What's the most autistic nerd rage behaviour you've encountered in tabletop gaming Veeky Forums?
Let's hear some horror stories.
What's the most autistic nerd rage behaviour you've encountered in tabletop gaming Veeky Forums?
Let's hear some horror stories.
My own.
That Guy thread go
When I was in Jr. High we played board games (mostly Axis & Allies and Shogun) with this guy name Cameron who would flip the board when he was losing badly if we taunted him enough.
>years ago
>played with this guy named Gavin
>Gavin, according to Gavin, was always right
>ran games for years
>demanded to play most powerful pc when not running
>played for years in his house so most gms gave into his crap
>some 7 years after playing with him because gaming scene is dead here
>new gm with chase scene where we flee things on horse
>horses have to make saves or collapse because been running for days
>Gavin's horse falls out first
>"No it doesn't"
>gm says he failed the save and it does, tries to get another to make the save
>Gavin gets up, jumps out of an open window and walks into woods
>we finish scene and pack up
>leave and have month off
>Gavin refuses to talk about game
>next month and he lets us come in, set up then goes to his room and plays wow
>wont answer anyone when they ask if he is playing or wants us to leave
>happens again next month
>find new place to have sessions
>Gavin drives by new game place every time we play, refuses to answer our calls and speeds off when someone comes outside
Shit was weird.
>jumps out of an open window and walks into woods
>wont answer anyone when they ask if he is playing or wants us to leave
>drives by new game place every time we play, refuses to answer our calls and speeds off when someone comes outside
cripes, this is going to be hard to beat
God... ignoring parts about tabletop gaming, this sounds exactly like what my older brother did after my dad got remarried awhile back :/
Well, I live in bum fuck nowhere so we get weird people here all the time.
He stopped doing the drive by thing when he had a stroke two years ago. Never really see him anymore, just heard tht he no longer talks and uses one of those text to speech tablets even though he has most of his vocabulary back.
Gavin sounds like he's going to murder you all
>jumps out of an open window and walks into woods
I totally imagine him casually bounding over the window sill, his long leather duster coat flapping in the wind.
>"uhhh Gavin..?"
He dons his trademark fedora and glances back at you.
>"pssh... nothing personnel... anata-tachi"
So... he got a minor failure in a game,
went out a window of his own home,
allowed the people who insulted him so to come over again,
but refused to directly interact with them otherwise?
I don't know whether I should be worried for Gavin's safety, or yours.
> insulted him
Where does it say that? It literally just says that his horse falls down first and Gavin says 'No it doesn't'.
Had a dude straight up scream at another player in the store over a lore argument, then try to fight the guy before two dudes myself included pulled guns on him and called the cops, and then he literally broke through a commercial-grade window and sprinted across the parking lot into the trees.
For the record, this was in Houston Texas.
What was the lore argument about?
I had a knife pulled on me when I tried to kill a guy's V:tM character.
First and last time I ever played that game
>tfw living on 3rd floor and cannot jump out of the window safely
I envy you guys.
In his mind. I'm being ironic.
Ah, life in the old hometown.
Was this at Nan's, 3rd Planet, or another store?
from what i have heard you arent missing much. shit's craycray.
you pulled a gun on a guy in a gaming store, who wanted to "fight"?!
> Murrica
> Bringing Guns into Gaming Stores
I don't believe you.
He (the crazy guy, and looking back he probably was legitimately crazy) insisted that Slaanesh no longer existed in Warhammer 40K because Slaanesh was removed in Age of Sigmar, despite the fact that that is completely incorrect. He refused to play a new guy (who ran a Noise Marine army) because he said, "I don't play against non-existent factions."
I'll greentext the experience if anybody wants to hear it.
Eh. Lead in the Minis, lead in the the guns, whatever.
Self defense weapon is for self defense. To be fair you don't draw down on some one unless your going to shoot to kill. user is a dick waving faggot.
I've had one person bitch at me and storm off at a sealed tournament because I got lucky pulled a double nissa in a Oath of the Gatewatch sealed tournament, and had both of them played at one point during our first game.
Yeah do it
Actually, it's against the rules. Corebook explicitly states that players cannot use real weapons during the game, only paper fakes. And even then they shouldn't point weapon directly on another person.
You got really shitty group if GM allowed this.
>Implying he wouldn't shoot to kill
You know that everyone that buys a gun for self defense is just waiting for the excuse to get away with murder.
I'm sure letting him know it was against the rules would totally have stopped him
especially if they're this special kind of murrican
> muh muh muh lonestar
> muh self defense
> dey was arguin' 'bout dem tabletop games
> it was self defense!
