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Thanks awesome Warhammer Quest Card user Edition
AoS cards (so far)
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Thanks awesome Warhammer Quest Card user Edition
AoS cards (so far)
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All this talk of Silver Tower and no scan of the rulebook? Come on Veeky Forums.
Nope but have a Skullgrinder!
Also here's where i've been getting all the data from
Has anyone kept track of what warscrolls changed from initial AoS and grand alliance/battletomes? some shit like ghouls not being able to be summoned matters a ton and some people havent deleted and redownloaded all the units in their apps.
And on the last 2 i'm not sure how accurate they are since there isn't a listing for the Bloodsecrator's 2nd ability assuming he has one and the Nomad Prince doesn't have his Traits listed.
those are some cool yugioh cards, glad theyre sticking to the old aesthetic after all these years
Here's your (You)
Yup! Have another 2
I updated these to Ruinous Blast is correctly listed as Missile instead of Combat.
literally all I see when I see the thumbnail
I think all you have left to go are the 2 exalted deathbringers.
for the one with the impailing spear, I would just use a mugshot of wulfrik the wanderer, he's bearded and looks like chaos.
You're a clever one! I wish one day I could be as witty as you!
The naked man looks incredibly out of place. Everyone else is doing some kind of fighting and he's just there brimming with sexual energy exposing his thickness to the world.
>brimming with sexual energy exposing his thickness to the world.
Its called "inspiring the troops".
imgur updated!
Here ya go! I didn't realize i had some missing, so on the spreadsheet it only shows 1 weapon and 1 skill. I'm not sure how accurate that is.
Long ago I asked a question but my internet died and I never saw the answer.
So I'm gonna ask again: Can I make Stormhosts made from Orruks? I got this back story of some Un-orky(orruky?) tribe that was enamored by the idea of literally coming back for annuver go again and again, stuck in a never ending cycle of war, death, and rebirth. So they begged Sigmar to remake them, a request he granted reluctantly.
If I was to make these 'Stormboyz', could they be considered possible according to fluff, like if I entered an official game with them I could use them and treat them as Eternals, or am I going too far?
And Axe mode...ENGAGE!
Make whatever you want. Why do you need others' permission? It's your money, your time, and your miniatures. Just go make it.
Awesome job man. I'm sure the blanks and missing shit on some cards people can fill in creativly or just buy the thing and fill it in themselves. It'll only cost a fraction compared to what they'll save!
No prob it was a fun adventure! Also have some OC, Not sure in what direction to go with the Renown ability since it seems a bit too powerful.
Well I'd look to do more with it than just have them on my desk. Tourneys are really my only way to play since I'm practically the only skirmish game player in my city. Everyone else either player Settlers or MtG.
Missing something?
Maybe change it to slaying an enemy with bands of power active?
That's irrelevant. Make what you want. If someone would have played you but didn't because your models have different heads, they're stuck-up and you probably don't want to be playing them anyway. If the whole tournament is organized that way, it's ridiculous and you probably don't want to be participating with them anyway. Do what you want to do.
Would it be possible to make a shooty Skaven warband?
We could always....HOMEBREW IT!
I think it sounds fun, but I would go much farther than merely headswapping stormcast models.
I would still go with orruk models base, giving them sigmarite armour bits and weapons, and painting them in a crisp SCE-like paintscheme.
Even though the SCE are reforged into better beings, I think something like orruks would retain some of their skeletal structure and posture.
So for a unit of liberators I would probably get Ardboys, give them liberator shoulders, shields, swords, and remove any orky iconography and maybe give them ribbon bits and those hair things flowing from their helmets. Ardboys seem to be about the same size as liberators.
Then for the paladins, you will need something bigger. I would suggest 40k nobz. Again I would still do Ardboys helmets with the tassles added, and plenty of sigmarite armour pieces and weapons. Get those relic pieces to put on their backs.
The only way to make this conversion project affordable would really to raid bits sites.
Yes plz..
So I asked over in WIP but I feel it may be more apt here.
I purchased a Maw-krusha the other day, he's all assembled (I decided to finally start magnitizing stuff so his weapons can be swapped out) but I can't decide if I should make him a part of my old Spider tribe of goblins, or if I should start a New orc only army. Goblins I kinda based being in swamplands, and I feel the dragon would look better on a wrecked battlefield or an icy mountain. What do you guys think?
But user, I want to fill my board so it looks like something out of Infinity or Mordheim.
And then have a shootout with the local Empire player's handgunners and the High Elves' archers.
honestly its the shit art and fluff thats the worst part about this.
>impaling spear
like this crap
come on GW
>What do you guys think?
next to a patch of cabbages, that way hell feel right at home
Need a name for my goblin clan!!
Well that was my plan. A kind of mish mash of Stormcast and orruk bodies, with totems and trophies adorning the SCE wargear.
Only hobby store in my area collects and sells bags o' bits every now and then for real cheap prices. I figured I'd raid that for the orky parts and get some of the stormcast bits online.
Cute, but I'm probably not going to paint the dragon green, I just wanted to post a pic so everyone would know what I was talking about.
