But they were closed early. One of their secretaries got heat stroke and fainted in the middle of a tour. I wasn’t about to break in to try and get a closer look.”

“But it’s definitely a point of interest,” Fitz interjects. “Because according to Alger, a frickin’ cowboy had a posse of Devil Summoners. Well worth checking out tomorrow.”

>Nash’s General
Brady fishes out a bag of chips from his pocket and throws it towards you. You catch it with a disinterested grab. Sour Cream.

“Everything, from the bread sticks to the fried chicken. The whole place is drenched in that funny energy signature. The only difference between that and the orphanage is that the readings are concentrated in the playground and a few other areas. The store? Everything’s confusing the sensors, even at the lowest sensitivity.”

You frown, gingerly setting down the bag. You definitely have to check it out.

>Contacting parents.
Victoria’s smile thins and Brady grimaces. “One and only one. And…”

“Let’s just say that it didn’t go well,” Fitz cuts him off. “The woman wasn’t in any condition to talk. Things got…heated and we had to bail. And that was the first one on the list of eight. We were gonna do some more before you called us back.”


>Orias and Co.
Fitz interjects before Brady can speak up. “No. Bastard’s gone to ground. Wherever the fuck he is, he’s doing a good job of keeping low. As for his sniper buddy…it could’ve been anyone, Sawbones. The lady in line for the restroom, or the cashier at McDonald’s. I honestly got no idea.”

“We need to be careful then,” MacKay rubs his leg, probably near the area where a bullet had gone through his thigh the other night. “Even if we take Central’s verdict into account-”

“Which is total bullshit,” Brady interrupts him.

“…yes, be that as it may, we should exercise extreme caution. Though they are not our main suspects, they still remain a danger to the people at large.”

“Taking him down is definitely a secondary,” You muse. “We’ll be sure to keep that in mind as we proceed.”

>Fairies’ behavior.
Brady turns a very interesting shade of pink. At your and MacKay’s confused looks, Fitz shoots you a motion of “we’ll explain later”.
Victoria shrugs. “I suppose that they made a sharp contrast to the fairy tales, but they seem to be normal demons. As far as polite ones go.

Brady continues, fighting down his blush, “Although they did seem to be disgruntled at the accusations the Task Force has levied against them of making off with the kids. Their mood’s improved since the last time we saw them. I think that’s your doing. Helping out with their problems.”

“We’re not the ones to ask those questions,” Fitz retorts, pointing to the COMP. “You and MacKay are the ones with Fairy demons...” She pauses, eyes flickering towards Brady. “You’d be the experts on their behaviors more so than us.”

“Most likely,” you concur, no small amount of curious. “And you’ve given me a lot to think about, as well as plan out for tomorrow.

>Choose one:
>“Let’s hit the showers and get some food.”
>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”

>>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”

>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”
>You turned awfully red, what happened to embarrass you man?

>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”

>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”
Talk to a Lenean Sidhe?

>“So Brady…what’s up? You okay there?”
The General store is using the Corruption as a sort of addictive "perfume" to get people to keep coming back. Since it's only airborne and these are humans, the infection rate is incredibly slow.

The corruption originally came from a seedling that a child wandered around and found, bringing it back to the orphanage playground for the kids to take turns watering.

Kaz.....are you Awoo?

Your primary motivation for asking Brady is out of concern for his well-being. As Squad Leader, it wouldn’t do for you to be kept out of the loop out of things that could potentially affect performance, both in and out of the field of combat. It’s just the right thing to do, even if ya gotta pop the metaphorical pimple out in the open.

And a tiny part of you that most certainly does not exist is curious to see what’s got him all hot and bothered.

“Ah-” Brady tries to speak. Emphasis on ‘try’, because all that comes out of his mouth is something that’s half-choke, half-squawk. “Well, the thing is…”

Victoria looks to the side, seemingly out of sympathy for his embarrassment. Although she can’t completely hide the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Fitz has no such compunctions, grinning as she stands up, sauntering over to the programmer and draping an arm around his shoulder.

“C’mon, you may as well tell ‘em,” She says, wiggling her fingers in the air. “It’s bound to get out sooner than later. May as well air it out now and get the chuckles out of the way.”

“…fine.” He surrenders, moving with the gait and lethargy of a damned man. You and MacKay exchange confused looks as Brady fires up the Demon Summoning Program. “Promise me you won’t laugh…”

MacKay nods politely. You make no guarantees.

He smiles a smile that comes out as more of a grimace than anything else as he presses the Summon button. There’s a brilliant flash of light as the demon manifests into reality, bits and pieces of data coming together to form a body-

“Oh, master---”

If it weren’t for the fact that she was floating, the elongated ears, or the sharp, orange eyes, she would have passed off for a woman with exceptionally long blonde hair. The purple cloth clinging to her body did nothing to hide her body, only emphasizing it. Especially her cleavage.