>space city bros
>on my Veeky Forums
It's more likely than you'd think
Anyways, tell us more about this shootout
Don't get me wrong the fact that America has enough freedom that it allows me to buy a gun and kill someone if they act like a faggot and endanger my life makes this the greatest country and earth.
Other countries are literal cucks.
uh, no
Sorry, I can't help but read this nonsense as
>I live somewhere predominantly white
Move to a poor neighborhood and tell me how enlightened you are about gun control.
Here's you a (you). You made me reply, so there's that.
If mass shootings become a weekly basis event, I'd say your country has a lot of problems.
I'll go ahead and greentext this to explain my actions.
>Guy in store gets into argument with a new kid who has brought in an army of Noise Marines to play
>Argument is over whether or not Slaanesh still exists in 40K, and one started by this guy unprovoked
>Guy begins to yell in the store about how Slaanesh is no longer real, and therefore you can't play a Slaanesh army
>Owner, myself and some other regulars try to correct him, but he's having none of it
>Just full-on screaming at this new kid, who came in with a friend to play a 1000pts Eldar v. Slaanesh game
>Store is packed, mostly with 15-18yo kids who are playing on the weekend (which is pretty usual for our store), and everybody is now extremely uncomfortable
>Owner is trying to salvage situation, opens books to prove that Slaanesh is still real in 40K and can totally be played
>Guy is not having it at all, throws book across store
>Gets into kids face and screams, "SLAANESH ISN'T REAL, AND IS A SHIT TIER GOD!"
>Takes his Daemon Prince and throws it across the room
>Kid starts crying, other kids start pouring out the door, owner demands he leave immediately
>Guy flips out even more, starts screaming at everybody in the store, throws books off the shelves
>I and another guy in the store immediately step in, because this ain't gon fly
To clarify, I am a security guard for a corporate security firm. I don't normally carry my weapon outside of work, but I was going to go straight from the store to work, and the store isn't in the best neighborhood, so I decided to keep it holstered in my coat rather than risk it getting stolen in my car. Other dude is just a legally licensed Bubba.
>We tell the owner to call the cops, and demand he either leave or go into the back room and calm down
>He starts screaming profanity at use, starts throwing more books at us
>I open my coat and place my hand on my gun, and tell him to stop or I'll draw my gun
I get too much bunker dwelling nutjob politics on /k/ can we get back to talking about gaming?
>I open my coat and place my hand on my gun, and tell him to stop or I'll draw my gun
And do what? Shoot a guy and go to jail for the dumbest reason ever?
>pulled guns on him
Holy shit is this what life is really like in Burgerville?
People pull guns out during arguments?
>when he had a stroke two years ago
What the fuck.
No. I have lived in America all my life, and have never seen, nor heard first-hand accounts of, this happening. I'm sure it happens in the shittier parts of the country, but 99.9% of Americans will never experience this
>Surprise surprise, motherfucker doesn't calm down and just starts screaming incoherently
>I draw my gun, other dude draws his (I didn't know he was carrying. I had met him a few times before that day, but I didn't know he CC), we tell him to kneel on the ground and place his hands behind his head
>Guy immediately breaks down sobbing, screaming, begging us to leave him alone
>Too late motherfucker, you just terrified a whole bunch of kids and threatened to kill literally everybody in the store multiple times
>Owner says cops are on their way
>Tell the owner to grab a few zip-ties from the back to subdue this guy for the cops
>Owner grabs them, guy is now 100% broken down sobbing and screaming and flailing about
>We move around a few of the tables and come at him diagonally, other guy goes to grab his hands while I keep the gun trained on him
>guy screams, slams other dude against the wall, and charges full-sprint across the shop, scattering tables and terrain in a shower of autistic fury
>charges directly into the commercial glass window (rather than using the door like a normal fucking person, cracks it, before charging it AGAIN and finally breaking through it
>takes off like an autistic bat out of hell for the treeline
>cops show up, we try to explain what happened, but as none of us knew who the guy was (owner included) there wasn't a whole lot we could do about it
>Never saw the guy again
The man had to have been legitimately mentally unstable, because people don't just act like that. I'm not ashamed I drew the weapon, because I was legitimately terrified of this crazy motherfucker, but I really hope he got whatever help he needed.
Also, pic related is how I prepare for the weather
Texas =/= Murrica. They take it to a whole nother level there.
>people think yosemite sam wasn't a completely realistic character
I've only ever seen guns get pulled when someone attempts a mugging or robbery, though.
It's like they think nerd shops aren't full of ex-military and police.
>set up a warmahordes game, testing out the Veeky Forums scene in a new town
>opponent says "ok let's do a casual game"
>fine by me!
