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Help me /40k/

I love playing guard, however recently I've been getting shafted when playing against crons. Now I know they're a hard codex and mine is objectively weaker however there must be a way of at least holding my own against them. It's not even their OP formations that are fucking me over - shit like lychguards buffed up escorting a lord and chariots chewing through my ranks along side wraiths. There's little I can do against it.

How do I win against them, am I being forced into having a boring "cookie cutter" army just for the chance to maybe be slightly closer to necrons or is there more freedom to the guard codex and I'm just being blind?

>go to the first and old warhammer only store in my town
>check out the figures and paint and stuff
>get hype
>Look at prices
>less hype
Tyranids look bretty gud i could probably make some cool flood based ones off them..

Guard can take out Necrons.

Care explaining the usual list he uses and point level you play? Not just briefly but with estimated numbers and load outs if possible.

What kind of models are in your collection and would you buy more?

Buy offline, since Nids aren't at the best place on the table top the lots go fairly cheap on ebay.

The Start Collecting Box isn't terrible either, it give you the strongest HQ you will need so any lot + start collecting will probably get you started well.

there are alternative paints and supplies

>Look at prices
this is the number one reason warhammer isn't as popular as it could be, its simply too dam expensive.

also xth for fuck eldar

guns, lots of guns, more than that, keep going, good now bigger guns, much bigger guns, lots of big guns.

>this is the number one reason warhammer isn't as popular as it could be, its simply too dam expensive.
lowering the price of the models would not increase sales enough to justify it

it would definitely increase sales, especially for people who already play. you'd see a lot more people with 2+ armies.

if they wanted to drastically increase the sales they would have to lower the prices and sell the models pre built/painted. the artistic side of the hobby also pushes away most of the casual crowd.

basically warhammer is expensive and its a lot of work.

I'm looking into buying them unpainted second hand on ebay. Maybe a couple cheaper boxes in store so i can convince the owner to help out with painting. Everyone was really chill there and willing to help out, which is a big part of the reason I think i'll actually commit to this.
As it stands now I'm looking into lore and character design more than actual game play. I'm coming from a clay-workering background so art is as big as gameplay for me

>lowering the price of the models would not increase sales enough to justify it

Havent their box sets been selling fairly well. The better the deal the better people try.

How do they know it won't though? Theyve hardly tried it.

lowering the price of models wouldnt even be the best solution

lowering the price of books, offering paper back codexes and rules instantly, selling core rules outside of the dark vengence box, would all lower the barrier to entry by a pretty significant amount

>clay-workering background so art is as big as gameplay for me

I bet you could make some dank tyranid scenery.

1500ish points at the moment; looking to expand the army with funds in the coming week.

Pask exterminator - MM sponsons/lascannon
Pask's bff exterminator - MM sponsons/lascannon
CCS - carapace, medic, x2 plasma, MoO, vox
Platoon command squad - 3 flamers, 1 heavy flamer
Vets - carapace, melta x3, chimera, vox
Vets - carapace, plasma x3, vox
Guardsman - grenade launcher, missile launcher
Guardsman - grenade launcher, missile launcher
Primis pysker - ML2
Leman russ vanquisher
Vindicare assassin

I've seen a lot of artistic people get into warhammer without even knowing how to play the game. some of the best paint jobs ive ever seen were done by people that didn't know the rules and had never even played a game, they just loved the models.

It's the reason all miniature wargaming isn't as popular as it could be.

The price it would take to entice the widest audience while still retaining model quality isn't feasible.

There are people who think $1 per figure would be too expensive.

Vindicare seems like a waste of points.

Honestly the book prices shocked me more than the box set prices.
Was thinking of getting some spare space marine parts and adding them to the scenery. would this be considered too garish or acceptable? Think i could buy small figures from defeated armies as i play the game and add the to my titans base?

This. Base rules should be fucking free and army rules should come with the boxes the models come in. The codex should be an optional purchase if you wanted one book to collect all your army's rules.

The Start Collecting and other cheap boxes GW puts out from time to time already make this game extremely cheap to start playing. But then a codex and rulebook more than triple the entry cost from there.

