>Mutant Epoch
>Voice via Skype
>Thursday, 9PM on UTC+2
Skype: jaso111111/Jason Kordelis
Im looking for fellow new players to learn the system together.
Im willing to help any player learn the character generation system and any rules the game has.
This would be my first time GMing this system so don't expect the best.
This should be considered a one-shot at first but if it goes well we could make it a weekly thing.
If anyone needs the (hard to find) core rulebooks:kat.cr
I look forward to hearing from you Veeky Forums!
Sure hope there is some text based 5e games.
A GM in my timezone with a non-DnD system? Nice. No idea about Mutant Epoch though, seems to be a Fallout-ish setting? Anything special about the system? And how many players are you looking for?
Any gamefinder storytimes to tell?
GM's been banned for reasons. Recommend you skype him if you;re interested.
>Pathfinder (Simply because it has the better SRD.)
>Text via Discord (An easy to use in browser chatroom)
This is a horrible game. I am here to run the most intentionally terrible game my feeble mind can conceive. Meaning there will be stupid house-rule, blatant magical realm, obnoxious DMPC, stupid rail roading, complete lack of any sense of balance or tact, nonsensical original setting and homebrew races, illogical NPC behaviour and all the cardinal sins of RPG that you've seen committed in Veeky Forums's hall of horror stories.
Why do this you ask? Why knowingly create this abomination? Spreading the cringe worthy madness captured by countless screencaps.
Frankly, as a GM I am morbidly curious. The horror stories I've read in Veeky Forums while terrifying, is undoubtedly entertaining in its own right. There is a spark of light in these abominable concoction of a game created by delusional neck beards that we so often mock.
This is an experiment. To see whether it is possible to commit a double negative. To make a game so horrible and steeped in sin that it loops back into something amazing.
Dare you enter my magical realm?
Of course the deal goes both way. While I am here to inflict upon you the terribleness that is this game. You too are allow to bring your own brand of perversity into the game. We have an understanding here. Let's see what kind of shit storm we can brew up.
What reasons, if you know?
fuck it sounds stupid as hell, but on the other hand it might be interesting. would it be play-by-post?
Most likely live chat.
Yeah, stupid as all hell is the key idea, it could be interesting. I am working in unknown territory here, to be an intentionally bad GM.
I would almost be tempted to try this if not for Pathfinder and Discord.
Well the pathfinder is mostly because it is a system that is easily accessible by anyone with a working internet.
And Discord because it would be best if we use disposable accounts since we are going to act like horrible human beings for the duration of the game.
Apparently op spammed /pol/ though he's saying he didn't. Nice to see he's back up thou
flooding in /pol/ even though he wasn't, or have been in /pol/
Any idea of the day and time?
Most likely weekends or friday. Time should be either morning EST or night.
when? are newbies welcomed to try?
As long as you don't complain about getting triggered or fucked over you're welcome.
Just be conscious about what you sign up to, being terrible is kinda the point of the game.
this sounds fun desu
this is interesting, how many players are you looking for?
Around 3-4, wont oppose to 5. If 5+ then I expect not every session is of full attendance and thus can be functional as long as minimum 2 players is around.
I need this in my life
You glorious bastard. I expect a great storytime out of this.
That's my original intention.
I-I am not sure how should I censor this story time though.
Already shit is getting hilariously out of hand with prospective players putting weird shit on the table as well as blatant attempts to setup ERP.
Let it all hang out.
let it alll flow babe
already there bae
>no 5e games
Run one if you want one
Why would I run something I want to play?
Then suggest a game with rotating GMs. GM yourself until you've burnt out, then pass the torch on to another player.
But I don't want to GM.
Then suffer in indignity.
Player, as if you have to ask
Warhammer 40k, Shadowrun, Warhammer Fantasy, Cthulhu something or other. Open to ideas.
Voice / Text mix
GMT-6, Mountain Time
Saturdays and Sundays ar best, but I am flexible.
[email protected]
Something that isn't entirely combat focused would be cool.
Neither does anyone else, somebody has to step up to the plate.
I'm willing if you agree that you'll run in the future.
I will totally run a game in the future.
I will pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today.
