Tell me about your magical realm experiences Veeky Forums.
From awkward to gross to downright scary, you're in a safe place now. Tell me everything.
Tell me about your magical realm experiences Veeky Forums.
From awkward to gross to downright scary, you're in a safe place now. Tell me everything.
>Played a Druid along with a friend who played a Ranger, was basically his animal companion throughout most of the game.
>Listened intently to the Ranger, followed his directions most often, but occasionally split off and did my own thing when my character really disagreed for some reason.
>Druid could shift back and forth from human to wolf along with a combat-focused werewolf form in the middle for surprise melee wrecking if anything got close to senpai
>Played it totally straight, party and GM both enjoyed the character
>I have a transformation fetish
>I'm a furry
>I'm a submissive
Flew right under the radar, GM mentioned he loved the "dynamic" I had with the ranger and set up something similar between a robotic character I played and an engineer in the next campaign. Still, 10/10 would be an animal companion again.
That actually sounds pretty cool
One time I took a bathroom break and fapped, then I ran out of the bathroom and shot jizz all over the DM screen. I was the dungeon master.
It was pretty cool. I didn't set out to make a fetishy character, it just so happened along the way. I wanted to play a support role with a strong tie to one of the party members and the Ranger was already good friends with me. The DM actually suggested the in-betweeny form as a way to make me viable in combat, as opposed to the wolf (which was good at tracking, survival, and pathfinding) and my human form (who was about as much use in combat as a shield made of potato crisps, but charismatic and personable)
Since the party was just me, the ranger, a wizard, and Brick Proteinmix the Stat Block Barbarian, I got to pull a sort of jack-of-all trades duty. As a wolf I helped the ranger scout and track, and hunt food on the road. As a human I was the party face since I wasn't edgy, a sperglord, or devoted to Khorne, and as a werewolf I was a spot melee DPS who could protect our backline while the barbarian floored it into axing range.
Huh, that's actually a nice story. I'm happy it worked out for you, user! did you fug, though?
Not during the initial game, though we did continue the game in a freeform setting after some time with the same characters.
where I learned that the ranger player enjoys the same realms I do
I just can't enjoy these anymore
So many are clearly biased by the poster's point of view or straight up fake
>Tell me about your magical realm experiences Veeky Forums.
They were great. I loved them.
>A disturbing amount of the new NPCs seem to be the sons and daughters of my character
wat do, lads
Keep up the good work.
Stuff that never happened/10
Stop playing the Bard.
DM kind of casually threw me into a situation where my character was forced into a relationship with his mother, and then expects me to roleplay the relationship to an extent.
Ol' GK was no bard though.
I'm playing the barbarian though. A big, hunky, out-of-his-prime psycho
For some reason our dm wanted our characters to piss and shit regularly. He didn't care about eating and drinking, and was pretty light on little details, but it was very uncomfortable, so me and my friends left. He was a pretty normal dude as well.
Playing a bretty qt semi-shota monk right now.
Not doing anything really MK with him though, it's just that he's young and pretty. :3
I once got the entire party date raped by astral bugs once due to using random encounter tables and not really bothering to read the full monster manual entry before starting the combat
Only had the chance to role play once. Played a single session of HOL. Ended up playing a pedophile priest who summoned alterboys while my friend and his girlfriend played a hulk man and The Fonz respectively. During a string of events we all wound up in a fight in a jumping castle wherein I tore the balls off a transgendered nun while my friend's girlfriend's character raped his character. Then proceeded to sell the testicles to a crowd that had gathered outside in an impromptu auction. Kept the scrotum though.
That has nothing at all to do with magical realm, only with the game.
I'm amazed you actually found a group (and a GM) willing to run HoL, though. The sample characters are intentionally thrown together on a whim, and the actual character creation rules are not only in the supplement (which is stupidly hard to find), but are also pointlessly complicated and end up in characters that are if possible even flakier than the sample ones in the corebook.
So not actually magical realm then.
The only magical realm shit in this thread.
My DM seems to want to keep forcing us to fight 'innocent' loli girls and keeps talking about their vulnerability and 'innocence'.
>kept the scrotum
For what, a changepurse?
Details gents, details.
everyone is a lady.
cute short haired lady knights, buff lady warriors, elf lady rangers, lady wizards and mages, dashing lady orcs,cute lady dorfs, lady princes. all altercations can be solved with head pats and telling another lady how pretty you find her.
literally headpats simulator: tabletop edition
More or less. The GM was a friend of the girlfriend and was keen to try it out after she picked the source book up from an op-shop somewhere. It was fun but we only got around to the one game. Sadly it's the only ttrpg I've ever gotten to play.
