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CYOA Thread
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goshle-d-darn guy, if you keep linking to the Old Ones they're bound to take notice.
How do I make a CYOA where be a heal-slut is an option and I can pretend the CYOA isn't made solely to make this an option?
How do I make it seem non-fetishy at first glance?
I might have missed the previous thread, but I am still here and still waiting for feedback.
Rewrote the text to make it readable, added another clarification to powers you can take.
Don't be dishonest and stop pretending you're making something you're not. You're just reducing visibility to the people who want to see that kind of CYOA, and pissing off the people who don't.
still don't understand why worm got popular t b h
Redone the follower section, making it wider and text bigger.
So I just bought overwatch recently, and have been playing it a ton, and now that I'm stuck here at my mom's house for the weekend, I can't play it, so to make up for it, I made a very quick CYOA about it.
Hope you enjoy.
And same thing here. No major or even minor changes, only cosmetic ones. Either I've done a good job rebalancing the CYOA, since no one is suggesting anything new, or people just don't care about me.
Reinhardy, Zarya, and Mercy. Zero actual downsides and fun people to hang out with.
>Might be somewhere on the spectrum
Wasn't that actually confirmed?
>not wanting them to notice you
It's like you think they're not your senpai.
>St. Flares
>Martial Combat x3
>Physical Training x2
>Maneuvers x2
>Druidïsm x3
I call this build "the Knight of the Forest".
>Yung Tashi
An all-male group of friends because mixing genders always - ALWAYS - leads to drama. I wanted to befriend Scar too because I felt so bad for him but restrictions restrictions.
>Y1: Battle Royale
>Y2: Battle Royale
>Y3: Battle Royale, Fund Raising
>Y4: Battle Royale, Security
>Y5: Battle Royale, Bodyguard
I want to win the Battle Royale multiple years in a row, and I know I probably won't but I still want to. I'm ambitious like that. I will probably do something right because I'll be asked to play Security in my 4th year, and then be the Bodyguard of the princess in my 5th year. Fundraising in my 3rd year sounds interesting and I'm anxious to find out why we need the money. I'm guessing Farhat needs to start paying child support to 30 different girls.
I think I'll have a lot of fun with my Martial Artist Druid build. I only wish there were a way to combine exclusive classes and/or pick friends from other schools. I want to combine Blood Magic with Druidïsm, and make Dax and Scar friends again. Mostly I just want the Blood Druidïsm though.
I haven't read the CYOA yet, but something is either wrong with that or with this board if anyone could list Zarya as having "zero actual downsides"
Will comment after work.
D. Va, Winston, Symmetra.
Gotta get that sweet tech and mech. Besides, they seem like decent people.
>oh no she has pink hair
>I'm so scared of the feminisms
Mei, D. Va, Mercy
They're my go-to characters in each class. I play 76 for offense, but as much of a softie as he really is, he's just so gruff all the time.
And Mei takes off her coat sometimes. She just doesn't do it THAT often because she doesn't normally wear anything underneath it. In Temple of Anubis, sometimes she's asked "Aren't you hot in all that?" to which she replies, "Yes, but it is too late to change," so I can only assume she can't just take off the coat during the prep time because there's nothing under it.
D. Va's mecha is just really fun.
I was tempted to get Winston instead of Mercy, but as much as I like him as a character, Mercy is my most played & she's nice, too.
And I noticed
>Gets really intense every day at noon
You ever had a match Vs. 6 McCree? It wasn't much of a threat being so unbalanced towards them, but you would not believe how many times I heard IT'S HIGH NOON.
An honorable mention is Turbojohn. He's cool.
A shit.
Instead of making it an option in an otherwise non-healslut CYOA, why not just make a CYOA entirely about being a healslut (or designing your own, or combining the two like the battlemaid CYOA did)?
Healsluttery is the worst meme, invented by weebs that either never played a healing class or were shit at it.
You are a healslut that's fucking tired of the way people treat you so you've decided to become the BBEG. You only have healing related powers though and X years to take over the world.
Do this.
Rolled 2 (1d2)
The Warrior
Identity revealed(11)
Trouble Magnet(18)
Mental Degradation(23, causes increasing agoraphobia with use)
Cycle Continues(33)
Odd Candle;Even Diary
Supernatural engineering(13)
Odd Post-Cog; Even Perfect Memory(1)
Odd Voice In My Head; Even Home (0)
Even Watchmaker; Odd Farseer
This seems cool.
Healing is just anathema to every autistic brand of special snowflakery Veeky Forums embodies. Unless you combine it with a form of summoning, it's a terrible base for a power fantasy.