>opponent brings epic Lilith
>my thoughts: oh you fucking cunt, casual game my ass
>bring my Cygnar A-Game, ready for a brutal fight
>set up, start playing
>table him by third turn
>he gives a scrub excuse for why he sucked: "if i wanted to use ranged and guns id play Infinity"
>other players agree with him
>pack up my shit, I'm done with these fucks but remain cordial
>he slams his fat fucking belly into my minis case, spilling everything out, breaking models
frankly i woulnt want to be the owner. thats a lot of shit to repair and damage control to be done after a fit of rage like that. although it must have been entertaining to watch from a safe distance.
No. There's a few cases where people have done some weird shit, but those are the things of legend. If a gun is pulled, which most people will never see in their entire lives and I, as someone who CCs, hope to God I'll never have to do, then something is majorly wrong. As in, a crime is being committed or you are in fear for your life.
I got a gun because I was beaten up and robbed at gunpoint, one block away from a police station and right in front of a bank.
I will never pull my gun unless my or someone else's life is in immediate danger.
No I'm a cop in burger land. You can't draw down on someone for being a nut. Threat of serious physical injury, rape or death of yourself or another would be valid reasons not a spastic tard. Should have put the guns up and beat his ass.
No, shoot a guy for having an extremely violent mental breakdown in the middle of a crowded and very confined store, who was very much a danger to himself and others (especially since he literally threw a guy halfway across the store in his escape).
He was asked multiple times to leave before weapon were ever drawn, and each time he quite violently refused and did nothing but scream and insult us.
I didn't want to pull a gun on the guy, but if he didn't either leave or calm down (because again, throwing shit and throwing things at people, things which were quite heavy and dangerous, all while screaming about how he was gonna kill other people) there wasn't much of a choice. It was also a choice I am legally trained to make.
Why do you think you have the right to detain/zip tie this guy for being an insane ass. What crime did he commit beyond petty vandalism?
Sounds like you were the one who didn't understand what a casual game was user
Pretty sure threatening murder is a pretty big crime. Sounds like he either did, or was moment away from, assaulting minors.
Maybe the dudes with guns would've gotten in trouble as well, but it probably would've been a slap on the wrist. No biggie.
I'm going to be charitable here and assume that Gavin realised he'd made a complete ass out of himself about a minute after he jumped out of the window, and everything that followed was him wanting to continue gaming with you guys but not having the social skills to get himself out of the hole of gut-wrenching embarrassment he'd dug himself into.
either that or you seriously need to watch your back
Epic Lilith isn't a warcaster you pull for a casual game.
You escalated the situation by introducing lethal weapons. Articulate why you met disturbing the peace (yelling) and vandalism, two non violent misdemeanors with the threat of lethal force? If you would have shot you would be in prison.
It's called deterrence.
Usually, even in America, if a gun is pulled on you, even if you also have a gun, people start backing down really hard. That's why even when they don't intend to shoot cops will have their guns out just immediately for every possible minor felony. Because guns are scary.
When did everyone on Veeky Forums become liberal babies and eurofags?
Terroristic threatening is not a crime you can use lethal force to defend against in my state.
Cuck mentality. Your estrogen levels must be sky high.
Tabling a guy in 3 turns isn't something you do in a casual game. Maybe the meta is different there from your old FLGS?
Amerifats actually believe this.
This guy is a real person who gets up every morning and goes to work.
Jesus fuck man.
>No right
>threatened and endangered people and vandalized a store
I'm definitely sure a citizen's arrest is completely within their right?
When you combine the threats with throwing things at people, then yes, that's assault, possibly with a deadly weapon. Books are heavy, dog. In any case, when you start adding in mental cases, things get really messy. You can make the very good argument that you are in fear of your life, and that of others.
I'm a cop. No. You don't draw unless you have a reason to. You can jump steps in the use of force continuum but you can't use lethal force or the threat of lethal force against perps committing non violent crimes
I just don't see why it's such a big deal that people lost their shit over a dude pulling a gun. Maybe it's because I'm Australian and we have a massively skewed view of American gun culture, but to me, it seemed like a decent response. I know the whole 'Don't draw until you intend to kill' thing, and that makes sense, but simply holding a gun is usually a good deterrent.
Nobody was actually injured - except maybe the guy who tard raged and jumped through a window - and nobody was shot. Sucks that the owner needs to get repairs and the dude was never brought in by the cops, but nobody was shot, nobody was killed, and hopefully the kids who were just doing their own thing came back after a while.
Threatening to pull a gun on someone is a chickenshit way to act and one of the single worse ways to resolve a situation.
