Why are REQ and LINK so FUD'd here?
Question for user
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because newfags love chasing pnd coins + LINK and REQ holders are usually Veeky Forumstards that FUD it for fun.
They're so certain to give amazing ROI that it's fun to get rid of weak hands + thin the heard of normie newfags (this includes reddit, /pol/, /b/, /r9k/, Veeky Forums, pajeets, chads etc)
Now that you know this, delet your post
it was FUDd down for accumulation period and now a lot of retards havent figured out that this is actually the biggest goldmine yet
REQ is the literally worst vaporware out there. The token literally does nothing and is useless to the tech. A fucking ERC20 token on top of that lmao. Bagholders are going to get REQt once this pump is over and it dumps back to $0.04. Looking forward to all the pink wojaks.
Yes, very concerning that so many people here fall for the shill. Bad choice.
Can't explain them dumb biztards.
This is the truth. It's hard to admit it, but the token has literally no use.
Ahead of roadmap? How can you be ahead of the roadmap after 3weeks after the ico? Terrible strategic planning of you are able to be ahead of the roadmap so early.
On top of all this Bs, they are french. And everyone knows how french people are. Arrogant and dickheads.
Lots of bag-holders who are looking for bigger fools.
Ahead of roadmap is a meme. Devs trying to hype up their shittoken before they dump it on deluded REQies.
Invest only in good coins (not tokens). Such as Diamond (DMD) bit.diamonds
Veeky Forums idiots will learn soon enough.
And the devs are switching HQ to asia. Could be the start of the exit scam.
I like req. Dunno why these guys are spreading lies about it. Idk about link I haven't done Enough research
What the fuck are you on about? lol
The amount of FUD here is laughable.
What do you guys think of bitcoin cash? John McAfee thinks it will overtake core that's the only reason in starting to question if all the big shillers have a point.
Stop shilling this shitcoin. Too many anons have fell for this scam already.
Try to debunk it. You cannot, because it's true
I'm not fighting with you morons.
Arguments, only name-calling. Typical from REQ bagholders.
I've d9ne so much research on link and it's going to moon. Req doesn't have strong technical like link.
FUD it down again. I'm not done accumulating
Link or req?
There's no need for further FUD, the coin is full of it already. SELL bagholders, free yourself.
When you see this much fud, it's worth the time to investigate it further and basically discover it's just pajeets trying to scare you from making $$$
Bcash is a great coin for speculation. It will soon go up again and peak around 0.3 BTC. Filled my bags over the last days and will sell once it surpasses 0.25.
It's a private shitcoin that gets heavily manipulated, but one can make money on the watermelon niggers on /r/btc who really believe in what Wu, Ver and McA say.
Said the biggest Pajeet. Go shit elsewhere.
Req gonna give you a Lamborghini by the end of the year. But you don’t need a Lambo so you gonna hold on to it till Q4 2018 when you can buy 12 lofts downtown to go with the lambo but by that point you won’t need or want any of that shit. Instead you will hold and buy a small place far from people and just shitpost in Veeky Forums till Jesus comes back
How come MEME pumped so hard these past few days?
>On top of all this Bs, they are french
Fuck I'm selling
You did the right thing. French people are the worst #noracismjustthetruth
Ask yourself this: if all the pajeets are dead set on FUDing REQ as in this thread, why do you think they do that? Do you think they are concerned with your financial wellbeing and hope to stop you from making a bad decision? Really, biz is that lawful good? No. They are FUDing because they didnt buy in, and now they are afraid. Afraid of FOMO. Afraid of feeling like an idiot. Afraid of themselves and their poor sense of judgment.
As the wise man said: "Do the opposite of what Biz tells you".
> He has no real counter-arguments and is concerned about his investment
>he thinks his unsubstantiated drivel was anywhere close to being considered as an argument
I have something for you, which is impossible to debunk.
Facts & numbers - Check out the 2 week old and the 4 week old chart of REQ. What will you see? Oh yeah the classic pump for the news, followed by the dump...it will peak in thursday and then drop back to the old lows.
That's the easiest money you can get right now and it's predictable as fuck. That's the only use case of REQ right now...PnD.