One of the key aspects of mythologies that separates them from other works is that many myths and legends have multiple...

One of the key aspects of mythologies that separates them from other works is that many myths and legends have multiple interpretations and can be recounted in multiple different ways. One version might mention Narcisus becoming a flower after death, while another might mention him rotting in tartarus for his foolish pride.

This is because mythologies are not written by single authors, but are added to over time from other sources and from other storytellers, creating stories that are vibrant, interesting, and often self-contradictory.

Lets see it Veeky Forums, with its multiple authors, can replicate the feel of a mythology. In your post, create any myth you want. You can use characters/gods from a previous post, make up your own, write new details to a previous story; whatever the hell you want. Lets see what we end up with.

I'll start:

>Life was created from the love of Otax the Ocean and Ava the moon.
>They had first seen each-other during battle, for the forces of Earth and Sky do make war with each-other
>Otax and Ava both knew that they loved each-other at first sight.
>They fled the battle in its chaos, and loved each-other. They promised to meet again.
>11 times did they love each-other, and on the 12th time, they were discovered.
>Both Earth and Sky were furious at their children, and would have killed them were it not for the mortals.
>For when Otax and Ava made love, Ava did give birth to her children, who were neither of Sky or Earth.
>Rain, River, Wind, Wood, Lightning, and all of Ava's children played upon the surfaces of Earth and Sky, and where they walked, mortal life grew.
>First were the fish and the birds, then grass and trees, then beasts and bugs, and finally Man.
>Earth and Sky, seeing that they were now covered with living things, were forced to call ceasefire.
>Their honor prevented them from fighting that would harm the innocent, and life had spread all across the world.
>Ending the warring among the gods, Earth and Sky punished their children by separating them forever.
>But 12 times a year, on the birthdays of their children, Otax and Ava desperately reach out to each-other; Ava shining low and bright in the sky, and Otax rising as high as he can.
>This is how life was created, and why the tides rise to the full moon every month.

>Life was created by the trickery of the Moon Goddess Ava on the Ocean God Otax
>When the Earth was waging holy and just war against the Sky, the two beings met
>Ava used her feminine wiles to trick the noble Ocean, spawning a legion of children she thought could be used against Earth
>Her surprise when Man embraced the Earth, recognizing it's bounty and purity
>Earth, with his power, separated the evil Moon from the dejected Ocean, who still pines for her when she dares fly close to the ground
>Though you may be tainted with the Moon's sin, you may purge it from your body by drinking deep the salt of the ocean
>Don't forget to purge the dirty Moon worshipping filth

>Life was created by the evil of the Ocean God Otax upon the Moon Goddes Ava.
>Whilst the Sky did defend itself from the jealousy and war of the Earth, Otax captured Ava and carried her off.
>Many times did Otax rape the gentle moon, and she was forced to bear his children
>It was not long before the graceful Sky spied upon the vile Otax, and rescued Ava from him.
>Sky would have utterly destroyed the Earth then, were it not for Ava's children, for although they were childrne of rape, Ava did love them.
>Otax still reaches up the Ava, his stolen prize, but whenever he tries, vigilant Sky beats him back towards the earth
>Remember, although our bodies live on the earth, our Soul is of the Sky, and it is only through meditatation and abandoning the pleasures and temptation of the earth that we may return to the Sky.

>It is said that Ava had a thirteenth child: Senat the trickster, a god quite wild.
>It who first convinced Man to fight for petty reasons like who was "right"
>Senat loved his grandfathers Earth and Sky, and knew that they loved war, so he made churches in their name, and had mortals continue what was abandoned long before.
>This evil was seen by peaceful Sun, and he knew then what must be done. He did forget Senat's thirteenth month, a month that meant naught but shame; he raged against his sister's son, and cursed his nephew's evil name.
>but the damage was done; mankind knew war. They would resume what had started before.
>Make peace with your halves of earth and sky, or be consumed by trickery.

>yfw all the creative people and good writefags have been driven off by the Board Fun Police

I'm sorry, user.

There's still creativity here, user. It just takes a little bit of coaxing.
Hell, if stories like this were made 2500 years a go by Mediterranean barley-farmers, I'm sure you can do it also.

What do you say, user: care to give a little writefagotry a try?

Fine. One moment.

