CYOA general

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What's the best-written CYOA?
Which is the best visually?

Hell if I know, probably Kingdom Crusher/Diplomacy.

>What's the best-written CYOA?
Last Star probably
>Which is the best visually?
Monster Hunter.

I have a question, what do people think of multiple currencies like in Solar Inheritance? Is it interesting or pointless?

Welp here's the updated version

also in case anyone missed the poll

What classes do you guys think need to be buffed up?

If you guys have the time I would love to hear why you choose or didn't choose certain companions

also if you name your characters and write a little bit about them there's a good chance I'll put them in an expansion as companions
(if you want that is)

What the fuck am I reading?

This was also my first real attempt at trying to write in some form of lore into a coya, how'd I do? Is there anything I could improve on in the future?

Remember that one fantasy cyoa (came in pdf) with the nice skeleton warrior guy who protected kids, and the absentminded old illusionist...? I can't find it but the companions were well-written for sure.

>best visually
I dunno, Broquest?

Luvyna, and Valerie because they're long running friends that cover my weaknesses and Luvyna is a cute, Crale because a moral compass in not a bad thing for a mage to have and heals are great. Elsoise because healing is still great. Duxix because he's hilarious. And I can steal his mana.

This one?

Yes! Thank you!

Visually? Monster Hunter looks nice. Kingdom Crusher looks great too but the writing is the best.

>same tastes
Can't say I blame you.

Eh. Can be good, can be bad. When you've made your CYOA I'll tell you how you did.

I love that dog....and shwig.

Intersex Turboslut. It really deserves an expansion or revamp with more options, fetish fuel, and drawbacks.

I love this guy's CYOAs. I figure he made this one as well.

Question for you: how exactly does enhancement work? What does it do? Do we need to know other forms of magic to enchant into the target, or does it have it's own unique effects?

Could you describe some stuff like Summoning some more? Like what kinds of summons you can have, how long they can be summoned for, how strong/what kinds of abilities do the summons have.

BroQuest did have one of the most visually pleasing art i have seen in a CYOA yet, but i dont remember why people stopped working on/talking about it.

What happened?


I never understood what the rules of this CYOA were.
How many can you pick?

What's the free exclusive course mean?

I have no idea, i just found this image somewhere, hell, im not even the guy who posted the companions2 list.

The companions are only part of it. There's a (bad) character creation page, there's a (pretty good) villains page etc.

this one?


Alexander the Great. Time to unify humanity, bitches. Or most likely die trying.

Too many idea guys and not enough programmers for the game Broquest I believe.


st. flares is probably the weakest school because survival, dungeoneering and monster hunting have a lot of overlap. and the most important part of dungeoneering, spotting and avoiding traps, is split into a seperate skill.

aside from that, the weakest option is probably teamwork. maybe it could be made into more of a leadership skill.

incidentally, necromancy could do with a better picture, the one currently there is a bit stretched.

This is the highest resolution of the 1st page I could find.
It hurts my fucking eyes so much....


> Arcane Magic 3, Magic Refinement 3, Illusion 3, PT 1
>Luvyna, Valerie Bluewood, Malyvin, Crale Edwards, Suzette Highking
>Battle Royal (4v4) 4, Security, Research Proposal, Body Guard, Blind Date
Born to the Bluewood's court magei, Alaric had freakishly strong mana reserves. So much so that negatively impacted his health, and that he frequently damaged himself and everything in his surroundings when he attempted to practice his magic. Many of the children thought he was cursed and shunned him because of this, leading him to be very loyal to the few that would stick with him. With a recommendation from the Bluewood's Leige he found his way into Lunestier to control his strength, and quickly lead him to being a powerful arcane and illusion mage, as well as an improvement to his health.

That work for a description M8?

See pic related as far as best written is concerned. The fact that it caused so much butthurt upon release of the secrets is just proof of how invested people got into the initial concept.


Mystery girl.

Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d4)

Ej Har
Arcane Magic * 3
Potion Making * 3
Knowledge(Magic Theory/Mag.Eng * 3)
Blood Magic


Year 1:
Battle Royale, Bodyguard
Year 2:
Year 3:
Fund Raising, Basilisk Den
Year 4:
Blind Date, Research Proposal
Year 5:
Basilisk Den

Khalid "Crystal Aurora" Eral, they both mean the same thing in different languages funnily enough.

Originally Eral had planned to take summoning as an elective; however this would have cut into his time to study the Pure element, indulge his penchant for alchemy, and the manifestations of the Pure within reality. He was incredibly distressed by this until he stumbled upon that girl talking to Pure beings. What a shock that was. It was then that he decided he would devote his time to learning how to manipulate the Purity while studying the creatures and the girl. All the ultimate goal: the ability to move between the Pure lands and the Tainted.