I agree with you, that's why they won't lower prices ever, just increase every few years, and release the "fun" boxes with some cheap generics trying to catch new prey.

But in the long run I think they'll need to make the hobby more attractive for new players, you know fatguys won't live forever and they're not the most social of people, you'll need new blood and the prices aren't very attractive to neither youngkin or nor hobbysts. Specially with 3d printing right around the corner, selling ultra expensive plastic is going to be a bad business when small companies can outmatch their prices very easily.

It usually earns double or more of it's points per game, and saves more points when taking out doomsday arks at the start of the game - str10 ap2 against vehicles that's almost going to hit every time is great.

exactly, i like the staff at my local store (even though half the shit i want they dont sell and needs to be ordered) but even then i flat out refused to buy the rule book and got a DV one from ebay for £10

As it stands now 3d printing isn't on the level of the figures. However in 5-10 years. I imagine GW is going to take a hell of a hit

3d printing may be around the corner, but it isn't even close yet

they've been trying with the build+paint sets of snap-fit models with paints and simplified rules included

>DV one from ebay for £10
DV? I hate to admit it, but this is my first tim even on this board

Dark Vengeance has a mini rulebook, just make sure you get the 7e

this, you only have 2 options right now for rule books, you can either pay £50 for a hardback only 800 page rule book which has 600 pages of backstory, or you buy a DV book off someone who doesnt need the rule book (or if you want a marine army, buy the box yourself)

Does the novel mega still exist? If so please provide link. Thank you so much in advance.

It made me realize how overpriced shit is when I entered a dollar store, and saw some chineese knockoff that had not 1, but 3 or 4 different Wii accesories for $1 on a package, you know the car wheel, the golf club/racket baseball bat etc.

I know it's not the same, but certainly minis and magic have absurd costs considering it's just plastic and carboard, if my friends were willing to play something else besides WH and motg I'd probably switch to some cheaper alternatives.

Makes sense. pretty much everything i get is going to either be the cheaper versions or used. I'm not above having codex with a coffee stain

Do the Orkanauts show up in the Beast Arises books?

I see those things all the time in the rulebook lore, but they're never hardly present in the Black Library books.

is it frowned upon to just have an illegal PDF and save it on your phone?

what about b/w copies?

I wouldn't imagine so, but fuck dude, I just started looking into the species in detail a week ago. I like my physical paper though

1500 points orks
>Warboss, Eavy armour, big bosspole, thinkin cap, powerklaw
>10 slugga boys
>10 slugga boys
>10 slugga boys
>10 slugga boys
>10 slugga boys
>10 slugga boys including nob with pk
>10 slugga boys including nob with pk
>10 slugga boys including nob with pk
>10 slugga boys including nob with pk
>10 slugga boys including nob with pk
>Lvl2 Weirdboy
>10 slugga boys
>10 grots
>10 grots
Heavy support
>5 kannond, 5 ammo runts 10 extra gretchin
>Big squiggoth, combat drugs
Would zogwort be proud?

depends entirely on the people you're playing with, but in Games Workshop official stores they'll kick you out on principle

if you are going to local stores, then yes the staff might just not let you play if you are taking the piss

they are there to sell stuff, but at the end of the day you are blatantly telling them you are pirating their stuff

b/w copies would also be pirated as they dont sell them, just get the cheap rule books off ebay and for codexes you can make do with battlescribe on your phone if you really want to

I personally bought the codex from my store to support them, £30 for all the fluff and colour schemes of my race isnt that bad to be fair, but i draw the line at the rule book bullshit

Needs more DAKKA.


Boss doesn't have the mandatory Big Bosspole.

no bosspole, also what are you attaching your painboy to?

What's a fun way to run a Chaos Lord with the Crimson Slaughter supplement for a 1250 army?

One shenanigan idea I had was Sigil of Corruption, Daemonheart, Blade of the Relentless, Slaughter's Horn's and Mark of Tzeentch for the 2+/3++ and the extra attacks on charge. I could throw him on a Disc and put him with some Raptors perhaps but I feel like that would be too many points (210 total).

