>88 Hours to launch, and this coin is going into the stratosphere
>Already using the product. Not: waiting on PoC or future use case ($CVC)
>A leadership team with stellar corporate experience and previous success. Not: the first business project with inexperienced leaders. ($GVT, $POWR)
>An existing corporation that preceded them. (In other words, there was previous business momentum.) Not: "Oh let’s start a company to house this idea." ($SC, $GNT)
>They are a corporate developer with skin in the game. Not: community developers doing a passion project. ($PART, $BLK)
>They have backing of a major business player in PwC. Not: trying to go it alone and not plugged in to how business really gets done. (Many.) 5: Running on own blockchain. Not: dependent upon community backed ?
>Have a hardware component and patents to expand value. Not: "muh-blockchain will save us!" (Basically everyone else.)
>Have working tech. Not: "it's gonna be so cool when we build this thing." ($POWR, $GNT, $SC)
This coin will be $3 by EOY screncap this, trading at $.45 at this post.