That could be a neat fetish CYOA. There could be options like an transferring pain & damage (for masochists) or being a literal pocket healer (for size fetish) or actually being decent in a fight (but only in a yandere way), etc. etc. etc. Things that pay into fetishes but also have useful applications. One of the limits in what abilities you take would be what fetishes you like / can put up with.
>You only have healing related powers though and X years to take over the world.
Give everyone Infectious Super Cancer
bam, everyone's dead
Then learn necromancy so you can rule over a world of skellingtons.
Zarya, Zenyatta, Reinhardt
Healing is one of the biggest special snowflake baits. It's mary-sue-topia basically.
But what if I want to rule over a world of loli zmobies?
>Being the final arbiter of life and death
>a terrible base for power fantasy
Good healing doesn't really translate to CYOA skill picking stuff that well but playing the medic/healer classes is incredibly empowering when you're good at it.
>Soldier 75
Bro it up with the old guys as they train me to peak fitness and combat skill. Spend free time hugging Mei.
Itching to change my build desu. I feel like post-cog would be of more use to an agoraphobic than perfect memory.
That's because Veeky Forums doesn't understand charisma or why faith healers become televangelists and rack up huge amounts of money and prestige.
>No one chose Widowmaker
I'd be fun trying to make her have fun, I wonder what she does when there's no mission business to do, besides training maybe.
how invisible is R-45 suit? Only visible spectrum or echolocation/magical detection/infra-red/etc.?
How stealthy is Scout armor?
I don't need anyone to interfere in my plans for the time being.
>Royal Demesne (0)
This pocket dimension in which I will hide.
>Genetics (-10)
To create all manner of extraordinary life.
>Consumption (-17)
Which I will consume in my quest for endless power.
>No follower
I don't need such things.
>Abbadon Shard (-19)
The only sane option that lets you stay sane.
>Kill Order (-9)
Good luck getting into my personal pocket dimension and managing to defeat me there.
>Endbringer Target (-2)
This will be a glorious fight which I'll plan to win with my new Eldritch physiology. I'll obviously consume it after I kill it.
>Bad Reputation (0)
Who gives a shit?
>Manton Effect Bypass (-4)
So now I can control other parahumans within my pocket dimension. I might even be able to extract their shard and consume that too.
>Voice in My Head (-5)
Some advice never hurts.
>Taylor is Dead (0)
They'll manage. I hope they do anyway.
>The Candle
I'm sure they'll manage to kill Scion with or without my help, although I'm always willing to jump in at the last minute to get some of his glorious flesh for my eldritch buffet.
I'll return to Earth afterwards and then... then I'll probably live a normal lifestyle until I get bored and become an Eater of Planets or something like that.
I love Consumption.
Absolute Regeneration, Superhuman Strength
The Warrior
Kill Order, Bad Reputation, Trouble Magnet, Wanted (E88), We Know
The Book
Mirror World
Slight Adjustment on my last try at this. Superhuman Strength seems to imply having a power similar to Endbringer Durability within it, albeit perhaps at a lesser level of effect, so switched things around for that. Still using the book for spoilers to get me and my panda-bear around safely while everyone and their dog try to put us down. They can try. They will fail.
>magical detection
based on the caster
nonexistent (the world in the cyoa hasn't reach that kind of tech)
Zarya looks like a man, user.
>why things are popular?
Because people like them, user.
Well, this is... odd.
>I don't need followers.
You hurt my heart, user, I worked so hard on followers for you to just discard them? Oh well.
What are you going to do if you find out that the Book is made worthless by the fact that you picked an extra?
>But what if I want to rule over a world of loli zmobies?
Play Girls Military.
Depends on how the book works. If it's just the original canon, then at least I still know the capabilities of the other big-name threats. If it updates to the new canon, then all is good.
I mean, either way it's not going to tell me the absolute minute details about who's tracking us and when, but regardless of which canon's version it does provide invaluable insight into what kind of powers will be pursuing us.
My nigga, it's the most hardcore path really
>no followers breaks my heart
I start out extremely weak: I only have a pocket dimension, supernatural knowledge in genetical engineering and my consumption ability. I have no real active powers at that point to protect myself. I can't trust any of those followers not to endanger me while I set out on my path towards endless power. I can't take that risk, sorry.
I love you, because now there are exactly enough points to do Some Stupid Bullshit™
Consumption (7)
The Seraphim (22)
Live Shard
Godslayer (27)
Blind Spot (30)
Kill Order (20)
Endbringer Target (13)
Kidnapping (10)
So, probably after I've built up some level of trust, I eat some replaceable bits from my companions since they've all got some form of regeneration. I'm not sure exactly how strong this would make me, but considering that one of them is literally an Endbringer, (who I can affect via Godslayer) I think that it'd be pretty up there.