Pulling a gun on someone is the ultimate escalation. You either kill the guy right there or put him in a situation where he does what you say or die. Simply gesturing at your weapon and going all "try me" is bullshit and will just make him freak the fuck out. The dynamic completely changes when guns come into the mix, even more so when the guy holding the gun isn't someone acting in an official capacity. I'd have fucking hoped someone like you who's trained to use them would understand this.
You and your pal could have just grabbed him and threw him out, you know.
>When did everyone on Veeky Forums become liberal babies and eurofags?
I'm imagine it would be around the time they realised that liberal babies and eurofags are far less likely to get shot
>Usually, even in America, if a gun is pulled on you, even if you also have a gun, people start backing down really hard. That's why even when they don't intend to shoot cops will have their guns out just immediately for every possible minor felony. Because guns are scary.
if Yanis Vaoufakis has taught us anything, it's that game theory is a crock of shit.
Agree. Not using the threat of lethal force which in many jurisdictions is known as brandishing.
They should have beat his ass.
Disturbing the peace (yelling)
Terroristic Threatening
Trespassing (asked to leave)
Vandalism (throwing books, minis)
See how none of those are violent crimes that can be met with lethal force?
So, let me reiterate that I am a security guard, who has been professionally trained to handle these exact situations, and why I made the decisions I made.
We only drew weapons AFTER:
>He had been on multiple separate occasions been asked to leave, and adamantly refused to do so (by screaming at us).
>The police had been called (after the second time being asked to leave), and the man had been made aware of it
>The man was destroying property in a violent manner, throwing it at other people, much of which had sharp edges and heft to it that could do some serious damage
>The man had threatened to harm others in the store, most of whom were minors, and had displayed behavior that suggested this was a plausible possibility (yelling and screaming at 15yo kids, throwing their things, throwing things at them, etc.).
>He was made aware that we had weapons, and again asked to leave before they were drawn.
Drawing the weapon was a last resort that the man had TONS of opportunities to get out of, and yet he did not. By the time the weapons were drawn, he was in such a mental state that I couldn't reasonably let him out on the street for fear of harming himself or others, and we sought to detain him as efficiently as possible before the police arrived to handle the matter.
>you can't use lethal force or the threat of lethal force against perps committing non violent crimes
U wot, mate?
You must live in a different America than me where children are shot on sight because they are holding toy guns.
>Should have put the guns up and beat his ass.
Is an officer of the law actually suggesting that you physically assault someone?
This is fucking hilarious!
There's no point reiterating your stance, dude. No matter what you say, other people who weren't there - and who likely would've shat themselves and ran - obviously know exactly what should've been done and how to handle the situation IF ONLY THEY HAD BEEN THERE.
They are shot because the officer thinks it's a real gun being pointed at then. Don't be obtuse.
>We only drew weapons AFTER:
>The police had been called
That is the fucking worst time to ever draw a gun. Know why? Because when those cops show up, you're now their priority. Not the other guy.
>You and your pal could have just grabbed him and threw him out, you know.
Getting into a physical altercation while you have your sidearm on your person is the LAST thing you want to do, as it means the person you're fighting with can grab your weapon and then use it against you.
Vs. bringing guns into it? Yes. I beat people's asses every day.
If the guy had been zip-tied and on the ground and nobody else had their weapons drawn - or had them in plain sight - the cops could've taken things slow.
Told this before, but...
>Join a game, because my group disbanded for a year, and Pathfinder is the only fucking game in town.
>DM had a massive martial-bias in a bad way. Thinks martials are overpowered because muh damage.
>Game is still geared towards them though because...?
>I roll a Wizard to complete the standard Fighter/Rogue/Cleric?Wizard party. DM doesn't pay me or Cleric much mind(until the Cleric started wading into melee himself, then he started getting the stink-eye too).
>I mostly stick to buff spells to keep the non-casters from getting buttfucked.
>DM keeps giving martials nice stuff, then destroying/taking it away the second it turns out it made them better. One time a weapon just flat-out stopped existing, and the DM refused to elaborate outside of the the fact the Fighter just didn't have it anymore.
>Game's dull as shit too, since everything is martial characters fight-wise. We fight a single caster who basically just does the same "buff everyone then take a smoke break while they do the rest of it" tactic I grew accustomed to.
>Show up to one game after a long day of work, tired and bored out of my mind, only half-paying attention.
>Some nutjob is monologuing at us.
>DM snaps a few times to get my attention to tell me it's my turn.
>I didn't feel like taking this NPC fuckwad's shit today and just slap a Hold Person on him.
>DM stares for a second then rolls a will save, followed by going into a screaming rage.