Shadowrun 5e
Voice over Discord
I myself am a NEET for the summer, and operate in GMT+5
rty1243 on Skype (look for the dude with a Tidehunter avatar)
Udib#0431 on Discord
or post here if you really want to
I'm running a Shadowrun game set in the Caribbean League. For those of you unfamiliar with it, it will be very Black Lagoon-esque. There will be lots of pirates, and while you won't be pirates yourself, you will engage in piracy at some point. Smuggling, wetwork, and other such runs should be expected. It's not going to be as black trenchcoat as the anons over on /srg/ like to do, but it's not gonna be completely over the top either. Players both new and old are welcome.
>D&D 5th edition
>Text on Roll20 with maps
>GMT - I won't be able to run for a couple of weeks but after that I'm pretty much always open for the next ten weeks (except for a couple of weeks where I'm away), we'll discuss what happens after that later
>tommy.middleton8 on Skype
I'm considering having this game be themed around either piracy and nautical adventures or magitech. Homebrew will be allowed but is subject to GM approval, with the exception of certain homebrews that are considered obligatory like the remastered Four Elements monk.
No idea why that was a reply. I'm not the guy you replied to, and he's an idiot for trusting anons to keep promises made on Veeky Forums.
Voice, preferably over Skype but whatever works
EST, I won't be doing much of anything this summer.
darkspineryenzx on Skype
VadeAway on roll20
Never played Exalted before, been lurking around the generals and I've gotten really interested in it. If anyone wouldn't mind putting up with a newbie, I'd be happy to join.
Ah, forgot.
Exalted is also a system I'm interested in.
2 players
We have previous experience with 3.PF, but we're looking for almost any other system. Savage Worlds has recently caught my eye, and I've always wanted to try out Dungeons the Dragoning.
Sundays after 6PM til about midnight US Central time is the best bet. Any other time will be tricky due to a constantly changing schedule
[email protected]
GM. No, really.
Undecided, but current front runners are wither Dogs of W.A.R (PDF available) or GURPS.
GMT, but I work late, so my schedule works best with EST players.
EpicPirateGuy on Skype
The game I have planned is a modern day operators story, centred around a clandestine (but VERY well funded) organisation dedicated to being the good guys in situations where government are unable or unwilling to do so.
In short, X-Com, GI Joe and the A-Team all rolled into one.
Holy shot an honest to god gurps gm
(If this thread sucks hit up the gurps general)
sounds cool, i'd be interested in playing, i haven't used those systems before though.
Well, DOW is fairly quick to pick up, and GURPS, well, there's a lot of math involved, but the PDF sheet will do a lot of it for you.
I have a few one shots built on roll20.
What are you looking for?
I want to say that I hate you all.
Thanks for bumping the thread.
I gotta admit, I can't stand you, either.
>Players. As in two of us.
>40k or NWoD. Maybe Shadowrun or something.
>Voice, though may need to switch to text on occasion. Text is probably most consistent though.
>Either late-ish afternoon Tuesday (3 pm PDT onwards for example) or any time afternoon Saturday.
>Skype: mm8modman8
Disco: D8alus#0268
There are players that actually want to play 5e? I always assumed people were like me and wanted to play pathfinder but were willing to deal with 5e because thats what DM's were running.
Four players
Voice, though one person will be mostly using text.
Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays at around 9-10PM Central time.
Skype: Dorkenheimerxtreme
We already made some characters using 20 point buy and brought them up to level 4, and currently have a sorcerer, a fighter, a monk, and a rogue. I cannot really call our characters optimal either and they may be a little silly so I hope that's cool with you.
I find this bait hillarious
When did Gamefinder threads become so entitled? Like, it used to be whiny shits, but now everyone is an entitled whiny shit
>t. whiny shit
> Found a game through gamefinder.
> Was going to be a mix of spelljammer and pathfinder, setting was really well built and stuff was simple
> GM, a pretty chill guy was looking for serious players and no shitters, acquired large pool of potential players.
> A week had passed, a good number of people left as we designed characters, learned about the setting and found a day to play.
> some people were not comfortable with the setting or certain rules and promptly left after wasting DMs time.
> Sunday the 5th of June at 7pm EST was going to be our first session many of us were looking forward to it. Our number was down to 7, a number our DM had estimated.
> Showtime, we all get on Roll20. Finishing touches on our characters.
> DM nowhere to be seen. Apparently logged off an hour before the game.