Yeah, I mean why wouldn't you?
A magical realm I can get behind
In that case, stop raping the townfolk.
>run a lighthearted game
>one player rolls Bard
>oh boy
>describes her as a blond bimbo with tits the size of her head
>she's also a selfish cunt
>wants to fuck everything that moves and then rob them blind
>uses whips to fight and wears leather armour
>lol I'm a dominatrix
>be into BDSM and it takes all my strength to stop myself from telling the player he doesn't know a goddamn thing about being a good dominatrix
Honestly, it's kind of weird that our most Magical Realm character was so.... vanilla. Given what a pervert I am.
sounds boring, bbqh
I once got in an argument about a feminist that wanted to use "it" instead of "he" when talking about the king.
I got blocked.
You kept it in your pants though, so thank you for that.
Be careful that the GM doesn't drop him into a cursed pond.
>Playing games of pretend
>People actually decide not to be a cute girl
But why?
Because I want to be brutal and edgy
So be a brutal and edgy cute girl.
Be the Nevada-chan you know you can be.
That one Canadian cunt ruined it for everybody by showing what pretending to be the little girl actually is like.
You mean that guy with the bdsm "parents"?
That's what happens when you go too deep when there isn't cyberbrain uploading yet.
so it was only your characters doing the banging?
The brown elves I just encountered were really weird. For starters, the only thing they wear are polished wooden masks, using knots as the facial features. Which meant the rest of the "clothing" was just tattoos. Specifically, tattoos of demons wrapped around then, typically with the arms on the chest in various arcane symbols. They also had tails. Elves in this setting don't normally have tails, but these elves had long tails, with metal spades attached to the end and more than enough dexterity to shank someone with them. The warrior women were real easy to spot; aside from carrying spears and bows, they had big demon cocks tattooed from navel to slit.
We're tip toeing a fine line between tribalistic savagry, and magical realm and I can't wait to find out what happens when I try to fuck one of them
>DMing a game in which the party ventures into the Underdark.
>Random encounter with some drow. Because Underdark.
>Players use non-lethal damage on the drow leader, capturing her.
>They decide to keep her as a pet.
>Game goes on like normal, just with the occasional mentions of feeding the drow, bathing the drow, tying her securely before sleep, etc.
>A good DM would have this backfire on them.
>I chose to be a bad DM.
Giant alchemical warforged dragon women who can transform into mecha armor for other characters.
In about as simply as can put it, my character and his NPC mom got kidnapped by Mezoamerican-inspired goblins and forcibly married by their customs to be made king and queen of their society. Was kind of weird but not too terrible, until it eventually became clear that they expected us to create a royal family to go with it. The whole situation stemmed from them never having seen humans before and believing us to be like gods or something akin, and because of the cultural/language barrier they didn't understand us being related. They just encountered two strange, fair giants (from their perspective) washed up on the shore one day seemingly to have come from the unknown beyond, which fit their religion and prophecies, and politely captured them since it would give their society a significant edge over the other goblin societies of the land. Upon closer study and noticing the biological similarities to themselves and a difference in gender, without understanding us to be related they forced us into a relationship.
>tl;dr my character and his mom got kidnapped and shotgun married by Not-Aztec goblins after washing ashore from a shipwrecked voyage to the Not-New World.
I've already written most of mine into short story formats.
Sounds like a grand time
This is a very boring magical realm thread, there's only like one or two magical realm stories.
Fucking kek.
Eh, playing through it was pretty fun, kind of reminded me of Road to El Dorado with two foreign old worlders being treated like gods and living it up. Apart from of course the whole incest thing the DM shoved in and expected to be played out.
Did the Drow devolve into an obedient butt-slut that yearned for nothing more than master's kind words?
Even after acquiring their drow slave girl, it wasn't actually an ERP, so we never got into the details of what sort of slut she might be. She did eventually came to accept her position, or at least stopped trying to escape and/or murder them all. She was barely a character honestly. She rarely had any dialogue at all. Largely because they kept her gagged most of the time.
user, you're the DM.
What kind of slut would you have made her, if the question was brought up?
My wizard was racist against elves & sorcerers, who just fell into their magical abilities, when he had to study & practice for that shit.
GM's Mary Sue PC-from-another-campaign huge-titted elf sorceress kept doing uncomfortable shit. He literally made male characters take will tests against her 18 CHA or be smitten with favor for her. Leaning her HUGE RACK on my character's shoulder when casting was the last straw.
Did you stuff her with a dozen bastard half-breeds?
The thing with Mary Sues is the illusion breaks in the most horrifying way when the Mary Sue gets defiled or sullied by the attentions of another. You should've pursued that ass like Galahad pursued the Grail.