>Turns out random fuckwad was the BBEG decked out in a bunch of magic items that effectively made him indestructible against maritials and just showed up to basically fight us until he murdered a PC, then leave to show off his power of some dumb shit.
>Before the Rogue, almost salivating at the idea of stealing all thsoe overpowered magic items, can do his thing, DM screams at me toi get out and basically retcons away the encounter.
Never again.
Cops will usually be on your side if you smack around a guy who's acting like this massive of a cunt and disturbing everyone. Provided you don't go overboard.
What they don't like is you waving guns around or worse, shooting someone unless it's obvious, direct, life-or-death self defense.
And what was the reason you could not secure your gun before going hands on?
A real cop would know . Face it, nigger, you've been outed harder than a redneck faggot who won't kiss his cousin.
Dude, what store? I haven't lived in Houston in years but I need to be able to picture it.
It's okay when you do it though because you're wearing a badge amirite?
This thread has to be a joke.
I refuse to believe that Americans are this stupid and uncivilised.
>Because when those cops show up, you're now their priority. Not the other guy.
That's why when the police show up you immediately place your gun on the ground/nearby surface, step away from it, and put your hands in the air and comply with everything they tell you to do, even if it means they put you in cuffs. Explaining your way out it is done after the situation has been resolved.
Believe it or not, cops are trained how to handle situations where a law-abiding citizen is holding a violent person at bay with a sidearm.
I'm nice till its time to not be nice. The OPs story didn't require guns to come out. A few stout lads should have shown the nutter to the door. No need for fisticuffs really. Just a straight arm bar perp walk to the door.
While I agree mostly with the actions of the security guy in this story, that's not necessarily true. Unless by "slow" you mean "yelling at them to put the guns down now and then carrying things from there". Best case scenario, the two guys are cuffed and told to wait while they detain the perp, then released after getting eyewitness testimony. Worst case scenario is the cops come expecting an insane spree killer in the making and shoot the first person they see with a gun.
>But muh procedures
If you haven't checked the news lately, the cops haven't exactly been big on following the procedures for holding back on shooting someone. And not really big on getting in trouble for it, either.
>And what was the reason you could not secure your gun before going hands on?
Son, have you ever had firearms training? If you get in a fistfight, it doesn't matter how "secure" your sidearm is - there is always a chance that weapon can come loose in a fight, and if the opponent knocks you out he can take that sidearm from you and put the hurt on other people.
You do not get into a fistfight if you're packing.
Don't patronize me you fucking faggot. I said secure your weapon. If you knew what the fuck that means I'll help you. You lock it up off your person.
By slow I mean the cops yelling to put the gun down - unless it's already down somewhere - and the guy discharging the clip (or whatever the fuck the /k/ autists want to tell me it actually is) and in plain sight putting it down somewhere.
Being temporarily detained and released after giving a statement is better than being shot.
>and if the opponent knocks you out he can take that sidearm from you and put the hurt on other people
Not even counting the (admittedly very small) chance of an accidental discharge that could injure someone or make the perp freak out and think they're being shot at, which could send them into full on psycho mode.
Stop trying to pretend to be a cop. You have no fucking clue what you're saying.
>A few stout lads
Nevermind, I get it now. Don't you have some Irish to brutalize and oppress?
I don' have a specific story but there is one guy I game with regularly who spergs out if anyone besides him tries to play a character focused on martial arts.
> hang on dude
> you're on the ground crying and wimpering
> just stay right there
> i'm going to go put this gun in the store manager's safe
> don't go anywhere, I'll be back in a few minutes
I don't think that'd work, friend.
And where, pray tell, was I supposed to do that while trying to get a mentally unstable person to stop throwing books and other objects at people and screaming threats and profanity in a crowded store filled with minors? I couldn't exactly walk out to my car and lock it away all nice and tight in the glove box and then come back in and politely punch him in the mouth like "Civilized" people do.
During a four way multiplayer game if Magic the Gathering, I caused a player to almost table flip, and draw a knife before he stormed out of the store. [Spoiler]I was playing Blue[/spoiler]
>Excuse me, buddy, I see that this guy is violent, insane, and terrorizing a store full of children
>Just let me put my gun in the car
Last time I'm replying to you. In fact, just stop replying to this guy. He's either an idiot or a troll, and no matter which one, arguing with him just takes you down to his level.
IT'S A MAGAZINE YOU FUCKING wonderful person who doesn't deserve to be yelled at for a simple mistake in terminology.
assault clipazines
I don't frequent /k/, so I don't know the hard and fast difference between a magazine and a clip. Is the magazine the outer casing the clip itself just the bullets inside? idfk.
Please elaborate.
Where you playing draw-go?