Warboss has big bosspole which makes his unit fearless. Green tide formation makes all those boys 1 unit worth 11 killpoints.
Other 10 boyz ride in squiggoth so its fearless and wont run away.
Painboy to green tide

Are space wolves competitive right now?

Some builds are tier 2

As said.

Their best pieces are part of SM Super Friends but that list is shenanigans.

>Painboy to green tide

wait what, painboy can give FNP to an entire formation?

that sounds like bullshit

Are there any useful WH40K apps for android?

How would I get the color they use on the Dark Eldar vehicles? It looks like they use black, but they also say Incubi Darkness, but in my experience the Incubi Darkness is much more "green" than it is dark-green. Like, the Venoms look Black with green highlights and the Raiders/Ravagers look like they're coated in Incubi Darkness. Anyone care to offer input?

Someone hasn't faced a green tide before.

I mean it makes the 10 Units of boys one unit so it makes sense that it works.

Also these are ork boyz we are talking about, they can't even take a transport, then need FnP.

battlescribe is good for army building, it drinks your battery when you are loading a huge army though

I mean Battlescribe is THE list building app, but if you are new or smart you should use a pen and paper for any finalized lists.

It is good for brainstorming though, has a dice tool and you can print off rules references fo your army.

>Someone hasn't faced a green tide before.

nope, only had 2 matches so far and neither were vs orks

Sm super friends?

Building some Daemons while waiting for the CSM rumors to come true it's the real deal this time, right?

What would you guys recommend for proxying/converting some DPs and LoC? Most of the third party stuff I've seen has been KoS or BT material and I can't GS for shit so I've resigned myself to not being good enough for a GUO.

I'm pretty sure they're either blended, or just the panel lines are highlighted so it tricks your eyes into thinking the whole model is not black.

The nickname for a conglomerate of different Astartes Formations.

Usually a Dark Angels' Ravenwing Strike force Deathstar, the TWC star from Space Wolves and a handful of White Scar Librarians in a conclave. Sprinkle in support formations depending on what you need.

You would think they would've covered the main color scheme in the fucking painting guide, right?


this this an actual thing or is this guy just compensating for not having neons on his car

I use this Ushabti as my Thousand Sons DP. Dressed up his base a bit to also make him stand a bit taller and he's roughly the height of a regular packaged DP sans wings. Later on will try sticking some Great Eagle wings to his back.

Probably just some engineer fag that got bored. It's what they do.

It's commonly done but that's a pretty poor job to be frank.

Unbound Thunder wolves and 2 Imperial Knights were at the last tourney my friends told me about.



fuck i lost, thats amazing

I lost. I'll admit it. Just because the proportions threw off what they were for a second.

I didn't see that coming at all

>babby's first piranha

>tfw I didn't even think of looking for miniature ghosts for my Ravenwing Black Knights and their TL Plasma

Is that really any good?

Maybe I don't understand what the spacewolves are bringing besides TWC but it seems like you would end up with like 5-6 units at 1850.

That is a very valid opinion.

Having such prohibitive prices on bloody rules and fluff is the worst way to incite someone to play.

At least with models you have a proper use of it.

Unless you want to reread some stories and occasionally check some rules, you won't use them again, unlike models that have an infinite amount of possible uses.

Battlescribe update for angels of death and the new CSM formations fucking when? It's been months.

Sounds cool. But you made me remember Tomb Kings no longer exist. Fuck GW.

Any recommendations from the Fantasy/AoS lines? I've seen a few conversions involving them but I never did into Fantasy that much and don't know the range or the kits.

can I use horse models instead of bikes for a bike army?

painting eldar/dark eldar requires shading and blending skills. especially to get the effect those vehicles have

How much should a Grey Knight player be concerned when his opponent fields a Culexus Assassin?

>Is that really any good?

Tier 2 I would say.

The Ravenwing + Biker Libs are a durable shooty Deathstar with tons of Plasma and usually have the Darkshroud nearby for their no-later-than turn 2 assault so you cant overwatch them.

The Space Wolves (I have been using the new Start Collecting Formation with my super friends) offer the Big Dick TWC Star with a wolf lord, with enough shields and hammers they will wreck someone turn 1-2. The Start Collecting formation lets you run and charge the same turn so they smash shit up.

