Should i
Should i
Make like Shia Lebeouf
That risk board is pathetically small.
Like all alternate Risk boards it has some 'good' ideas that make it fun for a game or two. however after that the imbalance and other stupid idea overshadow everything else.
I dunno about all of them. The Star Wars risk games are pretty fun, although that's more because it's two teams of two facing off with wild card asshole hutts fucking everything up.
2210 is still my favorite Risk.
Isn't there an actual GoT board game that isn't Risk?
If you wanna play Risk just get a mobile app or something.
Isn't that the one where you tear up the cards and draw on the map?
No, that's legacy risk.
Yes, and it came out first.
There's also a battlefield game like memior44 in the GOT universe.
Get the actual Game of Thrones boardgame if you want a better experience, get Risk Legacy if you want the best version of Risk to ever exist.
I take it you recommend the Got boardgame? Looks interesting, but I've never heard much about it.
GoT Diplomacy when?
I wouldn't recommend it. After many games it always broke down to two superpowers clashing and the 3rd player decided who won.
I enjoy it, but I've not played it too many times. I have a group of friends who all love GoT so we get really into roleplaying our houses and such, it's more about the gameplay than the end result.
I think it's a great game, but it only really works with six or at the very least five players... Otherwise the balance is off.
But it incentivizes alliances and intrigues really well.
sooo... just like GoT?
Too few armies to play, that board does not look fun or interesting to play on and the gimmick won't be worth it, whatever it is.
I've been burned before, I bought legacy. The only good nonstandard risk is 2210.
I made a RISK map of Westeros some time ago. It's up on deviantart if anyone's interested.
It's probably not too balanced but should user play feel free to give some feedback!
Look for
Is 8 armies too few? The only thing i like about the board is the port system.
Seems risky.