>wake up
Huh, you guys said it was a shitcoin
Wake up
Do your own research idiot
hmm.... it's been holding steady at $2.50 for the last 30 mins... should i buy or?
Um sweetie I invested in it so I'm just mocking retards like you
this is going to be the most epic fomo crash i've ever seen, On par with the BCH pullback.
its not a shitcoin but its overhyped shit reddit army cult sect loves it and hype it like its the next internet... newbies loves it because they take opinion of the "Pros" its nothing more than overhyped bullshit right now.
Good timing to make cash though but the project sucks and devs only talk more about price and market cap than problems arising.
"Hey devs how do you handle the PoW with no workers or miners? You need high end pc for this? How else do you solve it?"
and the devs are like
"Why do you come here and talk shit? But guys.... TOP 3 MARKET CAP NEXT WEEK!?!?!"
Pump and Dump
who will work in the mines though? mines need workers. seems simple enough.
Ya'll faggots didn't believe at .50, 1, 1.30, 1.40, and 1.70.
stay fucking poor.
>implying i don't hold already
Your an idiot. It's going to crash (it is crashing right now) that is a fact, it has nothing to do with how many i hold.
>64% up
you niggas are completely delusional
>no-iotas general
I mean.. It's still a shitcoin
Ill be back in this thread shortly to call you a moron. Hope you practice what you preach and baught the bottom and sold the top like the rest of us did.
>"It's going to crash (it's crashing right now)
>*refreshes portfolio from 10 mins ago, up 5c
>(You) believed us
It's shady as hell. Just look at their subreddit. 80% of users lost their funds already.
suck my cock faggot
Look at the SAT price since its' inception... still hasn't outperformed BTC.
will it rise further?
>Unloading your bags starter kit:
>1) Get your bags, premine the hell out of that stuff
>2) Stuff buzzwords in your whitepaper, (ie: my PoW is so weak it is quantum resistant)
>3) Have some half-ass alpha ready that bears a vague ressemblance to what the whitepaper describes
high fast tps, no fees, decentralized, secure
painful 1 TPS with coordinator with security gaps unanswered
>4)Deflect constructive criticism ("quiet plebs, you are just afraid of IOTA")
>5)Bitch about price manipulation, yet trade your coin on bitfinex and tease your tweets
>6)Create your own definition of "partnership", don't disclose the new definition.
>7)Annonce "partnerships" with each IT companies of the S&P
>8)Unload and enjoy
Told you i would come back and call you a moron, Moron.
>gains 70% overnight
>corrects 10%
lmao poorfags gonna poor. hodling strong, also bought another 3k worth of iota :^)
Your reaction is as gay as that dude is salty.
IOTA partners with Microsoft, Samsung, Volkswagen
IOTA on German television this week
you'd be stupid not to jump on this rocket
fucking tard, sell the top buy the bottom
iota is a centralized non working shitcoin.
only newbs and pajeets are Invested
>what is capital gain tax
holding from $1 you faggot
I can taste your salt. IOTA's far from centralized, even now the COO shit is just there to ensure the validity of the network, not coordinate the transactions or do the work. Even if they left it there, it'd still be more viable as a currency than buttcoin.
LOL how stupid can you possibly be?
coordinator had a bug so the entire network went down for 4 days. Yeah not centralized at all
Is it crashing down or is it time to buy?
>he thinks he can evade tax
too bad this is a white collar crime and they don't really rape you in prison for that
Looks like it's rdy for another run. Whats the best exchange to buy this garbage?
Fuck nvm, it's already up again
Lol you really truly are retarded arent you? Theirs no tax on like kind trades you fucking dip shit. Your not trading it into fucking fiat, Your trading into another token.
bitfinex EU and binance US
>he hasn't read the EU treasury crypto law draft
must feel so fucking bad to be you
Why im not the one living in cuckedville eurostan
Dont forget their partnership with cisco that a devs actually using.
I feel kinda dumb not just memeing and saying everythings bad tho.
>implying the US draft doesn't look exactly the same
how bad does it feel, honestly?
Keep clinging to hyperboles and stay poor
I don't live in the us either. Lel, In fact, In my country, When i do decide to cash out into fiat i get over 800k capital gains tax free. Sucks it Eurotrash
pajeet kutrapujiab confirmed lmao
>800k capital gain tax free
lol your an idiot. Great white north faggot.
>Being this retarded
Now im going to snuggle into bed next to my wife while nice and comfy while i dream about the 300k i just made riding shit shit coin up and shorting it back down, and buying some of the dip. Gl.
No one here anymore?
just made a new low for the day fuck it im going in
> decentralized excel sheet
>EU treasury crypto law
Yea not happening, Apple will never comply. Do they not remember the shitfest with the FBI? It's going to go to court and the courts will strike it down since it violates privacy concerns. (as they did many times before in the past) Law enforcement seriously need to fuck off and do their job properly again instead of using a giant fucking dragnet.
Yup, told you. EUROPE DOES FUCK AROUND WITH PRIVACY CONCERNS. As a matter of fact we have of the strictest ones in the world.
- "Correction: updated to add
The original version of this article stated that the EC was looking to pass legislation providing it with backdoor access to encryption.
A spokesperson from the EC got in touch to say that Jourová's words had been misinterpreted and there is no plan to introduce legislation covering encryption. The proposed laws will instead cover faster access to material held in the cloud in different jurisdictions. Material that, presumably, they expect to be unencrypted.
That clarification came on the same day that UK home secretary Amber Rudd also appeared to back away from her demand that law enforcement be given access to encrypted communications on apps such as WhatsApp."
- "there is no plan to introduce legislation covering encryption"
It's just not going to happen, and even if they do pass a law the courts will 100% tell them to fuck off.
More proof:
- "What it means for us
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies are expected to make their products and services capture and process as little personal information as possible by default. Coined "privacy by design," this forces services like social networks to ensure users have the strictest privacy settings right off the bat, instead of having to dig through menus to opt out of programs or features they were automatically included in when they signed up."
I worked in a webdesign company, it means you have to ENCRYPT all kinds of data that is sensitive. If you don't you can get huge fines. Europe is becoming stricter on privacy concerns and encryption.
>it's crashing guiz!
>has stayed in $2.2 - $2.3 for 3 hours
This is why forced sterilization of certain people is morally correct
>10% correction after ANOTHER 50% run
>bag holders flipping their shit
what's new