Love em, hate em, what are your thoughts?
Jester/Trickster classes
Other urls found in this thread:
What are the stats for a standup comedian.
>inb4 max Constitution because he stands up all day
Literally the "Murderhobo" class
Depends on how they're executed. They could be luck-based, they could be annoying, or they could just rely on the imagery a lot. That's before you start getting into "killer clown" territory.
Ultimately, the jester is usually about catching people off-guard one way or another. They shouldn't be all gimmicks, though. There should still be a real person under all those colors.
In my experiences: Conceptually lovely. Poorly implemented. Tragically played.
Sometimes, a little comic relief is all people need. A jester's job, at the end of the day, is to make people happy. How they do it is up to them, whether it's through jokes, making love, saving the town, whatever. As long as a smile is earned, it's all worth it.
I've never seen one, curiously, but I'd love to try and play one sometime.
Anyone have games with these as classes, or have suggestions for implementing them?
Absolutely love the theme - probably because it's pretty underdone. Never seen it in any TTRPG personally, but I have seen them as classes in a few games
I love this pathos. It helps to legitimize the clown or jester as a reasonable character and can even give them some touching scenes.
That's the thing about them, no one has ever really hammered down a specific method for them yet.
>In some games they are entirely luck based.
>Others they are mostly an illusion based pure caster.
>Sometimes they are all Dex and basically come off as flashy rogues.
They work a bit more as a costume with stats than a class.
I think the theme is better as an individual character and loses much when institutionalized as a class.
This. Jesters and clowns have their own unique flair from each other. Plus, as says, there's no one way to play as a jester.
I'm a sucker for clown girls.
I'm not sure if I would call Tira a jester. She's still a psycho assassin more than anything.
Meh, she's wearing a jester costume, close enough.
>jester/clown thread
here we go again
Do you seriously come here and remake this same damn thread every week?
This thread happened last week?
First time I've seen it
Personally I'd love to see the idea get some support. Not sure how though since everything from fun party buffer to Harley Quinn.
>He will be laughing still, at the end.
Goddamnit Veeky Forums, you can't be doing this to me I'm supposed to be on NoFap.
depends on how you pull it off.
i wouldn't let a unfunny person play such a character.
I have never seen a jester thread before
Joker uses his clown gimmick as his big excuse for being hyper-violent and unpredictable in his actions. Part of me feels like it comes across as a crutch because "lel so random."
You really need to be a funny person to pull it of however.
This kind of jester?
there's no jester quite like trap ones.
exactly. or else it gets cringy. like in that video.
now post eldar-murderclowns
No! No!
The self-deprecating clown is just as funny as any other. And Dampierre still comes off as a trickster. His signature finisher is using one of his crewmates to sell a sob story to the enemy and convince them to spare some cash. He's a thief-trickster.
Kinda redundant, just a mixture of Rogue and Bard, honestly.
Like the theme is totally fine, but I don't think it's a unique enough concept to warrant a separate class.
Jesters, Fools, Clowns and Harlequins are my fucking shit.
What about the illusionist mentioned above?
>posting jester trap again
Ehh, no more redundant than the cleric+fighter Paladin, the fighter+druid Ranger, monk+rogue Ninja or any other classes that are deep down a combination of core classes. Some people want Samurai when that is just a fighter with a specific culture flavor.
It's nice to have another flavor like sorcerer. Only with a jester, they can have a totally different playstyle per game.
I typically see them as assassins. But a mage jester sounds interesting and frightening at the same time.
>She's still a psycho assassin more than anything.
Most jester characters are psycho assassins
>Ostentatious character generally wearing loud colors
>He does some buffon shit, proceeds to get ignored after it.
"Assassins" during the largest part of history were just regular guys with a sword that happened to kill you on the back. "Assassin" should just be an aspect of the warrior class.
Have to say, I am liking this idea of a jester using magic to conjure up all the typical carton tricks and antics they pull off.
Just waving their hands around and the immediate area is a Lewis Carrol nightmare can really fuck with someone. Plus things like talking mushrooms everywhere, smoking caterpillars, playing cards, limbs falling off, teleporting, clones, eploding doll heads can all be great if used in a game.