You can then add anti armor/horde Ravenwing Attack Squadrons or the overwatching of the Dark Angels Support Squadron, though at tournament levels it is a steep investment for anything other than pure Ravenwing.

>using anything other than a proper codex
its like you purposely don't want to know the full capabilities of your army.

Yeah I've kept checking for data to see if the CS formations are there but still no update yet.

I'm very sorry but I can't say, I'm really not familiar with most anything AoS.. That said, perhaps you can use some of those old Vampire Counts Vargheist models? The ones that look like old-school Dracula's true form, a huge were-bat with the nosferatu faces. They'd make awesome DPs and even more so if you play something like Night Lords (despite the fact they shun chaos as a belief, some might still like the perks of daemonhood)

Depends where you play and if the base is the right size. Keep in my the horses will be unavoidably taller which means easier LOS either way

The Grey Knight player should be pissing his/her pants.

Best way to tackle them would be jumping a dread-knight on top of it and hoping a S10 punch goes through.
Keep everything else away.

>Instant death vs Psykers
Never mind.

>not a Dreadnought

Yes Culexus wounds DK on 6+ but if it gets through the DK will die. Culexus can't damage a regular Dread.to any appreciable degree

Overlord: Warscythe, Phase Shifter - 125 pts

10 Warriors: Ghost Ark - 235 pts
10 Warriors: Ghost Ark - 235 pts
5 Immortals: Gauss Blasters - 85 pts




>literally soulless
does someone from Veeky Forums work at games workshop?

I wasn't sure either but he was effective as he caused Aun'va to flee in utter terror, the spiritual leader of the Tau fled through the streets shitting and pissing himself, cowering in doorways before eventually having his head smashed open against the floor

They are still invisible even to Tau. Read about what happened to Aun'Va in Warzone Damocles. Those fuckers are nasty even to nonpsykers and they are highly trained assassins to boot.

Obviously the Imperium believes that the Ethereals could be Psykers.

The Farseer who was waxing lyrical about the Culexus who was on route to gut him, what was he referring to when he was saying

"The humans don't know what these things really fucking are"

joking aside, what did he mean by this?

I suggest removing the twin linked particle beamer from the spyder. Because the spyder has to be within 12" to give the wraiths the bonuses from the formation and since the wraiths move 12" and the spyder only 6" it will have to run in the shooting phase more often than not to catch up with them. Removing the beamer gives you 10 points to upgrade to voidreaper. You could give the spyder a fabricator claw array with your last 5 points,could come in handy if you fix an immobilized ghost ark.

He meant that humanity, which barely understands pyskers, completely fails to understand nulls.

Obviously the truth of nulls "really" are was left ambiguous because muh headcanon, but feel free to speculate that nulls are an aberration that imperils the very separation of the materium and immaterium, or whatever.


Culexus are uber-deadly to anything, not just psykers. Plus the Tau don't even believe in this shit, and its not just a case of "Hurr magic is stupid", they are fundamentally wired to just not comprehend this shit. They barely have souls or a warp presence to begin with.

It's like if you're having a sandwich at the park, maybe giving some of your food to a stray doggo and suddenly the sky is deep crimson at 1pm, the trees are screaming and there's an massive Elder God eating a skyscraper.

It's kinda like that type of "Incomprehensible mind-melting moment". In the Tau's case, probably literally.

>Plus the Tau don't even believe in this shit, and its not just a case of "Hurr magic is stupid", they are fundamentally wired to just not comprehend this shit.

They consider it "brain technology" and are aware of it.

Also, the Ethereal caste is aware of the Warp, but they choose to suppress that information.

Ah, those looks like a good base to start with. My only concern is they look a bit smaller than the GW DP (although they ARE only T5...) but some base modelling will fix that heightwise. I might give these a go, cheers user.

Eldar are all psychic and a farseer is more powerful so they would feel a pariah's presence even more harshly. It's a pretty monstrous thing not to have a soul but all humanity does is bottle it up and turn it into a weapon.
Have you got a source on the waxing poetic? I want to read that.

until they're blown up

Omniscope worth taking on las-cent sarge?