“What do you wish of your slave?” The fairy salaciously licks her lips. “This demon’s body is entirely at your service and your desires. I will not hesitate to obey any order you give me, no matter how depraved or degenerate.”

Brady whimpers as MacKay’s eyes practically bug out of their sockets.

>“I think that there’s a reasonable explanation…”
>“I see you’ve made a new friend…”
>“And you were giving me shit about Angel.”
>Custom option.

>>“And you were giving me shit about Angel.”

Also Start quoting rules and regulations from the handbook

>“I see you’ve made a new friend…”
>“And you were giving me shit about Angel.”

>arm over shoulder, silent condolences

>“I see you’ve made a new friend…”
>>“And you were giving me shit about Angel.”
I mean we got the outfit but Sidhe already has the S&M mentality.

>>“I see you’ve made a new friend…”
>“And you were giving me shit about Angel.”

>“I see you’ve made a new friend…”

>So uh, you want to explain, or just have me quote regulations at you for the next two years?

After finding your tongue and calculating the most appropriate response, you nod solemnly. “…I see you’ve made a new friend…but remember. As an agent of Task Force 666, you must be sure to keep in mind rule number one of The List. I only learned it as well as I did because of your reminders.”

Brady groans. “Oh God, I knew this was gonna happen…”

You grin, sauntering up to join him along with Fitz. “You were the one giving me shit about Angel, dude. Turnabout fair play’s only fair. And while she doesn’t have the outfit, she’s definitely got the S&M mentality down flat.”

He glares at you before deflating. “Aye, I suppose that’s true enough. But how I supposed to know that saying ‘no’ made Leanan Sidhe my slave?”

“Thank goodness that you said yes,” Victoria says, half-torn between cringing and providing morale support. “Because according to the codex, if you said yes to her inquiries, you would’ve been bound to her…okay, this ancient law is kind of stupid.”

“You’re kind of fucked either way.” Fitz takes a moment to realize what she said before she finally musters up a sympathetic smile. “Okay, bad choice of words. Real talk? I offer you my most sincere condolences.”

“...oh, to summon me in public!” The demon titters in delight, swinging from side to side as she observes the entirety of Carina squad. You observe every other noticeable thing about the fairy except for her exceptionally large rack. “How bold of you, Master! Or are we all to partake of me and indulge in our basest desires together?”

And just like that, the words he would've said get stuck in MacKay’s throat.

Too many lewd jokes about ‘semen demons’ and other derivatives of the term run through your mind before you eventually settle with a sympathetic gesture, sliding your arm over his shoulder in a gesture of solidarity.

>Choose one:
>“Let us know if you need any help.”
>“Don’t worry. We’ll protect your virtue.”

>“Don’t worry. We’ll protect your virtue.”

>“Let us know if you need any help.”
Brady's a grown man. He can protect his own virtue

>“Let us know if you need any help.”
We'll stop laughing, eventually.

it's less of an assurance i believe and more of a jab.

>"It'll be fine. Probably."

>>“Let us know if you need any help.”

I want Mackay to miraculously obtain a Lilim.

>“Let us know if you need any help.”

that would just be the greatest feat of troll-manship to have ever been made.

Or Victoria to get an Incubus

No. Mara


>Okasan told me stories about this!

That'd take too long though since he's a big name demon.

Besides he'd fit Fitz better, Victoria is to narrow minded.

Your words hold no japing tone in them. There’s nothing but absolute sincerity for your friend in a very bizarre predicament. “Let us know if you need any help, alright? I mean, Angel being what she is, is nowhere near the level of your…problem.”

Brady snorts. “Yeah, no shit dude. At this point, I’d be more than happy to trade with you. Is that a thing? Is that even possible? We’re already Pokémon enough as it is-”

“Oh Master, don’t be so coy,” Leanan Sidhe whispers in a husky voice, floating across the room to stand right in front of Brady, tracing a finger along his chest, throat, chin. “The ancient law binds me to you forever and ever, until your death and maybe even beyond. There’s no severing our pact once it’s been made. I’m your slave now. So come here and give me some discipline…”

Brady finally loses his composure. He hits the de-summoning button to return the fairy into his COMP, and holds his gauntlet as far away from him as he possibly can. The fairy doesn’t take any offense, laughing melodiously as she’s whisked away, breaking down into data to be sucked into the machine.

“Until next time, my master!”

The words echo long after she’s disappeared, and only when the last sounds of her voice fade away does Brady finally exhale, and morosely say: “…fuck.”

You and Fitz give him sympathetic shoulder pats. “It’ll get better. Hopefully,” Fitz muses, casting a wry glance to the COMP. “And like he said, let us know if she gives you any trouble.”