> We waited. Waited some more hoping it was just a delay. No one had means of contacting the DM.
> Suddenly the campaign for the roll20 is deleted.
> still not a word from DM
Mfw your DM whom had got you hyped up for 2 weeks and to suddenly vanish into thin air. This same guy had also stated how much he hates flakers
If you are out here Orange, I am not angry with you. Only disappointed tha you pulled this stunt with out a word to show for it and your behavior is not satisfactory.
I waited for you.
>Play a game for about a month
>Its tons of fun and everyone is playing something they enjoy
>DM vanishes
>Find a game
>Make a character I'm in love with and the other characters seem like they would mesh with him really well for fun roleplay.
>DM doesn't say anything for a week and vanishes without responding to your PMs
Its the fucking struggle man.
Is "Do it for the greentext" Veeky Forums's "Do it for the vine"?
I had a fairly enjoyable game start up from a gamefinder thread until one of the players invited a friend to play and the friend single-handedly that guy'd the whole campaign to the point where everyone quit. But the lads from Veeky Forums weren't bad, still play with two of them
>In an enjoyable Pathfinder game, just finished the first adventure.
>GM is making use of my character background.
>Have to move house, tell the group I'll be without internet for a couple of weeks.
>Finally get back online.
>Everybody's gone. Nobody answering PMs.
I know them feels.
> some people were not comfortable with the setting or certain rules and promptly left after wasting DMs time.
Try, "some people pointed out how the GM was wrong about basic rules and were promptly removed for it".
GMs, please for the love of cheese, deal with problems before your good players jump ship. It's not worth keeping one player happy and making the other three miserable.
That would have been more true if it was only a simple argument. But several hours of it over the course of several days proved to be enough to make more than one player dislike your company.
Personally I thought your arguments were sound and logically correct. But in games like spelljammer or pathfinder or many other RPGs, logic is the last thing you should be trying to forcefully apply to them. Settings make their own rules an they don't need to explain shit.
In any case, the GM flaked us all in the end and no one wins.
Alright, ban has been lifted, we're still accepting people folks!
so, so, soooo much this
I think the conversation that broke him was trying to figure out why he gave one player a monstrous race to play, took away the templates he said we all could use, and then was dabbling with the idea of making that half-ogre monster-thing large sized instead of medium.
He kept saying that he had GMed for fifteen years but all I saw from him was salt, passive-aggressive putdowns and overall disinterest. Plus a blatant lack of understanding balance (despite ministrations to the contrary).
I even told him that my character was too strong and prepared a much weaker characrer as a replacement (after i had already put down the details on the roll20 sheet) without a reply from him I simply said fuck it and I was going to play her as a pacifist which would never utilize her abilities.
After going back and reading all of that argument stuff I wish I did sooner. I should have seen this event coming a mile away and now we can't even shit on him for it.
Got logs of this disaster?
Suffice it to say he made everyone roll down the line for stats because 'luck', then said everyone could use templates, then said everyone couldn't use templates-- then invited thirteen people into the group chat because he was certain 13 people would not actually show up. Logs would just be like watching a car crash in slow motion. You're looking at the results. A bunch of burned bridges and seven or eight guys out of a game because Orange couldn't stand a little criticism.
He posts here again, we'll remember.
I'm looking for an Exalted, WoD, or Shadowrun game, on IRC or Skype. I'm an utter newbie to all of these. I'm a passable RPer, getting better. I have experience with Weaver Dice, a RPG in beta. I like sessions where it is a very real possibility I'll die, I'm in the Losing is Fun category, I like characterization and exploring. Anybody interested?
What was the original gamefinder ad?
The truth of the game finder threads is that they're player mills. The best way to utilize them is to cast a broad net, throwing out all the retarded fish, and repeating this process until you end up with two or three great players. Separate the wheat from the chaff and you'll have a solid core group with which to play for many campaigns - don't bother giving a shit about the non-good players. Dump them and move on to the next.
>"I like sessions where it's a very real possibility I'll die"
Utter newb. Is it hard to die in WoD?
(I just like Exalted for the aesthetics.)
Pretty hard. You have to take a really serious blow in order to be actually killed, and even then you have a sizable buffer for healing yourself.
If it's something designed to kill you though (like sunlight), it will ignore the first two healthbars and go straight for aggravated damage which is what kills you.
