Think up a cool name for a race/nation/character/spell/whatever

>think up a cool name for a race/nation/character/spell/whatever
>turns out it's already the name of some pokemon/tvshow/anime/webcomic thing
>players won't stop making fun of my idea

Fuck these ingrates.

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Dumb frogposter.

My DM ran into a similar problem. They invented a spacefaring Empire that was going to be pivotal to the campaign. They named it "Glossolalia," thinking it was just a random assortment of letters and sounds. Boy were they surprised when I explained the the word actually means random assortment of sounds which appear to be words but aren't. Had a good laugh over it.

If you're too stupid to Google a term you come up with before getting attached to it you deserve it.
I hope you accidentally name your first child after a serial killer.

Do a quick search before you use it, or even take existing words or names. This is what I do all the time.

By the bye, which pokemon was it?

Stop stealing all your names from anime, then.

>I need a name for a bunch of elf assassins
>I know! I'll call them The Shh-elves!

I once accidentally named a character the same as a birth control pill

>he doesn't google all the names he cooks up

you deserve it

>I need a name for the ocean-dwelling orks
>I know! I'll call them corks!

>Hmm. maybe like fey-themed goblin warlords
>how about the "Gheylords"?

That's more wisdom than intelligence :^)


I thought up a female wizard named "Splenda"

Sh'zraak, now Shrek
The memes never end

>arcane canine

She sounds so sweet.

I quietly retired a god in my pantheon whose name was Shota.

>Zuul, The Shadow God
>Ragnaros, The Lord of War
>Celestia, The Queen of Stars

I fluffed a daemon prince for 40k once

Named him "Nyarlathotep" the creeping chaos after the Outer God

Found out about the anime afterward.

This is a joke, right?

Apparently, the anime's bout Nyanthalorp taking the form of a lil girl to defend Earth against other Elder Gods

>defend Earth
Nah, she's there to stop the other Elder Gods from pirating earth goods, specifically Japanese media. And to get the MC's dick, which she does, in the end.

It's actually pretty funny. The author really knows his Lovecraft.

I don't have the cap of the page from the LN, but she literally goes elder god mode and rapes him.

Created an Elf character in Shadowrun, named him Silas, googled the name found it meant from the Woods and it was a dirivitive of Silvanus. Think that's cool as fuck.

Remember every single Elf from fiction named Silvanus or something similar.

This one finally got me.

Yeah, but why would that influence your naming conventions? I mean, I didn't stop using Zeus as a god after I found out that it's also the name of one of Magnum PI's dogs. Actually, it's one of Higgins's dogs, which Magnum never got along with, but that's beside the point. Also, his name isn't actually "Magnum PI", but again...

I want to see that page now

>people always think my character is part of the free wales army

The page itself is in moonrunes, but I'm pretty sure pic related is the exact dialogue, if not it's a solid summary.


I narrowly avoided this with my second son. Was going to name him Edward after my grandfather, but my wife pointed out people would think he was named after Twilight. Fuck that noise.

That is dumb, I bet i can find something negative associated with any common name

Sorry, I incorrectly remembered the rough sex as rape.

That's the joke. Or at least I think it is.

its fake don't believe her

>make an empire for a homebrew campaign setting
>want a one-syllable tough-sounding name for it
>call it Garn

>introduce it in play
>players won't stop calling things from there Garnish
>Garnish language, Garnish steel, Garnish-made weapons

I'm the fool. It's me.

No problem. Just make sure not to repeat the same mistake when it happens to you.

thats rough, sorry m8

Celesia seems like a common enough name that it shouldn't be a problem so long as you don't name your moon goddess Luna or something.

I thought it was about the MC being such a shit tier weeb that he was only able to comprehend cosmic horrors and reality warping energies used in the battles between them . . . .

As moe waifus.

Nyarlys love of him just proves he's the pinnacle of gormless abject degeneracy that Nyarlathotep sees in mankind. He's the perfect victim in how pathetic and weak he is - because if there's one thing Nyarly likes it's kicking a man when he's down.

This isn't a shit post. I'm serious. The MC is both the ideal justification and irresistible toy to torment from Nyarlys POV.


> MFW ThatSlowTypingGuy who writes House and Dominion quest here recently spent (x) amount of time designing us an efficient commercially/military space station in CAD.

Pic related

I had to nearly eliminate all use of "discord" and even "discordant" for a bit a few years ago because people kept thinking I was talking about the show. Fortunately not around music buddies who knew what I meant when I complained about being shit at quick keyboard chords.

I think you guys are talking about My Little Pony here, but I'm not even sure. If you are, I don't think that most of the people I play with would have any more of a clue than I do. My brother would, because his girlfriend is super into MLP, but he wouldn't be bothered by any commonalities.

>think up a cool name for a race/nation/character/spell/whatever
>turns out it's already the name of some pokemon/tvshow/anime/webcomic thing
>players won't stop making fun of my idea

OP, I knew a guy who used to do this. No matter what I made, named or ran for my friends, this retard fuck would just go "Hurrr you stole that from X" because he literally does nothing with his life but watch tv.

Only advice I can give is to accept that nearly everything that can be done, has been done. If you don't something is cool, -don't- google it and kill your idea, just run with it. If it turns out that it's already be done, who cares? It matters not where the inspiration comes from, but what you do with it.

I don't believe you.

Nobody who has ever told a good story just made everything up. When it comes to naming conventions, you should go about things in a structured way based on at least a vague understanding of language. Slapping syllables together until you find a "good" combination is stupid.

