Why aren't the vast majority of tieflings succubus-blooded hotties?
Why aren't the vast majority of tieflings succubus-blooded hotties?
Because succubi are literally baby's first fiend, man of refined taste will settle for no less than railing Glabrezu.
Because most Succubi dont have the time for carrying a child to birth
Or Bebilith, oh baby. Those literally god-damned legs.
>not leaving the child in an unsuspecting mortal woman via magic. Just for kicks.
This. A succubus just looks like a hot chick. You're an adventurer, you can probably get that anywhere. Why rail a succubus when you could rail a guecubu?
Succubi are shapeshifters and their fiendish descendants suffer from mutations at an even higher rate than those of other demons.
I don't think demons are ever really strapped for time.
succubutts > Everything else
>rail a guecubu
Yes. Fuck off with your am I kawaii uguu~ succubus shit. Look at does she look like she could track your enemies through a thousand mile of icy hell and drag them back to your lair? No she fucking doesn't. She looks afraid. Why is she afraid? She's an immortal demonic shapeshifter born of the evil in the hearts of men who can lay waste to empires.
If it must look like a normal human woman, give me Iggwilv or give me death. At least that witch knew what power was.
Succubi re mainly attractive to people who don't know demons.
People who do, tend to aim much higher in the infernal hierarchy.
First of all, Succubi don't put out nearly as much as is rumored. A good Succubus recognizes that the fruit never tasted is oftentimes sweeter and are clever enough to manipulate a man into doing whatever it is they want long before it reaches the point where they have to nut up or shut up.
Among the ones that actually go through with it they take precautions to prevent a costly and unwanted pregnancy that will do nothing but interfere with their work, Those that do get pregnant do so for a reason, and being demons are no the fittests of parents. Children born to a succubus can look forward to being either a pawn in a later scheme, payment for the mothers underworld debts, or as a fashion accessory to be thrown away once the mother gets bored.
The descendants of Succubi among the Tiefling population today are the result of either the father or the father's family getting involved to rescue them. As you can imagine, this didn't happen very often. Even if it weren't for the fact that Tiefling are only now being seen as actual people and that sireing one would be considered a great shame on the father and family, the poor man was more than likely getting buttfucked by the fallout of the mother's machinations and in no position to do anything for his misbegotten children even if he wanted to.
Because not everyone plays RPGs to fap, my little friendo.
I want to rip and tear for the great justice (edgily, 'cuz I'm a tiefling) and be a HERO, not a slut.
...Dude the 70s are over, disco is dead.
That's a P, user.
made me chuckle
ты пиcкo-дeмoн
The child of a Succubus would be a half-field/cambion, not a Tiefling. Tiefling would be second-generation onwards, no?
Because in D&D outsiders don't get pregnant, purebloods are created by the vary planes themselves. I don't think it was until Pathfinder that we had a case of an outsider being pregnant instead of some mortal chick forced to carry a demon's spawn.
The succubus wouldn't necessarily be the mother given its full shape-changing power. Best not to think of demons as male or female IMO.
Further than that.
Tieflings tend to be born once the blood is diluted enough that people forget there's any demon blood in the line, then suddenly a bunch of recessive genes pop-up and demon-kid (or devil-kid).
>shit tier demon
You waste nice digits. Go away.
Because they giggle too much and cum too fast.
Cambions and alu-fiends (which are true half-fiends; tieflings have some fiendish blood in their bloodline but not their immediate parentage) were a thing in 2nd edition already, and I'm pretty sure that one of the two is supposed to have a mortal mother and the other a fiendish mother.
Full-blooded fiends either spontaneously arise from the planes themselves, or are formed from souls of evil mortals, though.
You guys do know how succubi originally worked right?
They went to down to mortal realms being seamen demons, stealing men's juices so they could give it to Inccubi so they could knock up human women.
they were quite literally proto sperm banks.
I want to marry a Marilith!
They were an excuse for cheating, like half of the monsters.
The other half was about the fear of women.
It was a smart fear t b h.
I hope you know that vagina dentata is just a myth?
I think a lot of it is influenced by night terror experiences, too.
They're already a shitty meme race, there's no need to make them shittier or memeier
Poverty and emotional desolation isn't.
Succubus are illusionists. To Truesight, They are as hideous as tooth decay.
Give me some siege-engine sized monstrosity who i need to make like a hundred dex saving throws to live through foreplay.
To an adventurer, you can always be doing better, always be a little crazier.
The vast majority of fined-blooded mortals are a result of union between a male fiend and a female mortal, for reasons that should be pretty obvious.
A male fiend can just knock up a woman and then move on, leaving her the raise the little hellspawn. It's easy and goes well with fiends' desire to spread misery and evil. Hell, it's literally part of the job decription of the incubi.
A femate fiend would actually have to carry the baby, and fiends being evil and selfish creatures would be unlikely to want to do unless there was some gain for it. A female fiend might have a child with a mortal if it intented to use the child as a pawn in its schemes or sacrifice it for her master, but unlike a male fiend she wouldn't be able to just go around siring mortal children with no effort.
Because you're playing in a shitty setting.
This as well.
>Depends on setting.
gay way of saying "proper"
Can't think of many settings were it didn't work something like that, including actual mythology (where succubi would collect sperm for incubi, who'd use it to impregnate mortal women). Only things that come to mind is some user's setting where succubi worked by getting you to impregnate them and then giving birth to a half-demon monstrosity specially designed to hunt you down and kill you, and some fetish-artists's succubus-like OC who births demons for her demon lord's army (and can also transfer the fetuses to other women so she doesn't have to birth them unless she wants to).