He still seems to be mortified, but the smile on his face is a good sign. “Thanks guys. And…yeah, I’ll stay safe. Oh, don’t give me that look, you bloody wanker. I meant I won’t break the rules. Sheesh, I say one thing and the loon takes it all out of proportion…”

MacKay finally finds his voice. “Well now that that’s over…may I recommend cleaning up for dinner? I was told there was a hot springs nearby.”


>hot springs
Oh boy.

Victoria’s neck audibly cracks as it snaps towards the priest. You fear for her neck, as well as whiplash, but she doesn’t seem to care. Her eyes are wide and sparkling in the surprise one has when stumbling across something. “Wait, really? A hot springs?”

He nods. “One of the pixies told me this morning. They were cleaning it up for our use tonight-”

Without even letting him finish, Victoria is already halfway out the door. “I have to see this just to be sure. I mean, Virginia hot springs are alright, but they aren’t as good as Japan’s…but what about a fairy spring?”

MacKay stumbles after her. “W-wait! You don’t know where it is!”

>>Hot Springs

“Welcome to the Sidhe Springs, honored guests,” the attendant bows to you. Brady’s mouth twitches at the mention of ‘Sidhe’, but he manages to recover quickly enough. “Her Majesty Queen Titania has decreed that you have access to our waters for the duration of your stay. We hope you enjoy your soak.”

>Choose one:
>Don’t let your demons into the spring.
>Let your demons into the spring.

Shenanigans after I get something to eat.

>Let your demons into the spring.
Oh, boy

>>Let your demons into the spring.

>Let your demons into the spring.
except for Gryphon, ask the others first if they're okay with some very possible roughhousing/loose hair

>Let your demons into the spring.

>Let your demons into the spring.

>Sidhe Springs

Are they owned/maintained by Leanen Sidhe? Will they drop in on us? Or will they water take after a certain Bird's writing?

“Is it alright to let our demons into the springs?” The attendant, a wizened old goblin, raises a cursory eyebrow to track your COMP. Brady shoots you a questioning look as you bring up a display of your demons: High Pixie, Angel, Gryphon. “I mean, it is a spring that’s supposed to be used for demons before we got here, right?”

The goblin muses on that before waving you off. “As long as you do not disturb the sanctity of the springs, then yes, you may let them join you.”
Gryphon, unfortunately, was the big nono. Maybe next time when you’re all by yourself. Or without the crowd accompanying you. Then the big guy can come out to play.

“We have provided complimentary clothing,” it hands you, Brady and MacKay simple swimming trunks. To the girls, one pieces of modest design. “Of course, these are merely optional. If you wish to leave these with your items to enjoy the springs properly, then that is fine as well.”

You cast a look to your squad, friends forged in fire, blood and the art of fighting demons together as a cohesive unit. And they all share the same look in their eyes.

Hell fucking no.

Because while you’re all friends…you’re not that close yet. Swimming suits close, perhaps, but nowhere near le au naturale.

You take the offered clothing from the goblin. “Give her Majesty our regards and thanks.”

It nods, gesturing towards the rooms behind it. “You may deposit your belongings in the basket. You can trust in our guards to ensure that they are not disturbed for the duration of your stay.”

>>Hot springs

“It’s so warm!” High Pixie zips around, flying through the misty air and taking in the atmosphere. “I’ve never been to one of these places before!”

Angel tentatively dips a foot into the water, before deciding to let her legs dangle as she sits above the water. “Indeed. It is neither too cold or too hot. A perfect medium, a pleasant experience that does not infringe in excess want.”


You roll your eyes at the demons’ reactions as you ease yourself into a pool with MacKay and Brady, sighing as the water soothes all the aches and pains accumulated from the day. Brady seems to be in his own nirvahna, and while MacKay is nowhere near on cloud nine, the priest is enjoying the soak.

Mokoi floats in the water, staring up into the evening sky with empty eyes as it mutters to itself. “Istanbul, Constantinople, the grand gates are opening, and I’m feeling nostalgic…”

Jack Frost is nowhere to be seen, which makes enough sense given his affinity for snow and all things winter. But there are other demons to fill in the gap. Knocker and Lham Dearg are debating the merits of soaking in the spring. Gremlin and Tagata Manu play around, splashing each other with the water.

The girls are in a pool of their own, with the rest of the female demons accompanying them: High Pixie, Angel, Apsaras, and Hua Po. It’s far away enough for you not to make out too many details, but close enough to be able to carry on a normal conversation. That was where they drew the line. They aren’t worried about MacKay ogling as much as they are about you and Brady.

You shrug. Whatever floats their metaphorical boat.

The silence is welcome after a long and hectic day, but this is a collective soak with everyone on the team. Perhaps taking that Leadership course as an elective wasn’t so bad of an idea after all, even if the whole thing makes you sound and look like a saccharine idiot.

Ah, Icebreakers...the bane of your college existence.