Obviously, being able to eat bits of Endbringers would be more than enough to get a kill order put out on me eventually, piss off the Endbringers enough to get me singled out AND to get some chucklefuck to try to kidnap me before I get my powers going.
I have no idea what I'd actually do with all that power, but hey, I've got a live shard I don't have to explain shit.
It's good to see someone else jumping on the Consumption bandwagon too.
Oh, right, and the Gift should be Prayer Beads because regardless of how strong I manage to become, Taylor probably needs to stay alive to make it through goldilocks losing his shit.
I'm pretty greedy, so I always try to take the choices that let me wind up with more powers than I bargained for
Same. Considering that all worm powers are biological (alien physiology though) in nature, Consumption really is the greediest, most gamebreaking power of all.
Not as fun. There need to be builds the healslut can be a healslut for.
Ah. Then, how to make it clear I want to make a healsluts CYOA, but so it still has plot?
Except for nonsensical engineering, maybe.
Am done with in depth feedback.
Oook, points are more or less fine. I would personally have preferred fewer, but this works.
Personally feel you shouldn't have given carte blanche immunity for PtV as Abaddon shard + precog power would logically make you a blind spot anyway. However, it's hardly a big deal and hopefully it'll stop people bitching.
Now, before I get into the powers, I would like to stress that it's both nigh impossible and very ill advised to enforce a certain overall power level. What you should be going for is making the various powers balanced and equally desirable. More specifically, a 10 point power should be more or less on par with the other 10 point powers, significantly less desirable than a 20 point power and significantly more desirable than a 5 point power. Now, while this seems obvious, I feel the obvious often needs to be stated and is the main lens through which my analysis should be viewed.
The above is the main reason why the fourth Worm CYOA was as popular as it was. Despite the lack of fancy graphics and not terribly focused powers, the guy managed to offer both detailed and concise descriptions and, most importantly, made the powers more or less balanced while encouraging creative use thereof.
Have added the bulk of it to a pastebin as somewhat rudely suggested by an user last time.
I feel the above would yield a reasonably balanced cyoa and would not be terribly difficult to implement.
Hopefully, I didn't fuck up the pastebin.
Does someone have that Nyarko punch comparison gif?
The one contains this gif.
Embrace the mary sue-ness inherent to healsluts. Maybe we are a beautiful healer blessed by the goddesses of life and death to bring balance to a ravaged world?
Companions (to adventure with and/or healslut for) and quests (for the plot or whatever).
Can you really be that lazy?
Thank you!
I searched the last few threads for ".gif" but forgot that spoilers hide the filename.
so, "Angelanon, the CYOA"?
It definitely sounds fun, and is a spin on the "you are the greatest hero of ever, you can't lose" that user tends to love so much.
Ok that looks interesting. I hope you finish it.
I think you guys are mistaking "organic" for "living".
The entities and endbringers are canonically formed out of some sort of crystalline substance, making them more akin to supercomputers than earth life. They are no more organic than quartz is.
That being said, Consumption is still massively useful. Just not --that-- useful.
Never played Overwatch, but according to this I would definitely pick Reinhardt, Mercy, and Zarya.
Mage Armourx3
Divine Artsx3
Knowledge: Engineeringx2
Year 1:Battle Royal/Fund Raising
Year 2:Battle Royal/Fund Raising
Year 3:Battle Royal/Fund Raising/Research Proposal: Nanoscale Mage Armour synthesis
Year 4:Battle Royal/Fund Raising/Research Proposal: Synthetic brain construction
Year 5:Battle Royal/Fund Raising/Research Proposal: Mind uploading/Advance Neurol-Mage Armour interfacing
From the weakness of the mind, circuitry preserve us
From the lies of tyrants, divine algorithm guide us
From the rage of the gods, iron protect us
From the Temptation of flesh, silica cleanse us
From this coil of mortality, Father of Machines set us free
Until all is one.
They're organic, naturally evolved (yes, seriously) life. Having a different chemical basis doesn't stop them from being organic.
This is a pretty cool build. Makes me want to make a similar build based on creating a harem of Battlemaid Robots.
Serious question - Is a silicon chip organic?
Is a silicon chip a naturally evolved, living organism?
Yes, and that's just fine. Being an independent healer can be tons of fun if you empower us enough. Like in Necromancer where you could embrace the fleshweaving and become a wholesome healer instead of an edgy necrophiliac. You just need to give us enough incentive to go out there and heal.
Did the Endbringers evolve naturally?
Did the entities evolve naturally?
[Spoiler] The endbringers are the result of Eden designing alien supercomputer battle mechas [/Spoiler]
The entities have been guiding their own growth artificially much like we have been, hence the silicon chip.
And regardless of the above, I doubt the author intended for the option to allow you to munch on Scion with a side of endbringer and become a god.
