Sold my PC today and want to get into a new hobby. I recently got interested in tabletop, especially Warhammer 40k.Is it worth it, or am I too late? Warhammer Fantasy/AoS looks awesome too, but friends told me to stay away from AoS.
Sold my PC today and want to get into a new hobby. I recently got interested in tabletop, especially Warhammer 40k...
You should probably avoid GW in general, if you want to at least have a good tabletop experience.
Unless it's the only thing played in your area, then good luck.
>Is it worth it, or am I too late?
You're far too late. The best way to enjoy the 40k universe isn't by playing the tabletop. Play Dawn of War and the tabletop RPGs.
Fantasy is best enjoyed now by playing Total War: Warhammer and the RPGs.
If you're dead set about getting into a tabletop, look to Kings of War, its not!Warhammer Fantasy, Warmachine, or Infinity.
Pick the look and fluff you like best and roll with it.
Ignore this guy OP
The reason most people get into 40k is the lore or setting or design aesthetics. People like this guy is trying to get you into the rules and other games (which are good and fun and my actual preference but you want Warhammer).
40k isn't particularly a great game BUT the models are fun and so is the lore. There's a more fun, smaller scale version of the rules called Kill Team. There is a blog out there that actually improved the Kill Team rules. They are currently revamping the rules through committee (so it's taking forever and is wildly unbalanced and shit) BUT they kept the old rules before the revamp on their blog. These rules are in supplement to the main rules of the game. It can be found here. The core rules of the supplement have not been updated yet so they are under the main tab and the rules for individual armies are under the "legacy" tab.
My tip would be to get a Start collecting set and some model acrylic paints, very important that they are for models and not enamel paints because model paints use special pigments that are much smaller than in regular paint. If you were to use regular paint you would lose most of your detail.
Start collecting
If the faction you want isn't present then I am sorry to say that getting started may be a little more expensive.
Checklist of three.
Do you
1) Like the setting more than other miniwargame IP's.
2) Know there's a solid local community of players worth associating with.
3) Want to dedicate 20-30 times the time and effort to the modelling aspect than the game itself.
If you can answer yes to all three it's the game for you
Only two, consider another hobby
Only one, turn around and walk away.
It's not about the rules. I want to have a fun time painting the miniatures and playing/chill with people who share the same interest.
Iam not looking for a competitive game or rule set, just want to get away from spending too much time playing video games.
Space Marines look awesome, are they a viable Faction?
I guess yes to all of them, but is it seriously so time consuming to paint/desing the miniatures?
Space Marines are always viable. They are not always the top tier forever but they are better than 60-70% of the factions any given edition.
They are the easiest to paint, easiest to play but with a pretty high skill ceiling, and the most memorable faction.
If a friend were to pick a non marine faction it's also pretty fun to have a good v bad thing going.
The rules to 40k are pretty simple. Don't let the three book set fool you. Only one book is dedicated to rules and half of it is fucking pictures.
If you are getting into it for the very first time there is a new product line coming out called Battle for Vedros, it has small paint pots and single pose (limited customization but very good for first time model builders) models. I'm not sure when it comes out though.
If you want them to look good, yes. You can just prime & base them and send them out, but that reeks of little pride in your dudes.
Yes. The models are actually mostly what you will be doing. A single marine can take some people as little as 20 minutes but some people take 2 to 3 hours, it just depends on the time you put into it. Obviously the more time you put into it the better it will look.
The thing about all wargaming (outside of the token/chit games with textbooks for rules) is that it's 90% painting and modelling, 5% playing the game, and 5% researching new techniques to paint the models or play the game.
Well if you start from scratch in terms of experience, you can expect a year or so of work before you models stop looking like fingerpaintings and a couple of hundred of dollars of models before you learn how to remove moldiness, making poses that don't look retarded.
Miniature in the OP can easily have had some 100 hours of work on it.
There are of course assembly line and "good enough" techniques, but you'd be giving your plastic crack paintjobs like dollarstore toy soldiers.
It really does. Right now warhammer 40k is at an all time low for fun-ness in the game department, but their models are at an all time high for awesomeness.
As it seems you are coming from gaming let this be known to you. Warhammer (especialy right now) is not a good competitive game in all aspects. There are two major parts to playing warhamer. List building, and actually fighting. As it stands, some armies are strictly better then others when it comes to list building, so much so that you have to intentionaly pick "bad" lists to play with other codecies.
