Would dwarves have different ideas about intoxication than other races, because drinking is so prominent in their culture?
Would dwarves have different ideas about intoxication than other races...
Dwarves cannot become intoxicated.
Then why would they drink?
Maybe it's my experience as a fraternity brother speaking, but I highly doubt they'd worry about intoxication level in terms of ability to consent. Being shitfaced would be so second nature to them that there probably isn't any sober sex happening in all the dwarven kingdoms.
To kill the parasites.
Tastes good, nigga.
Considering that depending on the setting, even the females have beards, I see this as a must.
but last time i checked in those settings beards are considered attractive on a female dwarf. like they take care of it like an elf's hair.
That is a truly terrifying statement.
Welcome to Veeky Forums, home of the rape factory.
Enjoy your stay.
>why would they drink?
To get through the working day
its not that rapey if both are drunk out their fucking minds. its like no one is consenting!
If no one consents, is it really rape?
Because it's the major good group for them.
I'm assuming you're sighing because it wasn't fucking obvious to them that all drunken sex isn't rape, but fuck if I know these days
Beer is easier to store and keep than bread. It's literally liquid bread to them.
also what else are you supposed to fucking do all day in those underground halls?
Because it's refreshing
Let's assume that dwarves ARE capable of getting drunk, for a moment.
They're still in a culture that drinks a lot of booze. They're still in a culture whose main industries - brewing not included, because it's closer to farming than industry for them - are mining and metalworking, neither of which are friendly to a drunken worker (or his workmates).
A dwarf who doesn't know his limits well enough to avoid getting smashed before his working day is over won't just be looked down on, he'll be a fucking pariah. A retard who can't even manage his physical intakes properly, when he should have learned how to do so during the entire fucking life he lived up to that point.
Getting hammered after your day's work is done is probably A-OK for them, though.
you cant ALWAYS work.
So drinking is fine, getting drunk is met with scorn. So like every other society
Likewise, having a very low tolerance to alcohol would be shunned upon.
You can't drink with your coworkers because you'll be too drunk to work, you can't drink after work because you'll be smashed in no time and have a awful headache the next day, resulting in bad work.
>not always working
You don't understand Dwarves fundamentally.
A proper dwarf is a taciturn workaholic. Surfacers just get a false impression cause they only ever meet the lazy drunken outcasts.
>Dwarves don't get "drunk", that's their normal state
>Alcohol and some other toxins serve an important role in their metabolism
>Their senses, cognition, and reflexes decline when they don't have it in sufficient quantities
>Under old dwarven law, having a high alcohol level is necessary for consent, and sober sex is considered rape
More that getting drunk on shift is handled with scorn. If you can go sleep it off before you need to get near a mattock/hammer/bellows/whatever, who gives a piss?
Well, that's....that's double rape then. At least by a technical definition.
if you're both raping each-other, then you're just having strange sex
>dwarves that stop drinking ale eventually become near-feral in intellect, little more than cavemen
>they go on to inhabit the darkest parts of caves where they munch on rotten mushrooms to restore some level of intelligence, enough to raid their more intelligent kin
>ale is worth its weight in gold to a dwarf, and they fight for it with their lives, and an intelligent dwarf is sworn on his beard/her braids not to tell any others of their lost kin
Okay, fine, it should indeed be obvious that dwarves put back all that ale of theirs like it's tea.
Or rather, energy drinks, smoothies, diet-shakes, that kind of thing.
That's no reason why they'd be able to handle less basic stuff without issue. Like mead. More alcohol there, not sure if the honey has any notable effect. Or wine, similar alcohol level, and the general presence of grapes might mess with dwarves. And of course vodka, if they ended up with some strange neighbouring settlements that produced it, in significant amounts, thing would get weird, maybe the alcohol level would finally start being something that they can't simply weather, and maybe the effects would be mainly from the plain old empty calories.
Have you seen the things that come out of the water in Dwarf Fortress?
Good. Now remember that all of those things piss in that water too.
Beer: The safe alternative to water since civilization began.
oh man wow
they're not wrong.
came here to say this
alcoholic drinks are just dwarf tea
Because scotch, whiskey, and beer all taste great.
Quit being 17.
Dunno, ask Slavs
Speaking with the gods/spirits? Delirium Tremens is pretty impressive to witness.
Depends on the particular beverage, too. I guess mushroom alcohol could have some pretty funky effects.
IIRC my lessons well, intoxication has 3 main phases: Euphoria, Loss of cerebral coordination and motor control, and coma.
Maybe they litterally can't stop working, and have to intoxicate themselves in order to enjoy life, rest their muscles and sleep. Drinking would be the equivalent of an "end of the work cycle, begin recreative and sleep period" switch. Otherwise they'd work themselves to death or become even more grim since they wouldn't be able to party.
Alternatively, translated from XVIth century french, from a doctor: "Alcohol dissipates melancholia, appease the soul, purify judgement and illuminate the spirit. It fortifies the youth and ressurect the elderly, helps digestion, prevents cecity, dissipate heart diseases, prevents the shaking of the hands, rupturing of blood vessels and liquefying of the marrow."
I mean, you may be shitfaced for a while, but it's a small price to pay for such a panacea.
Alcohol has a very high calorific value.
Also: Helps with some diseases like pneumonia, and important cultural role (in forming a group of peers, mostly).
Reminder that the original dwarves hold their liquor worse than elves and hobbits
We become drunk about as quickly as american humans.
Drunkness here is getting more looked down upon lately than before, btw.
Slavs has absolutely shit tier alcohol resistance.