Class is more about a powerset than a character concept. All those hybrid classes have uniquely identifiable powersets. Whereas "jester" is a very narrow character concept with a wide range of possible powersets (bard/anti-bard, assassin, illusionist). It works as an ACF/archetype/whatever, but not very well as a standalone class.
So perhaps the Jester needs to be done several ways? If you want something in PF or DnD I would imagine that you have quite a few classes they could be variants from.
Bard jesters with illusions
Cartwheeling rogue jesters that are more assassin types
Trickster sorts based on the Mesmerist, or maybe those are the jokesters with special effects from various gags?
Love 'em.
Need to figure out how to play one one of these days. It'd be hard being funny consistently though.
Being the Jester is a good place to be; only person who can openly mock the King.
Maybe something like pic related in an RT game? That'd be pretty cool.
Harley was the acrobatic lethal shenanigans type. Her grandchildren got the "acrobatic" part.
>Her grandchildren
Is that confirmed canon?
If you consider Batman Beyond canon, then yes, Harley Quinn had twin granddaughters.
>Doesn't fire the flag into the enemy
So disappointed.
Then that means the Joker's bloodline is somewhere still.
Batman Beyond movie when?
If your character happens to be a jester then whatever, but a class devoted to jesters is just gimmicky.
No one said it was the Joker who knocked up Harley. Hell, after the two of them lose, an old Harleen Quinzel picks them up from prison and beats them up a bit with her purse for ending up in jail.
Fucking stop already. Shit's tiresome
I won't accept anyone else as knocking Harley up.
Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker. DeeDee are in it.
Can someone delete this shit already?
We don't need to have the same damn thread every fucking day.
Literally never seen this question before. Or are you saying the more general, "X Class, what do you think" threads?
Because we are tired of this bullshit, Gizmo. Nobody cares about your fetish. Go back to /d/, where you belong with your constant clown threads
fuck the movie, i want a continuation of the animaited series, it was the best shadowrun shit ever
>Batman Beyond
How did I never put this together?
They've even got SURGE'd out people running around.
Slightly whacky cyberpunk, with a bunch of collorfull villans and a dark undertone. While batman byond is cyber-goth-punk, the two have a lot of similaritys.
Race: Bee
Class: Bee
Skills: Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
fuck off with your autism, being a bitch won't make you a janitor
Being a sperg with shitty fetish won't make you part of Veeky Forums, Gizmo
I think this is by far one of the worst character concepts possible and I lose a lot of respect for anyone who rolls one. It's fucking stupid. Don't you have any god damn taste?
What's bad about it? Can you elaborate?
Sure and then also try describing color to a blind man.
It's ok not to like something that other people like.
What is so bad about it? That's kind of weird that you object so much.
>I don't have an argument, but you should just accept that I'm right anyway.
Hiding in plain sight bro.
It's the most snowflake shit I can think of. They're meant to be entertainers but when have youever seen one that actually was. They're meant to make you laugh, they never could because they're universally irritating. If they're going for acreepy factor they fail again because they're only ever irritating. The only reason anyone would roll this would be for snowflake flavor that's only going to be a nuisance or to attempt to be some edgy child murdering It type which is fucking gay. There is no justification for this character type, it's pure gimmicky fetish shit.
Nice meme brah.
A Jester character is not any more "gimicky" than a barbarian, or druid, or warlock, or any other fantasy concept that never existed in real life.
Well whatever, you are allowed to hate things I guess, lucky for you they seem pretty rare in any RPG I have heard of.
Not that user but some concepts tend to attract people who shoehorn stupid ideas and poor comedy in any and every situation, not only hurting atmosphere of the game, but sometimes ruining a another player's moment because they have to steal the spotlight of their epic moment by cutting all the dramatic tension/epic atmosphere/etc with their stupidity.