Did the Endbringers evolve naturally?
Did the entities evolve naturally?
The endbringers are the result of Eden designing alien supercomputer battle mechas
The entities have been guiding their own growth artificially much like we have been, hence the silicon chip.
And regardless of the above, I doubt the author intended for the option to allow you to munch on Scion with a side of endbringer and become a god.
>Did the Endbringers evolve naturally?
No, these are essentially advanced robots.
>Did the entities evolve naturally?
Yes, actually. They did indeed evolve.
>The Entities have been guiding their own growth.
So a human would stop being organic should that human have undergone genetic engineering?
>Authorial intent
I don't see the point in arguing from this angle when the man himself may choose to weigh in at any time.
If you honestly think the Worm cyoas are not all about breaking and exploiting the shit out of every option you get, you shouldn't even bother with them.
Also, even if - IF - you're right, then picking Godslayer allows you to consume them anyway.
I've been trying to upload the hero school CYOA but 1) it's ridiculously big. 2) the captcha is just bullshit. I tried to make a pdf with the png images but it bloated up to 22 MB. Would it be best to convert these images to jpeg?
Do not try and put an image-based CYOA in a pdf. It will become ugly and artifacted.
They are organic by the "living matter" definition.
Inorganic by the "carbon based" chemistry definition.
>So a human would stop being organic should that human have undergone genetic engineering?
No, but if a human were to start designing artificial organs, eventually replacing themselves alltogether, they would.
I will admit that the extent to which the entities have altered themselves is unclear and very much up for debate.
>If you honestly think the Worm cyoas are not all about breaking and exploiting the shit out of every option you get, you shouldn't even bother with them.
But, user, there are much easier ways to do so. Ways that would not result in one labeling oneself a munchkin.
>IF - you're right, then picking Godslayer allows you to consume them anyway.
Yes, we agree on that.
You are reasoning under the false assumption that artificial life is inherently inorganic.
How about a fresh golem?
Not at all, user. By artificial organs, I simply meant organs designed and built using non-biological materials.
I fully agree that growing bio-engineered super organs is feasible in the future and a person fully made up of such would be considered organic.
I'm on board with this. It's pretty simple,opeens it up to others, and you only really need one more option added in.
Martial Training
Tactics x2
Elemental magic x2 (mostly fire and ice)
Magic refinement
Valerie Bluewood, Farhat, Eydal Northbreed, Mecherath, Suzette Highking
Battle Royalx5, Escort, Security
Maybe I'm not master of sword, magic, stealth or mechanical constructs yet knowing wider range of combat grands much flexibility to fight any foe. Classes alone won't be good enough to truly learn, thus I would train with Valerie in martial training and how knights fight, dueling with Eydal, master of one on one combat, espionage , spying and how to counter it with Mecherath, while refining of magic with Suzzete.
To lead our team both in battle royal and in security job at summit, maybe we shine
How can I let user be a nearly omniscient and omnipotent dream demon and still have some challenge?
you want a
>pick one of these four ways to be a healslut?
seems awfully boring.
He has to go back in time and kill himself when he's just about to make his choice of becoming a nearly omniscient and omnipotent dream demon.
BOOOOOOORING! We should embrace the healsluttery and go full goddess of life. None of that pathetic pocket pixie bullshit.
I'm in the middle of editing spelling shit so I'll post it soon
I have a CYOA that ended up just over 8 MB in size (as a PNG-24)
What's the preferred thing to do, save it as JPEG or PNG-8? I don't know if there's a difference between PNG-24 or PNG-8, but I don't think I can decrease the filesize.
I tried saving the background as a JPEG, and it's only 278 KB, yet somehow it makes the filesize so damn big (without said background the filesize is only 6 MB)
And, how the hell can a 278 KB file cause the image to increase by 2,5 MB?
Have you thought some more about those drawbacks, which amongst other things would allow you to get a school exclusive class?
I want to make some crazy ass combinations.
Always JPEG if it a colour image.
Some cyoas are just born bigger than others, user. Like when you only ate a few small donuts in the morning and then suddenly you gain 5 pounds but that slut in IT can eat all the pizzas she wants and she never gains a pound. It's unfair but it's life.
Best girl for best hugs
Science bro
Best friend
Quests or somesuch that give a bonus reward if you explain how you complete them without using your full abilities or a specific power that would effectively auto-solve said quest?
>HURR DURR only men can muscles and short hair!
I'm talking about that face. It's a man's face.
Why oh why did they have to make her a straight clone of the Heavy from TF? ;_;
Don't ruin it. He has such a dreamy face, like smug jock, and those muscles. Damm. The only thing I can't stand is his weird choice of breastplate.
Relax butch
Same here.
Eh, it just seems mildly masculine to me.