Which is your favourite chapter and why Veeky Forums?
Best Chapter Thread
Lamenters: That mix of tragedy and heroism, basically doomed to be under dogs in the 40k universe. If there's any chapter that deserves to be promoted from "extra" to "main cast" its the lamenters.
Rip and tear, take everything that isn't nailed down to restock supplies, and kidnap all age appropriate children to replenish the ranks.
Hunt the enemies of man where they feel safest
Chapter seven, I'd say.
Best character of the best chapter
Space Corgis
I forget the number but it was the one with the red wedding.
Auric Patricians, the most pimpin' chapter in the 41st millenium! So pimpin' in fact, that they've got no fluff at all, dawg! Perfect for that Battle-Brotha that just wants to say just how much bking he's got, yo! And no one, not even your so-called "Spiritual Liege" can say otherwise!
Either Angry Marines or Blood Ravens.
I think that's Catelyn VIII in A Storm of Swords.
Raptors, because canon reasonable marines.
Blood Angels are my favorite. They are the best example of the grim dark etting for me- noble warriors who sacrificed everything to ensure humanity's survival. They've been paying for the Emperor's victory for 10,000 years, and now are on the brink of destruction. They even suggest that Dante knows the chapter is doomed, either by the losses from the gene curse or from hive fleet Leviathan, and intends to go out with a bang. He wants the Blood Angels to set a shining example for humanity to take with them into the future.
I love that chapters special ability
Red Wedding: During the starts of your opponents first turn, their warlord makes a leadership test. If passed nothing happens. If failed, any allied detachment's units makes a shooting attack at the nearest unit that is the same detachment as the opportunities warlord. Allied detachments from now on count as come the apocalypse on the ally matrix chart.
Thousand sons
Death Guards, the plague marines,
because they are space marine armors filled with pus more than actually people.
or Salamanders,
because they seem like bros.
Reference to a Game of Thrones plot point involving a massive betrayal at a wedding.
The Thousand Sons all day erry day.
My nigga.
Alpha Legion. Better to be a closet loyalest than a closet traitor like the DAs.
I'm sorry. It's the first thing I thought of.
Ultramarines. Space Romans.
Space Wolves, ultimate Bro Tier "chapter"
It was the spess wolves
>Using transports as personal drop pods, crashing them into enemies.
Storm wardens.
A-fucking-Men Frater. Although Saphon is pretty bro-tier too.
>yet another tiger beat tier fanboi thread
Veeky Forums is 18+ only, lads. Move along.
Le spice marines hating IGfag. SM are less interesting than normal non-brainwashed men, maybe, but to each his own
Dark Angels
White Scars
Doesn't matter they're ALL Alpharius now.
Blood Ravens probably. Really like the colour scheme.
Night Lords. Loyalist legion with Terran SM pre- and just slightly after finding Curze.
Before he fucked everything up, they were ur-pragmatic tacticians and strategists that used every advantage possible to control their environment, from 5th columns to propaganda to attacking the enemies morale, being perfectly willing to withdraw from fucked situations or avoid dangerous fights, so they only ever fought battles they had already won as much ad possible - total Sun Tsu. Often not even having to fight at all, in fact, because of their reputation. And they didn't pretend it was good or excusable to use terror tactics or commit atrocities to achieve their goals, but accepted that they were tainted by it and would have to carry the guilt of what they did out of necessity. No excuses, for the enemy or themselves. They didn't pretend their war was any less gruesome or moral than others, and they didn't pretend there was any difference between the horror of getting killed in a battlefield or getting killed in your bunk.
Because as much as people go on about how terrifying and cruel the night lords were, dying in war isn't any cleaner and what it does to civilians and they're lives is really just as bad.
Quick example, Google pictures of Donetsk.
I mean. Yeah. Still edgelord. But it's 40k and I would rather nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki instead of suffer massive casualties on both sides.
Grey knights. Because knights in spess with cool equipment and weapons.
he looks like a standard catachan
I think the Hammers of Dorn deserve a mention, if for no other reason than being the greatest trolls in the Imperium.
you left out the best part.
John 1, for its poetic beauty and theological clarity.
I also like Grey Knights because they are the only space marines that don't look like doofuses.
Man, I love the Hammers.
Black Templars because I enjoy my crusades.
Why do GK always wear those hoods/hair nets in all official and unofficial art?
>Custodes armor
How in the hell.....?
The ways of the Magpie are strange and mysterious
They even stole that?
Why aren't the Iron Hands hunting them all over the galaxy?
Ultramarines. They wrote the rules on how to be a space marine.
though the lamenters will have to stay as an extra. as that is part of their fate and curse
Question not the Magpie and his methods
Imperial Fists.
Still they are likeable.
Is that a DA Contemptor with a hoodie? SWEET.