This is not the case for everyone who plays a jester, and some people are like that without playing one. That said, this group of 'lol so randumb' is overrepresented in the group of people who play Jesters types. Other groups where the 'lol randumb' demography is overpresented are:
Bards (by a small margin), Malkavians in oWod, actual clowns, murder clowns, clown themed superhero.
So jesters are bad because some people have zero sense of narrative timing?
whether a race or class, Kender can go fuck themselves.
Summerfag detected
Not even Dick?
>BBEG kidnaps the princess
>distraught king hires adventures to rescue her
>on the way there they catch up to the king's court jester, who set out to rescue her on his own
>they ask him what business a jester has rescuing princesses.
"It is my job to keep the king happy, and right now the king is not happy. And I have tried, OH how I have tried and tried. I've tried lunacy, tomfoolery, BUFFOONERY... but nothing. not one laugh. Not even a smile. I know now that only having his daughter back will make the king happy again. And it's a jester's job to keep the king happy."
That quote sounds familiar.
Was it Cicero from Skyrim said something like that?
I didn't said Jesters are bad. If you want to go in that direction your question should be:
>So jester are bad because they attract people with zero sense of narrative timing(more than other concepts)?
And my answer would be:
>It's not that Jesters are bad, it is that unfortunately people who don't put a lot of effort in making the game interesting for everyone tend to be attract by some concepts. Picking an archtype associated with comedy and foolery is more tempting to them.
That said, as most people will agree, any concept can be played bad or good. Depends on how you do it. But there's no denying some concepts appeal more to some type of people.
This here. This could be a good jester concept, provided the player can keep the good balance between a cunning intellect and rapier wits to make jokes at other's expense, and a apparently simple mind to see the world.
How is that ever any more flavor than playing a wood elf, drow, tiefling, or anything that you throw a shitload of pointless flavor for no reason whatsoever than personal preference.
Your problem is basically you do not like it when people like things you do not personally like. So grow up.
>A combat mime asssasin jester with bells all over his colourful garb is not any bit more gimmicky than everything else
It would be easier to keep the idiot that thinks he is funny out of the game completely.
I don't know what to tell you man, your disbelief suspender is tuned wrong or something.
No, but I've posted it here before.
They're redheads, clearly Ivy was their grandfather.
I'd love to play a Jester type character, but am certain of the fact I would not be able to pull it off properly.
Definitely on my Veeky Forums bucket list.
Gotta talk in rhymes or something and work on jokes between sessions.
No more gimmicky than an elf wearing leaves and calling it armor, or dwarves wearing shaped rocks as armor. Avariel making swords out of glass, Drow weapons melting in sunlight,
>Poison Ivy
On a side note, fuck pintrest showing up on google image search, I had to install a plugin just to bypass their shitty login. They just ripoff art from other places anyway.
I know what I said, I stand by it.
I'm pretty sure red hair genes would lose out to blonde hair ones.
This is why I like the flavor illusion caster idea over combat oriented assassin.
Mages already wear ridiculous clothing with decorations all over. Clown themed mage casting circus themed magic works out.
Yeeaaa you are comparing
>Species backed up by mythology and literature
>Species backed up by mythology and literature
>Species backed up by mythology and literature
to a
>Harley inspired personal fanfiction waifu fantasy
>>Harley inspired personal fanfiction waifu fantasy
I think you have the inspirations reversed in fact.
Ironically jesters actually existed IRL while dwarves and elves never did.
All in all it's a character in a costume doing magic monster killing in a fantasy game.
Enjoy your irrational autismal rage over nothing.
Well "dwarves" do exist but you know what I mean, heh.
Clowns aren't just for laughs. They are for telling stories.
Cirque du Soleil, a bunch highly skilled acrobats who do some pretty cool stuff with clowns and circus performances.
Goddamnit, where's Gropey the Clown when you need him to school some fucker in Clown Theory.
Those are the ones you fear since they probably know how to move around without making noise. Its pretty much constant training.
As to how to represent clown in RPGs, I'll just talk about PF since it's what I use. They would be a class archetype that focused on some aspect of being a type of clown most suitable for that class, trading features for those more appropriate. The bard for example, already has one called Street Performer that can be used.