>is it easy to die
Depends on the game you're playing and if you're a braindead simpleton playing CofD and not actual WoD. For the most part, though, characters are pretty hard to kill by normal standards.
Pathfinder. I focus mainly on core Pathfinder but I am willing to allow some Dreamscarred.
I'm not totally sure yet, I should be available evenings on most weeknights and weekends. I'm in the Eastern time zone.
I've posted before, and tried to game with people before but they either immediately lose interest, have other shit they're doing, or ask 10,000 questions and try to control the game.
One guy tried to start playing and then immediately had a week long trip he was taking.
Be aware it's a serious campaign, so joke characters won't be permitted.
>no Kitsune Bard who table dances
or whatever the fuck it is some people do.
It'll probably be text on Roll20. Gives players more time to think. Voice chat doesn't work well often.
Looking for a group to play DnD with, I know little to nothing about the game.
Didn't need the whole ad, but jeez, it was that guy?
Nigga has a history of this shit?
Do yourself a favor and play a different game.
Take it from somebody who memorized Pathfinder:
Ignorance is bliss. Play something else.
Other notes include him thinking that detect good / evil was enough to base a system of punishment around (ie, if you detect as evil you are immediately jailed and punished), getting angry when questioned about his setting, deciding that dropping any kind of equipment (including backpacks) is a free action, refusing to make an actual decision about gametime, spouting Veeky Forums memes, so on and so forth.
This is the same guy who wanted to make a 'serious campaign'?
Not in here you dwebz, find somewhere else to shitpost.
The issue I have seen from Gamefinder games is that GMs aren't separating the wheat from the chaff, they are trying to turn chaff into magic miracle wheat and spoiling the entire harvest. I've met tons of great RPers on Veeky Forums, but nearly every game is ruined because the GM won't remove that one guy who wants to be a complete cunt.
This, always this. The cunt always seems to be the DM'S best friend 5evar and he constantly lets this shit happen time and time again.
>Giving your players enough influence to ruin the game for everyone else.
>Not dealing with problem children immediately.
>Not tracking your setting via a wiki or google doc of some kind.
Sounds like ya'll have some shit tier GM's.
All slots are full, thanks to a pretty good amount of applications. Sorry guys.
Technically, you can die extremely easy in WoD. Practically, no GM is ever, ever going to want his players to die because rotating characters goes against the whole point of WoD and you'd basically have to start a new campaign to make it coherent after a couple deaths.
You'd be better off saying "I'm looking for a game, and so far I've found WoD, Exalted and Shadowrun to be what seem the most alluring because (....)" rather than "I will play these systems". You don't know enough about systems to be picky in any remotely responsible way (though signaling your preference will help a GM know what kind of personality stereotype you're in. WoD/Exalted is a pretty standard combo, and I'm assuming you have no idea how Shadowrun's rules work because I can totally see why what kind of preferences you have if you'd box it in with WoD/Exalted and you only knew the fluff)
Most people are fucking pussies and not cut out for leadership. Anyone who can't put the boot down is unfit to be a GM.
Being a good GM is akin to being a very good manager. Unfortunately, when a GM, you also need to be good at storytelling, reading people's preferences, and being good at rules.
Few people have the requisite emotional intelligence and charismatic authority to be great GMs, especially given the demographic most commonly playing. And half of them try to establish authority without the emotional intelligence, so they end up becoming Hitler.
Not that you can't be a good GM without being a good leader, but you're probably gonna end up with the exact problem you're describing.
Yes, that would be the complaint of the first poster. Congratulations user, you cracked his code. Well done on your reading comprehension.
Thanks for bumping the thread, user.
>Savage Worlds
>US Central, 19 June 2016
Oneshot game where you will be one of four siblings trying to remove a curse that has left both of your beloved parents petrified. The entire session will take place in a magical pocket dimension under your bed.
Feel free to ask questions or e-mail me if you're interested.
Text Only Roll20 IC / Skype OOC
Fridays @ 8pm EST
>Contact / Misc.
Check out the Roll20 page for more info
Fate Core or Accelerated
Text only
GMT -3 (hue)
Discord or IRC
I'm interested in trying Fate again. I know we did a bunch of things wrong in the past, so I want to do it right now.
Fantasy settings only.