>Pick an Icebreaker genre:
>Fun. “So if you won the $50 million lottery, what would you do with it?”
>Confession. “Were you ever drunk at one point in your life?”
>Philosophy. “What do you value most in life?”
>Custom option (doesn't have to be an Icebreaker)

>>Confession. “Were you ever drunk at one point in your life?”
Kind of a weird question since everyone here are adults, but could have some funny stories.

>>Fun. “So if you won the $50 million lottery, what would you do with it?”

I didn't have enough characters to put "flat-out wasted to the point of puking a liver". I thought it would've sufficiently implied being absolutely sloshed.

>Confession. “Were you ever drunk at one point in your life?”
I'm curious about Mackay.

>Favorite Foods, if we're going to be eating together, we may as well try to enjoy it.

>>Confession. “Were you ever drunk at one point in your life?”

Confession. “Were you ever drunk at one point in your life?”

Stupid writer's block...


>driver’s silence.”
Is that the certification to drive cars in stealth mode?

You saw nothing...

“Were you ever flat-out wasted at one point in your life?”

Brady lifts his head from the edge of the pool, glancing in your general direction. “Hmm? What’s this on about?”

You shrug. “It’s that kind of setting, you know? Those icebreakers, and all about those ‘what-ifs’ and questionable and potentially embarrassing things that you’ve done in your past. May as well do it to pass the time to cook in here.”

MacKay hums in pensive thought. “How intoxicated are you talking about?”

“To the point where you’re either puking or hospitalized. Not in that particular order.”

“Twice,” Fitz calls out from her end of the springs. She’s propped up on the edge, facing your pool with a grin. “For my acceptance into the Academy, and when I got my badge. The hangover was hell, and I kind of showed up to get my uniform half-buzzed, but the rush isn’t something I’m going to forget anytime soon.”

Brady snorts. He seems to take that as a challenge. “Once on a dare, but it was with hard liquor. A real German piece of work in my dad’s liquor cabinet when he was away at some diplomatic cocktail party. Me and my mates snuck out some real nasty shit and passed the bottle around until it was empty.”

“Oh yeah? How old were you when that happened?”


You whistle. “Damn. How the hell aren’t you dead?”

“Sheer luck, and the insight to have puked my guts out into a toilet before passing out. Dad was hella pissed, though. Gave me a real tanning.”

“Worth it?”

“Worth it.” He seems to be more relaxed now, given the fact that his latest demon was nowhere to be seen.

You can see Victoria shrug. “I don’t drink the hard stuff. Just beer, mostly, and sake for family occasions or whenever I’m in Japan. But the first time I got really drunk…” She frowns. “Don’t laugh, but it was after I got my driver’s license.”


dem japs, man. Chinese can do those martial arts things, but they be ninjas, man, NINJAS. IN CARS.

You snort, and Fitz is unable to hold back a raucous laugh of her own “Wait, are you serious, Vicky?”

The mechanic flushes as she directs a bit of side eye to her companion. “It was high school. We all did stupid things in high school, right? Mine just happened to be the time where me and my friend got…hammered? That’s the correct saying, right?”

“I can’t imagine you drunk,” Brady mutters, seemingly in denial. “Fitz maybe, and definitely Adrian. MacKay…not so much. But you?”

She tosses her hair as best as she can, in spite of the fact that it’s quite damp. “Don’t judge a car based on its exterior. And one doesn’t say no to Morgan Stern if she’s your best friend. Looking back on it, it was a bad decision since I had to miss an English exam the next day…”

“I can proudly say that I’ve never been intoxicated to the point of debilitation,” MacKay says as proud as he can. Well, not as proud as he can, given the whole ‘SIN’ issue. “I’ve indulged in the occasional beer, not to mention the communal wine for Mass. But other than that…no, I have never been drunk, and I don’t intend to any time soon.”

“How about you, Sawbones?” Fitz addresses you. “You got any interesting stories?”

This you know well enough easily. “Medical school acceptance, and every post-final joy while in med. Every time you listed an organ’s function or the correct prescription verbatim, you took a shot.”

Brady gives you a sly smile. “And how much do you know?”

“Enough to make me regret it the day after…” You mutter, “…and stupid enough to do it for the last three years ever since. A tradition, if you will.”

Fitz is quick to take command of the discussion. “I’ll take a shot at this. Okay…food you could eat for the rest of your life. Hamburgers for me, cooked medium rare on a backyard grill.”

You give her a wry look. “That can’t be healthy.”

“Fuck off, Sawbones,” she playfully retorts."I more than make up for it every day on the job."


>Morgan Stern
German for Morning Star

McKay prayed for Lucy Fiore right?

>German for Morning Star
Haha, oh god

...son of a bitch.

Pure coincidence, I swear!


this is great




honestly, saying it with trip on would still be okay.