Keep in mind that many Tieflings are the result of devil pacts, not actual carnal unions.
tiefling look plenty good already, no need for succubus blood. Pic related
Succutits are okay too.
I once played a game where Tieflings were a result of a war.
The Dragonborn and a race of magic Proto-Humans were at war in ancient times and, after a hundred year stalemate, the Dragonborn started winning. So the Proto-Humans decided to take drastic measures and made a HUGE demonic pact. Something went wrong, their ancient city burned to the ground in demonic fire, and all the refugees and their descendants were cursed with Demonic blood.
>that feet position
>a game
That's default 4e Points of Light backstory.
The Dragonborn capitol city was lost too, I should probably mention. As it was a flying fortress most of the aristocracy and military was lost too.
Which is why the Dragonborn weren't the dominant race in the time period my game was in.
And here I thought my DM was making it up.
Oh well. it was still fun.
What happens if a champion of justice uses his +5 holy paladin dick to impregnate a succubus?
An Aasimar is painlessly born after a period of unusually calm and orderly gestation.
You get a Jessica Rabbit type.
She won't be bad, she'll just be drawn that way.
What happens if a incubus uses his +5 demon dick to impregnate a champion of justice?
What I wanna know is why we never see art of non-human Tieflings.
It /is/ said that any Humanoid can eventually end up with Tiefling kids, but I've never seen a Dwarf-derived or Halfling-derived or even Elf-derived Tiefling.
Where are the Orc Tieflings? The Gnome Tieflings?
whatever the paladin's god find ironically appropriate
there's a lot of dwarven tiefling, but the horns and red skin are hidden by the beards and iron helmets
In one campaign once the Paladin ended up shacking up with a Succubus they redeemed.
Post game they ended up becoming a lord of small kingdom.
In our next game, based in the same setting, years later, the Paladin's player was a Wizard who was most interested in the history of the Cambion Queen that ruled his homeland.
It was eventually found out that the Succubus was running a long con the entire time. She put on airs of redemption and slowly converted the Paladin so when he died his soul was willingly claimed and taken back to the Succubus's home where he now lives in a new demonic body she made for him. Meanwhile her completely loyal daughter rules a kingdom in the mortal plane.
Mind you, the Succubus has no real evil plans and the daughter genuinely wants to be a great Queen and cares for the kingdom.
A tiefling is painfully born, killing the mother, after an agonizing, unpredictable gestation.
>Where are the Orc Tieflings?
As preeminent super-rapists of the material plane, they're quickly exterminated by all who encounter them. Even orcs can't handle the sheer magnitude of the rape they can unleash.
Could tieflings exist in 40k?
There's a reason that can't happen.
i guess the fluff can support them as either abhumans or mutants, depending on the degree of heresy.
There isn't always a Commissar or an Inquisitor to pry into people's romantic life.
I was more thinking if Daemons are too immaterial to be able to sire physical offspring.
>Could tieflings exist in 40k?
They do in our campaign. One of the player is playing a half-Slaanesh succubi, half-Eldar character.
Demons aren't a physical species in 40k, so no. There's no such thing as a "half demon", merely demons of greater and lesser stature.
yeah, 40k daemons are way to removed from the material plane for reproduction. at most you could justify them as cultists messing around with genetic engineering
What about a mancubus?
>Half-Slaneshi ELDAR.
Eaten. Immediately and UTTERLY eaten, no exceptions. That is WAYYYYYY too tempting of a snack for the Prince to ignore, especially considering it is served to him on a silver platter laced with cocaine.
Well, the warp is a strange thing and can sometimes have a stable physical manifestation, e.g. wraithbone, Isha's tears etc, so I wouldn't rule it out completely.
Would you a non-tranny daemon that wants to make a kid that will grow up to lead an entire galactic sector into damnation?
A step in the right direction, but needs a little more muscle.
Upon closer inspection, I think that's actually a trans-fat tumblrina.
>laughing bitches.jpg
Most of the time it's the demon who's the asking for sex.
>How do you think evil cultists pay for all those demonic favours?
Of course those sexy succubutts don't need to trick mortals into sex with promises of power. They can already trick mortals into sex with promises of sex. But they make up a pretty small minority of demon kind and generally get to be more choose about who they sex.
The rest of the spiky, slimy, burning things are just as horny as any succubus but have to make do with whoever summons them. Their larger population and lower standards naturally mean they'll be pumping out more illegitimate demon babies than their sexy counterparts.
No, because said daemon would not a me.
Shouldn't it be a liccubus?
Oh come on, user. Who says the tastes of daemons would make sense for mortals?
Maybe you were born when the stars were right.
you are doing god's work
That's it user, you got me inspired. I'm going to play a Sister of Battle who unbeknownst to herself is actually the daughter of a Herald of Khorne bloodletter.
>redeemed succubus
Shit taste detected
>not lusting after Sierra
OK user, that's bullshit.
It would be much more possible if it was a half-Slaaneshi/half-human hybrid (and before you ask, there was one Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Warrior who's mother was a Chaos Witch and whose father was a Great Unclean One [don't ask how he was even conceived]), but what you posted is THE bullshit.
I like succubi with small boobs & dainty figures who become stereotypical hourglass bombshells after losing their virginity
I thought most of the shitposting weeaboos were supposed to go with the /qst/ board?
You got your own cancer board. Go there where we can be free of your presence and let us actually talk about on topic shit for once.