>When man was first born, there were no stars in the sky.
>There were no reflections upon the waves.
>When Ava shone down upon the world, man was not afraid. But when Ava slept, hiding her face, man was fearful, and hid away from the sky and the ocean within the earth.
>Concerned that man would forget his grandmother, Senat the Trickster sought out a wise man, and asked why man hid away from the darkness when Ava would sleep.
>Because, the wise man said, the animals who prowl the night kill us without being seen and lay waste to our tribes.
>Senat understood, and spoke to his grandfather.
>Grandafather, perhaps Ava does not love you because you do not give her gifts!
>Otax was wary, for Senat was ever guileful.
>What mean you, Trickster?
>See your children there? the Trickster replied.
>See the man give the woman ivory carved and flowers in bloom?
>Otax saw, and understood.
>When Ava slept next, Otax stirred and flung glittering shells and sparkling foam into the sky, Gifting her with jewels.
>When Ava opened her eye and looked upon the world once more, sparkling jewels glittered and shone throughout the sky.
>Charmed, she wondered at this beautiful sight.
>Senat spoke to Ava as Otax.
>See what Otax has done, leaving you beautiful jewels and companions in the sky?
>I see, she replied, untrusting of the Trickster.
>It is because he loves you that he does this.
>See how the women give gifts of ocher and crimson to their men to wear to woo them?
>I see, replied Ava.
>But I have no such thing to give Otax, she replied sadly.
>Perhaps if you ask your father for a gift he will be kind to you, sly Senet suggested.
>Ava spoke to her father, and he gave her a flower that lives and danced. This she set upon the ground, and its brightnesst caused Otax to shimmer and shine.
>So was the love of Ava and Otax rekindled.
>So under the stars and by firelight love one another, to remember the gifts of Senet to man who feared the dark.

>Ocean. Evil
>Believing the lies of Ava
>Meditating instead of preforming the daily prayers and tithes
>Being a Moon worshipping whore

Such heresy

The high priest has already denied such false preachings. Repent child, or be burned as a heretic should

Isn't Senet's grandfathers Sky and Earth, and his father Otax?

You kiss the earth, covering yourself in filth! We shall never surrender to scum such as you!

Things change user. Tiamat was a loving Ocean goddess who birthed the rivers with her husband Apsu, and she only became an evil dragon later in life when her husband was killed.

>Of all the children of Otax and Ava, none are revered more than Rais.
>Rais, second-born child of Otax and Ava and the god of lightning, is brash and emotional, yet stalwart and loving as well.
>Rais was as different to his quiet and distant older sister Aqis, the rain, as night is to day, yet Rais still loved her dearly.

>It is said that Rais gave to mankind 3 gifts, for which both Sky-worshipers and Earth-worshipers revere him.
>First of these gifts was fire, and the first flame was lit by one of Rais' shining bolts.
>The second gift Rais did give mankind was writing, and the first words were written with a quill from Rais' own feathers.
>The third and final thing Rais did gift to Mankind was Heroism, and the first demigod hero, Rama, was born from Rais' seed.

>Some say that Rais indirectly gave a fourth gift to mankind in the form of kingship, for Rama was the first king as well as the first hero.
>But, the smart know that it was Senet, not Rais, who crowned the first king.

Please, continue your insults. I understand its all you have left. Just know that when you are burned, and your ashes spread to strengthen holy Earth, you will finally understand, and repent your sinful ways

Do not think we are all spineless monks, Earth-kisser. We do not fear your threats or your armies, and we shall win the wars of both bodies and minds. Our blades shall strike surer, Our words shall ring truer, and if we burn for our cause, then our ashes shall be scattered by Eura, the wind, and our souls shall rise all the way to heaven.

