Were you bullied as a kid?
Were you the bully?
Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
Were you bullied as a kid?
Only partially.
I was kinda a bully to some kids.
Just because they were weird and stuff. Actually looking back it was pretty mean.
Also, kinda sad if you're the kid in the class getting picked on by the kids who play Warhammer. That's pretty low on the totem poll.
Not really.
Me and my friends gave some kids a hard time, but we never did anything excessive or damaging.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
sometimes, yeah
>Were you the bully?
sometimes, yeah
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
not at all, actually. it was usually just dicks being dicks
the one time I brought my Necron codex to school for some reason (this was back in like 2004, I was in 6th grade) the popular guy in the class thought it was cool as fuck and was reading it for like 30 minutes
Yes to being bullied, no to bullying, no to it being about Veeky Forums. The whole damned school played trading card games and regular card games, and a few played D&D: nobody cared. The bullying was primarily because of the increasing rates of mental illness in children. People did not bully with any particular purpose, it was a manifestation of their inner characters and the particular neuroses they suffered from.
Yes. No. No, I just bit every bait I saw and was angry at every thing that even slightly got under my skin. I had to grow myself a thick hide...
No, then yes, kind of. When puberty hit I started outgrowing people and made an example out of someone so people would back off me. Let's just say I spent 8 months in juvenile hall for it.
No, but it didn't help.
No on all accounts, girls don't bully each other
Not as a kid, but in my current career I've probably had occasion to treat people harsher than they deserved when I felt they were being unreasonable, which is basically the same thing.
In part, but mostly it was because I was an outsider and was an easy target.
what do you mean?
what did you do?
>girls don't bully each other
this is objectively wrong
I got bullied a bit, but inot Veeky Forums related. i was the lonely kid. Didn't make my first friend until I was out of highschool.
Y'know, baiting, synonym to trolling — making someone angry on purpose, because you think their anger and tears are delicious and funny.
Girl bullying is of the worst kind, because they use INT, CHA, and Fellowship to fuck with you, while boyz just hit, trip and swear
>Were you bullied as a kid?
By my sister until I sucker punched her one day.
>Were you the bully?
Yeah, I was a massive asshole. Never hurt anyone, but was able to say some pretty cutting things and alienate "losers" and influence others to make fun of them.
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
Nope. I think if I had done role playing back then I would've been better at empathizing and wouldn't have been such a massive dick.
Yes I was bullied.
Yes I also bullied others.
No it had nothing to do with Veeky Forums
Nothing harsh really just the usual kids being obnoxious.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
>Were you the bully?
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
No, Veeky Forums was a symptom not the cause.
I was a horrible bully and made two kids want to kill themselves from 1st-5th grade.
6th-8th grade I was bullied because I was White at a majority Black school.
This caused me to withdraw, discover Veeky Forums shit, and discover Veeky Forums.
I was an extreme spiked collar wearing emo kid that played Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
9th-10th grade I was accepted because I learned to talk, dress, and fight "ghetto".
11th-12th grade I matured a bit and realized that there was more to life than the 400~ Black people in my graduating class and started focusing on grades and dressing prep-y/frat-y.
During that prep phase I started doing Warhammer Fantasy the miniature wargame.
Now I'm a cadet at one of the lower tier Senior Military Colleges and still feel like a little kid.
At least now I'm surrounded by other White guys for the first time in my life and they're all at least receptive to Veeky Forums stuff.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
I think I wasn't bullied for maybe 3 years in my schoolgoing life
>Were you the bully?
Not after I've been through, couldn't do that to anyone
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
Partially yes.
"Hahaha, look at user with her nerd shit".
I hid into my Veeky Forums stuff a lot, because at least that kept my mind preoccupied, worrying about my deck was better than worrying about what was going to happen to me at school.
It started because I had good grades and was ugly though.
did they kill themselves?
>and still feel like a little kid.
i don't think i ever felt like a little kid
>and was ugly though
nowadays i've come to the mindset that most people are ugly
it doesn't bother me much anymore
>did they kill themselves?
No but one talked to a counselor about it and the other talked to the other kid about it.
It's one of the things that made me rethink being aggressive and the reason that when I got into middle school I didn't stand up for myself.
While trying to open my combination lock someone had put vaseline on after a particularly bad week I got pushed into my locker, so I finally snapped, turned around and grabbed the guy as he kept walking down the hall in a sleeper hold, leaned backwards lifting him off the ground and shook him around until he turned into a ragdoll. It took two adults and some other students to pry me off him.