> All the ultimate goal: the ability to move between the Pure lands and the Tainted.

I.e how to become immortal and/or use magic to its fullest potential. The world is just a strange and disgusting filter through which the manifestations of the Pure element are but shadows. Also slavery is wrong, so the Basilisk Den and all those who support it need to go. Learning how Bathsheba, an robotic lifeform, figured out how to create a mark within the pure lands and thus gain sentience + a soul-- potentially the use of Purity as well--also seems like a worthwhile pursuit. Might as well help Cass and Dax since they're there.

I'd like my character as a companion as well.

Double dicks (10)
Donk butt
Supersensitive D-cups (15)
Ghost (30)
Turbospeed (50)
Slow time (100)
Fantasy world (afterlife, friendly gods) (130)
Nakedness (100)

I'm a cute ghost girl with two cocks

Why do you refuse to link the thread properly? Every single general on this entire website can do it, but not this one?

>cute ghost girl
But you have no vagoo.

Where's my beat a waifu CYOA?

>The fact that it caused so much butthurt upon release of the secrets is just proof of how invested people got into the initial concept.
And how poorly written it actually was.

On your hard drive, after you make it.

Spite against us being a general I imagine.

I'd like to beat you.

St. Flares

Tactics 3 (Gotta be master tactician to be the MC)
Martial Combat 1 (Gotta be not useless and able to ride Silene)
Knowledge 1 (Cooking, eating tasty food is important)
Teamwork 3
Dungeoneering 2 (I'm the guy to go with for Dungeon diving, also lockpicking)
So like an Adventurer

Tarkun Ironstout (Dwarf Tank)
Silene (Centaur Combat Support and Mounted Charges)
Hana (Lamia Illusionist and Backup Combat)
Sorte (Elf Ranged Combat and Survivalist)
Kit (Kitsune Bard Buffer and backup mage)

The Great Hunt, Escort(Free ghost girl)/Basilisk Den, Battle of the Arts, Party Planner

The three teamwork is to pull off the Harem End

You should save that for your waifu.

She's going to be heart broken when she hears that you have been beating other people when you have her.

I would never beat my waifu.

Needs more husbandos to actually be a waifu to


General magic



that goes both ways

Anders Korjac, Amateur Knight

Martial Combat
Ranged Combat
First Aid
Unarmed Combat
Physical Training
Mage Hunter
Crale Edwards
The Great Tournament: Battle Royale
The Great Tournament: The Great Hunt
The Grand Summit: Security
The Gathering of Life: Bodyguard

Born poor, Anders has seen the struggles and injustices that the less-fortunate face. Wanting to help end this, and needing to increase his already astounding strength, he joined Uzuza. Hearing the stories of Az, Anders was inspired, but he will never really buy into the whole "anti-magic" way of thinking. The only reason he's studying Mage Hunting is because it is seen as one of the tougher paths to take, and it may well come in handy later. At the end of the day, Anders just wants to help people be happy. Mage or not.

All around, Anders is a big softie. Tough as nails, but empathetic and altruistic.

Can't say I liked the Lunestier companions, but I'm probably alone in that.

Meant for


I ain't dying yet

Weaponmaster (Katanah)


So what's the deal on this one?

She's a kitsune.

She has a fluffy tail and all the other girls are thrash.

>Not picking up the vampire too and ushering in the age of the Flying Fox.

Most of the classes are fine but have significant overlaps. You have 3 different martial fighting classes [Martial, Ranged, Unarmed] and 3 different martial commanding classes [Tactics, Teamwork, Maneuvers (cause of the battlefield awareness aspects)], and 5-7 magic classes, depending on where you put Ki, potions, Bardic Arts. This wouldn't be a problem, but the system encourages specialization since you can reinvest in a class to make it better. Then there's things like Arcane Magic substituting for any other magic, general knowledge being vague, what physical training can do exactly, and this is without getting into the school specific classes. So all of them work fine on their own, but building a well rounded character isn't encouraged here and specialist builds are kinda dull, since they just pick 2 or 3 skills and go whole hog.

That isn't even getting into the flavor issues of when you pick up these classes. You can't take them all at once, but the events are supposed to take place in certain years so what abilities would you have at what times is relevant. The system would work much better on a whole if it was like a skill tree instead of as straight pool, like the university CYOA from a while back. Make the magic classes branch off of arcane, stuff like that.

You wouldn't fuck a fox.

>Fighting with a sword.
>Overlapping with using a bow.

You sit there and talk up well-rounded, but a skill tree would encouraged over-specialization even harder, because to get access to the good classes you would have to take all the shitty skills you didn't want that come before it. So either you invest all-in or you're not worthwhile. Not to mention that skills earlier in the tree would be, by implication, far worse than later skills. So by that token you'd be making skills meant to be at parity trash that nobody would use.

