Why are quests threads still allowed on Veeky Forums when /qst/ now exists? Honest question.
Why are quests threads still allowed on Veeky Forums when /qst/ now exists? Honest question
Because your mom never loved you.
Because /qst/'s status as a permanent board is still slightly murky. That, and janitors are a lot more likely to overlook these things while /qst/ doesn't have proper archiving.
Because /qst/ is a trial board, so technically no one has to be forced into the ghetto yet. Hopefully soon though.
Because like there always were there's very few of them. Also qst is a trial board.
Filter them if you dislike them. Dank memesters pretend they clogged up the board but that's only because they needed something to complain about.
True, I went to your mom for lovin'.
Okay, that makes sense. Here's hoping they make it permanent soon!
Can't honestly wait until these quest scum are purged from the board and relegate to what is factually a containment board (and hellhole) in /qst/
Already you can see an improvement in Veeky Forums as more game-related OC is being posted and waifu threads are getting shut down with factual or serious responses. You low-effort /qst/ scum who never looked at a PnP game in your lives need to be eradicated.
>True, I went to your mom for lovin'.
What a coincidence, i went to yours.
>Here's hoping they make it permanent soon!
An opinion only shared by people who don't plan on going there
I have no idea and it infurates me beyond words.
Every time I refresh I have to hide new quest threads.
I even got banned for posting Hell yeah I'm mad.
That doesn't make it invalid.
>factual or serious questions
I have seen more 'elf slave what do' and '3.5 is the best designed game ever' in the past weeks than ever before.
Those extra 10 threads from quests being gone have just been replaced by shitposting
Shouldn't a board be designed for people who actually want it?
I still like seeing the odd evo and civ thread here, they're children of Veeky Forums after all
I'm not baiting at all. Notice also how - without quests on this board regularly - this thread isn't being swarmed by a bunch of samefaggots and quest runners denying they are a problem at all. One of the best things about /qst/ is it will also destroy the artificial narrative quest scum forced on Veeky Forums for the longest fucking time.
Make no mistake: I hate quests. Everyone who ever ran a quest ought to have run a real game instead. Quests have fucking nothing in common with the Veeky Forums we post about, and are as related as freeform games here (i.e. a little bit but sure as fuck not 20 threads' worth).
Gr8 b8 m8
That's exactly what's happening.
>"nuh uh i did it to you"
Work on your comebacks user, I want to see you succeed.
Quest posters stink, obviously.
Containment boards sucks (unless they are so different from original one, like Veeky Forums is from /b/),
you put "dumb" (or pleb or watheaver name the board use for the person) put people in a box tell them to stay a way from you
this way you end with the same few people on main board, because the "dumb", pleb or whateaver people wont stay there to learn.
and if you think saying with the same few guys is ok, well the world is not (insert your main board here) only and when you are at other boards or other site or other places on real life, you will need to see people talking bullshit or doing bullshit or being bullshit because they never stayed near people that would make them improve
Should read the announcement threads and then say that.
Veeky Forums is being refined to be more suitable for the people who use Veeky Forums, is my point