How important is body language in traditional gaming?

How important is body language in traditional gaming?

Body language is half of the battle in games such as Magic: The gathering. If you can subtly alter your body language to a low-power position when you have a card in hand that can turn the game around it often puts your opponents into a false sense of security where they make little mistakes because they fully believe they're winning. Also, if you set up your trade offer for a card with the right words and gestures you can trick someone out of a planeswalker for a big greenie.

I wear a spiky helmet when I DM. I think it's a power move.

High-power poses are about visibly not giving a fuck.

They're also not acceptable in a business environment unless you're the one in charge.

The military has a good example of submissive poses without appearing to be low power, because you can't have lower ranks subverting the officer's authority and rank, but you also can't have all your troops looking like little bitches. Poses such as standing at attention, arms crossed, palms together in front, parade rest, etc all demonstrate an aura of confidence without being as flamboyant or arrogant like those "high power" poses.

Imagine putting your fucking feet on the desk at a board meeting if you're just the secretary or intern.

>The language of the body is dance

What's that picture of the convention panel showing off their prefered "hero pose"?

There always needs to be a compromise between power posing and being obnoxious.

Steepling one's hands is an incredibly powerful pose, denoting ownership and control.

It's also incredibly obnoxious and has powerful connections to villainy and unethical behavior.

The moment your audience realizes you're using your pose to manipulate their emotions, you lose any chance of "polite" persuasion

this needs third row with a bunch of stoners labeled "High Poses"


>three women, two men in "high power poses"
>three men, two women in "low power poses"

Muh shiny andys

>MFW I always steeple my hands during conversation
>ever since early childhood

I have noticed as well, I think the reason is that Asian lady in High Poses is physically incapable of doing Low Poses, because when Asian goes Low Power they go complete hiki and would not pose for a picture at all.


>look like a fag so other people dont feel threatened

Get threatened, limpwrist.

>like OMG that manspreading on the left
>you can't sit in your high power stances, IT'S A SPACE ISSUE
Also the guy looks ridiculous in flip-flops

posing is very important.

>being that insecure

>Also the guy looks ridiculous in flip-flops
Those flippers match his sweater.
They're high-power flip-flops.

What are some 'high power' poses that you can do without looking totally relaxed or smug?

>Sitting up straight with your hands on the desk at attention.
>Leaning forward towards your speaker opposite, showing interest
>one hand on chin while listening in

>mfw I just sit with proper posture and people call it a power pose.
fucking chicken neckers I swear on me mum

Yes, but HOW are you sitting with proper posture? Are your arms folded and make you appear submissive?

I thought crossing your arms was a sign of intimidation? Have I been lied to all these years?

How do your characters sit and present themselves?


Most of the ones in the image are fine if you don't exaggerate them.

It depends on how you cross your arms.
If they sit lower on your body, or you're grabbing your arm like in than it's low power.

If your arms sit higher, the cross is sharper and stronger, and you aren't caressing your bicep; then it's higher power.

what a croc of shit lol

But you have to be loud and proud with those poses to count as high-power. It's supposed to boost confidence and shit. You can't just half-ass it and expect the same results.

Completely different arm folding.
And the one you're thinking of, the "bouncer pose" is actually a pose of unimpressed passivity.
It says "I'm not planning on taking any action at the moment because you aren't currently worth it." the implied threat in it is not the pose, it's that the pose might end.

We said high power not Heil Hitler!