I once needed a name for a CoC investigator with stats that made him the physical and mental tank of the group. Wanted something to sound rather pulpy too, so I came up with Blake Stone.

The DM and other players laughingly informed md about the wizard, Blackstone.

I have a fairly simple way of avoiding this problem: I usually consciously rip off names of somewhat related classic fiction or cultural work and turn things into a homage. So when I need a name for whatever, I actually actively look for something to name it after, usually in non-genre books, mythology, religion.
That way, people discovering it comes from somewhere feel like they identified a homage or even learned something about the object/character/place.
For an example, recently I needed a name for a key city in my world building project, in a fantastic world, capital of civilization heavily focused on rather strange language: I decided to call the city "Tlön", after a fictional world in Borges'es story.

When I can't find anything appropriate, or when I simply need large quantities of names (where the constant referencing or homages would become tiresome), I have my "use a an actual world for an actual foreign language" strategy. I needed to name multiple cities across a vast empire which was culturally inspired by Greco-Indian cultures, so I decided I'll base it's language around Hindu, then I looked up different words that were related in some way to the cities or their histories. I ended up with names like Aarkid, Gulaab, Daant, meaning (if I recall correctly) "Rose", "Orchid" and "Tooth" respectively.


I use the Clamp anime naming tradition. and use car names for stuff and give them a slight alteration.

All you should do is to check google for this name.


The problem is people who can't control themselves when they "recognize" the "reference", haters or faggots, all equally annoying.

>Slapping syllables together until you find a "good" combination is stupid.
Fuck you. I made my first nickname this way and people liked it more than any meaningful bullshit.

>not Snorks!
You had one simple job.

>...I made my first nickname...

You don't make your own nickname! Other people give it to you...

>cool names
>actually matter
Pick one.
Whenever I'm in need of a name, I just pull a short nickname out of my head.

For example: Tong, Skipper, Wicky, Blitz, Bobby, Culter, Fozzy, Snicket, Trace, Klan, Xingu, Lady, Cooper, Zed, Lance, Fast Wheels, Golux, Phanto, Tokki, Snicket, Pip, Nova etc.

There is no need to give a shit.

>Despite their penchant for war and conquering other tribes, the Garn were also known for the wide range of fine cooking they produced
>Native to the plains of their homeland are a dozen kind of herbs and spices, their dishes are heavily seasoned, often with a sprig of herb left on the side
>Eventually this practice was known as "garnishing" a dish, to copy their style

>make up funny name for vidya years ago
>years later it appearantly becomes a meme and you're now just some faggot with a meme name

Maybe this is terminology problem. I mean the name you use for web instead of the real one.

The word you're looking for is probably "username", although there's other variants out there ("handle", etc.)

"Nickname" is technically correct, but also pretty damn misleading since it's got stronger meatspace connotations.

>need name for half-elf druid pc
>can't think of anything original
>name him "hunter" in a language none of us understand
>the other players are none the wiser
>I realize this is probably how actual fantasy names are invented

Found out the alias my BBEG went by actually means Asshole in some other real world language. Just gotta play it up.

t. Frodosagbag

>car names for stuff and give them a slight alteration
Such as...?
Subaru, Mitsubishi, and Honda are legitimate names, BTW.

Authors do it all the time. If you look into a lot of series you'll find lots of "the groundskeeper's name is ancient fuckery for 'guardian' and groundskeeping is like guarding" etc. Herry Potter had a lot of that I think, but I try not to get too into that kind of shit.

It's especially funny because an actually efficient space habitat would end up looking more like the one from that show's main rival, Babylon 5.

Dumbledore's name comes from "bumblebee" because Rowling imagined him as the sort of person who'd aimlessly wander the halls, humming to himself.

My favourite one is a werewolf called Remus Lupin. Apparently nobody in the wizarding world knows any Latin despite half of their spells being made up of a garbled version of it.

I do this all the time.
I need a name I go to Behind the Name and Google Translate and start looking at names and words in languages that are the closest fit to the culture and name them after something about them.

My lastest one is a Fire Sorceress called Idris, which is an Indian ladies name for fire.

>Not naming all of your race/nation/character/spell/whatever with sly nods to novels/movies/games

keep up, lad.

I like to name my characters with incredible mundane name. Like I have no problem when the evil wizard who terrorize the region is named Francis.


>trying to come up with a location name
>jam two Greek words together, change a letter or two
>google it just in case
>most results are either in a foreign language or some no-name's online handle
>name is in some Renaissance-era text on occultism
>it's the name of a stone "under the power of the sun"
>main deity in the setting is sun themed


>mfw I put in three blatant Starship Troopers references (two from the book and one from the film) in my marshmallow horsie fanfic
>mfw nobody noticed

This always happens

It's like evolutionary convergence, but with thought-patterns, as content-creators often share common media history with each other

>Introduce an Oracle
>Player asks for her name
>In retrospect I really should have expected this and just said 'she gave up her name when she became an Oracle
>Stuck on the spot I grab the first female name I can think of and mention she's called Thelma.
>Mistype it as Thelema.
>One of the group, who is interested in the occult, pulls this face, whilst laughing.
>Quickly goggle the misspelling
"Well, she is the word of law in a psudo-religious cult"
>Players think it was all intentional.

>me iq2xu
>y no one notice

Heh. Good one, jefe.

That sounds magnificent.
What's the word?

No children his age know about twilight, and nobody will remember it by the time he's old enough to get teased about it.

I'm pretty sure they'll have some idea of why there are three Edwards, six Bellas, and two Jacobs in every class.

I seriously don't get the impression Twilight was THAT popular