(insert your leader's name here)'s Night Raiders
The midnight crew
Da Spiky Moon Boyz?
I have some mockups if anyone is interested
Then go for it! In 6th ed fantasy i ran min units of clan rats packed with ratling guns, it was awful but fun!
Rolled 65 (1d100)
The fagasses.
Ankal Bitaz
The Fungus Among Us!
or Madcap Rising
>The Fungus Among Us!
fucking kill yourself
How unbalanced would it be to make the table something like this but with fantasy shit.
I thought it was a 5th wound and you cant use the arrow if you're not at full health like the master sword from legend of Zelda
but night goblins are literally fungi(guys)
It's what the tables for fantasy and 40k SHOULD be like. Having a flat table with some trees on one end isn't terrain. It's just flat land.
>but night goblins are literally fungi(guys)
AOS tier humor
Not unbalanced at all. In fact I would love to play on that table, but the fantasy equivalent of course.
It's perfect for Mordheim and Necromunda
thats because all fantasy battles now end with a mosh pit so terrain doesnt matter at all
Alright, but would GW stores allow shit like this since they're the only ones in my neck of the woods.
I don't see why not.
I don't see why not, I know the GW store i'm near by still does bloodbowl leagues and the red shirt got pretty jealous when i told him that me and my friends play Mordheim
Mordheim and Necromunda are GW properties.
Or were.
As long as it's Citadel Terrain made with Citadel Glue and painted with Citadel Paints, or else they'll throw you out of the store.
If they're both in range, Handgunners are better than Crossbowmen.
They still are. I don't know where you think they aren't.
More GW boogeyman stories. I've been to several GW stores and I have never seen anything like that. I'm pretty sure these stories are just bullshit idiots use to reinforce their arguments of how gw is such a shit company.
>how gw is such a shit company
well it is a pretty shit company
Its called city fight, and i think azyr comp has extra rules for it
It almost feels like it's what some of the stuff is designed for.
Combine a table like that or a mordheim one with objective based missions and army sizes similar to the Sigmar starter box and you have kicking rad funtimes.
I played a few rounds with a friend of mine on our Infinity table limited to 3 infantry units and 2 hero/monster just because and it was the best time I've had with AoS by far.
>Can I make Stormhosts made from Orruks?
No, Stormcast are explicitly said to be ONLY human. It's right there in the Battletome.
I was planning on either going Skaven or Empire and go with a shit ton of guns.
That or do a 3 way with me playing with nothing but hoardes of zombies.
Not calling bullshit on you, but where does it say that?
Or maybe i am calling bullshit. I don't care. If I was facing an orruk eternals army i would love the idea of fighting that battle.
>Not calling bullshit on you, but where does it say that?
The Stormcast Battletome.
In numerous pages.
You think you are first guy who said I want to make "Enter non-human Eternal"?
>>For many centuries the mightiest of mankind’s warriors have been whisked off battlefields, called to a higher cause.In thunder flashes, those chosen are taken to Sigmaron amongst the stars of the Celestial Realm. Great and perilous trials await.
>>Wars can be won or lost by leadership and none know this better than Sigmar. For this reason, the God-King himself chose each of the Lord-Celestants, selecting only the best of the best – the greatest and most exceptional of mankind’s heroes from across the realms.
>>Only the most noble, most heroic of Mankind’s conjurers, shamans, or prophets are chosen by Sigmar to become Lord-Relictors. Only they have the ability to incant the summonings and wield the celestial magics that will call forth the thundering aetheric powers. Yet no matter their might in the mystic arts, only those aspirants who have the deepest faith in themselves and in Sigmar survive the final test of Reforging
>>Liberators are the most common type of soldier amongst the Stormhosts. In mortal life each was a hero of mankind – a warrior chosen by Sigmar for their martial prowess, great strength or the steel within their souls. Blasted apart by lightnings, they are reforged anew, physically and spiritually blended with gifts from the gods and the God-King’s blessing.
>>He was the most heroic of mankind’s champions, a great king and guardian of men from an age rapidly growing darker. When he was chosen as the first by Sigmar, the God-King poured into him a prodigious portion of divine might. Yet the process was not fully concluded – this greatest of aspirants remained in stasis in the storm-wracked dome of the Forbidden Vault
These are excerpts from the battletome. Feel free to copypasta this whenever someone questions the humanity of the Stormcast or ask about non-human Stormcast.
So 1d4chan lied to me
Sorry man, I don't have a microscope at hand right now
I think this would really only effect units that got Warscrolls in a book that wasn't a battletome and then later on showed up in one.
What else would you call it?
Kind of like how it was in Fantasy where not much terrain was used?
If I recall correctly, those were made in the beginnings of AoS when the Stormcast battletome had yet to come out and John Reynolds came out said "Stormcast are made from everything you guys.".
Really should serve as an example of a BL writer's word usually not being anywhere close to law and them not usually not being aware of what GW has planned. Though you could argue it's GW's fault for not making this clear to them. I'm pretty sure by the time the first AoS book came out that the Stormcast battletome was already packed in boxes for shipping.
Well someone will want to update the pastebin's SCE generator to not include other races as an option.