Well she wasn't originally intended to be anything more than a one time fight. So she had no real backstory or personality, beyond evil drow bitch with a whip. After what the players did, I eventually developed the head cannon that she was naturally inclined to be a sub, but was born a female member of a minor drow noble house. So she's suppressed that part of herself and overcompensated by being excessively domineering and sadistic even for a drow. She was particularly cruel to other females she had power over, because she secretly imagined herself in their place.
Being enslaved by a (mostly male) group of surfacers was deeply humiliating for her. Even more so than it would be for other drow, because it's just like the fantasies she's always been ashamed of having. She struggled at first, but that only proved how helpless she was. Once she felt that she'd done all she could to try to escape, she "broke" rather easily. By letting herself accept that she has no other choice, she can enjoy being owned and degraded.
None of this was more than vaguely implied in the actual game.
I've made this,
That ad was directly inspired by this thread.
I dunno, the possibility just came to me and I am itching to try it out.
A guy who was already using a DMPC to have an excuse to show one of his character's tits to the rest of the party probably wouldn't react negatively to ERP user
That'd have been even worse
I think I missed that story.
post a screencap if you got it
So a party member could've turned her into a broodmare and she would've taken it with a curse and a smile.
If you're going to talk about something obscure, you really need to use the full name and not an acronym.
Online 5e game, text-based. It begins with these characters:
>The leader of the group, the Aasimar Cleric of the Sun God
>The Half-orc fighter
>The Half-elf sorcerer
>The Gnome rogue (Left after a few sessions due to jumbled schedules, GM kept him as an NPC)
>The Human ranger (Left because he couldn’t keep up with RL)
We had an adventure and a half, but I’ll skip to the relevant part:
>travelling through the wilderness after completing our latest task, looking to get to a big town and get more gold, information, booze, whatever
>spot a cave a bit of distance away: it’s near the track, so we can’t miss it
>suddently hear roars and yelling from the cave
>rush in and find two orc women fighting for their lives against something like six lionesses
>we jump the beasts and save both of them
>one is unconscious, the other is not: she’s grateful but wary
>our leader lets the half-orc reassure the conscious one while the team sets up for camp, since it’s already getting late
>half-orc and orc woman getting chummy, flirty even
>we cook and prepare the bedrolls for the night while cleric heals both orc women
>our sorcerer keeps a plate of meat and a mug of ale for the unconscious orc woman, who wakes up at the smell of meat
>he reassures her and explains everything that’s happened
>doesn’t know that offering food and ale is akin to a proposal in Orc culture
>after a while, everyone goes to sleep
>next day the orc women are chatting with each other in orcish as the party is on their way to their tribe
>Half-orc can understand it and sorcerer too, because of an enchanted earring that lets him understand languages
>the orcish women are telling each other what they’ll do with both of them, if they were alone
>both border snu-snu levels
>sorcerer has to roll to keep his pokerface, while the half-orc grins from ear to ear
>finally reach the orc tribe, the team lets one of the orcs go to the village chief to tell him what happened while the other gives them a tour around the tribe
>orc children and women curiosly come closer to look at the pink-skins
>after a bit the party is invited to lunch with the chief: go there and of course he is the adoptive father of the two barbarian women the party saved
>the old shaman orc is very grateful for the party
>sorcerer and half-orc roll fortitude during lunch
>after some more smalltalk the shaman asks the party if they are engaged
>looks pointedly at fighter and sorcerer after the cleric, the rogue and the ranger have said that they are otherwise engaged, albeit not in a relationship
>half-orc replies first, that he is not engaged, but would like to marry the eldest daughter of the village chief
>he nods with a smile
>sorcerer replies that he is not married or otherwise engaged, but doesn’t want to get married yet either
>chief gets serious, but nods and accepts the answer
>then he asks the party to clear out a small patch of woods from some skeletons that have been sighted, since his hunters aren’t back yet to do it for him
>party takes this task and sets out to fight some undeads
>do very well, kill all the skeletons, zombies and necromancers there and clear the forest of the unholy influence
>return to tribe and report to the shaman
>he is very pleased and gives us some enchanted items and a few scrolls for the cleric
>the half-orc marries the orc he saved that same evening
>spend a few days partying with a bunch of savages (apparently all but the Sorcerer went and found themselves a girl or two during the two days of merrymaking)
>next session, both Gnome and Ranger player leave: the ranger leaves in character, while the gnome is controlled as an NPC