The school wanted to expel me because of their zero tolerance policy and the fact the guy's mother threw a huge fit over it, but my parents made some sort of deal with them and I was sent to juvie instead. When I came back everyone was too afraid of me to bully me again and I actually ended up somewhat popular by my senior year - enough to get party invites - so it somewhat worked out in the end, even though those 8 months were the some of the worst of my life.
You don't really realize how much freedom means to you until it's taken away.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
Oh yes, heavily. I was a nerdy kid with glasses who used big words, and in highschool in the late 90s, I grew my hair out long. Faggot was practically my nickname.
>Were you the bully?
Only once in a while, but I quickly grew out of it.
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
No, it was because of reasons listed above.
These days I lift, shave my head, and have a goatee. Nobody bullies me to my face anymore.
what do you think would deter someone on here from raging on someone else for no apparent reason, what sort of advice would you give to such a person?
what sort of advice would you give to yourself back then?(everyone is welcome to answer this too)
No but I learned to be enough of an ass to make people back off
It was because my family moved Every Goddamn Year. Always the new kid. Always.
Back when my mother was in high school some girl tried to pull that shit on her little brother. My mother told her to piss off, the other girl slapped her, and in return she got decked in the face hard enough to chip her front tooth.
For me with those guys in particular?
Not much to be done.
At least as a little kid I had what I'd now call a very tribal xenophobic mentality.
They dressed and talked slightly different because they were from up north.
I'm a Texan.
It automatically made them a target for anyone and everyone in elementary school.
It's the same mentality that I imagine made Black people hate me when I got into a majority Black school from 6th-8th.
I also hated retarded people and believed (and spread the rumor) that you could "catch the retarded" if you looked them in the eyes or if they touched you and you didn't wash your hands afterwards.
Little kids with no guidance are basically medieval peasants when it comes to reasoning what they don't understand.
is it like prison for kids? that sounds awful
Zero tolerance policies wouldn't be as retarded if they punished the shit stain who started it.
Why do they only punish the person who got attacked>
Was bullied, was not the bully.
They made fun of the fact I Veeky Forums'd, but that wasn't why. I was a target because I didn't fit in, because I was overly academic and polite, and wasn't as socially adept as other people. Having decided I was bullyable, things I did or was interested in became bad. Other kids did Veeky Forums too, but they could take insults with good humour and talk more easily around other people, so the same thing didn't happen to them.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
Yes, at the beginning of both junior high and high schools. I was kind of weird kid, I am weird person to this day. But both times I stood up for myself, and despite getting trashed, the fact of defiance itself was enough for the bullies to deem me "cool enough" to leave me alone or even become kind of friends, at least in the first case.
>Were you the bully?
Yes, I had no remorse in hurting others. Not physically, but verbally I was on the lead with inventing the most cruel and sharp insults against the disadvantaged by fate, insults that many took and did repeat after me.
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
Completely unrelated
Look, guy bullying is obvious, right? Shoving each other around, insults, leaving stuff in lockers. It can be as destructive as a world war, but it's almost always obvious when it's happening, even on a low level.
Girl bullying is like a cold war. You're barely even sure that anything is actually going on, or who's fighting who. You might not even realize some friend you made was actually someone who only got close to you to embarrass you, or a comment someone made about you would only hit you emotionally years later.
What the fuck? How did they parse juvie as less bad than expulsion?
Come to think of it, how can you get expelled out of a public school in the US these days?
Were you bullied as a kid?
>Yes. All the way through 5th to 8th grade (not american, elementary in my country lasts 8 years). I did the first half of elementary in an adventist school that was basically a 1984-esque hugbox. They hugged you while telling how much God loved you but hated everything you did. That, together with a shitty upbringing at home, left me a nervous wreck when I left - to four years in a shitty private school for spoiled kids.
Were you the bully
>Yes, the second half of elementary teached me how horrible kids can be, and turned me into a bully out of sheer hatred. Things got a HUGE turn for the better once I left for high school, but it was already too late. I spent the first year of high school as one of the chads before getting tired of their shit.
Was it because of Veeky Forums?
>Not really, it was more because I was "the new kid" with bright innocent eyes that everyone thought was cute but also loved to push around. No one gave a fuck about what I liked, they bullied me because I existed.
It's is as easy as pointing your finger threateningly at a teacher nowadays.