Sorry to break it to you, but this guy's stormcast are still human, it's just a more grugni-inspired armor.
Welp there goes my plans. No more orky Sigmarines.
Do like that other guy (or was it you?) that was gonna make ironjaw orcs like "stormkrump eternuls", with armor painted like stormcast, with stormcast weapons and armor bits bolted on. Or you could do it the other way - stormcast using scavenged orc/ogre weapons and bits?
>If I recall correctly, those were made in the beginnings of AoS when the Stormcast battletome had yet to come out and John Reynolds came out said "Stormcast are made from everything you guys.".
This is an example of you being dishonest. The guy just said that GW was keeping things intentionally vague about the Stormcast and when asked about non-human and female Stormcast he said sure go ahead because he didn't care about the subject. He didn't say "they are non-human Stormcast Fo Sures".
Honestly if you don't care about being true to lore, I don't see why you shouldn't go ahead if you like the idea.
At the very least you could as the other user said and create and Ironjaws army kitbashed with Stormcast bits.
My apologies for not remembering something that happened close to a year ago.
In which case the only thing I can say is that he could have been a little more clear and that GW should have probably been more clear from the beginning.
If GW had been old-time GW they would have told us about AoS a few months beforehand to build up hype/let people down gently. Unfortunately it turned into a shitstorm we're still dealing with. I'm just glad they've begun to open up again. I wanna know what happens with my ælfs.
In a way I can see why they've been secretive with some things. If people know a new kit or book is going to come out, sales for those are probably going to drop in the months leading up except from the people who like the older models and better and try to snap them up.
With AoS I also imagine they would have sold less End Times books and models than they did and people may have been soured on the series as a whole and possible missed something they'd enjoy.
Of course I've no evidence to prove the above one way or another, only that what GW does they probably do as being viewed in their best interest. If they're becoming more open I see that possibly as an admitted defeat of not being able to control the spread of accurate rumors.
>My apologies for not remembering something that happened close to a year ago.
You should apologize for your dishonesty. Because your "misremembering" looked like an intentional move to push forward an agenda.
He said that GW kept things vague and there are currently nothing solid about them. When dudes ask him if they can build mini armies based around non-human/femalecast, who was he to tell them otherwise? He had no information at hand and he didn't seem to really care about the subject. Let the nerds do as they want.
More artwork.
Hm, I guess. I just remember the good old days when they showed us new tyanids and the tau when they were still working on greens and three-ups. But new stuff for wh or 40k is of course not the same as a whole new game.
And with added memes.
Artist's comment pretty much confirms that a Sylvaneth battletome is coming.
Also interesting is the miniature treelord with a bow, possibly another kit.
Yup, looks like we're getting a middleweight treekin replacement finally. The old ones did look a bit out of place once the new treeman appeared, I'm liking the consistent aesthetic.
Also, alarielle's claw are seems permanent, while in the last piece of art I had thought it was a spell effect.
Let me guess.
These tree Aelves are Wanderers who are paying penance for abandoning the realm of life. Fusing with trees is the only way they can reconnect with their queen.
There is also some kind of crouching treefolk, doesn't look like a Treelord or similar to what is firing the bow, head at least.
Glad I'm not alone
I bet they are not true elves at all, but artificially grown ones from the dead and the tree.
So so far it looks like
>Alarielle on beetle kit
>Punchy/archery full-treefolk dual kit
>Clawy/swordy half-treefolk dual kit
It's possible the half- and full-treefolk could be one kit, but GW doesn't tend to spread things that far.
What is the Goddess of Life doing in Shyish?
Nagash is literally wearing a corset in that pic. Has he let himself go?
That release is going to leave me so broke, it's not even funny.
So, here's an assumption of possible new units on the pictures shown so far:
- Alarielle on stag beetle
- classic treekin (with bow option)
- fused elf/treekin
- fused dryad/treekin
I'm going to assume the treekin variants are all part of a single triple kit.
Holy fuck, how spineless can you be? Do what you fucking want to do, quit hamstringing yourself. You're acting like an insecure little baby. If you want to make ork sigmarines then just do it. No one whose opinion matters is going to see them and say you're a fag and should kill yourself. Make what you want to make and stop being a fucking coward.
Kicking ass and taking skulls.
>Alarielle takes the skulls
>Ushoran takes the flesh
>Sigmar takes the souls
>Mannfred takes the piss
Poor Nagash. He'll have nothing left at this rate.
Don't worry, he'll always be salty.
So I just listened to the podcast interview with Gav Thorpe, and I understand why there's no "litte guy" view yet, as many of us are wanting. It's coming later. As the story progresses and we join up with new or old factions, their fluff will come along, but not before. Dwarves, elves and men, no fluff until relevant in the storyline. Kind of because they want to keep it storydriven (imo) and also because they have no real prescence in the realms any more except in azyr (maybe expect that to change with ulgu/hysh unveil, as the story hints that malerion has elves in ulgu, and order still rules in parts of hysh, which might be why those two are still virtually unexplored) except for the scattered tribes and ruins of previous lands. They want to keep it that way until each faction is ready for its reveal.