we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble
We are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we are not in a bubble we...
>muh cats are a bubble
nocats are subhuman, enjoy buying my cat bags at 10x
honestly its embarrassing. i believe in blockchain technology but this is the final straw. ive cashed out see you in a few years
Pets.com of crypto. This ride never ends.
you can do plenty of stupid shit with real money so whats your problem?
Real money will always be worth real money
tfw made more off cats in a week then you virgins made off bitcoin in a year
until inflation kills it within the next 5 years
>Thinks inflation will kill all fiat in 5 years while the countries of the world sit around do nothing about it the entire time this obvious and devastating problem happens
I bet you don't even understand how a lot of inflation is simply the natural result of companies being successful and thus raising prices and how this eventually this just forces employers to pay people more.
>tfw digital cats broke ETH and made crypto look like a massive bubble
The fuck is this gay looking cat shit any way? Some kind of shilling no doubt.
dapp released where people buy pngs of cat drawings for $20k
Inflation is mostly a result of the banking system. Are you fucking serious that its the fault of corporations. The US government literally prints over a trillion dollars a year you fucking retard.
>he says whilst Bitcoin is being mined right now with no sense of irony
ahh bloo bloo buh baba bloo bloo
i made like $20 off this today
are you guys just refreshing the cheapest cats and waiting for some dingus to put up an undervalued kitty?
there is a limit on how much bitcoin can ever be mined, so it cant suffer from inflation. The government can print out as much money as they want
You do know Bitcoin has a fixed limit right? It is deflationary by nature. Gold has been mined for thousands of years, the last BTC will be created in ~140 years. In fact, deflation is much more likely to kill BTC than inflation.
inflation causes the flow of money due to people spending now as oppose to later. It increases risk aswell. Inflation is literally good for the economy and you my friend are a moron
Inflation is what kills literally every single fiat currency that has ever existed and yet gold never ever seems to lose its value. I wonder why?
what world do you live in? inflation is good for a currency. there's a reason no one buys things with BTC BECAUSE it's deflationary. Gold has been losing value since the 80s but it's also not a CURRENCY
Use LTC derp
You literally have no idea how money works at all. people dont buy things with BTC because its not suited for that at all. It has slow, expensive transactions and extreme price volatility. And gold isnt a currency, gold and silver are MONEY. the difference between currency and money is that currency isnt a store of value and money is. Whenever the economy collapses due to hyper inflation or distrust in the dollar gold spikes in price and it will continue to as long as fiat currency exists. Gold may go down but it can only fall so far and it will never go to zero.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums. Gold is inflationary. There may be a limited amount of gold in the earth but we will be mining asteroids long before we run out desu.
precisely. I agree too. I just find it highly ironic when people claim money comes from thin air when unironically buying speculative "currencies" that are "created" when block chains are hashed
It's time to pull out of crypto and wait for the tidal shift
Now how exactly am I supposed to get LTC on Ether Delta? I'm selling on ED where the price is high, and buying elsewhere where the price is low. All my liquidity on the other exchange got used up.
but theres still a limited amount that can ever exist because you cant fucking print as much as you want at a mint or create it as numbers out of thin air at a bank. Not to mention that gold mining (especially on asteroids) is expensive and requires physical labor. Fractional reserve lending (which almost all banks do) literally creates dollars out of thin air
also how will deflation kill bitcoin? you didnt provide a reason.
>people buy pngs of cat drawings for $20k
I am also a believer in blockchain technology. But which listed company would want to be seen handling billion dollar transactions, with corporate business, when their fintech is also used primarily for laundering?
On another note, where does kitty coin exist, I want ...
Assuming that vast majority of people holding an asset behave rationally, if said asset is deflationary in nature, the owners will, acting rationally, refuse to spend it, or lose the future value. This completely defeats the purpose of "currency".
I'll trade you some weed coin for your cats? Honestly, this has a Monopoly feel to it. Old Kent Rd for Kings Cross anybody?
>currency are money are different things
>the USD isn't a store of value
>limited value means it's deflaitionary
>it might decrease in real term value but it's not inflationary
user you are literally a moron
if gold was to become the staple currency then we would value gold in dollars, we would value everything else in gold. It would still be deflationary but it would increase at an incredibly slow pace if it were widely used.
>it might decrease in real term value but it's not inflationary
Do you know what inflation is?
> this is Veeky Forums, home to unrecognized crypto genii discussing promising blockchain projects and sound investments
> also, we buy game cats for crazy money because it sounds legit
Biz, you I'm disappoint
>what is a deflationary death spiral
Haha, Yeah, I see your point.
This is just normal growth. We should probably start pumping these cats full of bitcoins, as they appear to be unique and collectable and bitcoin can only go up now so we can afford to waste it!
This is why Ark will be superior.
yeah but you seem to think gold is deflationary but in real term value it's been inflating since the 80s. This is of course referring to gold as "money" to purchase goods
also gratz on providing a chart but you obviously dont understand it. Gold peaked in price each time the government severely fucked up the currency they were using (which has happened every 30-40 years). When the government introduces a new model of currency gold slowly drops but its bound go up again the next time that inflation kills whatever currency we are using.
Fucks sake. Why/how are some people THIS retarded
Fucking Koreans love their cute PNGs too much
so which currency has been changed since between the 80's and 2010's user
increasing value is not inflation. inflation is more currency being printed out or put into circulation. So as more currency enters circulation the price of everything goes up because it has less purchasing power. Certain products become more expensive because of individual issues with that product but the vast majority of products increase in price because of inflation.