>When the party departs after the second day, the half-orc stays in the tribe: the player had decided to change character and took over the role of the Barbarian Orc that had fallen in love with the sorcerer
>Orc woman packs her things and joins the party on their way to town, with the blessing of the shaman
>as they near the town, the party encounters a caravan on their way there: they talk with some people, buy a couple of useful items and stuff like that
>an attractive girl comes over to flirt with the half-elf
>the barbarian orc goes full yandere for the sorcerer and clocks her
>cleric, rogue and sorcerer have to restrain her from chopping off the girl’s head
>get to the town
>team decides to split and regroup at the inn at dusk
>sorcerer heads to the docks to find some information about an item he has been looking for, that is part of the reason for him being an adventurer
>in the seedier part of town, he is ambushed by half a dozen armed guys
>he gets a bolt to the leg
>he drops because of poisons and low rolls
>turns out the barbarian was following him from a safe distance
>she rages and slaughters almost all the criminals
>picks up the feverish sorcerer and hauls him back to the inn
> the cleric returns from his shopping spree and his visit to the temple and the rogue from his dealings in the black market
>can’t cast something to cure the sorcerer, he needs a night’s rest to change his spells
>the barbarian takes care of the sorcerer for the rest of the day and manages to coerce him to take her out to the local arena afterwards
>the half-elf is very scared of his guardian angel now
Oh, the guy's been locked away with nothing to do or learn but shaolin fuckery for the entirety of of his 16 years. Now he's let out into the world, hormones raging and no idea of customs or preferences. He'll fuck (or get fucked by) whatever making the first move on him, don't need no genderbending for that. ^^
Dude just knows there is a world full of experiences out there, he'll just have to find out about them first!
There's nothing really to say about it.
Nearly everything we fight is some kind of small girl.
Wolf girls.
Vampire girls.
Goblin girls.
Even the BBEG is just some 'innocent' loli queen, who's doing evil shit because she got raped or something.
I don't know, he can't really make a good plot.
I like how these dudes so obiously expect their players to indulge them :[
>That GM
>as player
>usually end up party face since I'm the only one who actually roleplays it
>occasionally play shapeshifters since they're great for social interaction
>but because most games haven't gone on that long group thinks I've played a grand total of one
>as GM
>the realm PCs are in is actually known for a larger than average amount of shapeshifters but the PCs never actually investigated enough to know that
>PCs have actually adopted an NPC as "party mascot" who is a shapeshifter
I'm tempted to run a blatant shapeshifting combat character eventually but I enjoy the subtle benefits of my particular magical realm too much...
Who cares, it's funny
This is not some greentext from the Web, this is a thing that actually happened.
40something father of seven decided "I don't want to be an adult right now". So they're literally pretending to be six years old girl now. Left their family, got adopted via a fetish site and hangs out the grandchildren of that pairing.
This person has been on TV, with people being forced to admire the bravery of transport people and all. They've also talked about they've lost their analysis virginity to their "father".
They do incredibly cringeworthy videos and call themselves Stephonknee, because that's totally how a six year old writes her name, instead of asking an adult. Gods, my cat is better at spelling.
Honestly, if this whole thing weren't so fucked up it would be pretty sad.
Fuck you, autocorrect.
i posted this in a that guy thread awhile ago but it fits
part 1
>Join Mutants and Masterminds game
>GM asks for a one on one interview before game 0
>interview is cool, me and him talk about GURPS for bit
>cut to game 0 to build characters and what not
>i accidentally show up 30 minutes late because i misunderstood when it began
>i apologize and GM says its cool, just try and be on time next time
>say "okay"
>one guy in the group is tapping on a practice drum pad
>i've done some drumming, so i know they're mostly done to practice drum speed and timing and arent actually instruments
>Guy stops tapping and asks everyone "so what did you think?" as though he played a song
>this strkes me as odd, but i forget about it
>everyone says "oh it was good to be polite"
>we start discussing out characters
>its a fairly serious campaign, not grim dark or anything but not goofy
>All characters are as based in reality, and their powers are pretty straight forward
>turning into bugs, creating matter, mech suit, etc.
>Then drummer boy tells us of his character
>all he says, and all i am ever told of this character is "He can turn into a plane"
>im reminded of the one maid RPG green text and the moped guy, so i think its alright
>he then explains that, for 'balancing reasons' it doesnt look looks 100% like a plane
>when questioned on what it does look like, he says "Like pixar's Planes"
>one person in group says he shouldnt, since its much too cartoony and silly for this campaign
>everyone agrees
>he says "Well, not EXACTLY like pixar"
>posts pic related saying "looks more like that!"