For example, right now I can make a magic knight. Maybe not the best, but I can do it. But in a skill tree, I wouldn't be able to make a good one at all, because I wouldn't have enough points to be sufficiently proficient in both martial and magical skills. Hell, depending on cost I might not even be ABLE to become the kind of magic knight I want to be, because proper sword skills or water magic or whatever might be near the very end of the tree. That makes much more narrow builds, in the end.

The university one only worked because there were, what, five different magic schools, total? And you still had to struggle to be good at more than one thing. This CYOA has a much wider scope that doesn't make it tenable.

Fuck you, fox girls are the GREATEST IN THE WORLD!

One way to help with this could be getting to pick 2 or 3 classes you can tag as having mastered while splitting the rest between having reached advanced level and basic level. This way you get more choices class-wise and maybe more diverse builds.

I agree, but male and female orgasms are very different where this kind of thing is concerned.

Are you that guy that thinks women exclusively cum from emotions or something?

Why, would he also agree it goes both ways?

What do you mean by can't pick more then 8 non-unique events? it seems that you can only pick a single option a maximum of five times and you can only pick one of the options in a row every year.

Why, would he also agree it goes both ways?

'Cause he'd probably try and argue that women can't orgasm from rape or something stupid like that.

Loli (17)
A cute (Free)
Intriguing (16)
Feminine (15)
Twin (13)
Lifetime/I ain't dying yet! (7)
Sweet (6)
Power Magic (3)
Lierl (0)

What? That's crazy.

Dick (0), Vagina (5), Combo (15), Petite Butt (15), A cup breasts (15), Elf (20), Fly (35), Lightning Bolt (45), Neko (55), Fantasy (65), Afterlife + Friendly Gods + Industrial Revolution (95)

Just ignore that bit I plan on removing it. As long as you take a least three different individual events and don't take more then 1 event per cross school event your good

But who are you, kind stranger?

Lunestier is the best school. Of course it's preferable, all else being equal.

Tactics, martial combat, Maneuvers, Stealth, bardic arts, knowledge, teamwork, illusions.
Diplomacy, dueling

Skipping companions because I'm not into that.

Yes. There is overlap between these classes

That isn't necessarily true. Skills up a skill tree are not necessarily more powerful than other skills, just more specialized. Picking a skill would represent an additional ability, not a replacement, but by tying them to a lower skill you eliminate potential redundancies.

As of right now, you can do that and leave yourself with 4 and 1 point respectively. If you're talking about a potential revision, I'm not sure what you're getting at.

user pls

Diplomacy 1, Magic Refinement 2, Dueling 1, Arcane Magic 2, Knowledge 1, Bardic Arts 1, Divine Arts 1
Luvyna, Mecherath, Evergreen, Eloise Avery, Farhat
Fund Raising, Blind Date (3, 4 "Sanyo"), Research Proposal

Sorry bout that I'm on mobile bent over my toilet with what I'm assuming is food poisoning right now and forgot to namefag

Sorry for the late chime in. Personally I really like the idea of skill trees... Just not in this cyoa. I've intentionally written the classes vague so that players can better mold their ideal character. It's weird compromise between balence and player freedom. Hope this justifies my decision well enough

Were their any other questions I missed?

What I mean is that you pick 10 different classes and, for example, tag 2 of them with mastery, 3 others with advanced and the rest are at basic proficiency. This way you have 10 unique classes while still having areas of focus.

>Yes. There is overlap between these classes
No, no there's not. Using a bow is nothing like using a sword and both serve different functions.

You should probably point that at Box, see if he likes it.

>That isn't necessarily true.
But it is the implication, especially if you do things like try and lump melee and magic styles into single trees.

Yeah, I wanted to know how enhancement magic worked. Do I need to learn other kinds of magic to enchant my equipment with, or does enhancement magic have its own unique list of spells/enhancements? I need to know if I should budget for additional magic classes or not.

Kit: "Often blindsiding others with her amazing works of bardic" Bardic what?!

>What I mean is that you pick 10 different classes and, for example, tag 2 of them with mastery, 3 others with advanced and the rest are at basic proficiency. This way you have 10 unique classes while still having areas of focus.

What do you think about this idea

Why'd you decide to go basic with everything?

Because I didn't read

I can't blame him, variety is the spice of life and all that.

You'll learn some basic stuff but I would recommend taking one or two levels in a normal magic class

This is actually near identical to the original draft. I ultimately ended up scrapping it because it felt to limiting to player build paths. It also didn't gel well with how the cyoa was worked at the time.

However I still enjoy the idea and wouldn't mind using it for a future cyoa, just not this one

I guess it got cut off in the latest draft. The word following should be 'arts'