That only applies if people keep trying to turn crypto into actual currency in its own right instead of a store of value.
I can't believe there are still people who think we can and should turn BTC into a proper currency. That's not where this is headed. Its not where we should head.
And if it did head this way, inflation would HAVE to happen which would completely alter the crypto economy. making it like actual forex which would confuse the market and cause chaos.
That's not the definition of inflation though. Mining (gold) is inflation too, as it is adding to the total supply of tradable gold. The difference is that it's regulated by technology, markets, ect. Eventually, technology will improve to the point where interstellar mining will be common, not only for gold but rare earth metals and the like. Bitcoin is deflationary because mining (bitcoin) will not always be creating new coins, eventually it will be rewards from tx fees. This means when a satoshi is lost, it is gone forever, there will never be a replacement. The .05 BTC I mined back in the day and lost the wallet from will never come back. They are gone forever. This is deflation in action, and it will only get worse. We don't even know how many BTC are gone already.
You have literally no idea what you are talking about. Inflation is the increase in prices of commodities with respect to currency. Some of it's causes can be an increase in currency in circulation but its not the only cause. You also seem to think inflation causes economy crashes. Factually untrue look at the great depression.
I repeat: Adoption of crypto as an actual currency would lead to chaos at best for a multitude of reasons.
The US dollar has had a fairly long run but if you ask your parents they will tell you that before the 70s they had the gold standard. Bills from that time have a statement on them saying that the note is redeemable for whatever amount of gold that bill is worth. Under this system, all the countries had their currency backed by the US Dollar, which was backed by the gold in the treasury. This sytem failed because the government printed out more currency than the gold they had to back it up. Nixon had to end the gold standard very soon after that happened or it would have caused an international crisis
Deflationary death spirals only really happen when theres already an economic crisis going on. i.e the great depression
heres a gold standard bill, like i said.
a retard again. how many btc do you own?
heres a definition of inflation as well, you fucking idiot
Oh shut it.
Pray tell us how you would run a business in a deflationary world because even investopedia disagrees with you.
>Assumes I wouldn't change my mind if given the right information and tells me to shut up
Good argument.
I agree that DDS only apply to "currencies" but currencies are also a store of value. What will probably happen with bitcoin is a reduction in trading volume as people no longer want to sell BTC that increases in value. (see pic) This with an increase in price is a bearish signal.
Yes and it says literally nothing about printing money it also repeats what I said you absolute mongoloid
How does it disagree with me? Why couldnt you run a buisness in a deflationary world?
because if profits from the increase in purchasing power exceeds the risk return of investments (or the need to buy non essential commodities) there will be NO FLOW OF CURRENCY
i buy shit with BTC every week and pay all my bills with it you guys are faggots
>Inflation is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling. Central banks attempt to limit inflation, and avoid deflation, in order to keep the economy running smoothly.
Do you know why purchasing power of currency decreases?
because of multifaceted reasons and not wholly due increase in monetary supply. theres are reason why inflation can be grouped into "monetary inflation" and "price" inflation
Price of goods and services decreasing.
Lower prices > lower profits > dying businesses > lay offs > unemployment > lower income > lower demand > lower prices > lower profits > etc
This is directly out of an investopedia video.
Which, like i said, only really occurs when there is already an economic crisis going on.
>Only really occurs
I gave you a fucking mathematical argument. This doesn't even fucking...
Alright, how do you know when the economic crisis starts?
This is the dumbest shit ever, but it feels nice to get in on something so early. I've missed pretty much everything involving crypto, so I can pretend I'm doing something early for once.
Actually scratch that last part. It doesn't matter when it starts. Fact is, regardless of which comes first, it is still true.
It doesn't matter when the crisis starts as long as the logic that lower prices leads to lower profits follows.
Blockchain is a technology with promise, just as email was.
Bitcoin is AOL
Cryptokitties is the equivalent of the first chain message
Meaning, it's a fun silly application of the tech, encouraging adoption and garnishing more positive attention.
Stop being so dense and fud
>be me current year
>own 25 btc hodling
>get into terrible car crash
>wake up, the year is 2042
>nurse what is the price of bitcoin?!?
>haven't heard of those in a while user, mostly just a collecters item now, if I had to guess probably worth .32 gen 43,235 cats or so
Someone cont
>Real money will always be worth real money
And what happens when the money is worthless or massively drops in value?
Ask Zimbabwe.
>bitcoin maximalist
"Typical arrogant American, voted for trump, has bitcoin stickers all over his car."
He didn't get me you retard. That was my point.
We got the other guy, it was a team effort.
>Get the hospital bill
>It's a 1000x1000metres child's drawing of a cat being dragged through the sky by two cargo airplanes
I was only responding to the -... Uh I... Yeah I'll just go ahead and delete that now.
That post only made sense to me.
>eth is not a tulip mania
Is this Doge 2.0?
>in most stable economies the local currency can be classed as a store of value
You retards don't seem to understand that FLOW of CAPITAL important which won't happen in a depreciation based economy. Again, controlled inflation is good for the economy.
>But which listed company would want to be seen handling billion dollar transactions, with corporate business, when their fintech is also used primarily for laundering?
Idk man who would want to use USD when drug cartels use it?
Who would want to use the internet when people use it to share child porn?
No one I guess.
Oh shit