>everyone is still against it
>we throw ideas on how it could fit better
>he refuses
>this continues for, i shit you not, 40 minutes
>he starts getting really defensive
>says this character is really special from him
>says its special because he's been planning the character for months, just needed the group
>and he cant tell us the second reason because of "Legal reasons"
part 2
>at this time i am about 70% sure he snuck onto a military based and started fucking a jet
>we drop the whole thing and decide to move on and cover his character later since it was getting nowhere
>he's acting defensive and passivle agressive the whole time
>stopping the conversation to mention how a car almost hit him that day for no reason
>he also keeps slipping mexian words into his speech, weeaboo style
>he doesnt sound very mexican by his voice though
I'll it was possible he was mexican, just didnt sound it.
>we all have teh basics of what our characters are, and leave still not having resolved the plane man's character
>session 1 hits, and plane man is not there
>Gm tells me that he had to drop him, as he was kinds weird and wasnt cooperating.
>also find out, that originally his character wasnt a person who turned into a plane, but an anthro plane that came from an anthro plane universe howard the duck style until the GM talked him out of it
>later i decide to do some snooping based on the plane picture he sent
>find out the artist and website it came from
>Its all miltary vehicle porn
>pages and pages of it
>men and women being fucked and fucking vehicles that arent even really anthro.
>now 100% sure that he snuck onto a military base and fucked a jet
>they're called Dire Machines for anyone interested
>i look at every image, not for any sexual pleasure, but out of morbid curosity
>flash forward awhile
>im browsing roll20 open games
>decide to look for pathfinder, i dont like the system but always wanted to play an alchemist so fuck it
>see an open game
>the GM was plane man
i ultimately decided not to join the game, although i was very tempted
>at this time i am about 70% sure he snuck onto a military based and started fucking a jet
Lost it at this point. Bravo.
If we're doing reposts...
I miss that manga
>hey that's kinda cute
>oh god, 5 grown men are seated at the table playing out this love hina bullshit
>Be a manwhore Barbarian/Bard
>Hit on every NPC we come across
>Make an effort to sleep with any/all female boss monsters and powerful NPCs
>Have unprotected snu-snu with a majority of them.
>GM says I have bastard children with some of them.
>Have massive fetish for powerful women, monster girls, and impreg.
>Too late to change the character's direction, but don't want the party to discover how long they've been in my magical realm.
Nah, nah, I assume this is a fairly normal part of playtesting Paizo adventure paths.
>That feel when I hot a single 1 on 1 session with an ERP loving GM
>Enjoyed the same fetishes I did
>Never got to play again
Does Jotaro ever get character development, or does he stay an unlikable shithead for the whole series?
did you was f*uck xD
what fetishes would those be?
>subtly inserting my magical realm into my character's backstory to see if I can get it under the radar
Am I that guy, Veeky Forums?
Now I want to do this.
Well, I'm playing a giant nudist slave in a game right now which is kind of fetishy in the same way.
Baphomet the Demon Prince embodies the decay of civilization into savagery. His idols are animals of burden and civilization corrupted into savagery, fused with humanoid forms.
Baphomet is closely related to the Minotaur, a creature born from the union of a queen and a bull. The bull, symbols of power, wrath, and virility, are favoured by Baphomet.
Cults of Baphomet gather in labyrinthine places and couple with his idol beasts bringing forth wicked Beastmen into the world.
His realm in the Abyss is a labyrinth made from the ruins of civilizations he's toppled. His throne is as the center of the maze, a great keep where he breeds new forms of demonic beastmen from captured and offered mortals.
Rather tame all together.
>everyone is a man.
>cute beardless twink knights, buff masculine warriors, elf man rangers, man wizards and mages, dashing bara orcs, cute bear dorfs, gentleman princes. all altercations can be solved with sweaty combat and telling another man you'll buy him a beer.
I can't find the adventures of crossbowmanwhore and I don't feel like typing them again, but let's say that playing the awkward half elf around cute party members while being an effective long distance tank can do wonders to actually get you laid with the female players that play those.
There was also this time when a crazed girl hit me ooc and that turned me on so hard that I kissed her forehead on the spot, but that's player shit and therefore not magical realm.
You´re a good man. I used to play an ex bard - refurbished paladin on AD&D and do the same shit, except I upped the alignment of the females a whole step because sex and diplomacy checks. Fem DM was uncomfy with all my redemption through dick, not because dick but because redeeming all villains left her without too many options.
Paladin died by magic after convincing the bbeg that he shouldn't destroy the world. Which caused the whole party to defect to the side of the monsters.
Tomboys, handholding, pure love, embarrassed blushing, and mind break
Literally both of these actually sound fun.
quality stuff
>Change combat for oiled sweaty wrasling.
I didn't because I wanted it to be a bit of a "but that's how we normally play" situation.
It's not subtle.