But dont let that discourage you. The way to have the most fun at warhammer is to play cool well balanced lists with your favorite guys, then try your hardest to win once you have picked your lists. (as opposed to power gaming the system before the game starts). This will lead to games having a good feeling of accomplishment rather than simply rolling the dice until your friend loses or wins because the list he put together was way way way better.
Don't. GW's inability to write a decent ruleset is a problem that's just getting worse as time goes on. Grab some models that look cool, and play them with like Tomorrow's War or something.
Thanks for the general information guys!
I guess I still have to make up my mind about the whole tabletop idea, but i guess I would give Warhammer a try.
I gave up video games a while back to pursue painting minis. I'll be honest. It's a lot harder of a hobby. It requires effort and actual proactive thought to improve. You have to push yourself to get better unlike games where you will passively get better, just by playing. It's definitely more rewarding for me to have something tangible that I painted at the end of the day though. I care much more about my models than I ever did about any videogame. As for the wargaming aspect. Well it's icing on the cake.
Space Marines were below average to average for every single edition of the game, for over twenty five years.
Then suddenly 3 years ago they became a top army and Forge World decided to make a setting that's 99% marines vs. marines all the time.
So now's a good time.
do you have friends who play? do you have a local community who plays? DO YOU ENJOY PAINTING!!?!?!?! do you have disposable income? if all those are a yes, then go for it, wh40k is by far the most popular
and if you know people who play you can always start with just a game with 10 or so models and work your way up to a HQ and 2 troops, then expand from there
>sold my PC
Sell five more and you can probably afford a 40k army.
>If you are getting into it for the very first time there is a new product line coming out called Battle for Vedros, it has small paint pots and single pose (limited customization but very good for first time model builders) models.
Interesting. The demo video shows six Space Marine squadboyz, a Terminator (Captain?), a Captain, and a Dreadnought squaring off against an Ork Warboss, a Deffkopta, and two handfuls of Orky ladz; I think I counted right, and those are the 28 models included in the box. With the exception of the Terminator, these all look like the same cookie-cutter models that came in Assault on Black Reach ... which I suppose is fitting, since the artwork on the box is also the same.
Go with 30k instead.
Less players, but it's far more balanced.
The Betrayal at Calth set is good for starting an army.
It'll hurt your wallet a bit more though. Maybe.
Battle for vedros is coming otu tomorrow, find a place that stocks it or will stock it.
250 points a side of spess marine and ork
Vedros is a great asset, it's coming out the 6th.
BUT it's not at all stores, only independent retaillers and toy stores and shit. :(
Yeah Vedros is just repackaged portions of AoBR. Not really worth it IMO because 1) the rules aren't the real 40k rules and 2) you can just buy DV or AoBR models on eBay for cheap and not have models for the other army you don't play.
If you enjoy painting and modeling, and you like the 40k setting, then it's a lot of fun. I've tried to play the game a few times over the years, but honestly it has always just sucked in so many ways. I've only played maybe a dozen or so games over the past two editions, but anything larger than 500 points is literal torture.
I still build and paint armies though, because the setting is just so rich, theres so much you can do with it. My suggestion to you is to build a small Kill Team force, download the rules and start that way.
What's the best unit in 30k?
For me its Terror Squads with Volkite.
The Typhon is easily the best bang for its buck unit in the game, able to put insane dents in infantry and severely out box other vehicles. Its better then even taking primarchs. But it is a lord of war (A super unit, same classification as titans) so if we disregard that category the answer is really determined by which faction you end up playing overall. Its hard to argue that there is one "best" unit among the legions.
"The best unit" for a world eaters player (I'm one and its Red Butchers) is very different from "The best unit" for a White Scars army (My friend swears by his simple bike squad with plasma) and so on.
HH is very balanced as its 90% space marines and because of that is allowed to enjoy the variety that having 18 different legions with different play styles bring to the table.
Exactly what some of these other anons have been saying. Lore and aesthetic are really good, but the game itself is really not up to snuff. It's not decently priced, but it really only gets to become a massive issue if you plan on playing semi-competitively.
