What's your opinion?
What's your opinion?
The "flavorful" keywords should be given generic names.
They're game mechanics, not fluff.
>Should "Draw a card" be called "Research your Library"?
Why not just call them 'MECHANIC_075'?
Because that doesn't describe what they do
Cycling and Kicker are fine because they describe what the card does.
No, it's fine how it is.
>changing Magic again
God... Magic was good once. They just keep fucking it up.
No, and no.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
They're mechanics that are literally never used because of how broad and flavorless they are.
Please make the fat ugly mouthbreathers leave Magic. Magic is a GAME. A COMPETITIVE GAME. With PRIZE MONEY. Mechanics are good or they are bad. They are not "flavored", they're not fucking doritos, they're not fucking stories,
It's a card game about wizards that travel between worlds and summon elves and goblins to attack each other.
Sorry to break it to you.
So flavor is important?
>God... Magic was good once. They just keep fucking it up.
>good once
Wake sheeple, magic was never good.
I can play MTG in swahili and good cards are still good cards. Your goddamned fanfiction and mary sue fanmade bullshit doesn't matter, never mattered, and never will matter. And I'll still 4-0 every Friday
But what does it mean when you cycle an elf? How do you make the art and the name of the card make sense, or would you advocate calling creatures a series of numbers rather than names?
You're playing a children's collectible card game, not poker.
no fun allowed.jpg
The average age of MTG players has consistently been 17-23 for over a decade.
Are they not popular because Wizards never reprint them?
Or are they never reprinted because they are not popular?
>citation required
Your FNM at your LGS does not count.
>Citation required
The Mathematics of Magic: The Gathering
A study in probability, statistics, strategy, and game theory.
Also, turns out I was wrong, 1999.
This might have been true back in the day, but ever since Modern became a thing, Magic is heading towards younger audience. Simplification of rules, removal of complex mechanics, flavor toward "rule of cool".
Also average doesn't mean shit, you can have one gramps with bunch of 12 y/os and average of them would still be 20.
He was literally pointing out the terms' functionality you dunce.
That's pretty much how netrunner works