They arrested and handcuffed a 7 year old for it because the teacher claimed she felt threatened.
>turned me into a bully out of sheer hatred.
i was treated by shit at home and came to hate humanity as a whole, everybody was treating me like shit, so why wouldn't i, i had noone i could look at and for a better view of the world
Yes, yes, no.
I'm surprised how many here have experience with juvie and shit. I got sent to a wilderness based program for like a year and a half.
No on all counts.
Pretty sure It was because I was one of the 10 tallest kids in the school.
Also I browsed the internet a lot and stumbled upon Veeky Forums.
I wish I was dead
Yes and no. Juvenile halls, or at least the one I went to, have different security level areas.
I was placed in the lowest security section because I was deemed a low risk, and it got to the point that some of the guardians were stunned I was there because I did all the required cleaning chores and city work asked of me and I never had a problem with any of the other youths in my section, most of which were younger than me and had come from broken homes and foster care. While most of the time the section was locked up we could move about the area freely except for certain times of day when the guardians changed and our rooms were never locked. Our rooms were actually pretty small, maybe the size of the average bathroom in a house, and the mattresses were stiff and uncomfortable. We were allowed to go outside supervised at times and had group activities like hockey, and we were made to work for the city collecting trash outside the municipal dump or sites where the city would dump the snow plowed off the streets in winter. We were paid less than minimum wage unless we were at the actual garbage dump given how disgusting the job was, but they could cut your pay for bad behavior.
The other sections of the hall were for more serious offenders - one for kids who displayed criminal behaviors like burglary but were not especially violent with similar restrictions to my section, and one for kids who were criminally deranged where they were locked in their rooms most of the time and were only allowed outside into a walled off area surrounded by barbed wire the size of a playground basketball court. The latter didn't simply have guardians watching over the kids, but they also had actual security guards given how violent the kids inside were. In fact, while I was there, someone backed up a pickup truck to their one large window in their common space and smashed it in to break someone out.
>Were you bullied as a kid?
Until I was 15 and grew tall.
>Were you the bully?
I was a big mean bully according to tumblr feminazis when I was older because I supposedly gave them mean looks
>Was it because you were interested in Veeky Forums?
Not really.
Yeah, I went through puberty early and so got acne before other kids. Fat bitch made fun of me for it.
Yeah I guess so, because I called her a fat bitch to her face and she cried. Because she really was fat. Icing on the cake was when we hit highschool my acne was gone but she was still a fat bitch.
Often because when others were violent with me they'd do it where there would be no teachers or authority figures around when they could catch me alone. For my first two years of highschool there were a group of 3-4 guys that were several years older than me that would corner me alone in an area between two sets of doors and beat the shit out of me.
On the other hand, when I would finally push back against some of these people, it would be near enough to teachers that I would always be caught.
Isolation and humiliation - it's insidious tactics, really.
Juvenile halls leave no criminal records, and as a kind of visible minority I had little choice in what schools I could attend. If I was expelled I would have basically have had to move to another city.
I'm actually Canadian.
how old were you and the other kids?
>wilderness program
I want to know, but I know I don't want to know.
I was 15 when I went in and 16 when I left.
Most of the kids in my unit were 12-13, there was one surprisingly big 10 year old, two 14 year olds, and two 16-17 year olds that had been granted autonomy from their parents by courts and were transitioning into their own apartments. I think we were over a dozen kids in my unit at any given time.
One of the 12 year olds, who was always wearing Dead Kennedy and Bad Religion clothing, escaped repeatedly and at some point did something bad enough to get him transferred to the high security area. We never found out what and we only realized he was there because we saw him through the bars of the walled off outside area.
That kid, at least, was actually a pretty cool guy to be around. The worst person in my unit was the 10 year old who purposefully annoyed the shit out of everyone and got knocked the fuck out by one of the Native American kids. It was funny, actually - the little shit used to use obscene amounts of creton (A pork-based spread for toast) and eat with his mouth open with big smacking sounds. When the Native kid got fed out of his shit when sitting across from him and asked politely that he eat with his mouth closed the kid leaned across the table and went "MMMMMM OM NOM NOM NOM" with his mouth wide open. The Native kid had none of that shit and slapped him out of his seat, then was dragged directly to isolation by the guardians.
I should note my room was located directly above the unit's isolation room - a big empty room with a cement base and a blanketless mattress atop it with no door handles - and often enough I was stuck listening to someone screaming their head off and banging on the door and reinforced window.