Am I fucked?

I just sent 4 BTC to a BCH exchange address ( Will the BTC still appear or should I contact support?


Lost forever lmaoooi

so i'm fucked

Contact support

Both addresses are interchangeable so it should work just fine

RIP in pepperoni.

How did a retarded like you get 4 BTC?

By being smarter than you cuck.

>being smart
>sending BTC to BCH address

I call this "financial natural selection"

>I call this "financial natural selection"
It was a new fucking exchange , it looked so fucking similar and I was tired as shit. Anyway I contacted support and I think there's a good chance I can recover it.


Do your butt hurt, mister?

Thread Cliffs:

- OP is an illiterate pajeet who should not be in posession of 1 BTC let alone 4.

I bet you are smart

Only for a while, but when I think that I can actually afford to lose 4 BTC, it doesn't anymore. How about you, mister?

I bet you are SO RICH that you can afford a gold plated street to shit on

forget the other assholes. Sorry for what happened man, that sucks. I'll pray for you dude

best exchange.

depends on your fees you set in bitcore. most of the time when btc not arrive it has been moved by a complete helpless retard.

Dont take offense, there are about 4 adults in biz and the rest are about 17. Read through about 4 threads and its obvious.

Yes, unless you manage to contact the bitcoin.

What thwe fuck? Lol

all poor souls that will lost their life savings because of the wrong address

>herro this support
>how may help you?

Do I know you, OP???

If pic = related ... whaddup, Knygga?


Why don't you just suck his dick you faggot

>exchange holds the private key to OP's address on the exchange
>private key belongs to the same address on both networks
>OP tells support he sent the wrong coins
>"sorry sir we can't help you, bitcoin transactions are irreversible :("
>exchange owner unlocks BTC wallet with OP's BCH private key
>mr Shekelstein has now gained 4 free BTC
Don't be a dumb fuck next time

this is the reason i always ALWAYS send a small amount first. unlike banking CRYPTO has no recourse for lost or misplaced funds

Don't panic, the btc is still there since they use the same private keys. Just contact support.

Same keys no worries