Necrons are bullshit

What the fuck is this?! I mean, what the FUCK is this bullshit.

Necron butthurt rage thread.

Necrons are such bullshit, all of their army is designed to create tears, regular units can glance vehicles to death, glance a baneblade, and then there is that massive fucking thing with no flaws, I'm in the middle of an autistic sperg worth of Godzilla mid climax.

HOW can guard fight these smug fucks, pic related.

Use a Paladin Knight.

Judging by looks, it appears to be a pokeball.

its an anti cosmic rape construct

That's a pretty big model.

I know exactly what that is: a trap option designed to waste points in an army list and trick idiots into buying a super-expensive model they don't need.

All a Necron army needs is Warriors and Scarabs. Anything else is a waste of points.

It's a transcendent c'tan trapped and weaponized in a canoptek construct called the tesseract vault.

My opponent fielded an Obelisk, basically a stronger Monolith.

I took it out with 3 zoanthropes and a carnifex in two rounds.

Necrons have very potent and frightening vehicle, but you can always find a counter.

The real bullshit is that one canoptek harvest formation where the wraiths gain all those buffs. Wraiths are already undercosted for what they do, stacking more on top is just too much. My rough equal is a Warrior with LS/BS combo, 60 points to their 40.

I've had luck with a Wrecker Node though (3 carnifex and 3 warriors), so it's not hopeless.

An easy kill for Cato Sicarius.

4 u

Well lads, I have a massive Imperial Guard army but I recently brought 3 Skitarii starter sets, wanting to try out those awesome lookin units I used them against the necron army, 2000 point game, never fought necrons before but left that table with an arsehole so loose I could fit five Armless Abbadon models and my baneblade, it was rape.

I'm willing to splerge out to beat these bastards, what guard units/ formations can I go full autismo cheese with so I can get a few chron tears to help my anus regain its elasticity?

Mandatory necron picture I forgot to add because my fingers are slipping all over the place from the mix of tears and anal expulsion.

Wait is that thing good? I didn't get one because I wanted to wait until it was good. If it's good now GW get a lot of money, so tell me: Is it good?

Necron player here, this is fucking hilarious.
What do you play and how? Charging blindly into us is how you get rekt, it's better to take us out with sustained shooting than really strong melee.

>What the fuck is this?! I mean, what the FUCK is this bullshit.

Forgeworld bullshit is what.

The one time i faced one of those I took it apart in one assault phase with a MANZ-missile. You non-orky armies don't have any trouble with that, do you? I mean, Orks being underpowered and all?

Venerate your Spiritual Liege more.

More guardsmen. Fancy super-weapons don't win wars. Never have, never will. The only path to True Victory is boots on the ground.

>no tomb queen robo-waifu to protect you FOREVER

The Adeptus Mechanicus would like a word with you about that.

Fucking necrons, 4+ bullshit save surrounded by giant fuck you triangle, the army is aids incarnate and anyone who collects them is a massive cock, how do you have friends still?! Who wants to fight this fucking things.

So, far weaker than the shit GW puts out?

Cute, but futile. Your toy versus an equal number of Necron Warriors. Who wins?

>equal number
1 ordinatus
1 necron warrior

shit dude where's deadliest warrior when you need them

Which army rapes other armies more, Eldar or Necrons?

Eldar vs Necrons, who rapes who?

You know I meant points values.

Too late nerd, I've already contacted my network of weapon experts across the globe, including an expert on necron warrior combat.

user please I don't need that desire right now

I-I really don't...


They've got the D and they spew it over everything, the fags.

Necrons are really just immortal, they dont really rape stuff. They just dont die.

Eldar on the other hand are all around broken

Still going with the ordinatus. With enough distance you can wipe out entire armies with that thing.

My buddy's Mechanized unit regularly fucks my ass.

It's only 4+ if they are using a cryptek or the decision detachment, if they are using either of these they don't deserve friends, if not then it's not too bad

Well the leader of the Maynarkh Dynasty is a Pharek (a female Phaeron), but no model of her was released.

That's a sick paint job though.

Newcrons are cancer. Never forget what Matt Ward did