Help me Veeky Forums, I need pics of magic/fantasy rifles.
Help me Veeky Forums, I need pics of magic/fantasy rifles
Silly OP. Those aren't magic. Those are SCIENCE!
I hope that thing doesn't kick.
So does a magical gun use magic to propel physical rounds or does it focus magical energy into a projectile? Or is it a regular gun with enchanted ammo?
Somewhat related.
Well, to answer your trips-empowered question, all three.
The first type is good if you've got a lot of magic for it to run off of, the second is good if you need to damage things with magic specifically, and the third gives you access to all kinds of tricks.
>sitting in a position where you can only move up and down by bending the back
I'm not even /k/, but that is clearly a shit idea.
>Patent science gun looks like a car
>You wouldn't suplex a gun
>that 1950's retro-deco style rifle.
What does suplexing have to do with guns or cars?
The first time I learned of Art Deco...
That's what the exoskeleton is for.
You mean that one lightly resting along the back of her left hand? The hand that is bracing the gun vertically, rather than in the direction the gun would kick? Yeah, she's breaking an orbital when she pulls that trigger for sure.
Is that some Deadlands Noir?
Look up literally any machinist weapon from FFXIV.
In terms of recoil, I'd be more concerned that she appears to be perched on a narrow ledge...
More guns required.
Why does it have a frizzen?
Because the designer doesn't know what they're doing.