>Saint Catherine was a young and pure maiden, whose decor and beauty made her known miles away from her modest farm
>One day, a loathsome devil, posing as an old lady in need, kidnapped her, and locked her away in a tower
>Then the devil said to her "I cannot touch you when the Sun shines brightly in the sky, nor when the Moon holds vigil during the night, but once neither of them protects you, you will be mine!"
>with these words, the devil locked her in the topmost chamber of the tower, and disappeared in a foul puff of smoke.
>The young maiden cried in despair, but the Sun shone bright upon her from the tiny window in her room, and said:
>"despair not, young one, for you purity is your greatest weapon. Take your golden hair, and weave them in a rope.
>Me and my sister, the Moon, will keep watch, and ensure you have enough time to finish it. When it is done, bind the devil with it, and you'll win your freedom.
>With these words, hope returned to the heart of Saint Catherine, and she started to weave with holy zeal
>She sew and sew, until after 7 days, the rope was almost done
>However the loathsome devil had overheard the words of the Sun, and summoned spirits of water and air to cloud the sky with storms and lightnings
>The sky's clouded this way, he reappeared in the tower, and threw himself on the young maiden, whose rope was missing a single thread to be complete
>Admist the chaos, a little industrious spider had found his way into the tower, and, spying from the ceiling, saw the horrible act that was coming to happened.
>Not wanting the pure maiden to be defiled, he prayed to the gods "Oh gods, I'm not pure, nor comely, nor saintly. However, I'm diligent, I'm honest and I'm humble. Lend me the strenght to finish the work this young girl has started, and to save her from a most horrible fate"
>With these words, the spider spun his web from the ceiling, dropped on the rope, and quickly finished it

Continues next post

Ah but when your blades strike us down where do we go? And when Demon Wind weakens, where do you fall? Play not these games child. Holy Earth hates you, and will have you

>The gods heard his prayer, and found it honest and fair. When the last thread was set in place, the rope of hair and silk came alive, and like a snake coiled around the devil, strangling him
>So mighty was the power of the pure maiden and of the industrious spider, that the loathsome devil couldn't get free, and died, strangled by the rope
>Sainth catherine then took the keys to the room from the devil, and ran away, swearing to the spider that she would always protect his name and praise his virtues
>It is so that the Order of Saint Catherine came to be, the patron of weavers and of workers in general. They teach that beauty comes with honesty, and virtue with commitment, for neither one or the other are enough by themselves.

>Once there was nothing but pure chaos in a great black void.
>But for reasons unknown, the Nameless One called God was born from the shapeless void. God saw nothing but chaos and resolved to create order, birthing tools that he used to construct the universe.
>God created light and the stars.
>God then created the moon and night.
>God then created water.
>Finally, God created the Earth from whence life sprung from God's imagination.
>He then created the Angels to help govern the Earth. The Angels however were flawed creatures.
>Then God observed one of the smarter Ape creatures prowling the great jungle and gave him fire, thus creating Man as we know him.
>God guided Man through his early years, giving him language and civilization.
>The Angels grew jealous of God's affections for Man and turned on him. Thus beginning a great war in which the earth was torn asunder. Gardens turned to desert, great forests became tundra until finally God imprisoned them deep beneath the earth.
>God however was mortally wounded but gave man one last gift: souls and a conscious that the Angels lacked. He died in Heaven, but his tools still laid about the earth.
>For untold millennium, man wandered aimlessly without a Deity to guide him. Their souls stayed in their bodies after death, slowly evaporating into nothingness. Until one Man named Crotus found God's Hammer and made himself a God.
>The age of the great Pantheon had begun.

>The wise can learn much from this tale.
>Were it not for the Moon and her brother the Sun, surely Saint Catherine would have been lost.
>Were it not for the simple spider, a creature of the Earth, Saint Canterine would have been lost.
>Always remember that the source of evil is not Earth or Sky, but comes direct Senet, the devil himself.

>Although it is not often remembered, it was Eura the wind, Rais' young sister, who gave mankind the greatest gift of all: differences.
>It was Eura who taught man to travel and move, and hid in his heart a great wanterlust, so that he woul always wish to know what was beyond the next hill.
>And so, mankind spread across the face of the earth, and changed slowly to their lands. They made new languages and new holidays; their skin changed colour, and they grew tall or short.
>They even started worshiping other gods, but this is what Eura wanted.
>As man worshimed a multitude of gods, most of them forgot about the war of Sky and Earth, and in this way the Great War was kept small, and the world was not ripped asunder.
>Were it not for Eura, Mankind would know no peace.

>Beware the Demon Wind
>She who spread Men across Holy Earth, breaking the Unity they once had
>Lack of Unity helped Unholy Sky bewitch Men with false promises and lies
>Stand strong against Demon Wind
>Do not be worn down into heresy