The hobby aspect is by far the most rewarding, and if you still want to play just make 500 point armies (typically a HQ, two infantry and a bit of wiggle room) and then just do another army that can also ally (basically all imperium can ally) so you can still do larger games but you're not forced into paying too much for models you're not passionate about.
You should probably steer clear of 40k and GW in general. There are tons of reasons. Everyone starts out in the same place. They get their heart set on the theme or find something in it they love. They think the few positives will out weigh the negatives. However, given enough time the games and company will just disappoints you so much you will just lose desire to play.
There is a reason there are so many salty veterans around telling you to stay away. The really only redeeming feature is the fluff. The game is clunky and hardly functional. It is not at all balanced, with whole factions being near unplayable due the bad design choices (even in narrative play). It still uses archaic mechanics. It is overpriced and you have to buy too much. The new favorite is them just cancelling games and factions because hey fuck players! Pay to win the list goes on and on.
The best asset 40k and GW games in general was that everyone played them. You could always go to a store and find a game. That isn't the case any more. GW has become like a cow that produces sour milk. The bottom line is there are just way to many other games out there they do it far far better than GW does.
>There is a reason there are so many salty veterans around telling you to stay away
I've been in and out of 40k for the past 14 years and I would say anyone should "stay away." Just know what you are getting into and recognize when the hobby is not for you.
You complain about the rules, but the actual game is like 10% of the hobby max. Building, converting, painting, lore, and community are the other 90%, but if you aren't into that then just whine about the rules or prices like most people do.
>Sell five more and you can probably afford a 40k army.
stop this
you can put together a good 1000 pt army of brand new models for less than the cost of a good CPU, 300 dollars. For the price of a whole gaming PC, about 1000 to 1500 dollars, you can easy have 2-3 2000 point armies.
A PS4 with no games costs the same as Dark Vengeance, a codex, a full hobby starter, a getting started bundle, and a can of black primer all combined.
Not the OP but somewhat of the same situation. Want to get into a tabletop game and 40k was my first choice because there's an official GW store around me but everybody said the game aspect of it sucks. I was then going to do Warmachine because I know there's a independent game store near me where people play that but I read that all the shit for the new edition is on back order plus I don't feel like waiting until the end of the month to start even if it is available.
So now I'm not sure what to do. I imagine I'll probably just do 40k since I'm impatient.
I'll kind of second this. A couple years ago I tried branching out into miniature gaming after playing Dawn of War since I was sort of suffering video game burn out. Between an inability to choose and the actual work involved I haven't managed to really accomplish anything. Probably didn't help that I've found the rules to be kind of lacking in fun.
Come join the heretical side and play Infinity if you want sci-fi skirmish action, it's got beautiful models and excellent rules (IMO). It's really nice that both players are engaged on every turn of the game. There are oodles of tabletop mini games out there and they all have their appeal if you're looking for an alternative to 40K.
That all said 40K isn't an awful choice or anything. As the others have said, you should seriously get into it if the lore really appeals. Half the fun is chatting about the lore, creating stories for your own dudes/chapters/armies or whatever, and converting up cool models. Of all the tabletop games I've been exposed to so far, 40K is the most conversion-happy by far. Those are the most compelling reasons to play it I feel, along with the fact that you'll always have people to play with.
>want to have a fun time painting the miniatures and playing/chill with people who share the same interest.
>Iam not looking for a competitive game or rule set, just want to get away from spending too much time playing video games.
Then you want historicals. Go for Napoleonics, or WW1, or WW2, or Vietnam, or ancients, or 30 Years' War, or 100 Years' War, whatever suits you. Don't go into Games Workshop. If mini wargames are like food, GW is Burger King.
>but everybody said the game aspect of it sucks
if you have a GW in your area, go and try out the game instead of relying on second hand information. They do demo games.
If you have a local community of players for it then I would recommend trying out a WW2 warfare called Flames of War. It's way easier to paint the models to a decent quality, the rules are actually functional, and you might learn a little history. Overall cheaper than 40k as well.
The online community for gamers is worthless and unreliable, compared to online communities for other hobbies. Ten times more in regards to GW. Yes, problems exist, but people will complain online about stuff that doesn't even make sense or isn't even an issue when it comes to GW. They will straight up make something up or complain about something they don't even know about/are completely wrong about. Just as long as there's something to take and run with that lets them whine and bitch.